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3601 Guillaume de Laborde of St. Martin de Seignans, living in St. Etienne and Marie d'Ipoutxarena, also of St. Etienne, both widows.
Witnesses were Pierre de Baillon and Pierre de Baudily. 
Family F650
3602 Guillaume de Marilus, son of Joannes de Marilus and Graciane de Gastigar, owners of the house of Marilus in Mitxelene.
His godparents were Guilen d'Etchebarne, relative and Catherine de Marilus. 
Aicaguerre or Mariluch, Guillaume/Guilen (I5936)
3603 Guillaume de Mendimenta, son of Michel Mendimenta and Jeanne Joannesena, owners of the borde of Mendimenta in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Guillaume d'Uhalde, owner of Mendimenta in the Aldudes and Jeanne de Joannesena, maternal grandmother. 
Uhalde, Guillaume (I4652)
3604 Guillaume de Salies, twin son of Miguel de Salies and Marie d'Amestoy, owners of the house of Salies in the quartier of Mitxelene.
His godparents were Guillaume de Pecotxe of St. Julien au Pays de Cize and Marie, owner of the house of Salies, paternal grandmother. 
Salies, Guillaume (I10082)
3605 Guillaume Esponda and Isabelle Tambourin owners of the house of Espondabehere were paying off a loan from Joannes elder owner of Inharabia.
Note: They are noted as owners of this house at this time. 
Family F481
3606 Guillaume Esponda, 55 years old, farmer, husband of Gratianne Brust, died in the house of Haritchiloa in this village. Esponda, Guillaume (I12919)
3607 Guillaume Esponda, carpenter, 85 years old, living in this village, widower of Marie Urrels, who died in Urepel on 1/17/1869, died in the house of Harguinhandiaenia in this village. Esponda, Guillaume (I4296)
3608 Guillaume Espondagaray, cadet of the house of Piarresenia, 8 years old.
Witnesses were Jean Etcheberry, sonneur des cloches and Jean Sallaberry, school master (maitre d'ecole). 
Espondagaray, Guillaume (I5921)
3609 Guillaume Gorriateguy, born 9/11/1806, son of Antoine Gorriateguy and Catherine Elgue, owners of the house of Minondoa in the village of Irouleguy.
Jeanne Inda, born 12/11/1808, daughter of Martin Inda and Marie Esponda, owners of Percain in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Etcheverry shoemaker 56 years old, Jean Inda dit Mocholo blacksmith 49 years old, Pierre Mococain weaver 22 years old and Jean Naquila farmer 22 years old. 
Family F1732
3610 Guillaume Haiceaguerre, son of Jean Haiceaguerre and Marie Brust, owners of the house of Errecalde in St. Etienne.
His godparents were Guillaume Brust, maternal uncle, represented by his father Baptiste Brust and Marie Haiceaguerre, paternal aunt. 
Haicaguerre, Guillaume (I1633)
3611 Guillaume Harriet, 78 years old, single, farmer, son of the late Jean Harriet and the late Marie Lassa, died in the house of Joanesenia in this village. Harriet, Guillaume (I14207)
3612 Guillaume Iputcha, son of Martin Iputcha and Jeanne Etchenique, owners of the house of Marinarenea in Oyhansoro.
His godparents were Guillaume Etchenique, maternal grandfather and Dominique Etchechury, paternal grandmother. 
Iputcha, Guillaume (I3430)
3613 Guillaume Joanneshandy, cadet of the house of Tambourinarenea and Marie Silbain, inheritor of the house of Mariluchenea.
Witnesses were Jean Joanneshandy and Guillaume Errecart, brother and uncle of the groom, Michel Silbain and Jean Silbain, uncles of the bride. 
Family F6222
3614 Guillaume Joanneshandy, son of Joannes Handirrena (sic), carpenter and Izabelle Haicaguer, owners of the house of Joanneshaurarenna in Michelena.
They were married on 7/25/1757 in Baigorry:
His godparents were Bernard Tamborin, acting for Guillaume Joanneshandy, absent and Gratianne Haicaguer. 
Tambourin Joanneshandy, Guillaume (I11049)
3615 Guillaume Michel d'Estrade from the parish of Bourisp in the diocese of Comminges, living in this parish for 14 months and Marie, daughter of the house of Etchart Oronos in this parish.
Witnesses were Pierre d'Erramouspe, owner of the house of Betripeilo, Pierre young owner of Etchart Oronos, brother of the bride, Jean de Narbaiz and Gratian d'Etchart Oronos, brother of the bride. 
Family F2454
3616 Guillaume Tambourin, 100 years old, farmer, widower, died in the house of Sansonenia. Tambourin Joanneshandy, Guillaume (I11049)
3617 Guillaume Uhalde, 19 years old, farmer, single, died in his house of Chorraenia. Uhalde, Guillaume (I12615)
3618 Guillaume Uhalde, farmer, widower, 80 years old, owner of the house of Menementa in this village. Uhalde, Guillaume (I4652)
3619 Guillaume Uhalde, inheritor of Uhalde, widower, and Marie, cadette of Sabinarenia, both from the quartier of the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Jean Uhalde, brother of the groom, Jean Ausquie, brother in law of the groom, Pierre Etcheto, cousin of the groom and Baptiste Brustet. 
Family F2057
3620 Guillaume Uhalde, rifleman (fusilier) of the 63rd regiment of line infantry, 3rd battalion, 1st company, born in the year 1806 in the Aldudes, son of Jean Uhalde and Marthe Gachiteguy, entered the hospital on 9/17/1832 and died on 10/9/1832 after a chronic gastrocolite. Uhalde, Guillaume (I12364)
3621 Guillaume Verges, born 6/2/1803, son of Arnaud Verges, Lieutenant des Douanes retraite (customs agent retired) and Francoise Ythuralde, owners of the house of Onyoria in the village of Ixaxu in the province of Labour.
Jeanne Hiriart, born 5/29/1807, daughter of the late Samson Hiriart, teacher (instituteur) and Jeanne Etchegaray, currently owner of the new house of Percain the old.
Witnesses were Jean Lathegaray farmer 24 years old, St. Marzo health officer (officier de sante) 29 years old, Jean Jost farmer 28 years old and Bernard Verges farmer 27 years old. 
Family F2297
3622 Guillaume Verges, customs agent (prepose des douanes), 46 years old, widower, living in this village, died in the house of Paulenia. Verges, Guillaume (I7830)
3623 Guillaume, son of Etchepare, owner of Lecunague and Gracianne Janitz Jaureguy, his wife. His marriage record said his parents were Michel Etchepare and Gracianne Ospitaletche, owners of the house of Lecounage. Ihidoipe or Etchepare, Guillaume (I2445)
3624 Guillen d'Etchebarne from the parish of Alciete en Cize and Marie de Gastigar from the parish of St. Etenne.
Witnesses were Gracian d'Etchebarne, brother of the groom and Joannes de Gastigar, brother of the bride. 
Family F5711
3625 Guillen d'Iriart, son of Joannes d'Iriart and Marie de Marianarena, owners of the borde of Courico in the quartier of Belechy.
His godparents were Guillaume de Castadet, owner of the borde of Marianarena and Catherine d'Iriart, paternal aunt. 
Iriart, Guillen (I10264)
3626 Guillen de Joanneshandi, elder owner of the house of Jacachury in Ustelegui, about 80 years old.
Witnesses were Pierre Iturralde and Pierre Narbaitz. 
Bichy or Joanneshandy, Guillaume/Guilen (I7725)
3627 Guillen de Legassa, son of Pierre de Legassa and Marie de Chemia, owners of the house of Legassa in the quartier of Erremereca.
His godparents were Guillen d'Oxalde and Magdalaine d'Indart. 
Legassa, Guillen (I10849)
3628 Guillen de Marianarena, son of Joannes de Marianarena and Catherine d'Oquinarena, owners of the borde of Marianarena in the quartier of Oyhansoro.
His godparents were Guilen d'Oquinarena, maternal grandfather and Marie de Marianarena, paternal aunt. 
Etchenique dit Marianarena, Guillaume/Guilen (I9441)
3629 Guillen de Sorcabalgaray, son of Joannes de Sorcabalgaray and Catherine d'Ernaga, living in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Guilen d'Ernaga, maternal uncle and Marie, owner of Ostatu in Leispars. 
Sorcabalgaray, Guilen (I10409)
3630 Guillen Lanciri, son of Bernat Lanciri and Gracianne Corcoilenea, owners of Corcoilenea.
His godparents were Guillen d'Aiceaguerre, owner of Lanciri and Marie Etcheverry, owner of Corcoilenea. 
Lanciri, Guillen (I7238)
3631 Guillen, elder owner of the house of Tamborinarena in the quartier of Mitxelene, about 100 years old. Tamborinarena, Guillaume (I9966)
3632 Guillen, son of Ferranjo Aisquettarena in the Aldudes, about 32 years old. Guereciete or Ferrando Hasqueta, Guillaume/Guillen (I9783)
3633 Had a brother Antoine in Arizona who left her his estate in 1887. Mariluch, Marie (I11509)
3634 Had gone to France in 1895. Antchagno, Miguel (I15935)
3635 He was noted as Arrambide on his daughter Marie's birth record in 1810 (It is assumed at this time that they are the same person). Poco or Arrambide, Martin (I3786)
3636 He 49 years old at the time of his son Gratian's birth in 1818. He was also noted as Domingo Egnautena in the margin.  Hiriart, Dominique (I5152)
3637 He and his wife both died in an auto accident together. Hasquet, Michel/Michael (I13202)
3638 He and his wife Frances are buried in the Leonis Clos family plot. Clos, Miguel/Michael (I20032)
3639 He birth information was found on his marriage record and his parents were Etienne Garro and Marie Ehailea, owners of Carguinegui also called Manechandia. Indaburu or Garro, Jean (I4022)
3640 He came to California during the 1850's.
He was witness to a lease between Auguste Daguerre, Louis Petrissant and Dominique Mariluis.
He started out in San Juan Capistrano in sheep business during 1850's.
He was executor for Antoine Mariluis.
He was agent-in-fact for Antonio & Dominica Jaureguy and Juan Iturbide.
He was decared insolvent on 9/17/190.
When he died he had 2 lots of land which went to his wife in 1904.
He was witness to the will of Pedro Oxandabaratz.
According to Insovency case: he was in hotel, grocery & saloon business since 5/1/1878 and closed up business due to the insolvency. He owned some lots of land in the Electric Railway Homestead Association Tract where he kept his homestead. In his business he had the usual fixtures common to these places including two billiard tables. During the proceeding everthing was sold except for a couple of lots on which his home stood. Ballade also had a bar on Buena Vista St.
He was a councilman in 1883 and a member of La Fraternite in 1879 
Ballade, Pascal (I16130)
3641 He came to California in 1849 with Gaston Oxarart, Pierre Larronde & Domingo Amestoy.
He resided at Ballade's house.
He was best friend with Gaston Oxarart in Buenos Aires.
He has 3 nephews in France.
Martin Etchepare was the administrator (Biscailuz attorney?)
His estate consisted of mney of $7,105.90 which he wanted to send to Leon Oxandabaratz, his nephew in France to be distributed among his other nieces & nephews there. 
Oxandabaratz, Pierre/Pedro (I16244)
3642 He came to California in 1870 following the death of his wife in France. Labat, Martin (I15986)
3643 He came to Los Angeles in 1851.
Adela Freeman was a child heir of Gaston - Paid $3,000 by Executor of Estate of D. Amestoy for any claim she to land once owned by G. Oxarart.
Big court battle over his estate (see Francisco Oxarart)
Domingo Amestoy was appointed one of the appraisers to the Estate - Estimated value at $200,000 originally, and supposedly increased in value to $600,000 after his death.
Witness to signing: George Cummings, M.V. Biscailuz, Simon Gless, A. Vignola & Maria Arroquy.
He had a male nurse in the 1870s.
Benita Oxarart filed against S. Gless (Murrillo) - claimed that she had married Gaston on 7/1/1874.
Francisco filed against S. Gless as son of Gaston.
Adela Freeman - when defeated took case to Supreme Court & claimed to be the sole surviving child in 1888.
He knew Bastanchury a long time & helped him with big business.
He bought El Rancho Encino from Eugene Garnier after a Sherff's sale to clear the debts of Garnier, Oxarart paid $29,000.
He was in France during year of 1883, more particularly 7/30/1883
Gastons family at the time of death: Maria Arroqui (sister 58), Simon Oxarart (brother 60), Mary Gless de Save (niece 22), Simon Gless (nephew 25), all in Los Angeles. Manana Oxarart de Itzaina (sister 64), Juana Oxarart de Lesta (sister 60), Juanita Gless de Larre (niece 27), all in Les Aldudes, France.
He foreclosed on mortgage of F. Lopez to pick up two parcels of land along Aliso & Lopez St.
Oxarart was absent from the state in July 1882 to Dec 1883 (France)
He died owing $6,000 francs for taxes on land he owned in France. 
Oxarart, Jean Gaston (I11188)
3644 He came to the US in 1906 but it is unclear what happened to him. Retegui, Jose Maria (I22970)
3645 He came with his wife and daughter Augustina in 1892, however it is unclear whether they came to live or visit. No record of their deaths exist in US. It is assumed Juan and Margarita went back to Spain. Lifur/Lefur, Juan (I19705)
3646 He claimed that he was a resident of Los Angeles County but a native of France & unable to converse in English enough to transact business except by aid of an interpreter. D'Hospital, Gracien (I16971)
3647 He claimed to be 1/16th Cherokee. Brown, Charles George (I209)
3648 He death information was found in the margin of his birth record. Paternain, Martin (I15583)
3649 He declared the birth of his nephew Mathieu Saroiberry in 1820. Saroiberry or Salaberry, Mathieu (I5414)
3650 He did work for the Pilario family in 1877-78 Irigoyen/Hirigoyen, Manuel (I13521)

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