Name |
Pascal Ballade |
Birth |
06 Apr 1839 |
France |
Gender |
Male |
Residence |
Address: 1873 Los Angeles City Directory San Pedro St., Los Angeles [1] |
Residence |
Address: 1879 Los Angeles City Directory 141 Alameda, Los Angeles [1] |
Residence |
Address: 1883, 1884 & 1887 Los Angeles City Directory SE corner Alameda & Aliso, Los Angeles, Occupation: Grocer [1] |
Residence |
Address: 1890 Los Angeles City Directory 207 Buena Vista & 411 N. Main, Los Angeles, Residence: N Pico near Pico Heights Occupation [1] |
Residence |
Address: 1893 Los Angeles City Directory 604 No. Alameda, Los Angeles, Occupation: Manager - Ballade House, Jean Burubeltz, Proprietor [1] |
Residence |
Address: 1896 Los Angeles City Directory 608 1/2 Alameda, Los Angeles, Restaurant [1] |
Census |
1880 |
Los Angeles, California [2] |
California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, District 21, page 43 |
- Pascal and Marie Ballade owned a boarding house on Alameda Ave where they lived with their three children and the following:
Boarders - Xavier Behasque, Pierre Labourdette, Gaston Oxarart, Jean Lusto (sic)
Families - Jean & Marie Arroqui and her children, Simon Gless and Marie Gless
Miguel & Jeanne Narvais and their eldest daughter
Charles and Marie M. Deleval and their four daughters.
He was 41 years old and she was 32. He was keeping a hotel and she was keeping house.
Ballade Hotel - 1880 Federal Census list of residents
Voter Registration |
26 Mar 1884 [3] |
VR: 45 years old, Merchant, Naturalized 8/23/1869 Monterrey County
VR 4/15/1888: 49 years old, Merchant, resident 2nd Ward, Naturalized 8/23/1869 Monterrey County. |
Census |
1900 |
Los Angeles, California [4] |
California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Ward 8, District 0080, page 12 |
- Pascal (62 years old, b Apr 1838) and Maria (52 years old, b Jan 1848) Ballade were living at 604 1/2 N. Alameda in Los Angeles. They were married for 34 years and had three children. They were from France, he immigrated in 1860, she in 1868 and they were both naturalized.
The following individuals were living with them:
Juan Ballade, son, 37 years old, b Nov 1868 France, immigrated in 1878 and was naturalized
Maria Ballade, daughter, 26 years old, b Aug 1874 California
Antoinette Ballade, daughter, 25 years old, b Jan 1875 California
Clement Vincent, roomer, 38 years old, b Mar 1868 France, immigrated 1882 and naturalized, saloonkeeper
Edward N. Naud, no additional information given
Guido (sic) Urruty, boarder, 45 years old, b July 1854 France, immigrated in 1875 and naturalized, laborer
Peter Elhorrison, boarder, 36 years old, b Feb 1874 France, immigrated 1892, laborer
Jean Etchart, boarder, 45 years old, b June 1854 France, immigrated 1869, laborer
Catherine Reta, boarder, 13 years old, b May 1887 France
Celina Reta, boarder, 8 years old, b Nov 1891 France
Courtcase |
Leonis v. Mariluis & Bastanchury 3/6/1876
#5267 Mitchell v. Pedelaborde 9/6/1879
#4605 Vallet v. Leonis, Mascarel, Behasque 1/21/1879
#3511 Biscailuz v. Iriart 10/3/1884
#2819 Ordoqui v. Irilarry 12/5/1883
#3389 Uhalde v. Oyharsabal 8/9/1884
#3983 People v. Guecainburu 2/27/1885
#1111 Estate of Dornaleche 10/31/1888
#9012 Ballade v. Castillon 11/21/1888
#6163 Estate of Antoine Mariluis 5/28/1887
#7888 Officialdeguy v. Erratchu 6/1/1888
#12441 Insolvency of Ballade 2/14/1890
#9454 Carr v. Jaureguy et ux 1/4/1889
#5241 Amestoy v. Pedelaborde 8/12/1879
#15815 LA Bank v. Ballade, M. Ballade & Burubeltz et al
#22610 Lazzarovich v. Ballade 1/4/1895
#25898 Iturbide v. Rosanz, Clark & Elarre 8/20/1895
#12236 Haristoy v. Ballade 2/6/1891
#17087 Urruty v. Aire 5/7/1892
#7971 Estate of Ballade 12/27/1904
#915 Estate of Pilario 5/15/1877
#4736 Estate of Oxandabaratz 1/13/1886
#11488 Estate of Leonis [5] |
- He came to California during the 1850's.
He was witness to a lease between Auguste Daguerre, Louis Petrissant and Dominique Mariluis.
He started out in San Juan Capistrano in sheep business during 1850's.
He was executor for Antoine Mariluis.
He was agent-in-fact for Antonio & Dominica Jaureguy and Juan Iturbide.
He was decared insolvent on 9/17/190.
When he died he had 2 lots of land which went to his wife in 1904.
He was witness to the will of Pedro Oxandabaratz.
According to Insovency case: he was in hotel, grocery & saloon business since 5/1/1878 and closed up business due to the insolvency. He owned some lots of land in the Electric Railway Homestead Association Tract where he kept his homestead. In his business he had the usual fixtures common to these places including two billiard tables. During the proceeding everthing was sold except for a couple of lots on which his home stood. Ballade also had a bar on Buena Vista St.
He was a councilman in 1883 and a member of La Fraternite in 1879
LA Miscellaneous |
5/1/1882 Ballade & ? Mining location Book 4 Page 592
11/5/1889 Ballad & George Carr Execution
1/3/1890 Ballade & ? Homestead
1/17/1890 Haristoy & Ballade Attachment [6] |
Tax Assessments |
TA 1875: (San Juan) 1 spring wagon = $100, Harness - $10, Saddle = $15, 2 spanish horses = $60, 1500 common sheep = $2250 [7] |
Title Deeds |
11/8/1883 Grantor Ramon Benitez 112-315
11/8/1883 Grantee William Lacy 112-317 |
Title Deeds |
11/8/1883 Grantor Ramon Benitez 112-315
11/8/1883 Grantee William Lacy 112-317 |
Death |
01 Dec 1904 |
Los Angeles, California |
Ballade, Pascal Los Angeles obituary 1904
Person ID |
I16130 |
family |
Last Modified |
21 Jan 2013 |