
Matches 10,351 to 10,400 of 21,012

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10351 Jean Casanx was 85 years old when he died. Cazaux, Jean Jacob (I17086)
10352 Jean Catalinena, owner of the house of Catalinena in Belechy and Gratianne Larrondo, cadette of the house of Guerechanenia in Urdos.
Witnesses were Jean Oquilanberro, brother of the groom, Tristan de Gachiteguy, Bertrand Sarry and Jean Mocho. 
Family F6198
10353 Jean Cavalleroteguy, son of Ttipittorena, about 48 years old, died due to an unexpected death (mort inpinee).
Witnesses were Guillaume Cattalinena, owner of Etchepare and Pierre, owner of Bide. 
Cavalleroteguy, Jean (I11290)
10354 Jean Celhay, teacher (instituteur), born 3/5/1807, son of Jean Celhay and Marie Harismendy, owners of the house of Louichaiderena in the village of Cambo.
Marie Harriet, born 9/9/1815, daughter of Martin Harriet and Gratianne Mariluch, who were living in this village.
Note: renters (locateurs) of Barbesuhy was written in the margin.
Witnesses were Ferdinand Methola weaver 60 years old, Jean Hiriart weaver 22 years old, Jacque Lousteau weaver 25 years old and Jean Mariluch 25 years old. 
Family F1598
10355 Jean Cetta, 58 years old farmer, married to Marie Eyherabide, owner of the house of Pastor. Cetta, Jean (I20851)
10356 Jean Cetta, son of Jean Cetta and Marie d'Alfaro, owners of the house of Pastor in St. Etienne.
His godparents were Jean d'Alfaro, cadet of the house of Pastor in St. Etienne and Marie de Cruchet, inheritor of the house of Cruchet in Lasse. 
Cetta, Jean (I8772)
10357 Jean Chabagno, 2 days old, died in the house of Alamantto.
Witnesses were Jean Chabagno, farmer (laboreur) 40 years old, father of the deceased and Jean Alexandro, farmer (laboreur), 68 years old, first neigbor. 
Chabagno, Jean (I4493)
10358 Jean Chabagno, 58 years old, married to Marie Chanchorena, fermier of Joanarenborda, died in the same house. Chabagno, Jean (I4999)
10359 Jean Chabagno, 77 years old, farmer, married to Marie Etcheverry, died in the house of Pocorenberria in this village. Chabagno, Jean (I5150)
10360 Jean Chabagno, 88 years old, widower, farmer, died in his house of Alamanthoenia. Chabagno or Halcart, Jean (I4262)
10361 Jean Chabagno, born 7/11/1766, legitimate son of Pierre Chabagno and Jeanne Laxague, owners in their lifetime of the house of Menta.
Marie Carrica, legitimate daughter of Jean Carrica and Marie Yphar, owners in their lifetime of the house of Allamantho in this village, born 10/27/1770.
They declared that they had four children, the first Michel Chabagno born 7/28/1802 (9 Thermidor AnX), the second Martin Chabagno 8 years old, the third Marie Chabagno born 2/18/1809 and the fourth Pierre Chabagno born 4/20/1812 which they recognized as their own.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide secretary of the mayor 45 years old, Marie Chaharra his wife 38 years old, Gabriel Loustau weaver 70 years old and Ferdinand Methola weaver 35 years old. 
Family F1268
10362 Jean Chabagno, farmer (laboreur) 40 years old and Marie Haritzhandieta, his wife, owners of the house of Alamantto of this village.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde dit Passano, 61 years old farmer and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 40 years old. 
Chabagno, Jean (I4493)
10363 Jean Chafon, son of Jean Chafon and Marie Accotain, sharecroppers (metayers) of the house of Chafon in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Harricorry, owner of Accotain and Marie Chafon, cadette of the house of Chafon in the Aldudes, all of the Aldudes. 
Chafon, Jean (I7696)
10364 Jean Chaharra Arambel, farmer 38 years old and Marie Etcheverrigarai, his wife, owners of the house of Charlosa in this village, declared his name as Jean.
Witnesses were Antoine Zaldubehere sonnetier 48 years old and Jean Auchoberri farmer 54 years old. 
Arambel, Jean (I1184)
10365 Jean Chaharra Arambel, farmer 40 years old and Catherine Auchoberry, his wife, owners of the house of Auchoberria in this village, declared his name as Jean.
Witnesses were Jean Etcheverrygaray farmer 45 years old and Jean Ardans farmer 58 years old. 
Chaharra Arambel, Jean (I7962)
10366 Jean Chaharra Arambel, farmer, 80 years old, died in his house of Martinenia.
Witnesses were Antoine Chaharra, farmer, 54 years old, son of the deceased and Jean Goiheneche, blacksmith, 60 years old. 
Elicague or Arcainchaharra or Chaharra Arambel, Jean/Joannes (I1116)
10367 Jean Chaharra Arambel, farmer, single, 27 years old, cadet of the house of Arambelchoco in this village. Chaharra, Jean (I5122)
10368 Jean Chaharra, 28 years old, farmer, eldest son of Jean Chaharra, farmer, and the late Marie Peillorena, owners of the house of Peillorena in this village.
Marie Sallaberry, 25 years old, cadette daughter of Joannes Sallaberry and the late Oxaart, owners of the house of Oxaart in this village.
Witnesses were Gratian Antonena, farmer, 24 years old; Jean Sallaberry, farmer, 24 years old; Jean Bidart, farmer 24 years old and Martin Haira, 18 years old. 
Family F1388
10369 Jean Chaharra, son of Bertrand Chaharra, owner of the house of Mendy in the Aldudes and Jeanne Mendy, his wife.
His godparents were Jean, cadet of the house of Arambel and Marie, cadette of the house of Arambelchoco. 
Chaharra Arambel, Jean (I5118)
10370 Jean Chaharra, son of Jean Chaharra and Jeanne Ocafrain, his wife, died in their house of Arambelchocoa.
Witnesses were Jean Chaharra, farmer (laboreur) 45 years old, father of the deceased and Jean Erreca, owner of Arambel, neighbor, farmer (laboreur) 47 years old. 
Chaharra, Jean (I5121)
10371 Jean Chaharra-Arambel, 92 years old, farmer, widower, died in his house of Arambelchoco. Chaharra Arambel, Jean (I5118)
10372 Jean Chalies, 39 years old, owner of Estebe in Guermiette and Marie Ekarraquey, 30 years old, declared the birth of a daughter named Marie. Chalies, Marie (I22983)
10373 Jean Chanchorena, 22 years old, died in his house of Chalansuhirenia.
Witnesses were Jean Chanchorena, farmer (laboreur) 60 years old, father of the deceased and Jean Chanchorena, farmer (laboreur) 26 years old, brother of the deceased. 
Chanchorena, Jean (I2289)
10374 Jean Chanchorena, grandfather of the newborn, 64 years old, declared the birth of this natural child, which was recognized by Baptiste Ardans, oldest son of Berhainia and Marie Chanchorena, his daughter, cadette of the house of Chalansuhy.
Witnesses were Pierre Lassa, owner of the house of Pilaria and Jean Coscarart, farmers (laboreurs), neighbors.  
Ardans, Catherine (I717)
10375 Jean Chanchorena, grandfather of the newborn, farmer 64 years old declared the birth of this natural child to his daughter Marie Chanchorena, cadette of Chalanchuhy and recognized by Jean Pocco, cadet of the house of Erdicoetchia.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde, farmer (laboreur) 67 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 47 years old. 
Poco, Jeanne (I5243)
10376 Jean Chasparro, owner of the house of Etchart in St. Etienne and owner of Chasparro, about 60 years old.
Witnesses were Jean Dufourq, shoemaker and Jean Inherabie, sonneur des cloches. 
Urruty or Chaspero, Jean (I22044)
10377 Jean Chilibolost was living on Carbon Canyon Rd in Chino with his brother Pierre and his wife Joaquina as well as another brother Jean Baptiste and a boarder John Yturri. He was 49 years old and single. He was a farmer. Chilibolost, Jean/John (I17414)
10378 Jean Choco died in the hospital of the Marine in this city of Rochefort, 33 years old, born in the Aldudes, son of the late Jean (Choco?). Choco, Jean (I5767)
10379 Jean Chokho, inheritor of the house of Lohitcebehere and Catherine Etchetto, cadette of the house of Etchetto.
Witnesses were Jean Antchagno, cadet of Ithurribeltca, Miguel Antchagno, cadet of the house of Antchagno, cousins of the groom, Pierre Etchetto and Michel Etchetto, brothers of the bride. 
Family F1729
10380 Jean Chotro, 48 years old, farmer, single, died in his house of Yacalusenia. Chotro, Jean (I13868)
10381 Jean Chotro, 60 years old, farmer, widower of Marie Hasquet, died in his house of Bouroubelcha.
Note: It is unclear who Marie Hasquet is as there is no record of his spouse with that name. 
Chotro, Pierre (I2695)
10382 Jean Chotro, farmer, 41 years old, married, renter of the house of the school in the "hameau" of Esnassou. Chotro, Jean (I4820)
10383 Jean Chotro, farmer, 80 years old, elder owner of the house of Carricagaina in this village. Etcheverry or Notro (Chotro), Jean (I1513)
10384 Jean Chotro, single, farmer, 28 years old, cadet of the house of Jacaluz. Chotro, Jean (I12817)
10385 Jean Chotro, son of Louis Chotro and Marie de Coscorrechilo, owners of Louisenia in Esnahassu in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Chotro, paternal uncle and Marie de Maribortari, owner of Mariebortari in the Aldudes. 
Chotro, Jean (I1920)
10386 Jean Chotro, widower, farmer, 80 years old, elder owner of the house of Chotro. Chotro dit Tihista, Jean (I1248)
10387 Jean Chotro, young owner of the house of Chotro, Bernard Chotro, owner of Cochinarra, Gracian d'Oxarart, elder owner of Oxarart in the village of La Fonderie and Joannes Haurra Espelette, young owner of Hasquet, along with the first two are from the village of Aldudes; the four are close relatives of Jeanne, Marie, another Marie and Joannes Sallaberry, the children of the late Joannes Sallaberry and Jeanne Oxarart, owners in their lifetime of the house of Saroihandy in the Aldudes. They named as trustee (curateur) for the children, Martin Sallaberry, their paternal uncle. Family F1366
10388 Jean Churitcheguy, owner of the house of Churitcheguy and Gracieuse Harguinainia, daughter of the house of Harguinainia, both in the quartier of Acaldeguy.
Witnesses were Martin Alfaro, brother of the groom, Pierre Marieyhara, brother-in-law of the groom, Jean Suburu, brother of the bride and Bernard Erreca, owner of Oxarrapeguy. 
Family F6065
10389 Jean Cinco, 58 years old farmer (laboreur)owner of the house of Cinco declared the birth of a "natural" child, recognized by Jean Cinco,his son 28 years old and Catherine Barcelona, cadette of the house of Simonerio in this village. (Note: in the margin her name was indicated as Gratiane Yribaren Cinco)
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde dit Passano, 60 years old farmer and Jean Inda dit Akerra, 54 years old woodsman. 
Iribarren, Gratianne (I4339)
10390 Jean Cochinera, son of Jean Cochinera and Marie Hasqueta, owners of the house of Cochinera in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Etchepare and Marie Carrica. 
Cochinarra, Jean (I7323)
10391 Jean Copentipi, 7 years old, died in the borde of Ynharabie called Harchiloa.
Witnesses were Michel Copentipi, 40 years old, father of the deceased and Jean Chaffon, 43 years old, farmer (laboreur). 
Copentipi, Jean (I5839)
10392 Jean Copentipi, son of Jean Copentipi and Marie Iriberry, owners of the house of Copentipi in the quartier of Occos.
His godparents were Jean Harispe and Marie Iriberry, maternal aunt. 
Copenttipi, Jean (I10816)
10393 Jean Copenttipi, owner of the house called Copenttipi in Occos and Marie Iriberry, cadette of Erremerreca.
Witnesses were Martin Copenttipi, brother of the groom, Michel Copenttipi, uncle of the groom, Martin Iriberry, brother of the bride, Betri Iriberry, uncle of the bride. 
Family F2050
10394 Jean Corcabal, farmer, born 7/5/1777, son of Dominique Corcabal and Marie Erreca, owners of the house of Oyhanburua in this village.
Marie Etchart, 10/17/1778, daughter of Pierre Etchart and Marie Etchepare, owners of Domingoarenia in this village.
Witnesses were Michel Harriet 73 years old farmer owner of Ehailea, Laurent Harinordoquy carpenter 40 years old owner of Cascacouri, Marie Harriet 23 years old cadette of Ehailea and Marie Harispe 24 years old cadette of Uhide. 
Family F1201
10395 Jean Corcabalgaray, winemaker (vigneron) and Frachicho Ithurribels, cadette of Harguinainia in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Louis, brother of the bride, Pierre, owner of Corcabalgaray, Jean de Martinenia, inheritor of the house of Martinenia and Martin Sorhondo, owner of Bidabehere in Anhaux. 
Family F3089
10396 Jean Corte, 34 years old, died in his house of Coscorrea.
Witnesses were Bernard Corte, farmer (laboreur) 55 years old, brother of the deceased and Ferdinand Corte, farmer (laboreur) 32 years old. 
Corte, Jean (I5707)
10397 Jean Corte, 59 years old, farmer, married to Jeanne Etcheverrigaray, died in the house of Lefranc in this village. Corte, Jean (I159)
10398 Jean Corte, born 1777, legitimate son of Bernard Corte and Marie Etchart, owners of the house of Coscorea in this village.
Marie Antchagno, legitimate daughter of the late Jean Antchagno and Marie Ainesto, owner of the house of Arrambidea in this village.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, secretary to the mayor 45 years old, Martin Inda owner of Lassa farmer (laboreur) 58 years old, Ferdinand Methola weaver 35 years old and Marie Chaharra 38 years old. 
Family F1091
10399 Jean Corte, farmer 38 years old and Marie Anchagno his wife, owners of the house of Arrambide in this village, declared his name as Pierre.
Witnesses were Jean Joannahandy farmer 53 years old and Pierre Chabagno farmer 37 years old. 
Corte, Pierre (I7963)
10400 Jean Corte, farmer, 44 years old, died in his house of Arrambidea.
Witnesses were Pierre Antonena, farmer, 58 years old and Jean Ainesto, farmer 50 years old. 
Corte, Jean (I3805)

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