Jean/Joannes Lassa

Name Jean/Joannes Lassa Birth 20 Jan 1728 Lassaenia, Urepel, France [1]
- Jean de Lassarena, son of Bernard de Lassarena in the quartier of Jaurmendy and Catherine de Bigot, owners of the borde of Lassarena in Jaurmendy.
His godparents were Jean de Ferrando Hasqueta, maternal uncle and Dominique de Lassarena, paternal aunt.
Gender Male Godparent or Witness Jean de Lassa was godfather to his niece Jeanne de Lassa in 1755.
Jean de Lassa, owner of Ephele in the Aldudes was godfather to Marie Ferrando of Soldadoa in 1761 (relationship not noted).
Jean Lassa, owner of Epele was godfather of Jeanne Harriaga (Harriague/Harriet) of Joannessenia in 1781.
Jean Lassa, owner of Epele was a witness on the death record of Bernard Larralde of Larreteguy in 1781.
Jean Lassa, owner of Ephele was a witness on the death records of Marie Amestoy and Marie Corcabalbehere in 1782.
Jean Ephele, owner of Ephele was a witness on the death record of Jean Bidondo in 1783.Death 26 Jan 1821 Ephele, Urepel, France [2]
- Jean Lassa, 96 years old, died in his house of Ephelia.
Witnesses were Jean Lassa, farmer (laboreur) 48 years old and Jean Lassa, farmer (laboreur) 46 years old, sons of the deceased.
Lassa, Jean Ephele death 1821 Person ID I3505 family Last Modified 8 Jun 2015
Father Bernard Dendariarena or Mespe or Lassa, b. 25 Apr 1686, Dendariarena, St. Etienne de Baigorry, France d. 20 Mar 1745, Lassaenia, Urepel, France
(Age 58 years)
Mother Catherine Guerciete or Sorhondo or Bigot, b. 8 Jun 1692, St. Etienne de Baigorry, France d. Lassa, Urepel, France
Marriage 20 Feb 1713 Lassaenia, Urepel, France Family ID F998 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family Marie Etchepare or Ilharragorry, b. 18 May 1731, Ephele, Urepel, France Basque House 1751 Ephele, Urepel, France Marriage 15 Sep 1751 Ephele, Urepel, France [3]
- Jean son of the borde of Lassarena and Marie, inheritor of the borde of Epele, both of the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Gratian, son of Ehailea; Pedro, son of Bernetenia; Bernard, son of Manesarroquy and Jean, son of Ferranyorenia.
Lassa, Jean and Marie Ephele marriage 1751 Children 1. Jean Lassa, b. 10 Nov 1752, Ephele, Urepel, France + 2. Ferdinand Lassa, b. 17 Dec 1753, Ephele, Urepel, France d. 15 Apr 1781, Ephele, Urepel, France
(Age 27 years)
3. Gratian Lassa, b. 24 Feb 1756, Ephele, Urepel, France 4. Jean Lassa dit Ephele, b. 11 Mar 1758, Ephele, Urepel, France 5. Gratian Lassa, b. 18 Aug 1762, Ephele, Urepel, France d. 26 Feb 1828, Ephele, Urepel, France
(Age 65 years)
6. Jeanne Lassa, b. 11 Feb 1764, Ephele, Urepel, France 7. Dominique Lassa, b. 16 Sep 1766, Ephele, Urepel, France d. 18 Apr 1839, Erratchu, Les Aldudes, France
(Age 72 years)
8. Jean Lassa, b. 1 Mar 1768, Ephele, Urepel, France + 9. Marie Lassa, b. 13 Jan 1770, Ephele, Urepel, France d. 12 Dec 1850, Chitchastenia, Les Aldudes, France
(Age 80 years)
10. Jean Lassa, b. Abt 1773, Ephele, Urepel, France d. 21 Dec 1834, Ephele, Urepel, France
(Age 61 years)
11. Jean Lassa, b. Abt 1775, Ephele, Urepel, France Family ID F1000 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 23 Nov 2014
- Jean de Lassarena, son of Bernard de Lassarena in the quartier of Jaurmendy and Catherine de Bigot, owners of the borde of Lassarena in Jaurmendy.
Sources - [S6] AD64 BMS Church Records, (http://earchives.le64.fr/), Baigorry 1692-1734 records page 1047.
http://earchives.le64.fr/img-viewer/FRAD064003_IR0002/SAINT-ETIENNE-DE-BAIGORRY/5MI477-1/viewer.html - [S5] AD64 Death Records, (http://earchives.le64.fr/), Les Aldudes 1813-1822 deaths page 56.
http://earchives.le64.fr/img-viewer/FRAD064003_IR0002/ALDUDES/ALDUDES_C_D_1813-1822/viewer.html - [S2] AD64 Marriage records, (http://earchives.le64.fr/), Baigorry 1735-1772 records page 844.
- [S6] AD64 BMS Church Records, (http://earchives.le64.fr/), Baigorry 1692-1734 records page 1047.