Martin Arrambide or Poco

Name Martin Arrambide or Poco Birth 06 Sep 1767 Martinpoco/Poco, Les Aldudes, France [1]
- Martin Poco, son of Jean Poco, owner of the house of Poco in the Aldudes and Isabelle Joannesse, his wife.
His godparents were Martin Poco, grandfather of the infant and Jeanne, owner of the house of Joannessene. - His birthdate is noted as 9/6/1767 on his marriage record.
Poco (Arrambide), Martin Martinpoco birth 1767 Gender Male Occupation He was a teacher, assistant to the mayor and mayor of Les Aldudes. Death 26 Nov 1841 Meracaharraenia, Les Aldudes, France [2]
- Martin Arrambide, brigadier forestier, 74 years old, married, died in his home of Meracaharrainia in this village.
Other Information 1842 [3] Bureau of Registration - Fils cadet de la maison de Martin Poco
1816 Maire des Aldudes
Chevalier Arrambide (Légion d'Honneur)
A son décès,Jean Uharriet agissant pour Marie Arrambide sa femme,
Jean Arrambide son beau frère préposé des douanes demeurant à Bidarray
Autre Jean Arrambide curé désservant Sainte Engrace,
Autre Jean domestique au meme lieu (Sainte-Engrace)
Antoine demeurant à Montevidéo,
Isabelle (Martin Poco)
Gracianne demeurant à Sainte Engrace,
Pierre Arrambide forgeron demeurant à Toulon
Source:Q17 259 Q12 Enregistrement bureau de Saint Jean Pied de Port (3 mars 1842)
Person ID I2180 family Last Modified 6 Nov 2017
Father Jean/Joannes Arrambide or Mocarte or Poco, b. 25 Aug 1729, Coscorrebehere, Les Aldudes, France d. 30 Jun 1809, Martinpoco/Poco, Les Aldudes, France
(Age 79 years)
Mother Elisabet/Isabel Harriet, b. 29 Jan 1742, Joannesenia, Les Aldudes, France d. 20 Feb 1834, Martinpoco/Poco, Les Aldudes, France
(Age 92 years)
Marriage 09 Sep 1766 Les Aldudes, France Family ID F178 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family Marie Chaharra Arambel, b. Est 1773, Martinenia/Martinhiriart, Les Aldudes, France d. 22 Jan 1858, Presbytere, Bonloc, France
(Age 85 years)
Basque House 1798 Martinpoco/Poco, Les Aldudes, France Marriage 31 Jan 1798 Les Aldudes, France [4]
- Witnesses included Martin Arrambide, 34 years old; Jean Arrambide, farmer, 66 years old; Antoine Chaharra, farmer, 21 years old and Jean Hiriart, farmer, 30 years old.
- Actual marriage date was 12 Pluvoise An VI.
Arrambide, Martin and Marie Chaharra marriage 1798 Children + 1. Isabelle/Elisabeth Arrambide, b. 16 Sep 1798, Martinpoco/Poco, Les Aldudes, France d. 30 Dec 1878, Martinpoco/Poco, Les Aldudes, France
(Age 80 years)
2. Father Jean Arrambide, b. 07 Mar 1800, Les Aldudes, France d. 24 Feb 1869, Bonloc, France
(Age 68 years)
3. Jeanne Arrambide, b. Abt 1802, Les Aldudes, France d. 29 May 1820, Artecorena, Les Aldudes, France
(Age 18 years)
4. Antoine Arrambide, b. 1805, Les Aldudes, France d. 12 Jan 1814, Artecorena, Les Aldudes, France
(Age 9 years)
+ 5. Jean Arrambide, b. 14 Jan 1807, Les Aldudes, France d. 27 May 1877, Andrieu, St. Jean Pied de Port, France
(Age 70 years)
6. Pierre Arrambide, b. 17 Jan 1810, Carguineguibehere, Les Aldudes, France d. 8 Jul 1858, Mojacar, Spain
(Age 48 years)
+ 7. Marie Arrambide, b. 08 Mar 1812, Barbechuhy, Les Aldudes, France d. 4 Aug 1895, Errientaenia, Les Aldudes, France
(Age 83 years)
8. Antoine Arrambide, b. 7 Jul 1817, Artecorena, Les Aldudes, France 9. Gracianne Arrambide, b. Les Aldudes, France Family ID F663 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 13 Aug 2024
- Martin Poco, son of Jean Poco, owner of the house of Poco in the Aldudes and Isabelle Joannesse, his wife.
Sources - [S6] AD64 BMS Church Records, (http://earchives.le64.fr/), Baigorry 1735-1772 records page 1349.
http://earchives.le64.fr/img-viewer/FRAD064003_IR0002/SAINT-ETIENNE-DE-BAIGORRY/5MI477-2/viewer.html - [S5] AD64 Death Records, (http://earchives.le64.fr/), Les Aldudes 1833-1842 deaths page 70.
http://earchives.le64.fr/img-viewer/FRAD064003_IR0002/ALDUDES/ALDUDES_C_D_1833-1842/viewer.html - [S12] http://www.geneanet.org, www.geneanet.org, Durut family tree.
- [S2] AD64 Marriage records, (http://earchives.le64.fr/), Les Aldudes AnV - 1806 marriages.
- [S6] AD64 BMS Church Records, (http://earchives.le64.fr/), Baigorry 1735-1772 records page 1349.