Marie Coscarart

Name Marie Coscarart Birth 26 May 1772 Etchelecu/Etchelecutto, Les Aldudes, France [1]
- Marie Coscarart, daughter of Pierre Coscarart and Marie Mokharte, owners of the house of Etchelecouttorenea in the Aldudes.
Her godparents were Martin Mokharte, maternal grandfather and Marie Arnaga, paternal grandmother. - Her parents were Pierre Coscarart, farmer and Marie Arrambide of the house of Etchelecu, Les Aldudes according to her marriage record. Her birth date was also noted as 5/26/1772 which is the date of her baptism.
Gender Female French Notary Documents 5 May 1802 [2] Sale (Vente) - Sale of certain goods by Marie, Jean and Jeanne Coscarart or Ernague, co-inheritors of the house of Etchelecu in the Aldudes in favor of Marie Ernague or Coscarart, their sister.
Death 23 Oct 1843 Etchelecu/Etchelecutto, Les Aldudes, France [3]
- Marie Coscarart, farmer, married, 76 years old, elder owner of the house of Etchelecuttoenia in this village.
Person ID I1235 family Last Modified 27 Jan 2018
Father Pierre Elizondo or Coscarart, b. 1 Jun 1748, Etchelecuto, Iparraguerre, St. Etienne de Baigorry, France d. Mar 1802, Etchelecu/Etchelecutto, Les Aldudes, France
(Age 53 years)
Mother Marie Arrambide or Mocarte or Martinpoco, b. 16 Jul 1746, Martinpoco/Poco, Les Aldudes, France d. Abt 1793, Etchelecu/Etchelecutto, Les Aldudes, France
(Age 46 years)
Marriage 4 Feb 1771 Les Aldudes, France Family ID F1234 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family Martin Hasquet, b. Abt 1774, Xalbadorenia, Urepel, France d. 1 Dec 1846, Etchelecu/Etchelecutto, Les Aldudes, France
(Age 72 years)
Basque House 1798 Etchelecu/Etchelecutto, Les Aldudes, France Marriage 12 Feb 1798 Les Aldudes, France [4]
- Witnesses to their marriage were not siblings.
Hasquet, Martin and Marie Coscarart marriage 1798 Children + 1. Gratianne Hasquet, b. Abt 1797, Etchelecu/Etchelecutto, Les Aldudes, France d. 25 Jul 1836, Muchico, Les Aldudes, France
(Age 39 years)
+ 2. Dominique/Dominica Hasquet, b. 10 Dec 1797, Etchelecu/Etchelecutto, Les Aldudes, France d. 28 Dec 1860, Etchelecu/Etchelecutto, Les Aldudes, France
(Age 63 years)
+ 3. Jeanne Hasquet, b. Abt 1802, Etchelecu/Etchelecutto, Les Aldudes, France d. 4 May 1837, Ernetenia, Les Aldudes, France
(Age 35 years)
+ 4. Jean or Martin Hasquet, b. 04 Mar 1804, Etchelecu/Etchelecutto, Les Aldudes, France d. 3 Mar 1874, Tipittorena, Urepel, France
(Age 69 years)
5. Gratianne Hasquet, b. 08 Jan 1808, Etchelecu/Etchelecutto, Les Aldudes, France d. 25 Aug 1811, Etchelecu/Etchelecutto, Les Aldudes, France
(Age 3 years)
+ 6. Martin Hasquet, b. 19 May 1811, Etchelecu/Etchelecutto, Les Aldudes, France d. 30 Nov 1871, Aleiracoborda, Arneguy, France
(Age 60 years)
+ 7. Marie Hasquet, b. Abt 1810, Etchelecu/Etchelecutto, Les Aldudes, France d. 11 Jul 1890, Pocoenia, Urepel, France
(Age 80 years)
8. Marie Hasquet, b. 19 Feb 1814, Etchelecu/Etchelecutto, Les Aldudes, France d. 22 Feb 1814, Etchelecu/Etchelecutto, Les Aldudes, France
(Age 0 years)
9. Marie Hasquet, b. 16 Feb 1815, Etchelecu/Etchelecutto, Les Aldudes, France Family ID F411 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 5 Nov 2017
- Marie Coscarart, daughter of Pierre Coscarart and Marie Mokharte, owners of the house of Etchelecouttorenea in the Aldudes.
Sources - [S6] AD64 BMS Church Records, (http://earchives.le64.fr/), Les Aldudes 1735-1772 records page 1533.
http://earchives.le64.fr/img-viewer/FRAD064003_IR0002/SAINT-ETIENNE-DE-BAIGORRY/5MI477-2/viewer.html - [S28] AD64 Notary Records, (http://earchives.le64.fr/), Baigorry, Etude II, Harismendy Jean, AnX, page 143.
http://earchives.le64.fr/img-viewer/FRAD064003_IR0001/Saint-Etienne-de-Baigorry_1/3E11321/viewer.html?ns=FRAD064007_3E11321_0143.JPG - [S5] AD64 Death Records, (http://earchives.le64.fr/), Les Aldudes 1843-1852 deaths page 5.
http://earchives.le64.fr/img-viewer/FRAD064003_IR0002/ALDUDES/ALDUDES_C_D_1843-1852/viewer.html?ns=FRAD064006_5MI16_1390.jpg - [S2] AD64 Marriage records, (http://earchives.le64.fr/), Les Aldudes An V - An XII marriages page 18.
- [S6] AD64 BMS Church Records, (http://earchives.le64.fr/), Les Aldudes 1735-1772 records page 1533.