Family: Martin Erramouspe or Cubiat / Catherine Ithurrialde (F7115)
Martin Erramouspe or Cubiat
Birth 18 Mar 1750 Oholbicy, Banca, France Death 3 Oct 1813 Gathuly, Banca, France Burial Marriage Other Spouse Catherine Iribarne | F6052 Marriage 24 Jun 1801 Banca, France Father Jean Erramouspe | F6053 Group Sheet Mother Jeanne Antonena | F6053 Group Sheet
Catherine Ithurrialde
Birth 3 Sep 1750 Ithurrialdegaray, Banca, France Death Burial Father Mother
Notes French Notary Documents:
- Martin Ramouspe, inheritor of Oholbicy alias Gathuly in St. Etienne and Catherine, cadette of Ithourrialde in Occos.