Family: Jean Ithurralde or Haira dit Antonena / Marie Ilharragorry or Chitchast (F1163)
m. 19 Feb 1770-
Jean Ithurralde or Haira dit Antonena
Birth 18 Nov 1740 Labiarinbehere, Les Aldudes, France Death Burial Marriage 19 Feb 1770 [1] Les Aldudes, France [1] Father Jean Baptiste Ithurralde or Ocafrain or Haira | F2005 Group Sheet Mother Catherine Etcheverry or Gorte | F2005 Group Sheet
Marie Ilharragorry or Chitchast
Birth 25 Oct 1751 Chitchastenia, Les Aldudes, France Death Burial Father Jean/Joannes Etchepare or Ilharragorry | F1986 Group Sheet Mother Marie Irary or Saroiberry | F1986 Group Sheet
+ Jean Haira dit Antonena
Birth Abt 1770 Chitchastenia, Les Aldudes, France Death 28 Sep 1837 Coscartea, Les Aldudes, France Burial Spouse Marie Erreca | F1281 Marriage Coscartea, Les Aldudes, France
+ Baptiste Haira dit Antonena
Birth Abt 1773 Chitchastenia, Les Aldudes, France Death 4 Nov 1837 Chitchastenia, Les Aldudes, France Burial Spouse Marie Lassa | F1101 Marriage 28 Nov 1796 Les Aldudes, France
+ Marie Haira dit Antonena
Birth 21 Sep 1780 Chitchastenia, Les Aldudes, France Death Burial Spouse Gratian Espelet | F1200 Marriage 17 Feb 1811 Les Aldudes, France
Jean Haira dit Antonena
Birth 17 Dec 1780 Chitchastenia, Les Aldudes, France Death 2 Oct 1784 Chitchastenia, Les Aldudes, France Burial
Catherine Haira
Birth 23 Nov 1794 Chitchastenia, Les Aldudes, France Death Burial Spouse Antoine Etcheverria | F1187 Marriage 6 May 1810 Les Aldudes, France
Notes Married:
- Jean Haira, cadet of Labiarinbeherecoborda and Marie Ilharragorry, inheritor of Chichast.
Witnesses were Anton Cattalin, Pierre Antonena, cousins of the groom, Michel Larrondo, "petit" cousin of the bride and Dominique Egnaut, "petit" cousin of the bride.
- Jean Haira, cadet of Labiarinbeherecoborda and Marie Ilharragorry, inheritor of Chichast.
Sources - [S6] AD64 BMS Church Records, (http://earchives.le64.fr/), Baigorry 1735-1772 records page 1458.
- [S6] AD64 BMS Church Records, (http://earchives.le64.fr/), Baigorry 1735-1772 records page 1458.