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 #   Notes   Linked to 
23701 Witnesses included his uncle, Jean Hiriart, 39 years old and Jean Chaharra Arambel, laborer, 18 years old, his brother. Family: Jean Chaharra Arambel / Jeanne Elizondo (F388)
23702 Witnesses included Jean Biscaichipy, brother of groom, laborer, 34 years old and Pierre Biscaichipy, brother of groom, laborer, 39 years old. Family: Louis Biscaichipy / Marie Etcheverrigaray (F304)
23703 Witnesses included Jean Brust, weaver (tisserand), 24 years old, brother of the groom. Family: Pierre Brust / Jeanne Aparain (F497)
23704 Witnesses included Jean Ecarraqueguy, 28 years old, carpenter, brother of the groom; Jean Ecarraqueguy, 26 years old, farmer, brother of the groom; Marie Cilbain, 38 years, sister of the bride. Family: Jean Ekharraqueguy / Marie Sylvain (F478)
23705 Witnesses included Jean Hiriart, 45 year old and Jean Hiriart, 40 years old, both uncles of the groom. Also two uncles of the bride both named Jean Anchoberry were witnesses. Family: Jean Chaharra Arambel / Chaterinne/Catherine Auchoberry (F387)
23706 Witnesses included Jean Maitia, 21 years old, farmer, brother of the groom. Family: Jean Maitia / Marie Idiart (F284)
23707 Witnesses included Jean Maitia, laborer, 55 years old, living in Alciette, uncle of the groom. Family: Martin Maitia / Jeannette Etchegoin (F329)
23708 Witnesses included Jean owner of Ehuletche, Ferdinand d'Espil owner of Minonde, Jean owner of Espil in Mendive and Ferdinand son of Irigoin brother of the bride. Family: Pierre Ehuletche / Jeanne Espil (F786)
23709 Witnesses included Jean Sapparart, laborer, 48 years old and Jean Caldunbide, laborer, 32 years old, both brothers-in-law of the groom, Gratianne Gorostiague, 18 years old and Marie D'Uhalde, 35 years old, both aunts of the bride.
Actual date was 7 Frimaire An V 
Family: Jean Martin Etchebers or Elisabehere / Marie Gorostiague (F319)
23710 Witnesses included Jean Tambourindeguy, Jean Aicaguerre - inheritor of the house of the same name, both from Ahaxe and Dominique de Tristant, from Hariette. Family: Michel or Miguel Tambourindeguy / Gratianne Tristant (F137)
23711 Witnesses included Martin Arrambide, 34 years old; Jean Arrambide, farmer, 66 years old; Antoine Chaharra, farmer, 21 years old and Jean Hiriart, farmer, 30 years old. Family: Martin Arrambide or Poco / Marie Chaharra Arambel (F663)
23712 Witnesses included Martin Arrambide, 45 years old and Martin Arrambide, 38 years old, brother of the bride.
Note: It is unclear whether one or both of these Martin's was her brother. 
Family: Pierre Gelos / Marie Arrambide (F1152)
23713 Witnesses included Pierre Esponda, 33 years old farmer, young owner of the house of Esponda and brother of the bride. Family: Martin Inda / Marie Esponda (F1260)
23714 Witnesses included Pierre Uchusteguy, 21 years old, farmer, of Esterencuby and Jean Etcharren, 19 years old, farmer, of Esterencuby. Family: Jean Baptiste Etcharren / Paule Uchisteguy (F316)
23715 Witnesses Jean M. Jaureguy of Walnut and Marie Jeanne Walker of Brea. Family: Guillaume/William Othart / Josephine Oxandaboure (F5102)
23716 Witnesses John B. Laer and Marceline Laer, both of Los Angeles. Family: Julius Shimkewich / Raphaela/Marie Rachel San Pedro (F5300)
23717 Witnesses to the wedding included Jean Althabe, douanier of Lasse, 31 years old (brother in law of bride) and Bernard Biscaichipy, laborer, 33 years old of St. Michel (brother of bride). Family: Raymond Othats / Gratianne Biscaichipy (F340)
23718 Witnesses to their marriage included Baptiste Etcharren, brother of groom, 38 years old and Guillaume Cubiat-Iriberry, brother of bride, 21 years old. Family: Michel Uchisteguy / Jeanne Cubiat-Iriberry (F161)
23719 Witnesses to their marriage were not siblings. Family: Martin Hasquet / Marie Coscarart (F411)
23720 Witnesses to this marriage included Jean Cubiat, laborer, 52 years old (possibly his father). Family: Jean Iriberry dit Cubiat / Gracianne Hiriart (F313)
23721 Witnesses were ?? Lescoulie and Jeanne Labrucherie. Family: Jean Pierre Fuzere / Justine Labrucherie (F5744)
23722 Witnesses were Alfred Dupuy and Marie Estournes, both of Los Angeles. Family: Pascal Halet / Catherine Estournes (F5343)
23723 Witnesses were Alfred Emeteria and Mary Iriarte, both of Puente. Family: Pablo/Paul Casana Gracia / Felicia B. Iriarte (F5011)
23724 Witnesses were Alonzo Macias and Rosa Macias, both of Los Angeles. Family: Jean /Fage Fages / Elisa Mirande (F5444)
23725 Witnesses were Andres Berecochea and Gregoria Marticorena, both of Los Angeles. Family: Miguel Marticorena / Benita Seminario (F5038)
23726 Witnesses were Andrew Iriarte of Puente and Margaret Diharce of Wilmington. Family: Henry Diharce / Jennie Mary Iriarte (F5017)
23727 Witnesses were Aniceto Arocena and Ingracia Urtasun, both of Los Angeles. Family: Antonio Arocena / Florencia Urtasun (F5405)
23728 Witnesses were Aniceto Arocena and Sebastiana Caballero, both of Los Angeles. Family: Jose/Joseph Iriarte / Louisa/Louise Petricorena (F4735)
23729 Witnesses were Aniceto Arocena of Avalon, Catalina Island and Jennie Urtasun of Los Angeles. Family: Antonio Arocena / Marianne/Mariana Etchart (F5402)
23730 Witnesses were Antoine Harismendy of Bell and Lucille Erramouspe of Bakersfield.
They were married by Fr. Charles Espelette. 
Family: Arnaud Cayet Harismendy / Jennie Etchart (F4616)
23731 Witnesses were Antoine Pellissier and Joaquina Glaize, both of Los Angeles. Family: Francois/Frank Pellissier / Josefa or Josephine Glaize (F5349)
23732 Witnesses were Antonio Coscarat of Anaheim and Martina Mujica of Orange. Family: Joseph Francis Bastanchury / Juana Maria/Juanita Mujica (F4340)
23733 Witnesses were Antonio Urtasun of Ventura and Catalina Jauregui of Los Angeles. Family: Bonifacio Urtasun / Mariana Bidondo (F5058)
23734 Witnesses were Armand Arroues of La Habra and Catherine Arroues of Fullerton. Family: Emile Auga / Henrietta Arroues (F5396)
23735 Witnesses were Baptiste Antonena 33 years old, Pierre Antonena 29 years old, Gratian Esponda, farmer 28 years old and Bernard Tihista 35 years old. The first two were brothers and the third brother-in-law of the groom and the last one was a close relative. Family: Dominique Antonena dit Urquiloux / Marie Franchessena or Lautre (F1086)
23736 Witnesses were Baptiste Antonena, farmer, 33 years old; Pierre Antonena, carpenter, 25 years old; Jean Harriague, farmer, 38 years old and Bertrand Ramuspe, farmer, 42 years old. The first two were brother of the groom and the others were neighbors.
Note: his marriage record indicated his birth date as 7/25/1769 bur there is not birth record for him on this date. 
Family: Gratian Esponda / Marie Antonena dit Urquiloux (F1037)
23737 Witnesses were Baptiste Haira, 28 years old farmer and Bernard Franchesenia, 38 years old "battier" (sic). Chanchorena, Bernard (I1229)
23738 Witnesses were Baptiste Haira, 28 years old farmer and Bernard Franchesenia, 38 years old "battier" (sic). Chanchorena, Jean (I2289)
23739 Witnesses were Bautista Inda and Silverita ??, both of Los Angeles. Family: Andre/Andres Zugasti / Jeanne/Juana Aisegar dit Labadie (F5900)
23740 Witnesses were Ben Arbonies and Prudencia Zozaya, both of Los Angeles. Family: Nicomedes (Nick) Arbonies / Canuta Zozaya (F4812)
23741 Witnesses were Ben Garcia and Marie Etchart. Family: Jean Espil / Anna Etchebarren (F3145)
23742 Witnesses were Benito Oxandaboure and Simona Oxandaboure, residents of Fullerton. Family: Lucas Lorea / Veronique Oxandaboure (F5332)
23743 Witnesses were Benjamin Billere and Eugenie Santelli, both of Los Angeles. Family: Ernest Martin Larque / Marie Darget (F5321)
23744 Witnesses were Bernardo Ganchou of Banning and Catharina Bath (Batz?) of Shorb.
Note: She is possibly Catalina (Cilveti) Batz, his former sister-in-law. Shorb is where the Batz ranch was located. 
Family: Jean Cazaurang / Marie Angelique Ganchou (F5490)
23745 Witnesses were Bernardo Lacabe and Francisca Clos, both of Los Angeles. Family: Pierre (Pete) Idiart / Jeanne Marie Etchepareborde (F5464)
23746 Witnesses were Bob Labrucherie of Chino and Marjorie Lafaurie of Pomona. Family: Raymond Frank Labrucherie / Mary Jane Lafaurie (F5473)
23747 Witnesses were Cadet Anchordoquy and Celine Salthu, both of Los Angeles.
They were married by Fr. Gratian Ardans. 
Family: Jean Falxa / Marie Louise Dufau (F3274)
23748 Witnesses were Cadet Iribarne and Maria Cilbety, both of Los Angeles. Family: Jean/John Chotro / Lucia Gilbert Cilveti (F4506)
23749 Witnesses were Carmelo Barbera and Catherine Darget, both living in Hollywood.
The marriage took place at the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church. 
Family: Natale Barbera / Madeleine Darget (F5322)
23750 Witnesses were Charles and Segunda Sharrar, both of Los Angeles. Father Gratian Ardans officiated the marriage. Family: John G. (Ivan) Knez / Fermina Espinal (F5351)

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