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23601 Unable to find a record for his birth in the Spanish indexes. Samallua/Zamallua, Manuel (I20621)
23602 Unable to find a record of her birth in the Osses registers. Further research necessary. Castorene, Maria Leonides (I20708)
23603 Unable to find a record of this marriage. There were noted as married on their son Jean's birth record in 1859. Family: Jean Etchegaray / Jeanne Pilaria (F3769)
23604 Unable to find birth record for this individual. He is probably descendant of an earlier sibling of Arambelia (possibly Innocent Etchebers). His marriage record states he is the cousin of Bertrand Arambel (b. 1727) would fit this family. Further research necessary. Etchebers or Arambel, Mathieu/Mathias (I3642)
23605 Unable to find birth record of Maria Antonia but other siblings from this couple were found. Eguren Sarriamaza, Maria Antonia (I654)
23606 Unable to find marriage record in St. Michel, there is a gap between records of 1842-1844. Family: Laurent Biscaichipy / Dominique Ahadoberry (F333)
23607 Unable to find place of birth, Lastovich is name from Yugoslavia and her 2nd husband was from same country, so it is assumed he is from this country. Lastovich, Fabian (I19392)
23608 Unknown child of Martin Halty and Maria ???
Her godparents were Pierre Ephele, grandfather ??? and ??? paternal (aunt).
Note: Information is missing due to torn paper. This birth could belong to their daughter Francoise but not enough information to confirm. 
Halty, Marie (I6320)
23609 Unknown Source Urute, W. (I16385)
23610 Unknown Source Dornaleche, Jean (I16980)
23611 Unknown source Family: Francois Arrechea / Martina Valdez (F4536)
23612 Unknown what source indicated that there was a son who must have died as an infant. Etchemendy, Jean Baptiste (I17011)
23613 Unsure whether this date is wrong or date of birth but this would have made him 11 years old at the time. Garitzarena, Jean (I16635)
23614 Urbain Nabarra was 76 years old when he died and his wife's first initial was "C". Nabarra, Pierre Urbain (I16192)
23615 Urcuit, France was noted as her birthplace on the ship manifest when she immigrated in 1929. Oxandaboure, Veronique (I15781)
23616 Ursule Oronos, daughter of Gratian Oronos and Catherine Etchart, young owner of the house of Chouhi in the quartier of Belechy.
Her godparents were Jean Etchart, maternal uncle and Ursule Oronos, paternal aunt. 
Oronos, Ursule (I25134)
23617 Ursule Oronos, daughter of Gratian Oronos and Marie Subiat, owners of the house of Subiat in the quartier of St. Etienne.
Witnesses were Gratian Oronos, her father and Jean Antonio. 
Oronos, Ursule (I5752)
23618 Ursule Oronos, daughter of Gratian Oronos and Marie Subiat, young owners of the house of Subiat in the quartier of St. Etienne.
Her godparents were Pierre Subiat, maternal grandfather and Ursule Oronos, paternal aunt. 
Oronos, Ursule (I5752)
23619 Ursule Oronos, daughter of Gratian Oronos, 37 years old, farmer and Catherine Erramouspe, his wife, owners of the house of Chuhy in the quartier of Belechy in this village.
Witnesses were Martin Erramouspe, 21 years old and Martin Mocho, 22 years old. 
Oronos, Ursule (I21163)
23620 US records show his birth in 1886. Layana, Salvador (I20257)
23621 Valantin Zilbeti, 34 years old, legitimate son of Juan Joseph Zilbeti and Josepha Zoubiri, owners in their lifetime of a house in Linzoin in the High Navarre.
Marie Erreca, 32 years old, legitimate daughter of Pierre Erreca and Marie Arroqui, owners in their lifetime of the house of Halcartenia in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Ynda dit Kuanico blacksmith 58 years old, Xabier Bassasoin 30 years old, Jean Ephele farmer (laboreur) 70 years old and Gratian Ephele farmer (laboreur) 38 years old. 
Family: Valentin Zubiri / Marie Erreca (F1556)
23622 Valentine and Graciana Alzuet were living on Alameda St. in Los Angeles with their three daughters. He was 42 years old, born in 1858 and she was 30, born in 1870. They had been married 11 years. She immigrated in 1898 and there is no immigration information for him. He was a sheepraiser. Marticorena, Graciana (I15807)
23623 Valentine and Graciana Alzuet were living on Alameda St. in Los Angeles with their three daughters. He was 42 years old, born in 1858 and she was 30, born in 1870. They had been married 11 years. She immigrated in 1898 and there is no immigration information for him. He was a sheepraiser. Alzuet, Valentine/Balentin (I18130)
23624 Valentine R. Abarta was 57 years old when he died and his wifes first initial was "B". Abarta, Valentine A. (I19303)
23625 Various census records indicate that she was born in Argentina. Further research necessary. Etchemaite, Jeanne/Jennie (I16559)
23626 Venancio Arran was living in San Juan with Joseph Joue, his son and other sheepherders. He was 30 years old. He was a sheepherder likely in the employ of Joseph Joue and his partner Jean Marie. Haran, Venancio (I16683)
23627 Veronique Tihista, 13 years old, unemployed, daughter of Jean Tihista, and Gratianne Irigoisbehere, died in the house of Baillea in this village. Tihista, Veronique (I13821)
23628 Vicenta Echavarne was 53 years old when she died and her husband's first initial was "M". Belza, Vicenta (I16540)
23629 Vicente & Victoria Anso were living on N. Los Angeles St. in Los Angeles with their children Bruna and Leo. He was 50 years old and she was 49. They were married for 25 years. They immigrated together in 1898. He was a hotelkeeper. Anso, Vicente (I17228)
23630 Vicente & Victoria Anso were living on N. Los Angeles St. in Los Angeles with their children Bruna and Leo. He was 50 years old and she was 49. They were married for 25 years. They immigrated together in 1898. He was a hotelkeeper. Arbonies, Victoriana (I17229)
23631 Vicente & Victoriana Anso were living in Kern with their four children. He was 41, born Apr 1859 and she was 40, born Mar 1860. They had been married for 16 years and she had 8 children but only 4 were living. They immigrated together in 1896 and he worked on a railroad section gang. Anso, Vicente (I17228)
23632 Vicente & Victoriana Anso were living in Kern with their four children. He was 41, born Apr 1859 and she was 40, born Mar 1860. They had been married for 16 years and she had 8 children but only 4 were living. They immigrated together in 1896 and he worked on a railroad section gang. Arbonies, Victoriana (I17229)
23633 Vicente and Julia Perez were living on Victoria Ave in La Puente with their two sons and a niece Julia Rueda. They owned their home which was worth $2,000. He was 39 years old and she was 36. He was a groceryman with his own store. Perez, Vicente (I17761)
23634 Vicente and Julia Perez were living on Victoria Ave in La Puente with their two sons and a niece Julia Rueda. They owned their home which was worth $2,000. He was 39 years old and she was 36. He was a groceryman with his own store. Larrache, Julia (I17762)
23635 Vicente Anso was 57 years old when he died and his wife's first initial was "V". Anso, Vicente (I17228)
23636 Vicente Berhueta, 43 years old, carpenter, legitimate son of Francois Berhueta and Lucie Elizalde, owners in their lifetime of the house of Domequenia in the village of Etchelar in High Navarre.
Gratianne Barcelona, 50 years old, legitimate daughter of Pierre (Barcelona) and Dominique Arroqui, owners in their lifetime of the house of Garchaal in this village.
Witnesses were Pierre Hiriart shoemaker 43 years old, Pierre Etcheverry weaver 34 years old, Martin Marchicote weaver 24 years old and Etienne Gastambide farmer (laboreur) 21 years old. 
Family: Jean Vicente Berhueta / Gratianne Barcelona (F1562)
23637 Vicente Erro was 63 years old when he died and his wife's first initial was "R". Erro, Vincent (I16484)
23638 Victor and Claudine Paye were living in Lafourche, Louisiana with their son Odon (7 years), nephew Elie Ducos (23 years) and niece Celeste Ducos (24 years). Victor was 45 years old and Claudine 42, they were both born in France. Victor was a merchand, Claudine kept the books, Elie was a clerk and Celeste kept house. Paye, Victor (I19281)
23639 Victor and Claudine Paye were living in Lafourche, Louisiana with their son Odon (7 years), nephew Elie Ducos (23 years) and niece Celeste Ducos (24 years). Victor was 45 years old and Claudine 42, they were both born in France. Victor was a merchand, Claudine kept the books, Elie was a clerk and Celeste kept house. Dassain, Claudine (I19282)
23640 Victoria Anso was 73 years old when she died and her husband's first initial was "V". Arbonies, Victoriana (I17229)
23641 Victoriana Anso was living on Second Ave with her son Leo and next door to her daughter, Bruna and her husband Charles Sharar. She was 70 years old and a widow. She immigrated in 1897 and was a clerk for the railroad. Arbonies, Victoriana (I17229)
23642 Village also spelled Arbacegui Sarra, John (Juan Pedro Zarragoicochea) (I138)
23643 Vincent Arambel, Miguelenia, farmer (laboreur), Aldudes, 37 years old, 44/94. Chaharra Arambel, Vincent (I1139)
23644 Vincent Berhueta, 83 years old, farmer, widower, died in his house of Palanenia. Berhueta, Jean Vicente (I4613)
23645 Vincent Uhart, 3 years old, son of Christophe Uhart and Marie Arambel, owners of the house of Martinena. Uhart, Vincent (I1321)
23646 Vincente Lanz, about 60 years old, married to Jean Oxarart, died in the house of Managnogorry in this village. Lanz, Jeanne or Vincente (I12866)
23647 Voter Registration #2: 31 years old, born California, occupation bartender, dated 7/21/1884 Abarta, Carlos/Charles J. (I15777)
23648 Was listed as 24 pleuveise 12 on original birth record. Etcheverrigaray, Gratianne (I476)
23649 Was listed as husband of Justin (Tartase) Goyeneche on her death record. Goyeneche, Jean (I16668)
23650 Was spelled as Bascaran on their son Antonio's birth record. Zumaran Vascaran, Maria (I696)

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