Matches 23,551 to 23,600 of 24,042
# | Notes | Linked to |
23551 | This information was provide by a descendant who said they found the death date on the Mormon website. More research necessary. | Etchelar, Pierre (I2012)
23552 | This inventory was taken following the death of Managno Chaharra, owner of Coscarart. Apparently the house was damaged during the wars and they needed to provide other siblings with their inheritance. | Arambel Chaharra, Marie/Managno (I7325)
23553 | This is a drawing of the home on the original Mesplou farm originally located in what is now Torrance, a suburb of Los Angeles. The farm was bought in 1924 by Paul Mesplou who came to Los Angeles from Feas in 1907 and Catherine Estournes Mesplou who arrived from Arette in 1909. They met on Venice Beach and married in the Placita Church in the area of what was called Frenchtown in 1913. The story is written by Dan Tomich, the oldest Mesplou grandson and illustrated by his son Jeff Tomich | Mesplou, Paul Bernard (I18617)
23554 | This is actually his grandfather which may be due to "iloba" in Basque refers to both grandson and nephew. | Arrambide, Jean (I4601)
23555 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Etcheverry, Annie (I324)
23556 | This is in the suburbs of Paris | Etcheverry, Jean (I252)
23557 | This is likely the manifest for Martin as his son Pierre's birth record in June 1872 states that he was absent. His father Salvat did the declaration in his absence. The age of 25 was probably miswritten as Martin was 35 at this time. | Labat, Martin (I15986)
23558 | This is one of the birth dates found on his parent's birth record but matches his age at the time of his marriage. | Uhalde, Pierre (I12522)
23559 | This is town was written on Declaration of Intention. Research needs to be done on this town to determine which country was governing the region at a specific time. | Sharar, Charles (I17233)
23560 | This Jean does not fit in this family with a birth in 1716 or 1717. Further research needed to determine if his age was wrong on the death record. | Iriquy, Jean (I9495)
23561 | This Marie Sansinena's birth date was noted as 6/1/1871 on her marriage record but her sister Marie/Marianne (married to Caldubehere) also had that date on her marriage record. It is assumed that this Marie was actually the eldest born in 1870 because she inherited the house. | Sansinena, Marie (I4100)
23562 | This marriage is indexed on GHFPBAM but no record was found in the registers of Baigorry. Further research necessary. | Family: Martin Barnetche or Chalanchuhy / Louise Erramouspe (F3533)
23563 | This marriage is noted in the Decennial table on this date but the year of 1843 is missing from the AD64 online register. This copy of their marriage act was recieved through the generosity of French genealogist, Francoise Skora. | Family: Jean Biscaichipy / Marie Arostalde (F160)
23564 | This marriage is transcribed in the Aldude marriage registers on 5/20/1881. It is unclear why this marriage was recorded in France but took place in Los Angeles. | Family: Samson/Sanso or Pedro Chanchorena / Marie/Mariana Arrambide (F3532)
23565 | This marriage record indicates they were married in 1804 but their daughter and various Notary documents show that they were actually married by 1800. Further research necessary. | Family: Jean/Manech Arrambide / Marie Bourmalatz (F545)
23566 | This marriage record is many years after this couple had children, therefore must have been done for some legal purpose. | Family: Michel Saldubehere / Agnes Errea or Irigoyen (F3947)
23567 | This marriage shows up in the index but the actual marriage record page is missing. | Family: Jean Laxague / Catherine Tihista (F4235)
23568 | This marriage took place after their three oldest children were born which was recognized on their marriage record. | Family: Jean Maitia / Jeanne Jaureguy (F56)
23569 | This marriage took place in the village of Baigorry. | Family: Ferdinand Chotro dit Tihista / Dominique Jaureguy or Iriberry (F509)
23570 | This marriage took place on the same day as his sister Marie Ernaut with her brother Jean Inda. | Family: Jean Ernaut / Marie Inda (F3110)
23571 | This marriage took place on the same day as his sister Marie Inda with her brother Jean Ernaut. | Family: Jean Inda / Marie Ernaut (F3708)
23572 | This marriage was noted in the margin of each of their birth records. | Family: Jean Pierre Caldubehere / Marie Urricarriet (F3115)
23573 | This marriage was a side note on birth record of Marie Maitia | Family: Pierre Etcheverry / Marie Maitia (F331)
23574 | This marriage was also listed for the town of Albiz-Mendata along with a notation "Casadops en Albiz". | Family: Joseph Domingo Otaolea Ascarreta / Maria Magdalena Astorquia Ajuria-Auzocua (F194)
23575 | This marriage was also listed in Zenarruza on www.snae.org. | Family: Juan Guerricagoitia Arteach / Magdalena Uberuaga Eguren (F222)
23576 | This marriage was also listed under the village of Murelaga-Aulesti. | Family: Pedro Guerricagoitia Orueta / Maria Cruz Arteach Mendicoechea (F223)
23577 | This marriage was found noted in the margin of his birth record. | Family: Charles Jaureguito / Jeanne Bordagaray (F1474)
23578 | This marriage was noted in Court cases | Family: Jean Goyheneche / Maria Gertrudes Valdez (F4511)
23579 | This marriage was noted in margin of his birth record. | Family: Laurent Biscaichipy / Jeanne Marie Chiramberro (F354)
23580 | This marriage was noted in the margin of her birth record. | Family: Ferdinand Ouret / Marie Etchevers (F515)
23581 | This marriage was noted in the margin of Laurent's birth record. | Family: Laurent Biscaichipy / Catherine Irigaray (F338)
23582 | This marriage was noted in the margin of the birth record of Marie Arrambide. | Family: Pierre Suquilbide / Marie Arrambide (F833)
23583 | This marriage was recorded when this couple was in their elder years and it noted that it took place in the bedroom of this couple because Dominique was too ill to leave his bed. Their living children were also noted on their marriage record in 1885. | Family: Dominique Irigoyen/Hirigoyen / Marie Esponda (F3653)
23584 | This may actually be two different women in a relationship with Martin Ercats. Further research needed to confirm. | Tambourin or Jaxumendy, Jeanne (I24772)
23585 | This may actually be two persons but no information conflicted therefore assumed at this time to be one person. | Salaberri, Jean/Juan (I16307)
23586 | This may not be her parents but it was the only ones close according to her birth record. Further research needed to confirm. | Arroquy, Gratianne (I6701)
23587 | This mention of the house of Vallee d'Erro is this first mention I have seen of this building which is today known as Baillea and a landmark in the village. Other documents indicated that the Inda family of Perkain owned this building. Further research necessary to tie the two houses together. | Inda, Dominique (I5197)
23588 | This might be the sister Marie born in 1742. Further research needed to confirm. | Bruthe or Brust, Marie (I1568)
23589 | This might not be the correct Marie who inherited the house of Ilharragorry. Need to see additional children to determine. | Etchepare or Ilharragorry, Marie (I7068)
23590 | This person may have been her older sister Jeanne Harriet, born in 1818, but her name was sometimes Marie in the records, therefore this one is assumed correct. | Harriet, Marie (I3068)
23591 | This possibly same Bernard Erreca who was living in San Juan Capistrano in 1880. Further research needed. (see http://www.bridge2pyrenees.org/getperson.php?personID=I1270&tree=scbbgd) | Erreca, Bernard (I8194)
23592 | This record came from the parish of St. Jean le Vieux. It was noted as both Bidegain and Arraincaria. It indicated that the house was in the quartier of Harriette. | Family: Martin Aicaguerre dit Maitiaenia / Gratianne Tambourin or Tambourindeguy (F135)
23593 | This record has information on the relationship of Martin Itcainarena of Bustanenia of Donaleguy and his brother Pierre and wife Marie Elgart. (3 documents following this one are related to same family) | Itcainarena, Martin (I3992)
23594 | This record indicated that he was born in 1843 in St. Jean de Luz. | Guillemarchand, Bernard (I16677)
23595 | This record indicates her mother's last name as Arroquy but since the house name matches the house her brother was born in and the year matches with her age when she married, we are assuming this is the correct family. | Arretche, Marie (I11777)
23596 | This record indicates that Jean Etcheverry was from the house of Urrixague in Lasse. Further research necessary. | Etcheverry, Jean (I4119)
23597 | This record is for a Catherine Erramoupse but it is assumed that it is the same individual as owner of Lekayo. | Erramuspe, Jeanne (I23450)
23598 | This record is in conflict with the one for Marie d'Itcainarena born two months later. | Cohieta, Francisca (I9775)
23599 | This record is repeated on 7/9/1849. It is unclear which is the proper birth record. | Ocafrain, Gratianne (I13231)
23600 | This record might belong to another individual. Further research necessary. | Oxarart, Michel/Miguel (I9865)