
Matches 9,401 to 9,450 of 21,012

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
9401 His parents were Pierre Harocarene (b 1810 St. Pee) and Jeanne Apesteguy (b 1803 in Hasparren), living in Bayonne at the time of his birth. Harotcarena, Pierre/Pascal H. (I16691)
9402 His parents were Pierre Harriet and Jeromine Etchabarne of the house of Chaldies. Harriet, Antoine (I1115)
9403 His parents were Pierre Hiriart and Jeanne Icosta. Hiriart, Louis (I12918)
9404 His parents were Pierre Hiriart, teacher and Marie Elicabelar. Hiriart, Pierre (I5826)
9405 His parents were Pierre Hirigoin and Sabine Hirigoyen of Helette. Hirigoin, Jean (I20281)
9406 His parents were Pierre Idiart and Catherine Bigot, living in the house of Harguindeguy in Lecumberry at the time of his birth. Idiart, Pierre (Pete) (I19985)
9407 His parents were Pierre Inda, 35 years old and Catherine Auchoberry, his wife, owners of the house of Franchechena in this village.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, secretary of the mayor of this village and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 42 years old, owner of the house of Esquil. 
Inda, Pierre (I3422)
9408 His parents were Pierre Iriberrigaray and Marie Aguerre of Osses. Iriberrigaray, Jean (I12857)
9409 His parents were Pierre Irigaray and Catherine Elissonde Caldumbide, who were immigrants to Uruguay. He was living there at the time of this marriage and she was deceased there in 1866. Irigaray, Bertrand (I15379)
9410 His parents were Pierre Irigoyen and Gratianne Iriberry, owners of the house of Meroenia. Irigoyen, Martin (I13366)
9411 His parents were Pierre Laborde, 26 years old, miller and Marianne Balda, housewife both living in Baigorry at the time of his birth. Laborde, Joseph (I17251)
9412 His parents were Pierre Labrucherie and Catherine Lasclotte. Labrucherie, Raymond (I18121)
9413 His parents were Pierre Lacaze Cazette and Marie Morlaas. Lacaze Cazette, Jean Baptiste (I18955)
9414 His parents were Pierre Larruchou and Catherine Marestain from Laruns. Larruchou, Jean (I14593)
9415 His parents were Pierre Lassa and Catherine Antchagno, owners of the house of Pilaria in Les Aldudes. His birth information was found on his marriage record. Lassa, Jean (I2315)
9416 His parents were Pierre Latasa and Jeanne Goicochea, who were living in the Aldudes at the time of Guillaume's marriage in 1876. Latasa, Guillaume (I14230)
9417 His parents were Pierre Loustalot and Marie LaTourette of Osse. Loustalot, Pierre (I18166)
9418 His parents were Pierre Loustalot and Marie Latourrette. Loustalot, Jacob (I20684)
9419 His parents were Pierre Mouliot, native of Precilhon and Marie Larcade, native of Moumour. Mouliot, Jean (I19422)
9420 His parents were Pierre Mourguiart and Marie Curutchet, owners of the house of Esponda in Osses. He was a widower. Mourguiart, Michel (I11997)
9421 His parents were Pierre Nogues and Gratianne Heguy, owners of the house of Lanticot in Osses. Nogues, Guilhaume (I19107)
9422 His parents were Pierre Noutary-Adam, 34 years old, farmer and Marie Lanneretonne, 25 years old, farmer, both living in Aramits at the time of their son's birth. Noutary, Pierre Antoine (I18385)
9423 His parents were Pierre Ospital and Francoise Sallaberry of Banca.  Ospital, Gratian (I8585)
9424 His parents were Pierre Ospital and Marie Erdicoborda. Ospital, Pierre (I15089)
9425 His parents were Pierre Oxarart and Marie Tihista, owners of the house of Elicabehere. They were deceased at the time of his marriage. Oxarart, Jean (I3111)
9426 His parents were Pierre Oxarart, farmer (laboreur) 39 years old and Jeanne Laxague, his wife, owners of the house of Sorochilhoa in this village.
Witnesses were Pierre Elgart, owner of Harguina, farmer (laboreur) 36 years old. 
Oxarart, Gratian (I5397)
9427 His parents were Pierre Paris and Jeanne Arretche of Lasse, France. Paris, Arnaud (I20802)
9428 His parents were Pierre Paul Erramouspe (1806-1876) and Marie Erramouspe (1800-1878) Erramouspe, Jean (I11530)
9429 His parents were Pierre Penen and Catherine Claverie of Ogeu. Penen, Jean (I19297)
9430 His parents were Pierre Pilaria, 52 years old, farmer and Jeanne Gastelecutto, owners of the house of Antonchachiarena in Urepel.
Note: Antonchachiarena was a common name for the house of Gastelecutto 
Pilaria or Pilario, Pierre (I5990)
9431 His parents were Pierre Pilaria, farmer (laboreur) 54 years old and Jeanne Gastealacotto, his wife, owners of the house of Gastealacotto commonly called Antonchachirenia in this village.
Witnesses were Michel Urrelz, mason (macon) 54 years old and Dominique Esponda, farmer (laboreur) 30 years old. 
Pilaria, Jean (I5563)
9432 His parents were Pierre Poco and Marie Iribarne. Poco, Antoine (I22869)
9433 His parents were Pierre Poutcou and Marie Aguerre. Poutcou, Martin (I15756)
9434 His parents were Pierre Pujol and Marie Deque. Pujol, Joseph Guillaume (I21000)
9435 His parents were Pierre Sorhouet (d. 1873) and Catherine Etcharren (81 years old) who lived in Jaxu at the time of their marriage. Sorhouet, Sebastian (I841)
9436 His parents were Pierre Teilleria and Jeanne Antoinette Lasalde, living in the house of Tipibaita in Biriatou at the time of his birth. Teilleria, Fermin (I22371)
9437 His parents were Pierre Tihista, farmer (laboreur) 28 years old and Marie Auzquie, his wife, owners of the house of Antonena in this village.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, 47 years old secretary of the mayor of this village and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 43 years old, owner of the house of Esquil. 
Chotro dit Tihista, Jean (I3366)
9438 His parents were Pierre Tricot, customs agent and Marie Uhaldegaray of Baigorry. Tricot, Michel (I11786)
9439 His parents were Pierre Tuculet and Francoise Louberriaga. Tuculet, Jose/Joseph (I16950)
9440 His parents were Pierre Uhalde and Marie Nimignoa Salaberry of Banca. Uhalde, Gratian (I12520)
9441 His parents were Pierre Urrels and Jeanne Etcheverry of Banca. Urrels, Michel (I12452)
9442 His parents were Pierre Urricariet of Baigorry and Francoise Migueltorena of Azpilcueta, Spain. Urricariet, Domingo (I22392)
9443 His parents were Pierre Viole, 38 years old, tanner and Dominica Betbeder, 36 years old, housewife. They lived in the quartier of St. Esprit, rue Ste. Catherine, no. 4. Viole, Jules Casimir (I16388)
9444 His parents were Pierre Yaureguizahar, farmer (laboreur) 39 years old and Marie Gastigarre, his wife, owners of the house of Antongastigarrerenia in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde, farmer (laboreur) 66 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 45 years old. 
Jaureguizahar, Jean (I5179)
9445 His parents were Pierre Ylharragorry, farmer (laboreur) 58 years old and Jeanne Hiriart, his wife, owners of the house of Chintarena in this village.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, 47 years old secretary of the mayor of this village and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 44 years old, owner of the house of Esquil. 
Ilharragorry, Jean (I5109)
9446 His parents were Pierre Ynda, farmer (laboreur) 36 years old and Catherine Auchoberry, his wife, owners of the house of Franchechenia in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde, farmer (laboreur) 68 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 48 years old. 
Inda, Martin (I3425)
9447 His parents were Pierre Zaldubehere, farmer (laboreur) 43 years old and Marie Erreca, his wife, owners of the house of Halzartenia in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde, farmer (laboreur) 67 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 47 years old. 
Caldubehere, Bernard (I5219)
9448 His parents were Pierre Zalduberhere, farmer (laboreur) 45 years old and Marie Erreca, his wife, owners of the house of Halzartenia in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Notro, farmer (laboreur) 46 years old and Pierre Ardans, farmer (laboreur) 43 years old. 
Caldubehere, Pierre (I5647)
9449 His parents were Pierre Zubouru and Marie Cherbero owners of the house of Beherecoetchia. Zubouru or Cuburu, Pierre/Bethy (I3906)
9450 His parents were Pierre-Victor Fage, 29 years old, native of Larroque, (Hautes-Garonne), antiques collector (chiffonnier), living in the village of Monein, section Trouilh and Luce Tuheil, his wife, 29 years old, native of Cuqueron, housewife and seamstress, at the time of this birth record.
Note: Their marriage record took place on 2/10/1869 in Monein. 
Fages, Jean /Fage (I19916)

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