
Matches 9,001 to 9,050 of 21,012

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9001 His parents were Jean Yribarren, farmer (laboreur) 36 years old and Catherine Barcelona, his wife, fermiers of the house of Ttattola in this village.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, secretary of the mayor of this village and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 42 years old, owner of the house of Esquil. 
Iribarren, Martin (I4959)
9002 His parents were Jean Yribarren, farmer (laboreur) 36 years old and Catherine Barcelona, his wife, residents of the house of Cinco in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde, farmer (laboreur) 67 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 47 years old. 
Iribarren, Mathieu (I5247)
9003 His parents were Jean Yribarren, farmer (laboreur) 38 years old and Marie Yndaburu, his wife, owners of the house of Manech-handiainia in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde, farmer (laboreur) 68 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 48 years old. 
Iribarren, Baptiste (I5315)
9004 His parents were Jean Yribarren, farmer (laboreur) 58 years old and Jeanne Chaharra, his wife, owners of the house of Mendia in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde, farmer (laboreur) 69 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 49 years old. 
Iribarren, Jean dit Gaston (I5345)
9005 His parents were Jean Yrigoyen, shoemaker 35 years old and Jeanne Etchart, his wife, owners of the house of Capataindeguia.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, 47 years old secretary of the mayor of this village and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 43 years old, owner of the house of Esquil. 
Irigoyen, Jean (I5093)
9006 His parents were Jean Ytcaina otherwise called Pedrottipia, farmer (laboreur) 40 years old and Gratianne Etcheverrigaray, his wife, owners of the house of Bipherrenia in this village.
Witnesses were Pierre Ynda, farmer (laboreur) 68 years old and Jean Ohaco, farmer (laboreur) 34 years old. 
Itcaina, Jean (I894)
9007 His parents were Jean Zaldubehere, farmer (laboreur) 32 years old and Jeanne Zorcabal, cadette of the house of Louis Chotrorena which they recognized as their child.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, 47 years old secretary of the mayor of this village and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 43 years old, owner of the house of Esquil. 
Caldubehere, Bernard (I5070)
9008 His parents were Jean Zaldubehere, farmer (laboreur) 36 years old and Jeanne Zorzabal, his wife, owners of the house of Louis-Chotroinia in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde, farmer (laboreur) 68 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 48 years old. 
Caldubehere, Antoine (I5290)
9009 His parents were Jean Zaldubehere, farmer (laboreur) 40 years old and Jeanne Zorcabal, his wife, owners of the house of Louischotro-garay in this village.
Witnesses were Gratian Bidondo, farmer (laboreur) 28 years old and Jean Ardans, farmer (laboreur) 49 years old. 
Caldubehere, Pierre (I5646)
9010 His parents were Jean Zorcabal, farmer (laboreur) 44 years old and Marie Etchart, his wife, owners of the house of Oyhanburuya in this village.
Witnesses were Pierre Bidondo and Jean Zaldubehere, farmers, neighbors. 
Corcabal/Sorcabal, Jean (I5481)
9011 His parents were Jean Zorsabal, farmer, 38 years old and Marie Etchart, housewife, who were owners of the house of Oyhamburu in this village.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, 47 years old secretary of the mayor of this village and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 44 years old, owner of the house of Esquil. 
Corcabal, Martin (I3656)
9012 His parents were Jean Zorzabal, farmer (laboreur) 36 years old and Marie Etchart, his wife, owners of the house of Oihanburu.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, secretary of the mayor of this village and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 42 years old, owner of the house of Esquil. 
Corcabal, Pierre (I4984)
9013 His parents were Jean-Cesar Sagouspe, 62 years old and Anne Maunas, 63 years old, living in Feas at the time of their son's marriage. Sagouspe, Pierre (I17835)
9014 His parents were Jean-Eugene Jaureguy (b. 1834 Isaba, Navarre, Spain) and Engrace Elissalde dite Urthurralt (b. 1832 Licq-Atherey, France). They were married in Licq-Athery in 1860. 
Jaureguy, Guillaume (I7821)
9015 His parents were Jerome Labaig, 31 years old, farmer and Anne Labraque-Bordenave, 27 years old, farmer both living in Escot at the time of his birth. Labaig, Jean Martin (I15985)
9016 His parents were Jerome Urruty (d. 1846 in Ahaxe) and Marie Uhart (d. 1841 in Esterencuby).  Urruty, Bernard (I859)
9017 His parents were Joan Doray Yturrat and Graciana Auzqui Andicoverri. Doray, Miguel (I11863)
9018 His parents were Joannes d'Errecart and Catherine de Bellac of Aroue in Soule, according to the birth records of his two eldest children. Errecart, Joannes (I18874)
9019 His parents were Joannes d'Indart and Jeanne d'Oronos, owners of Bordaberria of Morroin in the quartier of Belechy at the time of his birth. Harrigorry or Indart, Jean/Joannes (I20589)
9020 His parents were Joaquim Behasque, 35 years old, Civil Court Officer (Graffier du Tribunal Civil au St. Palais) and Marie Barbaste. Behasque, Clement Leonard Xavier (I16841)
9021 His parents were Joaquin Arteaga Badaran and Carmen Saens de San Pedro Ballesteros. Arteaga, Gervasio (I14601)
9022 His parents were Joaquin Dufur and Jeanne Barbera, living in Misquiriz in Spain. Dufur, Juan Ignacio (I12873)
9023 His parents were Joaquin Maria Jamar Iturri and Juana Gracia Arozarena Arana. Jamar, Fermin (I18085)
9024 His parents were Joaquin Marticorena Muruzabal and Manuela Ripa Erro. Marticorena, Justo Saturnino (I17527)
9025 His parents were Joaquin Sansinena and Maria Aguinaga. Sansinena, Sebastien (I15185)
9026 His parents were John and Josefa (Oses) Errecart. According to 1920 census, he was 38, born in France and she was 34, born in Spain. Mike had three siblings, John Lawrence (b. 1921), Frances (b. 1917) and Antonio. In 1920 he had an older sister, born in 1917. Errecart, Mike J. (I1279)
9027 His parents were John French (1877-1922) and Olive Higgens (b. 1878). French, Thomas Higgens (I14947)
9028 His parents were John Hughes and Margaret McGee. Hughes, Edward Louis (I17026)
9029 His parents were John P. Tuculet and Joanna Mier of Bakersfield. He was an immigrant from France and she from Spain. It does not appear as if they lived in Southern California. Tuculet, Pierre (I17549)
9030 His parents were Jose Antonio Benito Echeveste Elizalde and Josefa Antonia Berroa Zelayeta. Echeveste, Francisco (I16832)
9031 His parents were Jose Antonio Yrulegui Oroz and Catalina Oroz Saragueta. Yrulegui/Irouleguy, Juan Antonio/Antoine (I14510)
9032 His parents were Jose Antonio Zaldua Amorena (b. 1822 Arizcun) and Maria Josefa Elizondo Legarreta (b. 1817 Arizcun). Saldua/Zaldua, Juan Pablo (I19000)
9033 His parents were Jose Antonio Zubilaga Ochandorena and Ramona Olaiz Ansorena of Itsaso, Spain. Zubilaga, Juan Miguel (I22955)
9034 His parents were Jose Ascona and Martina Landa, residents of Donamaria. Ascona, Gregorio (I15350)
9035 His parents were Jose Bautista Martiarena Picabea and Francesca Antonia Yriberri Michelena. Martiarena, Sebastian Maria (I15346)
9036 His parents were Jose Bernardo Layana Sanz and Juana Francisca Elizondo Gaztambide. Layana, Francisco Maria (I18549)
9037 His parents were Jose Cia Bengochea and Feliciana Ilarregui Azpiroz. Cia, Tomas (I22358)
9038 His parents were Jose Damian Landa Arrese and Maria Martina Eguinoa Yribarren. Landa Eguinoa, Juan Manuel (I18160)
9039 His parents were Jose Echenique and Catalina Elizalde. Echenique, Angel (I16997)
9040 His parents were Jose Fermin Larraya and Catalina Francisca Tellechea. Larraya, Blas Clemente (I17211)
9041 His parents were Jose Francisco Sales Yribarren Goyeneche and Maria Josefa Gastambide Echenique. Yribarren/Iribarren Gastambide, Francisco Eduardo (I14106)
9042 His parents were Jose Garcia and Teresa Fernandez of Spain. Garcia Fernandez, Manuel (I20107)
9043 His parents were Jose Joaquim Artola and Marie Dominique Arruabarrena of Urrugne. Artola, Joseph (I6983)
9044 His parents were Jose Joaquin Erburu Echarri and Joaquina Maquirriain Aldunate. Erburu, Juan Pedro Cipiriano (I18002)
9045 His parents were Jose Joaquin Garaicoechea Arraiz (died 1871 in Latasa) and Maria Antonia Gorriti Iriarte (died 1868 in Latasa) according to his marriage record. The parents were married in Urritza in 1829.
Note: His marriage record said he was born in Latasa, Navarre but his birth record was actually found in Urritza. Both villages are next to each other. 
Garaicoechea, Michel/Miguel Joaquin (I14579)
9046 His parents were Jose Joaquin Yriarte and Josefa Arrese. Yriarte, Patricio (I16416)
9047 His parents were Jose M. Sansinena and Isabel Fagoaga. Sansinena, Teodosio/Theodore (I21018)
9048 His parents were Jose Manuel Ygnacio Portugal Oiarzabal and Maria Carmen Yragorri Oiarzabal. Portugal, Joaquin-Jose (I10954)
9049 His parents were Jose Maria Echaniz Elordi and Maria Bernarda Yriarte Alcorta. Echanis, Lorenzo /Echaniz (I20352)
9050 His parents were Jose Nevarez Rivera and Ramona Marrero Talula. The father's family originated from Asturias, Spain and the mother's family was from the Canary Islands (source family member Ramon Giusti). Nevarez Marrero, Ceferino (I15395)

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