
Matches 8,901 to 8,950 of 21,012

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8901 His parents were Jean Laxague, farmer (laboreur) 50 years old and Marie Arroquy, his wife, owners of the house of Arroguy in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde, farmer (laboreur) 69 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 49 years old. 
Laxague, Antoine (I5344)
8902 His parents were Jean Leandro de Etcheverria and Maria Michaela Aialde, who were owners of the house of Ouhaon of Villaneuva. Etcheverria, Antoine (I4015)
8903 His parents were Jean Lechia and Agnes Etchegaray, owners of the house of Chafado in La Fonderie. Lechia, Jean (I14607)
8904 His parents were Jean Legarralde and Marie Larroulet of Urrugne. Legarralde, Jean (I13459)
8905 His parents were Jean Louis Mesplou and Anna Candau, living in the house of Candau at the time of this birth. Mesplou, Jacques (I20034)
8906 His parents were Jean Louissena, 40 years old, farmer and Jeanne Erramouspe, 37 years old. Louissena, Pierre (I23238)
8907 His parents were Jean Luc, 28 years old, shoemaker and Marie d'Oyhenart, 29 years old, both living at the house of Sallaberry in St. Pierre d'Irube at the time of her birth. Luc, Jean/John (I17374)
8908 His parents were Jean Malcho, farmer (laboreur) 33 years old and Jeanne Uhalde, his wife, owners of the house of Malcho in this village.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, secretary of the mayor 45 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 40 years old, owner of the house of Esquil. 
Iparraguerre or Aicaguerre, Jean (I4572)
8909 His parents were Jean Marcel Larque, 28 years old, carpenter and Marie Louise Manaut, 38 years old, housewife, who were living in the house of Ponte in the bourg of Lasseube. Larque, Ernest Martin (I16989)
8910 His parents were Jean Marieyhara and Marie Oronos. Marieyhara, Jean (I21133)
8911 His parents were Jean Mariluch, farmer (laboreur) 28 years old and Marie Yribarren, his wife, owners of the house of Harizchilho in this village.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, secretary of the mayor 45 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 41 years old, owner of the house of Esquil. 
Mariluch, Jean (I4549)
8912 His parents were Jean Mariluch, farmer (laboreur) 30 years old and Francoise Uhalde, his wife, owners of the house of Mendementa in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde, farmer (laboreur) 66 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 45 years old. 
Mariluch, Bernard (I5157)
8913 His parents were Jean Mariluch, farmer (laboreur) 34 years old and Francoise Uhalde, his wife, owners of the house of Menementa.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde, farmer (laboreur) 67 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 47 years old. 
Mariluch, Jean (I5245)
8914 His parents were Jean Mariluch, farmer (laboreur) 35 years old and Marie Yribarren, his wife, owners of the house of Accotain in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde, farmer (laboreur) 68 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 48 years old. 
Mariluch, Martin (I5280)
8915 His parents were Jean Mariluch, farmer (laboreur) 36 years old and Francoise Uhalde, his wife, owners of the house of Mendemeta in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Gachitegui, farmer (laboreur) 46 years old and Jean Chaharra, farmer (laboreur) 52 years old. 
Mariluch, Guillaume (I5657)
8916 His parents were Jean Mariluch, farmer (laboreur) 36 years old and Marie Yribarren, his wife, owners of the house of Acotain in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Detchume, farmer (laboreur) 39 years old and Jean Harriet, farmer (laboreur) 59 years old. 
Mariluch, Guillaume (I5640)
8917 His parents were Jean Mariluch, farmer (laboreur) 40 years old and Francoise Uhalde, his wife, owners of the house of Menementa in this village.
Witnesses were Guillaume Uhalde, farmer (laboreur) 57 years old and Michel Sorhondo, farmer (laboreur) 60 years old. 
Mariluch, Jean (I5395)
8918 His parents were Jean Mariscorena and Francoise Yrigoyen. His birth information was found on his marriage record. Mariscorena, Jean Joseph (I7763)
8919 His parents were Jean Martinez and Katherine Turubone (sic). Martinez, Domingo (I17969)
8920 His parents were Jean Mococain, obergiste 35 years old and Jeanne Yribarren, his wife, fermiers of the house of Etorrarena in this village.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, secretary to the mayor 47 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker (cordonier) 44 years old. 
Mococain, Sauveur/Salvat (I5684)
8921 His parents were Jean Mococain, weaver (tisserand) 35 years old and Jeanne Yribarren, his wife, fermiers of the house of Percainen-Etcheverria.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, secretary of the mayor 46 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker (cordonnier) 42 years old. 
Mococain, Gratian (I5683)
8922 His parents were Jean Mouchico and Marie Telletche, who were living in the house of Iriberrigaray at the time of his birth. Mouchico, Jean Pierre (I22107)
8923 His parents were Jean Mouhape, weaver and Marie Etchegaray. Mouhape, Salvat (I22883)
8924 His parents were Jean Muthico and Catherine d'Aberatz, metayers of the house of Iribarne in Osses at the time of his marriage. Muthico, Jean (I3943)
8925 His parents were Jean Narbaiz, farmer (laboreur) 40 years old, and Magdelaine Zohieta, his wife, owners of the house of Ynchabia in this village.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, 46 years old secretary of the mayor of this village and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 42 years old, owner of the house of Esquil. 
Narbaitz, Jean (I5015)
8926 His parents were Jean Narbaiz, farmer (laboreur) 46 years old and Magdelaine Etchevers, his wife, owners of the house of Ynchabia in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde, farmer (laboreur) 66 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 45 years old. 
Narbaiz, Jean (I5191)
8927 His parents were Jean Narp and Marie Cazamoyor. Narp, Martin (I1074)
8928 His parents were Jean Nicolas Desire Etcheverry and Gorgette Anna Galimard. Etcheverry-Ainciart, Leon Michel Bernard (I11249)
8929 His parents were Jean Ocafrain and Marie Cuburu, owners of the house of Ithurraldia in La Fonderie. Ocafrain, Jean (I15108)
8930 His parents were Jean Ohaco and Marie Ihitcague, owners of Predobelcha in the Aldudes. Ohaco, Michel (I7743)
8931 His parents were Jean Ohaco, farmer (laboreur) 36 years old and Hieronime Harriet, his wife, owners of the house of Chaldies in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde, farmer (laboreur) 68 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 48 years old. 
Ohaco, Jean (I3914)
8932 His parents were Jean Olhasso, 38 years old, farmer and Marie Arbelbide, 39 years old, housewife, both living in Bustince-Iriberry when their son was born. Olhasso, Dominique/Domingo (I16213)
8933 His parents were Jean Ondicola and Gratianne Elissamburu, owners of the house of Elissalde in Ascarat. Ondicola, Samson/Sanso (I16217)
8934 His parents were Jean Ordoquy and Jeanne Zubieta, owners of the house of Cascacurienia which was part of Les Aldudes but situated in Spain. His birth information was noted in their marriage record. Ordoqui, Laurent (I7811)
8935 His parents were Jean Ospital and Marie Erramouspe who were married in 1822. Ospital, Pierre/Pedro (I8968)
8936 His parents were Jean Ospital and Marie Noblia. Ospital, Pierre (I3848)
8937 His parents were Jean Othalepo-Barberteguy and Marie Iputcha, owners of the house of Marina. Othalepo-Barberteguy, Dominique (I18795)
8938 His parents were Jean Oxarart & Jeanne Sorcabal Oxarart, Dominique (I4795)
8939 His parents were Jean Oxarart, 30 years old, farmer and Fermina Urrutia, 28 years old, housewife, who were living at Miguelartcaina in the Aldudes at the time of his birth. Oxarart, Michel/Miguel (I9865)
8940 His parents were Jean Oxarart, farmer 46 years old and Jeanne Aguerre, his wife, owners of the house of Aguerregaraya in this village commonly called Morteroinia.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, 46 years old secretary of the mayor of this village and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 42 years old, owner of the house of Esquil. 
Oxarart, Jean (I5020)
8941 His parents were Jean Paralieu, 60 years old, day laborer and Marie Minguet, 38 years old, day laborer, both living in Buzy at the time of their son's birth. Paralieu, Jacques (I18716)
8942 His parents were Jean Pedrottipia, farmer (laboreur) 46 years old and Louise Bidart, his wife, fermiers of the house of Erremedio in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Ernague, farmer (laboreur) 56 years old and Pierre Arretche, farmer (laboreur) 46 years old. 
Pedrottipia, Ferdinand (I5593)
8943 His parents were Jean Pedrottipia, inheritor of the house of Bipherrena, 33 years old, farmer (laboreur) who was recognized as the father and Elisabet Arrambide, cadette of Pedrosco. (note: the birthhouse was not indicated)
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, secretary of the mayor 45 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 41 years old, owner of the house of Esquil. 
Itcaina or Pedrottipia, Jean (I4551)
8944 His parents were Jean Phagotto called Antonbelch, mason, 45 years old and Marie Yoannahandy, his wife, owners of the house of Erdicoetchia in this village.
Witnesses were Pierre Chabagno, farmer (laboreur) 34 years old and Pierre Antonena, farmer (laboreur) 55 years old.
Note: Bustan Antonbelch was written in the margin. 
Phagotto, Jean (I5427)
8945 His parents were Jean Pierre (1891-1943) and Marie Louise (1896-1989) Etcheberry. He was a Basque immigrant from St. Just d'Ibarre in France and she was from Arizcun in Spain. Etcheberry, Paul John (I15436)
8946 His parents were Jean Pierre Capdevielle, 45 years old, farmer and Marianne Lac-Ariet, 37 years old, who were living in the hamlet of Osse at the time of his birth. Capdevielle, Louis (I21881)
8947 His parents were Jean Pierre Dioue, 35 years old farmer and Catherine Hirigaray, 33 years old housewife who were living in the house of Maribelchenborda at the time of his birth. Dione, Jean (I16973)
8948 His parents were Jean Pierre Errecondo and Catherine Puchulu-Laxalt. Errecondo, Francois/Francisco (I21056)
8949 His parents were Jean Pierre Lacouague and Marie Etchevers who were living in the house Ahuntsainea in Ainhoa. Lacouague, Pierre (I17818)
8950 His parents were Jean Pierre Mazou, 40 years old, farmer and Jeanne-Marie Casabonne, 30 years old, farmer, both living in Escot at the time of his birth. Mazou, Jean (I18662)

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