
Matches 7,351 to 7,400 of 21,001

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
7351 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Laurent Irigoyen and Catherine Landaburu. He was a widower of Marie Lahitte. Irigoyen, Bernard (I19518)
7352 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Leon Julien Cornillon and Leonie Noirel. Cornillon, Pierre Julien (I22569)
7353 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Leon Ledun, baker and Justine Hiriart, his wife, living in Bayonne. Ladun, Charles (I22378)
7354 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Louis Lucien Lafourcade and Gabrielle Marie ??. Lafourcade, Jean (I22731)
7355 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Manuel Lasa and Juana Zabaleta who were living in Leiza, Navarre at the time of their son's marriage in 1922. Lasa, Juan Cruz (I22351)
7356 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Martin Argal and Marie Iribarne, owners of the house of Cubiarinchahar. Argal, Antoine (I15067)
7357 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Martin Crouspiere and Gratianne Joannesamestoy, who were millers of the moulin of Guermiette. Crouspiere Jacachury, Raymond (I11920)
7358 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Martin Goni Ibero and Paulina Ciganda Ochotorena. Goni, Teodoro (I22744)
7359 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Martin Guichou and Marie Arrambide, owners of the house of Bustinto in Baigorry. Guichou, Jean (I2338)
7360 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Martin Joaquin Bidaurreta Azcararte and Maria Antonia Joancorena Echeveste. He was 29 at the time of his marriage. Bidaurreta, Juan Jose/Joseph (I14708)
7361 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Martin Jose Martinez and Marie Cruzada. Martinez, Juan (I13488)
7362 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Martin Vicondoa and Francisca Arraztoa of Elizondo. Vicondoa, Juan Miguel (I22349)
7363 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Mateo Villanueva and Maria Cruz. Villanueva, Andres (I22567)
7364 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Mathias Villanueva and Juana Oyarra of Ojacastro. Villanueva, Anaclet (I14291)
7365 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Michel Harispe Dorre, fishery owner and Claire Cuburu of Baigorry. Harispe Dorre, Gratian (I3238)
7366 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Michel Iribarne and Jeanne Elissonde, who were living in St. Jean le Vieux at the time of the marriage. Iribarne, Bernard (I20192)
7367 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Miguel Bautista Noguera and Josefa Ignacia Tellechea, living in Labayen, Spain at the time of the marriage. Noguera, Pedro Martin (I15366)
7368 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Pedro Arteta and Francisca Adanza, living in Sorauren at the time of his marriage. Arteta, Braulio (I22723)
7369 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Pedro Azcarate Lassaga and Albertine Echeverria.  Azcararte Echeverria, Tiburcio (I3242)
7370 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Pedro Juan Oyarzun (deceased in South America) and Juana Maria Cilbeti, living in Pamplona at the time of his marriage. Oyarzun, Juan Fermin (I22238)
7371 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Pedro Miguel Mutuberria Hernandorena and Joachina Garbisu Mutuberria, living in Eratsun. Mutuberria, Tomas (I8645)
7372 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Pierre Auguste Marie Paul David and Germaine Marie Mainard. David, Robert Michel Denis Gustave (I22735)
7373 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Pierre Burucoa and Dominica Etcheverry of Osses. His father died in Montevideo in 1855. Burucoa, Guillaume (I13481)
7374 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Pierre Celhabe and ?? Etchebehere, living in Bayonne at the time of his marriage. Celhabe, Jean Baptiste Michel (I22727)
7375 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Pierre Darrius (d. 4/21/1867 Baigts) and Jeanne Pommes, living in Baigts. Darius, Pierre (I19796)
7376 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Pierre Ellisondo and Marie Carrere. Ellisondo, Jean Arnaud (I22740)
7377 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Pierre Etcheverry and Marie Escos. Etcheverry, Joseph Julien (I15347)
7378 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Pierre Gleize and Anne Perille, living in the village of Ostou in the arrondissement of St. Girons, department of Ariege (Belgium). Glaize, Jean Pierre (I4390)
7379 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Pierre Gouaillardeu and Marie Cazette of Arette. Gouaillardeu, Jean Francois (I20054)
7380 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Pierre Harriet and Jeanne Fagalde. Harriet, Guillaume (I5689)
7381 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Pierre Luro and Marceline Echamendi. Luro, Cruz (I4968)
7382 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Pierre Mohorade, living in St. Engrace and Marie Eyherabarren, deceased at the time of their son's marriage in 1925. Mohorade, Dominique (I20763)
7383 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Pierre Palan and Mrs. Mallet (sic). Palan, Jean (I12004)
7384 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Pierre Parachou and Therese Habans. Parachou, Bernard (I15322)
7385 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Pierre Tisnerat (1785-1843) and Suzanne Amandine (1793-1865) Tisnerat Hau, Jean (I19389)
7386 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Pierre Toucoulet and Marie Etcheverry. Toucoulet, Pierre (I19744)
7387 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Pierre Uhaldegaray and Gracianne Etchevert. Uhaldegaray, Guillaume (I12567)
7388 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Salvat Ospital and Marie Anne Vignau. Ospital, Martin (I22128)
7389 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Santiago Orgambide and Escolastica Eizondoberria of Garzain, Navarre. Orgambide, Jose (I22364)
7390 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Tomas Ormart and Catherine Echioiz. Ormart, Simon (I11922)
7391 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Victoriano Setoain and Cataline Aroztegui. Setoain Aroztegui, Joaquin (I22739)
7392 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Xavier Esain and Raymonde Iduate. Esain, Jose Maria (I15460)
7393 His birth information was found on his marriage record. No actual birth record was found for him on that date. Herlax, Pierre (I21612)
7394 His birth information was found on his marriage record. No birth record was found in the Baigorry registers. Arroquy, Martin (I22024)
7395 His birth information was found on his marriage record. There was no actual birth record found in the registers of Baigorry Ansolabehere, Gratian (I16253)
7396 His birth information was found on his marriage record. This date is in conflict with his brother Dominique and according to his niece Dominique's death record he was three years older than Pierre. So he was possibly born in 1773. Caldubehere, Pierre (I4628)
7397 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Antoine Gorriateguy and Catherine Elgue, owners of the house of Minhondo in Irouleguy. Gorriateguy, Guillaume (I5891)
7398 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Armand Laurent Morin, deceased in Friardel, Calvados in 1897 and Felicine Marie Alvina Cheron living in the Eure province. The groom was a station chief of the gas company of Bayonne and living there. Morin, Aimable Lucien (I22982)
7399 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Bernard Duralde and Stephane Menguyague. Duralde, Pierre (I22110)
7400 His birth information was found on his marriage record. His parents were Francisco Pocorena and Josephe Loustau. Pocorena or Pecorena, Juan Esteban (I15363)

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