
Matches 7,001 to 7,050 of 21,001

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
7001 Her residence was at 926 Summit Ave.
She was executrix of Estate of Apesteguy. 
Echenique, Polonia Saturnina (I16578)
7002 Her residence was at a Boarding house at Labory Lane & Alameda.
She was paid for work for the Pilario family in the first part of 1878. 
Etchart, Marie (I16521)
7003 Her second husband's name was Flores and that is the name that appeared on her death record. Her mother's maiden name was noted as Espanda. Igoa, Marie/Maria (I5369)
7004 Her sister Elisabeth (Isabelle) was married to the brother of her husband from Miguelenia and her youngest brother Pattin was married to their niece Marianne. Gariador, Marie Anne (I28)
7005 Her sister Marianne was married to the brother of her husband from Miguelenia and her youngest brother Pattin was married to their niece Marianne.
Gariador, Isabelle or Elisabeth (I147)
7006 Her son Gracian's marriage record in 1818 indicates that this individual died about 18 years prior to the marriage. Inda, Marie (I1991)
7007 Her son Gratian's birth record in 1714, confirms that she is from this house. Etchart Oronos, Magdaleine (I10190)
7008 Her son Jean Baptiste Bide was a witness on her death record. Iriart, Marianne (I443)
7009 Her son, Jean Garaicotchea, 33 years old, truck drive was a witness on her death record. Esponda, Marie (I11187)
7010 Her son-in-law Martin Gariador was a witness on her death record. Iriart, Catherine (I55)
7011 Her surname could be Ilhardy or Elhordi as well. Elhorry or Halcart, Marie (I8897)
7012 Her surname on her death record was Berecochea, therefore it is assumed she was not married. Berecochea, Beatrice Marguerite (I17248)
7013 Her surname was also listed as Harguina and Oxarart on some of her children's birth records but this seems to be carried over from her husband's first wife. Ithurribelz dit Antchagno, Jeanne or Marie (I3981)
7014 Her surname was also noted as Mariehara on her son Jean's birth record in 1840. Nimignoa or Domingohandia, Marie (I7803)
7015 Her surname was also spelled as Sansorrena. Chanchorena, Dominica (I15369)
7016 Her surname was Bidegain at the time of her death, therefore she was probably a single woman. Bidegain, Theresa G. (I17309)
7017 Her surname was Bidegain at the time of her death, therefore she was probably a single woman. Bidegain, Annie Rose (I17310)
7018 Her surname was Inda on her death record, therefore she probably was never married. Inda, Marian (I17433)
7019 Her surname was Jauregui at the time of her death. Jauregui, Micheala Beatrice Grace (I17350)
7020 Her surname was Jauregui at the time of her death. Jauregui, Juana Francesca (Frances) (I17353)
7021 Her surname was listed as Vigotena on her children's birth records in Almandoz. Bigot or Vigotena, Magdelaine (I11017)
7022 Her surname was noted as Erramoustegaray on her son Jean's birth record in 1837. Erramouspe, Jeanne or Magna (I5400)
7023 Her surname was noted as Saldubehere on certain records but it seems to be from her mother. Etchelecu or Saldubehere, Marie (I5017)
7024 Her surname was Sorhondo on her husband's death record. Unknown whether this was another name for her or an error. Erramouspe, Marie (I1431)
7025 Her surname was spelled as Corcabalgaray on her birth record. Corcabal or Corcabalgaray, Marie (I13842)
7026 Her surname was spelled as Handisco, Ipar and Indart on her children's birth records. It is assumed that Iriart is correct. Iriart or Marmaro, Magdalene (I10622)
7027 Her surname was spelled as Irigoyen on her birth record in error. Irigoity, Graciane (I23207)
7028 Her surname was Urquilux on her son Etienne's birth record. Irigoyen or Arretche, Marie (I6908)
7029 Her surname was written as Vigot Salbadorena on her birth record. Bigot Chalbadorena, Cathalina (I20483)
7030 Her surname when she died was Barcelona but unable to find any marriage records or other information to indicate the name of her 2nd husband. Lassa, Marie (I7490)
7031 Her tombstone shows the name McIntosh but no other records can be found. Fages, Florence Alice Sarah (I19926)
7032 Her U.S. records indicate her birth date as 2/11/1885. Irigaray, Anna (I14452)
7033 Her uncle Jean Bustan, 30 years old, uncle of the mother, declared the birth of this child.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde dit Passano, 60 years old farmer and Jean Inda dit Akerra, 54 years old woodsman. 
Bustan or Joannahandy, Jeanne (I4321)
7034 Her uncle Jean Etcheverrigaray, 56 years old, declared her birth. Menta, Marie (I12306)
7035 Her uncle Jean Garat declared her birth. Garat, Marie (I7617)
7036 Her uncle Jean Gariador was a witness on her death record. Gariador, Marie (I978)
7037 Her uncle Pierre Luc was one of the witnesses on her birth record. Luc, Marie (I16716)
7038 Her US records said that she was born on 11/19/1895. Falxa, Agnes (I12137)
7039 Her year of birth was found on her marriage record. Leon dit Putchi or Franchez or Thindu, Marie or Mathilde (I5304)
7040 Her year of birth was noted in family tree of Jean Pierre Ainciart. Erro, Maria (I4282)
7041 Hia parents were Baptiste Barcelona, 41 years old, farmer and Marie Arroquy, 37 years old at the time of his birth. Barcelona, Martin (I8523)
7042 Hia parents were Santiago Errotaberea and Maria Angela Aguerrea. Errotaberea, Domingo (I11659)
7043 Hieronime de Joannehandirena, owner of the house of Caldugaray in Occos, about 70 years old. Joanneshandy, Hieronime (I21804)
7044 Hieronime Etchevarren, owner of the house of Chaldiessenia, died in this house at the age of 80.
Witnesses were Pierre Harriet, farmer (laboreur) 80 years old, husband of the deceased and Jean Harriet, farmer (laboreur) 66 years old. 
Etchebarren or Etchebarne, Hieronime (I3877)
7045 His birth record was found on his marriage record. Arrossagaray, Catherine (I11616)
7046 His parents were Simon Laxague and Jeanne Detchume, owners of Iputcha. They were deceased at the time of his marriage. Laxague, Martin (I3045)
7047 His address was 1436 Pennsylvania Ave. in Los Angeles when he died. Echenique, Francisco/Frank (I15961)
7048 His age is unclear on marriage record but it ends in a 7, so the year 1806 is assumed. Further verification necessary. Irigoin, Jean (I2523)
7049 His age on various documents demonstrate a range of birth years. This birth year is based on his age of 80 years old on his death record in 1819. Picocoury dit Biscaichipy, Pierre/Pedro (I733)
7050 His age was noted as 24 at the time of his marriage. Urrels or Urbels, Joseph (I1205)

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