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3501 Gratianne Saroihandy, 97 years old, farmer, married, living in this village, died in her house of Saroiberria. Saroihandy or Accotain, Gracianne (I6081)
3502 Gratianne Sorhondo, 71 years old, housewife, widow of Gratian Alfaro, died in the house of Urrutia in this village. Sorhondo, Gratianne (I5194)
3503 Gratianne Tihista, 1 year old, Pierre Tihista and Catherine Urbeltz, died in her house of Elgartia.
Note: This death record clearly matches this Gratianne Tihista born in 1856, however the same individual has records of being married in 1878 and a death record in 1889. It is possible that the Gratianne who married and died in 1889 was really Jeanne born in 1858.  
Chotro-Tihista, Gratianne (I1056)
3504 Gratianne Tihista, 65 years old, housewife, widow, died in her house of Kosepenia. Tihista, Gratianne (I1381)
3505 Gratianne Tihista, daughter of Gratian Tihista and Jeanne Bernatgno, owners of the house of Chotro in the Aldudes.
Her godparents were Pierre Corcabal and Gratianne Bernatgno, absent but represented by Jeanne Laxague. 
Tihista, Gratianne (I1250)
3506 Gratianne Tihista, widow, elder owner of the house of Ythurrieta in this village. Tihista, Gratianne (I1250)
3507 Gratianne Unhaindy, young owner of the house of Poutunenia, died in this house, 23 years old.
Witnesses were Jean Etcheberry, sonneur des cloches and Jean Sallaberry, school master (maitre d'ecole). 
Bigot or Unhaindy, Gratianne (I4346)
3508 Gratianne Urrels, 53 years old, farmer, married to Antoine Coscarart, died in her house of Pericoenia. Urrels, Gratianne (I1147)
3509 Gratianne Ygusquiaguerre, 44 years old, died in the borde of Chichossena.
Witnesses were Pierre Arroqui, day laborer, 39 years old, husband of the deceased and Jean Haizaguerre, farmer, 46 years old. 
Igusquiaguerre dit Maidertto, Gratianne (I4739)
3510 Gratianne Yribarren, daughter of the first witness, died in the house of Cincoenia.
Witnesses were Jean Yribarren, farmer, 36 years old, father of the deceased and Laurent Yndaburu, farmer, 45 years old, co-owner of the house of Cincoenia.
Note: Since no age was given, it is assumed that this is the correct child. 
Iribarren, Gratianne (I4339)
3511 Gratianne Yuanahandy, 8 years old, unemployed, daughter of Bernard Yuanahandy and Gratianne Erramouspe, owners of Harchiloenia in this village, died in this house. Joannahandy, Gratianne (I13671)
3512 Gratianne, daughter of Bernard Amestoy, farmer (laboreur) and Gratianne Corcoil, owners of the house of Corcoil in the Aldudes.
Her godparents were Jean Amestoy and Gratianne Corcoil. 
Amestoy, Gratianne (I7062)
3513 Gratianne, daughter of Etienne Acotain and Jeanne Erramouspegui, owners of the house of Accotainbehere in this parish.
Her godparents were Michel Acotain, paternal grandfather and Gratianne Haira, maternal grandmother. 
Saroihandy or Accotain, Gratianne (I6048)
3514 Gratianne, daughter of Gratiane Etchebarne, farmer (laboreur) and Jeanne Chichast, his wife, owners of Heguicorotz in the Aldudes.
Her godparents were Jean Etchepare and Gratianne d'Uhalde, both of the Aldudes. 
Etchebarren, Gratianne (I7084)
3515 Gratianne, daughter of Jean Brust, farmer (laboreur) and Gratianne Amestoy, his wife, owners of the house of Charlesarena in the Aldudes.
Her godparents were Guillaume Haiceaguerre and Gratianne Brust. 
Brust, Gratianne (I1652)
3516 Gratianne, daughter of Jean Corcoil, farmer (laboreur) 37 years old and Dominique Jacaluz, his wife, owners of the house of Pouchy.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde dit Passano, farmer (laboreur) 60 years old and Jean Inda, 54 years old, woodkeeper (garde bois). 
Corcoil or Lanciry, Gratianne (I6662)
3517 Gratianne, daughter of Jean d'Arrambide in the quartier of Bastide and Isabelle d'Etchebers, owners of the house of Arrambide.
Her godparents were Jean, owner of the house of Jaureguy in Leispars and Gratianne d'Arrambide, paternal aunt. 
Arrambide, Gratianne (I9727)
3518 Gratianne, daughter of Jean Martinpoco and Isabelle Harriet, owners of the house of Martinpoco in this parish.
Her godparents was Martin Arrambide, brother and Gratianne Harriet, maternal aunt. 
Martinpoco or Arrambide, Gratianne (I465)
3519 Gratianne, daughter of Jean, owner of the borde of Oxouhart in the quartier of Bihurriette and daughter of the borde of Ohaco in the quartier of Iramehaca, owners of the borde of Oxouhart.
Her godparents were Gratian, elder owner of the borde of Ohaco, maternal grandfather and Gratianne, elder owner of Oxouhart, paternal grandmother. 
Oxarart, Gratianne (I9729)
3520 Gratianne, daughter of Marie Mentaberry, residing in the borde of Inharabia and an unknown father.
Her godparents were Jean Auchoberri, owner of Franchechenia and Gracianne Mentaberri, maternal aunt. 
Mentaberry, Gratianne (I6294)
3521 Gratianne, daughter of Mathias Ihitcague and Jeanne Harriet, young owners of the house of Soldadoarenea.
Her godparents were Pierre Harriet, maternal uncle and Gracianne Irey, paternal aunt. 
Ihitcague, Gratianne (I6430)
3522 Gratianne, daughter of Michel de Bastanchuhy and Marie de Joannesenia, owners of the house of this name in the Aldudes.
Her godparents were Martin de Salaberry, owner of the house of Salaberry and Gratiane de Joannessenia, maternal aunt. 
Bastanchuhy, Gratianne (I6851)
3523 Gratianne, daughter of Pierre Hiriart, 30 years old, shoemaker (cordonnier), sharecropper (metayer) of the house of Baratchart in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde dit Passano, farmer (laboreur) 60 years old and Jean Inda, woodkeeper (garde bois) 54 years old. 
Hiriart, Gratianne (I6632)
3524 Gratianne, daughter of the borde of Zahargoun, about 20 years old. Arandoquy or Cahargun, Gratianne (I9624)
3525 Gratianne, elder owner of the house of Harispe in Iramehaca, about 70 years old.
Witnesses were Baptiste Brustet and Gratian Souhilar. 
Harispe, Gratianne (I23248)
3526 Gratianne, inheritor of the house of Larreteguirenia in this parish, 2 months old.
Witnesses were Jean Etcheberry, sonneur des cloches and Jean Lohitcebehere of this parish. 
Antchagno dit Ernet, Gratianne (I6026)
3527 Gratianne, inheritor of the house of Tipitto, daughter of Martin Idiquy and Marie Hiriart, young owners of the house of Tipitto in the parish of Irouleguy, quartier of Aissarry.
Her godparents were Jean Hiriart, young owner of the house of Aincinecotche in the parish of St. Etienne, quartier of Guermiette and Gratianne Irary, elder owner of the house of Tipitto, paternal grandmother. 
Iriquy, Gratianne (I11274)
3528 Gratianne, owner of Landaburu in St. Etienne, about 56 years old.
Witnesses were Baptiste Brustet and Gratian Souhilar. 
Landaburu, Gratianne (I21817)
3529 Gratianne, owner of the house of Etcheberry in Mitxelene, about 30 years old.
Witnesses were Baptiste, owner or Errecalde in Mitxelene and Jean, young owner of Peilocorena. 
Tambourin, Gratianne (I21813)
3530 Gratianne, owner of the house of Etcheberry of Arcainchuhy, about 50 years old.
Witnesses were Michel, owner of Salisena and Jean, owner of Tambourinarena. 
Joanneshandy, Gratianne (I21796)
3531 Gratianne, owner of the house of Garidor of Leispars, 65 years old. Iriart, Gratianne (I1288)
3532 Gratianne, owner of the house of Tipitto, about 25 years old.
Witnesses were Beyty Ercatz, renter of the house of Tipitto, 57 years old and Betry Joannesederra, brother-in-law of the deceased, 29 years old. 
Iriquy, Gratianne (I11274)
3533 Gratianne, son of Bertrand Arrambide and Jeanne de Barcelon, owners of Chabanonea in the Aldudes.
Her godparents were Baptiste d'Arrambide, owner of Arrambidea and Jeanne de Barcelon, who was replaced by Gratianne, her mother. 
Arrambide, Gratianne (I7125)
3534 Gratien Erramuspe, inheritor of the house of Manechena and Marie d'Ernautena, daughter of the house of Ernautena.
Witnesses were Betri Erramuspe, Simon Ausquie, Baptiste Brustet and Gratian Souhilar. 
Family F6356
3535 Gratien Etcheberry, elder owner of the house of Chuhirenea in Belechy, about 73 years old.
Witnesses were Jean Etcheberry, owner of Herlatcea and Jean Marro, owner of the house of Marro. 
Etcheberry or Herlax, Gratian (I21435)
3536 Gratien Etcheverry, son of Jean d'Etcheverry and Marie de Nimignorena, owners of the house of Oxagarat in Assaldeguy.
Witnesses were Gratian de Nimignorena, maternal grandfather and Marthe d'Etcheverry, paternal aunt. 
Etcheverry or Salaberry, Gratian (I11687)
3537 Gratien Hitce, son of Bernard Hitce and Dominique Landachoco, owners of the house of Lepobeltcarena.
His godparents were Gratien Erramouspe, owner of Chasperro and Marie Joanneshandy, paternal grandmother. 
Amestoy or Itce, Gratian (I21568)
3538 Gratien Landachoco, son of Jean Landachoco and Marie Cuburu, owners of the house of Sagara in Belechy.
His godparents were Gratian Cuburu, maternal grandfather and Marie Landachoco, paternal aunt. 
Landachoco, Gratian (I23216)
3539 Gratien Landachoco, son of Jean Landachoco and Marie Sagara, owners of the house of Sagara in Belechy.
His godparents were Gratien Erramouspe, uncle by marriage and Gratianne Sagara, maternal grandmother. 
Landachoco, Gratian (I23217)
3540 Gratien, owner of Sagara, about 60 years old.
Witnesses were Michel Aspars and Pierre Erremerreca. 
Iriart or Cuburu, Gratian (I23206)
3541 Gratieuse Igoa, 7 months old, daughter of Mathieu Igoa and Isabelle Uhalde, living in this village, died in the house of Saroihandyborda. Igoa, Catherine/Gratieuse (I13172)
3542 Graziana Etchezahar was 57 years old when she died. Etcheberria, Graciana (I17853)
3543 Gregoire and Marguerite Sagouspe were living on Francis St. in Chino with their two sons and a hired man, Orien Owen. They owned their home which was worth $1,000. He was 54 years old and she was 55. He was a farmer. Sagouspe, Gregoire (I17554)
3544 Gregoire and Marguerite Sagouspe were living on Francis St. in Chino with their two sons and a hired man, Orien Owen. They owned their home which was worth $1,000. He was 54 years old and she was 55. He was a farmer. Ganchou, Marie Marguerite (I17555)
3545 Gregoire Igoa, married to Marie Antonena, farmer, living in Urepel, died in the house of Madaria, about 70 years old. Igoa, Gregorio/Gregoire (I13442)
3546 Gregoria Berecochea was 66 years old when he died. Berecochea, Gregorio (I16857)
3547 Gregorio and Jeronima Berecochea were living on Saratoga St. in Los Angeles with her sister Mary Arrachea. He was 41 years old, born May 1859, Jeronima was 24, born in Dec 1875 and Mary was 19, born in May 1883. They were all born in Spain, he immigrated in 1880 and the two sisters in 1886. He was a day laborer and Mary was a housemaid. Berecochea, Gregorio (I16857)
3548 Gregorio and Jeronima Berecochea were living on Saratoga St. in Los Angeles with her sister Mary Arrachea. He was 41 years old, born May 1859, Jeronima was 24, born in Dec 1875 and Mary was 19, born in May 1883. They were all born in Spain, he immigrated in 1880 and the two sisters in 1886. He was a day laborer and Mary was a housemaid. Arrachea, Maria Juana (I16783)
3549 Gregorio and Jeronima Berecochea were living on Saratoga St. in Los Angeles with her sister Mary Arrachea. He was 41 years old, born May 1859, Jeronima was 24, born in Dec 1875 and Mary was 19, born in May 1883. They were all born in Spain, he immigrated in 1880 and the two sisters in 1886. He was a day laborer and Mary was a housemaid. Arrachea, Maria Jeronima (I19172)
3550 Gregorio Arbonies owned a farm and lived alone on Occidental St. in San Juan. He was 55 years old and a widower. He immigrated in 1889 and was naturalized. He was a barber with his own shop. Arbonies, Gregorio (I17792)

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