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3051 Gratian de Chouitenea, son of Jean de Chouitenea and Jeanne ???, owners of the borde of Teillainairena in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Gratian d'Espelet, blacksmith and Jeanne d'Iriart, paternal aunt. 
Chouitenea, Gratian (I9386)
3052 Gratian de Chuhirena, son of Gratian de Chuhirena and Gratiane de Martin Sagararena, owners of Martin Sagararena in Belechy.
His godparents were Gratian, owner of Sagara in Acaldeguy and Gratiane de Chisco (?). 
Chuhy or Cuburu, Gratian (I23208)
3053 Gratian de Cubiarin, owner of Manechena in Ustordoquy, about 70 years old.
Witnesses were Jean Espelet and Pierre Ocafrain. 
Iputcha, Gratian (I9000)
3054 Gratian de Faure, son of Jean de Faure and Aignes d'Etchart Oronos, owners of the house of Curuxalde in St. Etienne.
His godparents were Gratian Etchart Oronos, maternal uncle and Marie Faure, maternal aunt. 
Faure, Gratian (I8480)
3055 Gratian de Garat, son of Martin de Garat and Marie d'Alfaro, owners of the borde of Larronde in the quartier of Esnaratxou who was baptised the same day by his uncle Martin d'Alfaro.
His godparents were Gratian. young owner of Nimignoarena and Gratiane d'Alfaro, maternal aunt. 
Garat, Gratian (I5897)
3056 Gratian de Gorte, inheritor of the borde of Oxagarate in Acaldeguy and Jeanne d'Aparain, daughter of Betriitzainarena in Iramehaca.
Witnesses were Gratian young owner of Betripeilorena, Jean de Nimignorena, cousin of the groom, Jean, inheritor of Lecciarena and Jean de Betriitzainarena, brother of the bride. 
Family F2451
3057 Gratian de Graciateguy, son of Michel de Graciateguy and Marie de Condia, owners of the borde of Arribelz,
His godparents were Me. Gratian Graciateguy and Jeanne de Condia, maternal aunt. 
Gachiteguy or Garciateguy or Artcainchahar, Gratian (I3963)
3058 Gratian de Herlatz, owner of the borde of Chuhirena in the quartier of Iramehaca, widower and Marie, elder owner of the borde of Landachoco in the quartier of Oyhansoro, widow. Family F6023
3059 Gratian de Hurbelz, young owner of Inharabie and Gratiane d'Ireguy, daughter of the borde of Chabaignorena in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Jean young owner of Iriart in St. Etienne, brother of the groom, Jean d'Inharabie, owner of Urruty in Occos, Miguel son of Anchaigno and Betry de Cuburu. 
Family F1896
3060 Gratian de Jacachoury, son of Guillen de Jacachoury and Marguerite, his wife, owners of the house of Jacachoury in Leispars.
His godparents were Gratian d'Aguerre in the village of Anhaux, maternal grandfather and Marie de Joanneshandy, aunt by marriage. 
Joanneshandy, Gratian (I8224)
3061 Gratian de Joanneshandy, son of Guilen de Joanneshandy and Marguerite de Jacachury, owners of the house of Jacachury in Usteleguy.
His godparents were Gratian de Joanneshandy, brother of the infant and Marie de Mentaberry of Usteleguy. 
Joanneshandy, Gratian (I8149)
3062 Gratian de Lascor, son of Jean de Lascor and Jeanne de Martinpoco, owners of the borde of Joalguinena in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Gratian de Poco, elder owner of Ohaco and Marie, owner of the house of Poco. 
Lascor, Gratian (I9748)
3063 Gratian de Lascor, son of Jean de Lascor and Marie de Goscorrebehere, owners of the borde called Joualguin in the quartier of Elicadeya.
His godparents were Gratian, elder owner of the borde of Ohaco, maternal uncle and Marie de Pocorena, maternal aunt. 
Lascor, Gratian (I5971)
3064 Gratian de Lascor, son of the borde of Joalguinena in the Aldudes and Fermine de Andalor from the village of Ariscun in the upper Navarre.
Witnesses were  
Family F2421
3065 Gratian de Lassa, son of Jean de Lassa and Marie Etchepare, owners of the borde of Ephelle in the quartier of Jaurmendy.
His godparents were Gratian, son of Ephele, maternal uncle and Marie Lassa, young owner of Ehailea, paternal aunt. 
Lassa, Gratian (I3508)
3066 Gratian de Legassa, son of Gratian (Pedro?) de Tamborinarena and Marie de Chemia, owners of the house of Legassa in the quartier of Urracariete.
His godparents were Gracian de Legassa, paternal uncle and Marie de Chemia, maternal aunt. 
Tamborinarena or Legassa, Gratian (I10847)
3067 Gratian de Leoniz, son of Jean de Leoniz and Marie d'Iribarne, owners of the house of Aoerreca.
His godparents were Gratian de Leoniz, paternal uncle and Gratiane d'Iribarne of Suhescun, maternal aunt. 
Leonis, Gratian (I10844)
3068 Gratian de Mariatcho, son of Jean Mariatcho and Marie de Gnimignorenia, owners of the house of Gnimignorenia in the quartier of La Fonderie.
His godparents were Gratian Itcainarena, owner of Itcainaren in Leispars and Jeanne de Gnimignorenia, owner of Peilloerreca. 
Mariatcho or Erramouspe or Falxa, Gratian (I18878)
3069 Gratian de Mococain, son of Pierre de Mococain and Marie d'Espelette, living in the house of Ipouxarena in St. Etienne.
His godparents were Gratian d'Espelette, blacksmith (marechal forgeron) and Jeanne de Mococain, paternal aunt. 
Mococain, Gratian (I9172)
3070 Gratian de Nimignorena, son of Miguel de Nimignorena and Marie de Marieyhararena, owners of the borde of Marieyhararena in Acaldeguy.
His godparents were Gratian de Nimignorena, paternal grandfather and Marie d'Erlax, maternal grandmother. 
Nimignoa, Gratian (I21190)
3071 Gratian de Nimignorena, son of Miguel de Nimignorena and Marie de Marieyhararena, owners of the borde of Marieyhararena in Acaldeguy.
His godparents were Gratian, young owner of Nimignorena, paternal uncle and Marie de Marieyhararena, maternal aunt. 
Nimignoa, Gratian (I21189)
3072 Gratian de Niminoarena, son of Peillo de Niminoarena and Marie d'Otxagarat, owners of the borde of Otxagarat in the quartier of Azaldeguy.
His godparents were Gratian de Niminoarena, paternal uncle and Catherine d'Otxagarat, maternal aunt. 
Nimignoarena or Gorte, Gratian (I21526)
3073 Gratian de Poco, son of Jean de Poco and Jeanne d'Etchevers, owners of the borde of Etchevers in the quartier of Aldudes.
His godparents were Gratian de Poco, paternal uncle and Jeanne d'Etchelecou, maternal aunt. 
Poco, Gratian (I9499)
3074 Gratian de Pocorena, inheritor of the borde of Gasteluzahar in the Aldudes and Marie d'Alfaro, daughter of the borde of Garaycoua in the quartier of Iramehaca.
Witnesses were Joannes d'Alfaro, inheritor of the borde of Garaycoua in the quartier of Iramehaca and Bernard de Souhilar, sonneur des cloches. 
Family F2729
3075 Gratian de Pocorena, son of Gratian de Pocorena and Marie de Perchinantorena, owners of the borde of Pocorena in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Gratian, elder owner of Ohaco, paternal uncle and Jeanne, owner of Miguelarzainarena, maternal aunt. 
Poco, Gratian (I9699)
3076 Gratian de Souhimots, son of Jean de Souhimots and Marie d'Iturribels, owners of the borde of Betchumegaray in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Gratian de Laxague, young owner of Souhimots and Francoise de Sarry, young owner of Elissabehere. 
Suhimots, Gratian (I7368)
3077 Gratian de Tamborinarena, son of Pierre de Tamborinarena and Catherine d'Oguihandy, owners of the house of Espondagaray in Mitxelene.
His godparents were Gratian elder owner of Espondagaray, paternal grandfather and Marie d'Oguihandy, maternal aunt. 
Tamborinarena or Legassa or Esponda, Gratian (I4217)
3078 Gratian de Tihista, elder owner of Saroihandy in the Aldudes, about 72 years old.
Witnesses were Pierre son of Saroiberry and Michel, owner of the borde of Uhalde. 
Cuburu or Tihista, Gratian (I8935)
3079 Gratian de Tihista, son of Jean de Tihista and Jeanne de Chotrorena, owners of the borde of Chotrorena.
His godparents were Gratian de Chotroenia, maternal uncle and Marie de Tihista, cadette of Saroyhandy, paternal aunt. 
Tihista or Chotro, Gratian (I1247)
3080 Gratian de Zaldumbide and Marie de Harguintoarena of Acaldeguy, both of the parish of St. Etienne.
Witnesses were Martin Orcafrain, mason and Martin d'Etchebarren, blacksmith. 
Family F6090
3081 Gratian Elgart, 2 days old, died in the house of Gattulia.
Witnesses were Gratian Elgart, 50 years old, grandfather and Gratian Elgart, 28 years old, father of the deceased. 
Elgart, Gratian (I5232)
3082 Gratian Elgart, 80 years old, farmer, widow of Isabelle Arrambide, died in the house of Gathuliaguerre in this village. Elgart, Gratian (I5230)
3083 Gratian Elgart, born 5/18/1784, legitimate son of Gratian Elgart and Jeanne Elhorrisoin, owners of the house of Doncuan in this village.
Elisabet Arrambide, born 12/24/1784, legitimate daughter of Antoine Arrambide and Marie Uharriet, owners of the house of Pedroscorena in this village.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, secretary to the mayor 45 years old, Pierre Methola 89 years old, Ferdinand Methola weaver 35 years old and Martin Hiriart, farmer (laboreur) 46 years old. 
Family F1626
3084 Gratian Elgart, farmer 37 years old and Ysabeau Arrambide, his wife, farmers (fermiers) of the house of Ichabelenia in this village, declared his name as Pierre.
Witnesses were Pierre Arroquy farmer 48 years old and Arnaud Etcheverry weaver 34 years old. 
Elgart, Pierre/Pedro (I7950)
3085 Gratian Elgart, farmer, 80 years old, widower, owner of the house of Doncuanena in this village. Elgart, Gratian (I1664)
3086 Gratian Elgart, son of Martin Elgart and Jeanne Itcaina, young owners of Elgart in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Gratian Itcaina, maternal grandfather and Marie Poco, paternal grandmother. 
Elgart, Gratian (I1664)
3087 Gratian Elhorrisoin, farmer (laboreur) 40 years old, owner of the house of Phagacelhai, declared the birth of this natural child to Gratianne Ygusquiaguerre, his sister-in-law.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, teacher (instituteur) in this village, 45 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker (cordonnier), 42 years old, owner of the house of Esquil. 
Igusquiaguerre, Gratian (I5894)
3088 Gratian Elhorrisoin, farmer, 56 years old, presents a natural child, born to an unknown father and Louise Bourmalatz, his goddaughter, living with him and her mother in the house of Phacelhai for whom they give the name of Jean.
Witnesses were Jean Gariador, farmer, 45 years old and Jean Ardans, 63 years old, farmer. 
Elhorrisoin, Jean (I12031)
3089 Gratian Elhorrisoin, son of Pierre Elhorrisoin and Gracianne Doncuanenea, owners of Doncuanenea in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Gratian Chotro, owner of Chotrorenea in the Aldudes and his domestic took his place at the baptismal font and Marie Elhorrisoin, owner of Eskilagelia in the Aldudes. 
Elhorrisoin, Gratian (I7096)
3090 Gratian Elhorrizoin, farmer, 61 years old, widower, owner of the house of Paracelay. Elhorrisoin, Gratian (I4987)
3091 Gratian Elicague, owner of the house of Elicague in the quartier of Otticoren and Francoise Barnetche, daughter of the house of Barnetche in Iramehaca.
Witnesses were Pierre Elicague, brother of the groom, Jean Hiriart, brother in law of the groom, Pierre Barnetche, brother of the bride and Jean Mocosain. 
Family F2149
3092 Gratian Epelle, son of Gratian Epelle and Magdelaine Ferranyo, owners of Joannesbelchena in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Gratian Ilharragorry, paternal cousin and Catherine Ferranyo, maternal aunt. 
Ephele, Gratian (I6715)
3093 Gratian Ephele, 34 years old, legitimate son of Jean Ephele and Marie Etchaluz, owners in their lifetime of the house of Joannesbelchenia in this village.
Marie Mariluch, 33 years old, legitimate daughter of Jean Mariluch and Marie Bidondo, owners in their lifetime of the house of Lanciria.
Witnesses were Jean Ephele, father of the groom farmer (laborer) 59 years old, Baptiste Ardans, farmer (laboreur) 23 years old, Marie Chaharra 45 years old and Jeanne Manechena co-owner of Joannesbelchenia 60 years old. 
Family F1528
3094 Gratian Ephele, 74 years old, widower, farmer, died in his house of Joanesbels. Ephele, Gratian (I4863)
3095 Gratian Ernague, son of Jean Ernague, owner of the house of Harriondo in the Aldudes and Marie Poco, his wife.
His godparents were Gratian Ernague, grandfather of the baptisted and Marie Etchalecuto, owner of the house of Etchalecuto in the Aldudes. 
Ernaga, Gratian (I7044)
3096 Gratian Erramouspe, 37 years old, farmer, owner of the house of Joannesederra in this village and Dominguette Arambel, 33 years old, housewife, his wife, declared the birth of a daughter named Marie.
Witnesses were Jean Baptiste Irigaray, teacher, 33 years old and Jean Iribarne, farmer, 66 years old. 
Erramouspe, Marie (I8450)
3097 Gratian Erramouspe, 42 years old, farmer, son of the late Jean Erramouspe and the late Marie Salaberry, owners of the house of Nimignoarenea.
Magdalaine Idiart, 27 years old, daughter of Jean Idiart and the late Ysabelle Yrigoyen, owners of Colomio.
Witnesses were Domingo Arignet, owner of the house of Chanchorenea, farmer, 40 years old; Salvat Yribarne, 45 years old, farmer; Jean Erramouspe, owner of the house of Tipitto, 31 years old, farmer and Gratian Landabourou, owner of the house of Landabourou, 42 years old, farmer, all were living in the village of La Fonderie. 
Family F4084
3098 Gratian Erramouspe, son of Gratian Erramouspe and Marie Etchart, owners of the house of Etchart in St. Etienne.
His godparents were Gratian Etchart, maternal uncle and Jeanne Gnimigno, paternal grandmother. 
Erramouspe, Gratian (I22047)
3099 Gratian Erramuspe, 33 years old, legitimate son of Jean Erramuspe and Marie Ytcaina, owners in their lifetime of the house of Donaleguybehere in the village of La Fonderie.
Jeanne Inda, 34 years old, legitimate daughter of Jean Ynda and Marie Ernautene, owners of the house Miguelartcaina.
Witnesses were Baptiste Ardans, eldest child of the house of Berha farmer (laboreur) 24 years old, Jean Oxarart eldest child of the house of Ferrandorena 21 years old, Jean Laxague farmer (laboreur) 60 years old owner of the house of Etcheverry and Marie Chaharra farmer 47 years old farmer (laboreuse).  
Family F982
3100 Gratian Erramuspe, 63 years old, farmer, married in this village, died in the house of Teilaina. Erramuspe, Gratian (I3626)

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