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 #   Notes   Linked to 
2751 Gracian d'Iribarne, owner of the house of Manesena in the quartier of Ustordoquy, about 60 years old. Iribarne, Gracian/Guerecian (I21956)
2752 Gracian d'Iriberrybehere, elder owner of Golco in Ainhabie, about 88 years old. Iriberribehere, Gratian (I21667)
2753 Gracian d'Irigoyty, young owner of the borde of Sagara in the quartier of Acaldeguy, about 30 years old. Irigoity, Gratian (I23222)
2754 Gracian d'Ocafrain, son of Joannes d'Ocafrain and Marie d'Orrechury, owners of the borde of Noblia in the quartier of Esnaratz in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Gracian d'Etchalecu, paternal uncle and Marie de Joanetena. 
Ocafrain or Ehailea, Gratian (I7354)
2755 Gracian d'Ohaco, son of Martin d'Ohaco and Dominique Etchemendi, owners of the house of Etchemendi in the quartier of Aldudes.
His godparents were Gracian de Zouboure, owner of the house of Alhaste and Marie d'Aranbel, owner of Goscar in the quartier of Aldudes. 
Ohaco, Gratian (I7245)
2756 Gracian d'Oquyhandy in the parish of Anhaux and Marie, inheritor of the house of Chemiarena in the quartier of Mitxelene.
Witnesses were Joannes, owner of Larraburu in the quartier of Bastide and Pedro, owner of Esponda in Mitxelene. 
Family F3016
2757 Gracian d'Oronos Etchart, son of Pedro d'Etchart and Marie de Niminorena, owners of the house of Oronos Etchart in Guermiette.
His godparents were Gracian, owner of the house of Errecalde in Leispars and Marie de Maisterrena. 
Etchart Oronos, Gratian (I7651)
2758 Gracian d'Ospital in the quartier of the Bastide, son of Jean d'Ospital and Gracianne d'Elgart, owners of the house of Ospital.
His godparents were Gracian d'Etcheberry, owner of the house of Elgart and Marie d'Ospital. 
Ospital, Gratian (I6657)
2759 Gracian d'Urla, son of Joannes d'Urla and Agnes ??, owners of the house of Urla in Acaldeguy.
His godparents were Gracian, son of Pocorena and Jeanne d'Anchano, renter of Teilaria. 
Antchagno, Gratian (I8227)
2760 Gracian de Badiere, son of Bernard de Badiere and Catherine de Garchiateguy, owners of the borde of Erreca in St. Etienne, quartier of Iparraguerre.
His godparents were Me. Gracian de Garchiateguy, priest, maternal cousin and Dominique, daughter of the house of Elicondo in St. Etienne, maternal cousin. 
Badiere or Erreca, Gratian (I5728)
2761 Gracian de Barnetche, son of the borde of Epelle in the Aldudes and Catherine, inheritor of the house of Jatxaldebehere in Iparraguerre.
Witnesses were Joannes d'Etcheto, uncle of the bride and Baptiste d'Epelle, brother of the groom. 
Family F2800
2762 Gracian de Barnetchegaray, son of Pedro de Barnetchegaray of Oticoren and Marie de Dendariarena, owners of the house of Barnetchegaray in Oticoren.
His godparents were Gracian, owner of Dendariarena, maternal grandfather and Marie de Barnetchegary, owner of Etcheberria. 
Barnetchegaray, Gracian (I10538)
2763 Gracian de Bourmalatz of Oticoren and Jeanne, inheritor of the borde of Bastanchouhy in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Joannes, inheritor of Bourmalatz, brother of the groom and Domingo de Bastanchouhy, uncle of the bride. 
Family F2138
2764 Gracian de Copen, son of Joannes de Copen and Catherine de Hasquet, owners of the house of Hasquet in the quartier of Leispars.
His godparents were Gracian de Copen, uncle paternal and Catherine de Hasquet, maternal aunt. 
Copen dit Hasquet, Gratian (I1993)
2765 Gracian de Cuburu, son of Joannes de Cuburu and Josephe de Lascor, owners of the borde of Couhatsmourguy in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Gracian de Cuburu, owner of Saroyhandy, paternal uncle and Marie de Cuburu, paternal aunt. 
Cuburu, Gracian (I10311)
2766 Gracian de Cuburu, twin son of Gracian de Cuburu and Marie de Niminorena, owners of the borde of Saroyhandy in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Gracian, owner of Niminorena in Leispars and Jeanne de Joanneshandirena, owner of ??? 
Cuburu, Gracian (I10445)
2767 Gracian de Harambel, son of Joannes de Harambel and Marie d'Etchebers, owners of the borde of Harambel in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Gracian d'Etchebers and Marguerite d'Arzainchaharra. 
Elicague or Arcainchaharra dit Arambel, Gratian (I4351)
2768 Gracian de Jaccachury, about 100 years old.
Witnesses were Pierre de Bernautena and Jean de Larrabouru. 
Aguerre, Gracian (I9455)
2769 Gracian de Jaureguy, son of Joannes de Jaureguy and Dominique d'Etchebers, owners of the house of Etchebers in St. Etienne.
His godparents were Gracian d'Etchebers, maternal uncle and Graciane d'Iriberry, paternal grandmother. 
Jaureguy, Gracian (I10412)
2770 Gracian de Langave, son of Pedro de Langave and Graciane d'Epele, owners of the borde of Langave in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Gracian de Barnetche and Marie d'Orrechoury. 
Langabe or Joanot or Chotro, Gratian (I1996)
2771 Gracian de Latxague, son of the house of Barberarena in St. Etienne and Marie d'Espinal, inheritor of the borde of Cardinalia in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Pierre d'Ainciburu, master surgeon (Me. chirugien), cousin of the groom and Bernard de Martinena, shoemaker (cordonier), cousin of the bride. 
Family F2801
2772 Gracian de Legassa, son of Pierre de Legassa and Jeanne de Marilus, owners of Eiharalde in the quartier of Mitxelen.
His godparents were Gracian de Legassa, paternal uncle and Jeanne de Bercetche. 
Legassa, Gracian (I10857)
2773 Gracian de Legasse, son of Bernat de Legasse and Marguerite de Zaldu.
His godparents were Gracian de Tamborinarena and Marie de Zaldu. 
Legassa, Gratian (I3844)
2774 Gracian de Mendiburu, son of Joannes de Mendiburu and Marie d'Aparain, owners of the house of Mendiburu in Leispars.
His godparents were Gracian d'Aparain, maternal uncle and Dominique de Mendiburu, paternal aunt. 
Mendiburu, Gracian (I10314)
2775 Gracian de Mespe, son of Bernard de Mespe and Catherine de Bigot, owners of the borde of Ouhepele in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Me. Gracian de Garciateguy, priest, paternal uncle and Magdelaine de Bigot, maternal aunt. 
Mespe or Lassa, Gratian (I8492)
2776 Gracian de Minhondo, son of Antonena and Marie, inheritor of the borde of Oholbiey in the quartier of Acaldeguy.
Witnesses were Betry d'Antonena, brother of the groom and Bernard de Souhilar, sonneur des cloches. 
Family F1860
2777 Gracian de Mocarte, son of Joannes de Mocarte and Marie de Pocorena, owners of the borde of Martinpoco in the quartier of Coscor in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Gracian de Mourmalatz, owner of Bastanchouhy, paternal uncle and Jeanne de Pocorena, maternal aunt. 
Mocarte or Martinpoco, Gratian (I8863)
2778 Gracian de Mourmalatz, son of Joannes de Mourmalatz and Marie de Pocorena, owners of the borde of Coscorre in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Gracian de Pocorena, maternal uncle and Catherine de Mourmalatz, paternal aunt. 
Bourmalatz, Gratian (I10239)
2779 Gracian de Niminorena, son of Gracian de Niminorena and Agnes d'Eliconde, owners of the house of Niminorena in Leispars.
His godparents were Gracian d'Iribarne, owner of Ustotordoquy and Marie de Niminorena, owner of Oronos Etchart, aunt. 
Nimignoa, Gratian (I8141)
2780 Gracian de Pocorena, son of Joannes de Pocorena and Dominique de Dendariarena, owners of the borde of Ourepel in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Gracian de Pocorena, paternal uncle and Catherine, owner of the house of Dendariarena in St. Etienne, maternal aunt. 
Poco, Gratian (I10160)
2781 Gracian de Salaberry, inheritor of the borde of Falsa in the quartier of Iramehaca and Marie, daughter of the house of Itzainarena in Leispars.
Witnesses were Joannes de Salaberry, owner of the house of Otxoby in Bastide, brother of the groom and Joannes de Leonis cason of Sorcabalbehere, brother in law of the groom. 
Family F2190
2782 Gracian de Salaberry, son of Joannes de Salaberry and Janne de Tihista, owners of the borde called Saroyhandy.
His godparents were Gracian de Tihista, maternal grandmother and Marie, owner of Salaberry, paternal grandmother. 
Salaberry dit Saroihandy, Gratian (I6014)
2783 Gracian de Saroyhandy died on this day after being born on 3/11/1707. Cuburu, Gracian (I10445)
2784 Gracian de Souhilar, son of Bernard de Souhilar alias Gigante and Marie de Cuburu.
His godparents were Gracian de Cuburu and Jeanne d'Apechena. 
Souhilar, Gracian (I10657)
2785 Gracian de Souhilar, son of Bernard de Souhilar, sonneur des cloches and Marie de Cuburu, daughter of Tihista, living in St. Etienne.
His godparents were Gracian de Bercetche, son of Cuburu, sonneur des cloches and Marie d'Espelete, benoite. 
Souhilar, Gratian (I10349)
2786 Gracian Erro was 60 years old when he died. Erro, Gracian (I16463)
2787 Gracian Etchalecu and Joannes Arrambide, elder and young owners of the borde of Chilo in the Aldudes contracting for Marie Etchalecu, their daughter and sister-in-law, as one part.
Dominique Barnetche, widow, owner proprietaire of the borde of Betriscoenea, also in the Aldudes assisted by Sanson Barnetche, her brother, owner of the borde of Bidegain in the Aldudes contracting for Antoine Iriart, her eldest son, as the other part. 
Family F1117
2788 Gracian Etcheverry, 19 years old, farmer, living in La Fonderie, son of Jean Etcheverry, farmer, and the late Marie Nimingoarena, his wife, and Gracianne Oquilanberro, 31 years old, daughter of Jean Oquilanberro, farmer, and Gracianne Larralde, his wife, both living in Baigorry.
Gracian Etcheverry was born on 8/15/1776 and Gracianne Oquilabberro was born on 12/20/1763.
Witnesses were Gracian Ilharragorry, farmer, 21 years old, friend; Joannes Catalinarena, farmer, 22 years old, brother of the bride; Marie Changala, 32 years old, friend; and Catherine Curutchet, 32 years old, friend.
Family F3259
2789 Gracian Hiribarren, farmer, living in San Francisco, died on 8/10/1859 in San Francisco, he was about 48 years old, born in the Aldudes and married to Marie Arrambide. Iribarren, Gratian (I11917)
2790 Gracian Iribarne, inheritor of the house of Harispe, son of the late Arnaud Iribarne and Jeanne Golco, owners of the house of Harispe in this village, 23 years old.
Marie Arambel, daughter of the late Antoine Arambel and Jeanne Lechia of the house of Marmaro, 25 years old.
Witnesses were not relatives. 
Family F4096
2791 Gracian Irigaray, domestic at Percainenia and Quiteria Ferranyo, cadette of the house of Gortheiry, both in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Jean Haranbel, Jean Ocafrain, Jean Ferranyo, brother of the bride and Dominique Ferranyo, her cousin.  
Family F1207
2792 Gracian Mococain, inheritor of the house of Uhartegaray in the quartier of Leispars and Marthe Iriberry, cadette of Cubiatheraindi in St. Etienne.
Witnesses were Pierre d'Olhasso, Jean Iriberry, brother of the bride, Jean de Brustet and Miguel Sabina, owner of Legarria. 
Family F5993
2793 Gracian Nimignoa, young owner of Oxaart in this village, declared the birth of a daughter with Gracianne Oquilanberro, his wife, and declared her name as Marie. Nimignoa Sallaberry, Marie (I12523)
2794 Gracian Simon de Badiere, son of Bernard de Badiere and Catherine d'Erreca, owners of the house of Erreca in the quartier of Iparraguerre.
His godparents were Simon, elder owner of the house of Erreca, maternal grandfather and Graciane de Gacheteguy, owner of Dendariarena, maternal aunt. 
Badiere, Gratian Simon (I10261)
2795 Gracian Sorhondo, blacksmith, 28 years old, died in the house of Sorhondo in the quartier of Occos.
Witnesses were Jean Sorhondo, farmer, 32 years old, brother of the deceased and Jean Borderre, farmer, 52 years old. 
Sorhondo, Gratian (I21575)
2796 Gracian Teilaguina, ..... of the late Jeanne Ilharragorri and Marie .... Gentilbehere, widow of Pierre Coscorchilo.
Witnesses were Me. Martin Etcheberri, vicaire (priest), Jean Etcheberri, schoolmaster, ??? Arandoqui, cadet of Ernautena and Bernard Coscorre, elder owner of Coscorre. 
Family F3049
2797 Gracian, cadet of Legaxa, 60 years old.
Witnesses were Jean, owner of Pastorena and Jean, inheritor of Thambourin. 
Tamborinarena or Legassa, Gratian (I10847)
2798 Gracian, cadet son of the house of Iriart in St. Etienne and Jeanne, inheritor of the house of Gastainerreca in St. Etienne quartier of Echaus.
Witnesses were Joannes Ernautena, owner of Otzanaitz, brother in law of the groom and Bernard de Souhilar, sonneur des cloches. 
Family F2225
2799 Gracian, cadet son of the house of Legassa and Marie, inheritor of the house of Espondagaray in the quartier of Mitxelene.
Witnesses were Pierre de Legassa, brother of the groom and Pierre d'Itce. 
Family F1107
2800 Gracian, elder owner of Errecalde in Leispars, about 60 years old. Errecalde, Gracian (I21559)

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