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 #   Notes   Linked to 
2551 Francois d'Etcheto, son of Pierre d'Etcheto and Louise de Curutchet, owners of the house called Barberenia in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Francois Etchenique, Spanish nationality, commander of the brigade of Aldudes and Jeanne d'Espeleta. 
Etcheto, Francois (I7530)
2552 Francois de Graciateguy, son of Pierre de Graciateguy and Anne Marie d'Asco, owners of the Graciateguy in Leispars.
His godparents were Francois d'Asco, maternal uncle and Marie de Graciateguy, paternal aunt. 
Gacheteguy, Francois (I22948)
2553 Francois Elgart, 18 years old, farmer, son of Samson Elgart and Marie Arambel, died in the house of Harguinarenia in this village. Elgart, Francois (I13595)
2554 Francois Etchart, 89 years old, farmer, husband of Marie Menta, died in the house of Gortheyrugaray in this village. Etchart, Francois (I3593)
2555 Francois Etchart, farmer (laboreur) 34 years old and Marie Menta, his spouse, owners of the house of Gortairygaray in the quartier of Sarasteguy.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde dit Passano, 62 years old obergiste and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 41 years old, owner of the house of Esquil. 
Etchart, Catherine (I4514)
2556 Francois Etchart, farmer (laboreur) 34 years old, declared the birth of this natural child to his sister, Marie Etchart, cadette of the house of Gorthairugarai in this village.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, secretary of the mayor of this village and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 42 years old, owner of the house of Esquil. 
Etchart, Marie (I4937)
2557 Francois Etchart, paternal uncle, farmer 31 years old, owner of the house of Gortairygaray declared the birth by Marie Etchart, his sister.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde dit Passano, 61 years old farmer and Jean Inda dit Akerra, 55 years old woodsman. 
Etchart, Marie (I4423)
2558 Francois Harispuru, shoemaker, 29 years old, cadet of the house of Chabadinena in this village, single. Harispuru, Francois (I12823)
2559 Francois Jaureguiberry dit Bentaberry, 39 years old, customs agent (preposes des douanes), widower of the late Marie Heguilus, daughter of Baptiste Jaureguiberry dit Bentaberry and Jeanne Indaburu, living in the village of Uhart close to St. Jean Pied de Port.
Elizabeth Uhalde, 39 years old, widow of the late Bernard Bidondo, daughter of the late Guillaume Uhalde and Dominica Gnafar, owners of the house of Mendimenta in the Aldudes.
Note: There is no record of Elizabeth being married to Bernard Bidondo and it is assumed this information is incorrect. Further research necessary. 
Family F4133
2560 Francois Ohaco, farmer, 19 years old, died in the house of Etchemendy.
Witnesses were Michel Ohaco, farmer, 50 years old, father of the deceased and Bernard Ernagua, farmer, 55 years old. 
Ohaco, Francois (I12318)
2561 Francois Soulan, son of Martin Soulan and Gratianne Hasqueta, renters of Petrigoardenia.
His godparents were Francois Soulan from Ainhoa and Marie Idiquy, owner of Salvadorenia. 
Ursulain or Soulhar, Francois (I1868)
2562 Francois Ursulain, cadet of Capetain-chaharrarenea, died suddenly of a fall, 17 years old.
Witnesses were Jean Bigot, inheritor of Joannesbeltch and Jean Inda, owner of Miguel-artcainarenea. 
Ursulain or Soulhar, Francois (I1868)
2563 Francois, cadet son of the house of Gachiteguy in St. Etienne and Jeanne de Beltza, eldest daughter of the house of Handisco, also in St. Etienne.
Witnesses were Joseph Gachiteguy, Gratian Gachiteguy, brothers of the groom, Pierre Gachiteguy, owner of the house of Sorcabal in the quartier of Iparraguerre and Jean Etchenique, uncle and cousin of the groom. 
Family F6646
2564 Francois, son of Arnaud Etchart and Marie Etcheberry, renters (locataires) of Gorthairy.
His godparents were Francois Etchart, owner of Frantcessenea, paternal grandfather and Marie Zubiat, owner of Gorthairy. 
Etchart, Francois (I3593)
2565 Francois, son of Emanuel Hirigoyen and Francoise Etchart, renters (locataires) of the house of Picociarenea.
His godparents were Francois Etchart, maternal grandfather and Catherine Hirigoyen, paternal aunt. 
Hirigoyen, Francois (I6217)
2566 Francoise Alfaro, widow, owner of the house of Martinenagaray, 70 years old, died in this house.
Witnesses were Pierre Joanesgaste, owner of Louischotro, farmer (laboreur) and Jean Auchoberry, weaver (tisserand), cadet of Auchoberry, neighbors. 
Alfaro or Maidertto, Francoise (I3618)
2567 Francoise Arroquy, widow of Jean Etchebarren, 90 years old, died in the house of Muthillaenia. Arroquy or Coscorrechilo, Francoise (I4279)
2568 Francoise Caldubehere, 50 years old, married to Pierre Cuburu, renters (locataires) at the house of Fourrilloenia. Caldubehere, Francoise (I12085)
2569 Francoise Chotro, cadette of the house of Chotro, died in this house in the quartier of Exnaratsu.
Witnesses were her brothers, Jean Tihista owner of Chotroenia, 44 years old and Bernard Tihista owner of Cochinera, 36 years old. 
Tihista, Francoise (I2181)
2570 Francoise Coscorchilo, daughter of Pierre Coscorechilo and Marie Etchebarren, young owners of the house of Yentilea.
Her godparents were Pierre Coscorechilo, cadet of Yentilea and Francoise Etchebarren, owner of Ithurburua, maternal aunt. 
Arroquy or Coscorrechilo, Francoise (I4279)
2571 Francoise d'Alfaro, daughter of Martin d'Alfaro and Marie de Maidertorena, owners of the borde of Iturburieta in Esnaratxou.
Her godparents were Paul d'Iriberry, owner of Garaicoborda and Francoise de Hasqueta, owner advantice of Auchoberry. 
Alfaro or Maidertto, Francoise (I3618)
2572 Francoise d'Apecarena, daughter of Pedro d'Apecarena (d'Itcainarena?) and Marie d'Urracariete.
Her godparents were Joannes de Martinena and Francoise d'Itcainarena. 
Itcainarena dit Pedrottipia, Francoise (I9353)
2573 Francoise d'Arcainchaharrarena, daughter of Michel d'Arcainchaharrarena and Jeanne de Harguinarena, owners of the borde of Harguinarena in the Aldudes.
Her godparents were Michel de Gariador, cadet of the borde of Betchume in the Aldudes, paternal cousin and Francoise d'Oxalde, owner of the borde of Harguianrena in the Aldudes in the quartier of Esnazu. 
Arcainchaharra or Ithurribelz, Francoise/Franchicho (I10080)
2574 Francoise d'Etchart, son the inheritor of Abadie in the village of Moncayolle in Soule and Catherine, daughter of Coscorregaray in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Arnaud Etchart, brother of the groom; Gratian inheritor of Ehailearena of Aldudes; Bernard owner of Coscorre of Aldudes and Pierre, son of Manesarroquy, brother of the bride. 
Family F602
2575 Francoise d'Etchebarne, daughter of Jean d'Etchebarne nicknamed Fitecoquin and Francoise d'Itzainainia, owners of the borde of Teillaguinainia in the Aldudes.
Her godparents were Dominique d'Itzainainia, maternal uncle and Francoise d'Asquet, owner of Auceberry. 
Etchebarne or Chochoa, Francoise (I8749)
2576 Francoise d'Etcheberry, daughter of Domingo d'Etcheberry and Catherine de Souhiete.
Her godparents were Joannes d'Etcheberry, paternal uncle and Francoise de Souhiete, maternal aunt. 
Etcheberry or Madari, Francoise (I5746)
2577 Francoise d'Ihistariarena, daughter of Jean d'Ihistariarena and Catherine de Bigotena, owners of the borde of Aucoberry in the Aldudes.
Her godparents were Domingo, owner of the borde of Ferrando Haisquetta, maternal relative by marriage and Francoise de Hasquetta. 
Ihistaria or Maidertto or Mendy, Francoise (I1422)
2578 Francoise d'Itcainarena of Leispars, married to Domingo Ouhide, about 45 years old.  Itcainarena, Francoise (I10768)
2579 Francoise d'Itcainarena, daughter of Pedro d'Itcainarena and Graciane Oronos Etchart, owners of the borde of Hourbelz in the Aldudes.
Her godparents were Joannes de Sarry and Graciane d'Itcainarena. 
Itcainarena, Francoise (I10052)
2580 Francoise d'Itcainarena, owner of the borde of Cohietta in the Aldudes, about 35 years old.
Witnesses were Baptiste de Brustet, sonneur des cloches and Mathias, owner of the borde of Chabaignorena in the Aldudes 
Itcainarena dit Cohieta, Francoise (I8946)
2581 Francoise de Alfaro, daughter of Martin de Alfaro and Marie de Maiderto, owners of the borde of Itourbouru in the Aldudes.
Her godparents were Jean de Alfaro, paternal uncle owner of the borde of Bihurrietagarai and Francoise de Maidertto, daughter of the borde of Auchoberri. 
Alfaro, Francoise (I8020)
2582 Francoise de Barhenetche, daughter of Miguel de Barhenetche and Catherine d'Elizabehere of the village of Lasse, owners of the borde of Barhenetche in the quartier of Iramehaca.
Her godparents were Jean, elder owner of Iriart of St. Etienne, maternal uncle and Francoise, daughter of Barhenetche, paternal aunt. 
Barhenetche, Francoise (I7300)
2583 Francoise de Barhenetche, daughter of Pierre de Barhenetche and Dominique d'Erramuspe, owners of the borde of Barhenetche of Iramehaca.
Her godparents were Pierre d'Erramuspe, maternal uncle and Francoise d'Barhenetche, paternal aunt. 
Barnetche, Francoise (I8025)
2584 Francoise de Curuchet, daughter of Jean d'Iraburu and Marie de Curuchet, owners of the borde of Barberarena in the Aldudes.
Her godparents were Beltran d'Iraburu, paternal grandfather and Francoise de Mendigorry, grandmother. 
Curutchet, Francoise (I8467)
2585 Francoise de Haisquetta, daughter of Salvat de Haisquetta and Jeanne de Goscorre, owners of the borde of Salvadorrena in the Aldudes.
Her godparents were Bernard, owner of Gorrialde in Leispars and Francoise de Bernadet. 
Hasquet, Francoise (I1741)
2586 Francoise de Hourbels, daughter of Gratian de Hourbels and Gratianne d'Iriguy, owners of the borde of Inharabie.
Her godparents were Jean d'Ainchaigno, mason and Francoise, young owner of Iriart in St. Etienne. 
Hurbels, Francoise (I8392)
2587 Francoise de Marianarena, daughter of Martin de Gorte and Marie de Marianarena, owners of the house of Marianarena in Occos.
Her godparents were Pedro d'Etcaun and Francoise d'Etchenique. 
Marianarena, Francoise (I2109)
2588 Francoise de Mococain, twin daughter of Pierre de Mococian and Jeanne de Louyssena.
Her godparents were Miguel d'Aguerre and Francoise de Mococain. 
Mococain, Francoise (I10645)
2589 Francoise de Nimignoarena, daughter of Miguel de Nimignoarena and Laude de Courouxet, living in the house of Barberarena in the Aldudes.
Her godparents were Jean de Nimignoarena, paternal grandfather and Francoise de Courouxet, maternal aunt. 
Nimignoarena, Francoise (I8287)
2590 Francoise de Sarry, daughter of Joannes de Sarry and Marie de Licerasse, owners of the house of Chilo in Occos.
Her godparents were Bernard de Sarry, paternal grandfather and Francoise, owner of Inda in Occos, maternal aunt. 
Sarry, Francoise (I21366)
2591 Francoise Deyres, legitimate daughter of Sever Deyres and Catherine Tausin, living in the Cabe.
Her godparents were Jean Deyres and Francoise Capbern, father and son who signed with me. (note: it is unclear whether this is refering to Jean and Sever since there is only one signature of Jean Deyres on the document), 
Deyres, Francoise (I11107)
2592 Francoise Domingohandia, co-owner of the house of Joanneshandia in Belechy, about 52 years old.
Witnesses were Pierre Domingohandia, son of the deceased and Jean Domingohandia. 
Domingohandy, Francoise (I21489)
2593 Francoise Domingorena, daughter of Pierre de Domingorena and Janne de Dorrechury, owners of the borde of Domingohandia in the quartier of Belegi.
Her godparents were Joannes de Dorrechury, maternal uncle and Francoise d'Inda, paternal relative. 
Domingohandy, Francoise (I21489)
2594 Francoise Erreca, 80 years old, married to Jean Espeleguy, died in the house of Monossaenia in this village. Erreca, Francoise (I11185)
2595 Francoise Etchart, farmer, 82 years old, widow, renter (locataire) of the house of Espartin. Etchart, Francoise (I5529)
2596 Francoise Etchebarren, 10 years old, farmer, died in her house of Bordaberria. Etchebarren, Francoise (I6552)
2597 Francoise Etchebarren, farmer, 60 years old, married to Dominique Iribarren, owner of the house of Louishandia in this village. Etchebarren, Francoise (I7781)
2598 Francoise Etchevers, 6 years old,. daughter of the renters of Croquenia Etchevers, Francoise (I12712)
2599 Francoise Etcheverst, 84 years old, farmer, widow of Pierre Ithurralde, died in her house of Arcamotcaenia in this village. Etchevers, Francoise (I12257)
2600 Francoise Halty, daughter of Martin Halty and Marie Anchagno, owners of the house of Haltirenea in the Aldudes.
Her godparents were Pierre Anchagno, maternal uncle and Francoise Halty, paternal aunt. 
Halty, Francoise (I6761)

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