Matches 251 to 300 of 21,746
# | Notes | Linked to |
251 | Agnes d'Etchepare, daugther of Domingo d'Etchepare of Anhaux and Louyse d'Elicondo, owners aventices of the house of the borde of Mariscorena in Leispars. Her godparents were Bernard d'Etchepare d'Irouleguy and Agnes d'Elicondo, owner of the borde of Manessenia in the quartier of Ustatordoguy. | Etchepare, Agnes (I10281)
252 | Agnes d'Etzaun, daughter of Pedro d'Etzaun and Marie d'Ipar, owners of the house of Etzaun in St. Etienne. Her godparents were Ernaud d'Ipar, maternal uncle and Agnes, owner of Nimignoarena in Leispars, paternal aunt. | Etxaun, Agnes (I7729)
253 | Agnes de Biscar, daughter of Martin de Biscar and Marie d'Iriart, owners adventice of the house of Mendigain in Bastide. Her godparents were Jean d'Iriart, owners of the house of Marroenia and Aignes d'Etchegaray, paternal grandmother, elder owner of Bordaberry in Belechy. | Biscar, Aignes (I21291)
254 | Agnes de Cuburu, daughter of Joannes de Cuburu and Josephe de Lascor, owners of the borde of Pedrosco in the Aldudes. Her godparents were Joannes d'Iriart and Agnes d'Etchegoyen of the village of Ascarat. | Cuburu or Tihista, Agnes (I4607)
255 | Agnes de Joanneshandirena of Jocoberro, daughter of Martin d'Etchegaray and Marie de Joanneshandirena. Her godparents were Joannes de Joanneshandirena and Agnes d'Etchegaray. | Etchegaray, Agnes (I21302)
256 | Agnes de Mariaeihara, daughter of Pierre Mariaeihara, owner of the house of Peilloerreca and Agnes D'Erramuspe, his wife. Her godparents were Jean Peilloerreca, owner of the house of Oholbicy and Agnes d'Ocafrain, inheritor of the house of Mariaeihara. | Ocafrain or Marieyhara or Erramouspe, Agnes (I9977)
257 | Agnes de Marianarena, owner of the borde of Bastanchouhy in the Aldudes, about 75 years old. | Marianarena, Agnes (I10282)
258 | Agnes de Ramouspe, daughter of Martin de Ramouspe and Janne de Niminorena, owners of the borde of Peillo Erreca in the quartier of Azaldeguy. Her godparents were Martin de Ramouspe, paternal grandfather and Agnes, owner of Niminorena, maternal grandmother. | Erramouspe, Agnes (I8804)
259 | Agnes Domingohandirena, daughter of Jean Domingohandirena and Agnes Naimingnorena, owners of the borde of Bordaberry in Oihansoro. Her godparents were Pierre d'Ynda of Occos and Agnez de Naimignorena, maternal aunt. | Domingohandy, Agnes (I22051)
260 | Agnes Domingohandy, elder owner of the house of Saroiberry in Banca, about 70 years old. | Domingohandy, Agnes (I22051)
261 | Agnes Erramouspe, daughter of Pierre Erramouspe and Jeanne Joannessena, owners of the house of Betripeillo in La Fonderie. Her godparents were Jean Ardans, elder owner of Betripeillo and Agnes Erramouspe, paternal aunt. | Etchart or Erramouspe, Agnes (I21420)
262 | Agnes Etchart, daughter of Gratian d'Etchart and Marie de Petripeilho, owners of Petripeilho in the quartier of Bihurriete. Her godparents were Joannes d'Erramoun, owner of Herlats of Occoteguy and Agnes, owner of Curutchet of Occoteguy. | Etchart, Agnes (I7652)
263 | Agnes Etchegaray, daughter of Martin Etchegaray and Gratianne Erramounena, renters of the house of Beherecoborda in Belechy. Her godparents were Pierre Erramounena, maternal grandfather and Agnes Etchegaray, paternal aunt. | Etchegaray, Agnes (I23635)
264 | Agnes Falsa, dauther of Jean Falsa, owner of the house of Nimino in the quartier of Ercats and Marie Nimino, his wife. Her godparents were Martin Itcaina, owner of the house of Itcaina and Agnes Erramuspe, owner of the house of Peilloerreca. | Falxa, Agnes (I18881)
265 | Agnes Falxa, 89 years old, housewife, widow of Alfaro, died in the house of Solo in the quartier of Borcierette. | Falxa, Agnes (I18881)
266 | Agnes Falxa, elder owner of the house of Marieyhara, 84 years old. | Nimignoa, Agnes (I21188)
267 | Agnes G. Elissamburu was 57 years old when she died and her husbands initials were "L.M.". | Gries, Angela (I17029)
268 | Agnes Garacoitz, 19 years old, single, died in her house of Lohitcebeheria. | Garacoetche, Agnes (I13473)
269 | Agnes Laxague, 54 years old, seamstress, living in this village, single, born in Banca, daughter of Jean Laxague and Dominica Arambel, died in the house of Chathorra in this village. | Laxague, Anne/Agnes (I15380)
270 | Agnes Mitcheo was 20 years old when she died. | Elissalde, Agnes (I23356)
271 | Agnes Ohaco, daughter of Pierre Ohaco and Jeanne Pellorena, owners of the house of Ohaco in Iramehaca. Her godparents were Michel Ohaco, paternal grandfather and Agnes, owner of Peilloerreca in the quartier of Iramehaca. | Poco, Agnes (I23559)
272 | Agnes, daughter of Gratian Arambel and Marie Marieihara, owners of the house of Peillorenea in Acaldeguy. Her godparents were Jean Arambel, cadet of the house of Coscarart in the Aldudes and Agnes Marieihara, owner of Eiharacainarenea. | Arambel, Agnes (I11362)
273 | Agnes, daughter of Marisco, daughter of Gracian and Marie, owners of Marisco in Lehispars. Her godparents were Joannes de Corcabalbehere, maternal uncle and Agnes, owner of Manechena, paternal great aunt. | Marisco, Agnes (I9451)
274 | Agnez Uharriet, farmer, 35 years old, married to Pierre Harriet, owner of the house of Falxa in this village. | Uharriet, Marie Ange (I7824)
275 | Agreement between Gratianne Brustet, owner proprietaire of the house of Larreteguy in the Aldudes, assisted by her 2nd husband Joannes Ilharragorry, on one side and Marie de Brustet, assisted by her husband Pierre Aguerre, Jeanne and Marthe Brustet, three daughters of the house of Larreteguy, on the other side. This agreement settled their parental rights to the house. | Brustet or Larralde, Gratianne (I6033)
276 | Agustin and Frances Echeverria were living in San Gabriel. He was 47 years old, born Apr 1853 and she was 38, born Apr 1864. It indicates they were born in California and their parents were from Spain (both actually born in Spain). They were married for 16 years and no children. No immigration data available and he was a sheepherder. | Lifur, Francisca (I16097)
277 | Agustin and Frances Echeverria were living in San Gabriel. He was 47 years old, born Apr 1853 and she was 38, born Apr 1864. It indicates they were born in California and their parents were from Spain (both actually born in Spain). They were married for 16 years and no children. No immigration data available and he was a sheepherder. | Echeverria, Agustin (I16098)
278 | Agustin Nacabal, farmer, married, 70 years old, owner of the house of Harotcarena in this village. | Nazabal, Agustin (I4182)
279 | Aignes d'Etchegaray, daughter of Jean d'Etchegaray and Marie d'Errecalde (Nimignoa?), owners of the house of Chafado in Haira. Her godparents were Michel Errecalde, petit maternal uncle and Aignes d'Etchegaray, paternal aunt. | Etchegaray, Agnes (I23289)
280 | Aignes de Brustet, daughter of Bernard de Brustet, weaver and Catherine d'Iribarne, living in the Aldudes. Witnesses were Gratian owner of Lohitse and Baptiste de Brustet. | Brustet, Aignes (I9005)
281 | Aignes de Brustet, daughter of Bernard de Brustet, weaver and Catherine de Licerasse, living in the quartier of Jaurmendy. Her godparents were Bernard d'Aitcinecoetche, maternal cousin and Aignes de Brustet. | Brustet, Aignes (I9005)
282 | Aignes de Brustet, daughter of Pierre de Brustet and Jeanne d'Uhalde, owners of the house of Uhalde in Guermiette. Her godparents were Baptiste de Brustet, paternal uncle and Aignes, elder owner of Ausquie. | Brustet, Aignes (I9050)
283 | Aignes de Niminouarena, daughter of Gratian de Niminouarena and Marie d'Oxagarate, owners of the borde of Niminouarena. Her godparents were Pierre, owner of Oxagarate, maternal uncle and Aignes, elder owner of Niminouarena, paternal grandmother. | Nimignoarena, Aignes (I9051)
284 | Aignes de Niminouarena, daughter of Pierre de Niminouarena and Marie d'Oxararte, owners of the borde of Oxararte. Her godparents were Jean, owner of the borde of Ohaco and Aignes, daughter of the house of Etchart Oronos. | Nimignoa, Aignes (I9257)
285 | Aignes de Poco, daughter of Jean de Poco and Marie de Tihista, owners of the borde of Pedrosorena in the Aldudes. His godparents were Jean de Poco, paternal uncle and Aignes de Tihista, maternal aunt. | Uharriet or Poco dit Ohaco, Agnes (I5973)
286 | Aignes, elder owner of the borde of Antonena in Ercats, 46 years old. Witnesses were Gratian, elder owner of the borde of Niminoarena and Bernard owner of Ambulordoquy. | Antonena or Minhonde or Bichar, Agnes (I3536)
287 | Aignes, owner of Gnimignoarena, about 80 years old. Witnesses were Bernard Erreca and Martin Etchalus. | Elicondo or Manechena, Agnes (I9052)
288 | Aignessa Martinpoco, daughter of Bernard Martinpoco and Marie Bellechi Ouharriet, owners of the house of Pedroscorenea in the Aldudes. Her godparents were Jean Martinpoco, paternal uncle, owner of Ourbelchia and Aignessa Bellechi Ouharriet, maternal aunt. | Martinpoco, Aignessa (I6729)
289 | Aignez d'Aisaguerre, daughter of Miguel d'Aisaguerre and Marie de Chemiarena, owners of the house of Chemiarena in Mitxelene. Her godparents were Guilen d'Aisaguerre, paternal uncle and Aignez de Larramendy of the village of Uhart en Cize. | Aicaguerre, Aignes (I10822)
290 | Aignez Niminorena, daughter of Michel de Niminorena and Marie d'Etchechoury, owners of the hosue of Mariejara in Acaldeguy. Her godparents were Pierre d'Etchechoury, maternal uncle and Aignes de Manechena, paternal grandmother. | Nimignoa, Agnes (I21188)
291 | aka Yribarne | Iribarne, Jean Cadet (I15887)
292 | Albert Grand was living in La Ballona with others from France (names unclear). He was 23 years old and born in France. He was a butcher. | Grand, Albert (I16369)
293 | Albert Grant was 52 years old when he died. | Grand, Albert (I16369)
294 | Alexandre d'Iriart and Marie de Sorcabalbehere, both of St. Etienne. Witnesses were Joannes d'Iriart, owner of ?? and Joannes d'Iribarne. | Family: Alexandre Iriart / Marie Sorcabalbehere (F1338)
295 | Alexandre Yaureguizahar, 28 years old, farmer (laboreur) declared the birth of this natural child to Jeanne Yaureguizahar, his sister. Note: Antongastiarre was written in the margin. Witnesses were Jean Tihista, farmer (laboreur) 47 years old and Jean Esponda, farmer (laboreur) 40 years old. | Jaureguizahar, Ange (I5653)
296 | Alexandre, owner of the house of Lohiola in Iparraguerre, shoemaker. | Iriart, Alexandre (I4457)
297 | All information on this person was found on birth record of daughter | Laronde, Ray (I16018)
298 | All records in U.S. note his birth date as 4/18/1883 but this date is according to his birth record. Additionally, his obituary states he was born in Barcus which is the village next to Esquiule. | Bayerque, Jean (I17551)
299 | Alsace-Lorraine was actually part of Germany at the time of her birth. | Carle, Antoinette (I16654)
300 | also found as Aphesteguy &, Apesteguy | Apesteguy, Dominique/Domingo (I15939)