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2351 Elizabeth E. Dodson was 67 years old when she died in Los Angeles County and her husband's initials were "W.N.". Bangs, Elizabeth Eudora (I2219)
2352 Elizabeth, daughter of ???, owners of the house of Chafonenea.
Her godparents were Jean ??? and Elizabeth Harriet, owner of Martin???.
Note: This record had a major portion missing therefore the missing information. 
Ernaut, Elisabet/Isabelle (I4756)
2353 Email received:
Comments (Family Jean Esponda / Jeanne Saroihandy (F2265)): Hola. Vivo en Argentina. Mi bisabuelo es MARTÍN ESPONDA, nacido en Aldudes, Francia en 1834 aproximademante. Vino a la Argentina ó Uruguay posiblemente en 1850. Se casó en Uruguay con Teresa Yrigoyen. Vivió y murió en VILLAGUAY, ENTRE RÍOS, ARGENTINA. Tuvieron 5 hijos: MARTÍN SECUNDINO,ISMAEL EVARISTO (mi abuelo) JULIA ANGÉLICA, MARÍA ELENA y HECTOR. Podría ser el MARTÍN ESPONDA hijo de JEAN ESPONDA y JEANNE. Cómo podría acceder a más información? Podría conectarme con algún familiar? Muchas gracias, Patricia. Patricia Esponda
Further research needed. 
Esponda, Martin (I12382)
2354 Emelia Lopera mentioned in case #220 Amestoy v. Rodriguez (may be this person?) Loperena, Eusebia (I16112)
2355 Emile A. Rambaud was 67 years old when he died and his wife's first initial was "A". Rambaud, Emile (I16455)
2356 Enaud Eramuspe, minor owner of the house of Erurtsea (sic), about 70 years old.
Witnesses were Enaut Eramuspe, owner of Etchart and Pierre Eramuspe, shoemaker, cadet of Haira. 
Erramouspe, Enaut/Arnaud (I351)
2357 Enaut, son of Otxagarat and Catherine d'Elicague, inheritor of the borde of Iturribelz in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Pedro d'Etcaun, brother in law of the groom and Samson d'Etchebers, cousin of the bride. 
Family F2926
2358 English translation:
We are pleased to learn that two Benedictine priests are going to visit the region, arriving in California in the middle of July, from the Oklahoma Territory, to spend a few days with us. One of these visitors will be Father Dom Leo Gariador and his companion from the Aldudes. On our part we will do all we can to welcome both priests. And surely the Benedictine Fathers will not overwhelm us in our city, nor even in the beautiful parts of Tehachapi. As a matter of fact, we hope that it is time and not too late to come. 
Gariador, Prior Jean Leon (Leo) OSB (I35)
2359 Epifanio and Josephine Cenoz were living on Pomona Blvd. in La Puente with their two children Joseph M. and Juliette I. He was 43 years old and she was 37. He was a store keeper and she was a saleslady in their own retail grocery store. Cenoz, Epifanio J. (I17600)
2360 Epifanio and Josephine Cenoz were living on Pomona Blvd. in La Puente with their two children Joseph M. and Juliette I. He was 43 years old and she was 37. He was a store keeper and she was a saleslady in their own retail grocery store. Faure, Josephine (I17597)
2361 Epitaph = All is well Bangs, Sarah E. (I2217)
2362 Ernaud de Ramouspe, son of Pierre de Ramouspe and Marie d'Aparain, owners of the borde of Petripeillo in Bihourriette.
His godparents were Ernaut Ramouspe, paternal uncle and Dominique de Betricain, maternal aunt. 
Erramouspe, Enaut/Arnaud (I351)
2363 Ernaud, cadet son of the house of Arragoun in Leispars and Marie, inheritor of the house of Catalinenia of the Bastide.
Witnesses were M. Jean d'Arragoun, priest, uncle of the groom and Joannes d'Alhais, cousin of the bride. 
Family F628
2364 Ernaud, elder owner of the house of Caldugaray in Occos, about 75 years old. Caldugaray, Ernaud (I21803)
2365 Ernaud, owner mediat of the house of Amestoy in the quartier of Leispars, about 60 years old. Amestoy, Ernaut or Bernard (I10269)
2366 Ernaud, owner of Amestoy and Marie de Martinenia, both of St. Etienne.
Witnesses were Bernat d'Amestoy, father of the groom and Joannes de Tamborinarena. 
Family F2898
2367 Ernaud, son of the borde of Joannessena (Manessena) in the quartier of Oustatordoquy and Marie de Zorcabal, daughter of Joannes de Zorcabal, living in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Miguel d'Elicondo, owner of the house of Etcheberry in Guermiete, brother of the groom and Bernard de Souhilar, sonneur des cloches. 
Family F2653
2368 Ernaut d'Erramouspe, son of Martin and Janne d'Aparain, owners of the borde of Peiloerreca.
His godparents were Ernaut d'Erramouspe, paternal uncle and Gracianne de Betri Itsain, maternal aunt. 
Erramouspe, Ernaut (I9772)
2369 Ernaut Erramouspe, cadet of the house of Bichar agreed to support a child by Jeanne Betricain, cadette of the house of Chaharra in Leispars. Erramouspe, Arnaud (I337)
2370 Ernaut Erramuspe, son of Betrypeillo in the quartier of Bihurriette and Gratianne Barnetche of the house of Barnetche.
Witnesses were Pierre Etchart, nephew of the groom, Jean Erramouspe, Jean Arrabit and Jean Bihurriet. 
Family F1013
2371 Ernaut Illarragorry, inheritor of the house of Illarragorry in Acaldeguy and Dominique Oxagarat, cadette of the house of Oxagarat.
Witnesses were Pierre Illarragorry and Pierre Erramouspe, brother and cousin of the groom, Martin and Jean Erramouspe, cousins of the bride. 
Family F6061
2372 Ernest R. Jouglard was 44 years old when he died and his wife's first initial was "E". Jouglard, Ernest R. (I19344)
2373 Erramon Itevicarien, widower of Catherine Iribarren, owner of the house of Vicarien and Jeanne Mourmalatz, cadette of Bastanchuhy.
Witnesses were Jean Uhide, Jean Baptiste Brustet, Jean Inda and Jean Itevicarien, brother of the groom. 
Family F2010
2374 Erramond de Domingorena, son of Miguel de Domingorena and Marie de Harriet, owners of the borde of Joanesena in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Erramond de Harriet, maternal uncle and Marie de Harriet, paternal aunt. 
Domingorena, Erramon (I8232)
2375 Errientainia - Gendarmerie was written in the margin of this birth record. Lalande, Marie (I13079)
2376 Esocalast Basabe was 45 years old when she died and her husband's first initial was "J". Basabe Bengochea, Escolastica (I20388)
2377 Esteban (age 40, Nov 1859 Spain) and Martina (age 31, Nov 1868) Echenique were living in National with their three children Frank (age 8, Feb 1892), Lucy (age 7, May 1896) and Aurelia (age 3, June 1896) as well as his brothers Niceto Echenique (age 48, Mar 1892), Francisco Echenique (age 43, Oct 1856) and two employees, Pedro Elgart (age 36, Apr 1864 France) and Joaquin Arreapa (age 34, Mar 1866 Spain). Esteban and Martina were married for 9 years and had 5 children of which 3 were living. Esteban immigrated in 1875, Martina in 1888, Niceto in 1866, Francisco in 1875, Pedro in 1890 and Joaquin in 1888. They were in the sheep raising business. Echenique, Francisco/Frank (I15961)
2378 Esteban (age 40, Nov 1859 Spain) and Martina (age 31, Nov 1868) Echenique were living in National with their three children Frank (age 8, Feb 1892), Lucy (age 7, May 1896) and Aurelia (age 3, June 1896) as well as his brothers Niceto Echenique (age 48, Mar 1892), Francisco Echenique (age 43, Oct 1856) and two employees, Pedro Elgart (age 36, Apr 1864 France) and Joaquin Arreapa (age 34, Mar 1866 Spain). Esteban and Martina were married for 9 years and had 5 children of which 3 were living. Esteban immigrated in 1875, Martina in 1888, Niceto in 1866, Francisco in 1875, Pedro in 1890 and Joaquin in 1888. They were in the sheep raising business. Esandi, Martina (I16485)
2379 Esteban (age 40, Nov 1859 Spain) and Martina (age 31, Nov 1868) Echenique were living in National with their three children Frank (age 8, Feb 1892), Lucy (age 7, May 1896) and Aurelia (age 3, June 1896) as well as his brothers Niceto Echenique (age 48, Mar 1892), Francisco Echenique (age 43, Oct 1856) and two employees, Pedro Elgart (age 36, Apr 1864 France) and Joaquin Arreapa (age 34, Mar 1866 Spain). Esteban and Martina were married for 9 years and had 5 children of which 3 were living. Esteban immigrated in 1875, Martina in 1888, Niceto in 1866, Francisco in 1875, Pedro in 1890 and Joaquin in 1888. They were in the sheep raising business. Echenique, Bernardo Esteban (I16486)
2380 Esteban (age 40, Nov 1859 Spain) and Martina (age 31, Nov 1868) Echenique were living in National with their three children Frank (age 8, Feb 1892), Lucy (age 7, May 1896) and Aurelia (age 3, June 1896) as well as his brothers Niceto Echenique (age 48, Mar 1892), Francisco Echenique (age 43, Oct 1856) and two employees, Pedro Elgart (age 36, Apr 1864 France) and Joaquin Arreapa (age 34, Mar 1866 Spain). Esteban and Martina were married for 9 years and had 5 children of which 3 were living. Esteban immigrated in 1875, Martina in 1888, Niceto in 1866, Francisco in 1875, Pedro in 1890 and Joaquin in 1888. They were in the sheep raising business. Echenique, Aniceto (I16998)
2381 Esteban (age 40, Nov 1859 Spain) and Martina (age 31, Nov 1868) Echenique were living in National with their three children Frank (age 8, Feb 1892), Lucy (age 7, May 1896) and Aurelia (age 3, June 1896) as well as his brothers Niceto Echenique (age 48, Mar 1892), Francisco Echenique (age 43, Oct 1856) and two employees, Pedro Elgart (age 36, Apr 1864 France) and Joaquin Arreapa (age 34, Mar 1866 Spain). Esteban and Martina were married for 9 years and had 5 children of which 3 were living. Esteban immigrated in 1875, Martina in 1888, Niceto in 1866, Francisco in 1875, Pedro in 1890 and Joaquin in 1888. They were in the sheep raising business. Elgart, Pierre/Pedro (I13808)
2382 Esteban and Manuela Echenique were living on Old Prado Road in Chino with their four children. They rented their home for $10 per month. He was 56 years old and she was 44. He was a sheepherder. Echenique, Esteban (I18704)
2383 Esteban and Manuela Echenique were living on Old Prado Road in Chino with their four children. They rented their home for $10 per month. He was 56 years old and she was 44. He was a sheepherder. Bejino, Manuela (I18705)
2384 Esteban and Maria Echenique built this house on Telegraph Canyon Road property in the 1880s. The family operated the Echenique Sheep Company for many years from this property. Members of the family resided here through the 1990s at which time the house was torn down and a new one built. 8 acres of the property is still owned by their granddaughter, Mary Echenique Centrullo. Echenique, Bernardo Esteban (I16486)
2385 Esteben & Eugenie Oyharzabal were living in San Juan with their two daughters. He was 53 years old and she was 39. He was 47 and she 33 when they were married. He immigrated in 1904 and she in 1925. He was a farmer. Harguindeguy, Eugenie (I16273)
2386 Esteben & Eugenie Oyharzabal were living in San Juan with their two daughters. He was 53 years old and she was 39. He was 47 and she 33 when they were married. He immigrated in 1904 and she in 1925. He was a farmer. Oyharzabal, Etienne/Esteban (I16271)
2387 Estebenie d'Erramouspe, daughter of Martin d'Erramouspe and Marie d'Arripa, owners of the borde of Toutarras in the quartier of Jaurmendy.
Her godparents were Jean, young owner of Sorcabalgaray, maternal cousin and Estebenie d'Irary, owner of Arosteguy, maternal cousin. 
Busunarits or Lohitce or Erramouspe, Estebenie/Etiennette (I7535)
2388 Estebenie d'Ouhide, daughter of Jean d'Ouhide and Marie d'Harispe, owners of the borde called Mendyzahar in Belechy.
Her godparents were Jean d'Irigoin, elder owner of the house of Harispe, maternal grandfather and Estebenie d'Ouhide, paternal aunt. 
Uhide, Etiennette or Estebenie (I8064)
2389 Estebenie d'Ouhide, son of Domingo d'Ouhide, mason and Francoise d'Itcainarena, owners of the borde of Mendicahar in Leispars.
Her godparents were Joannes d'Ouhide, paternal uncle, owner of Pansotenia (sic) in Lasse and Estebenie de Salaberry, maternal aunt. 
Uhide, Estebenie (I21391)
2390 Estefania de Cohietta, daughter of Jean de Cohietta and Marie de Poco, owners of the borde called Sococoua in Jaurmendy.
Her godparents were Jean de Pocorena, maternal uncle and Estefania d'Ouhide, daughter of Domingo Itcainarena. 
Cohieta, Estefania (I9591)
2391 Esther L. Beroiz was 32 years old when she died and her husband's first initial was "J". Larrea, Estefania (I19933)
2392 Estienne d'Iriberry, owner of the borde of Erremerreca, about 65 years old. Iriberry, Etienne (I10577)
2393 Etienne & Lucie A. Oyharzabal owned and lived on a farm on Central Ave. in San Juan with a servant, Marcelina Etcheverria and two hired men, Cristobal Rodrigues, Bernardo Lacabe, Bautista Peyriga, Salvat Hirigoyen, Baptiste Hirigoyen and John Ibargaray. He was 65 years old and she was 50. He immigrated in 1869 and she in 1896. He was a farmer on a general farm. Oyharzabal, Etienne/Esteban (I16268)
2394 Etienne & Lucie A. Oyharzabal owned and lived on a farm on Central Ave. in San Juan with a servant, Marcelina Etcheverria and two hired men, Cristobal Rodrigues, Bernardo Lacabe, Bautista Peyriga, Salvat Hirigoyen, Baptiste Hirigoyen and John Ibargaray. He was 65 years old and she was 50. He immigrated in 1869 and she in 1896. He was a farmer on a general farm. Darius, Lucie-Anna (I16270)
2395 Etienne Arrambide, sailor apprentice, passenger on the Drome, died in the "tropitaine maritime" (sic) of Brest, department of Finistere, died on 1/27/1864, 22 years old, third son of Jean Arrambide, house of Etchetoa and Marie Harriet, living in the same house. Arrambide, Etienne (I12763)
2396 Etienne Boucau, 35 years old, single, shoemaker, living in this village, died in his house of Barberarenia Boucau, Etienne (I4491)
2397 Etienne Bruno, 2 months, son of Pierre Crespo and Marie Ritou, died in the house of Crespo in this village. Crespo, Etienne Bruno (I14717)
2398 Etienne Curutchet, surgeon (chirugien), owner of Barberarenea, 88 years old.
Witnesses were Jean Etcheberry and Jean Salaberry. 
Curutchet, Etienne (I6173)
2399 Etienne d'Aguerre, son of Jean d'Aguerre and Jeanne d'Itcaininia, owners of the borde of Detchumebeheria in the annex of Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Aguerre, owner adventif of the house of Falsacoua, paternal uncle and Etienne de Barhenetche, paternal grandmother. 
Aguerre, Etienne (I8346)
2400 Etienne d'Etchegaray, daughter of Jean d'Etchegaray and Marie d'Etchalousena, owners of the borde of Aguerre of Arambel in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Pedro, elder owner of Etchalous, maternal grandfather and Etienne ???, paternal grandmother. 
Incaurpe dit Aguerre, Etiennette (I8961)

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