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 #   Notes   Linked to 
22001 This couple was not married. Family: Baptiste Delgue / Catherine Saroiberry (F3478)
22002 This couple was not married. Family: Jean Ernaga / Marie or Jeanne Chabagno (F3457)
22003 This couple was not married. Family: Dominique Uharriet / Catherine Gariador or Detchume (F3525)
22004 This couple was not married. Family: Jean Sansinena / Jeanne Bastanchuhy (F3526)
22005 This couple was not married. Family: Jean Iparraguerre / Jeanne Igusquiaguerre (F2065)
22006 This couple was not married. Family: Jean/Joannes Joannahandy dit Ernague / Marie Esponda (F3614)
22007 This couple was not married. Family: Gratian Ihitcague / Marie Etchelecu or Saldubehere (F3642)
22008 This couple was not married. Family: Antoine Coscarart / Marie Etcheverry (F3671)
22009 This couple was not married. Family: Martin Inda / Jeanne Pilaria (F3757)
22010 This couple was not married. Family: Jean dit Cate Arrambide / Dominique Saroiberry (F3817)
22011 This couple was not married. Family: Michel Bidart / Veronique Marie Menta (F4023)
22012 This couple was not married. Family: Jean Baptiste Fiterre / Dominique Burucoa dit Kukita (F5775)
22013 This couple was not married. Family: Pierre Etchepare / Marie Salaberry or Falxa (F2787)
22014 This couple was not married. Family: Martin Iriberribehere / Marie Gostarsu (F6153)
22015 This couple was not married. Family: Bernard Caldu or Joanneshandy / Marie Guerechaenia (F6214)
22016 This couple was not married. Family: Pierre Sarasquet / Catherine Etchevers (F1344)
22017 This couple was not married. Family: Pierre/Pedro Antonena / Marie Atchoarena (F6350)
22018 This couple was not married. Family: Gratian Tihista / Jeanne Arandoquy (F6360)
22019 This couple was not married. Family: Jean Jaureguy / Marie Laxague (F6363)
22020 This couple was not married. Family: Pierre Erramouspe / Marie Iribarne (F6701)
22021 This couple was not married. Family: Jean Ernautena dit Oxanaiz / Catherine Istorio (F6778)
22022 This couple was not married. Family: Jean Ernautena dit Oxanaiz / Jeanne Barnetche (F6781)
22023 This couple was not married. Family: Martin Hiriart or Elicondo / Dominique Erreca (F6798)
22024 This couple was not married. Family: Jean Elicondo or Manechena / Jeanne Martinena (F6843)
22025 This couple was not married. Family: Pierre Urracariet / Marie Etchebers (F6849)
22026 This couple was not married. Family: Pierre Urracariet / Graciane Legassa (F6850)
22027 This couple was not married. Family: Pierre Urracariet / Marguerite Marie Halcart (F1887)
22028 This couple was not married. Family: Jean Iputcha or Etchenique / Marie Caldu or Bustingorry (F6943)
22029 This couple was not married. Family: Jean/Joannes Copenttipi / Marie Mocho (F1243)
22030 This couple was not married. Family: Jean Gachiteguy or Louissena / Jeanne Etchegaray (F6991)
22031 This couple was not married. Family: Domingo Aparain / Marie Aicaguerre (F7015)
22032 This couple was not married. Family: Pierre/Betry Oronos / Catherine Ihitcague (F7071)
22033 This couple was not married. Family: Pierre/Betry Oronos / Jeanne Perotte (F6998)
22034 This couple was not married. It is assumed these are the correct parents. Further research necessary. Family: Jean Jaxaldebehere or Frantchetchena / Marie Josephe Maestruiarena dit Alacotto (F1426)
22035 This couple was residing in Spain at the time of their daughter's marriage in 1886 according to her marriage record. Family: Gratian Gastambide / Jeanne Coscarart (F869)
22036 This couple's marriage contract was mentioned in the notary document as having taken place on 6/18/1772 by this same notary. Further research necessary. Family: Jean Antchagno / Jeanne Inda (F1736)
22037 This data was originally on card for Domingo Erramuspe. Erramouspe, Domingo/Dominique (I17037)
22038 This date is noted in her son Charles', Eastern Cherokee settlement application. Ward, Nancy Adeline (I2169)
22039 This date of death was noted on her daughter Rosalie's marriage record in 1887. Hourcatte, Catherine (I18226)
22040 This death record indicates his birth date in 1859 but there is another Jean born on that date that was married. This Jean was single. It is assumed that this Jean's birth was not recorded. Etcheverry, Jean (I22720)
22041 This death record indicates that he died in the house of Arosteguia but there is no house in Urepel by that name. It is assumed that it might have been in error and should be his house of Harotcarena. Erreca, Pierre (I12170)
22042 This death record indicates that the parents were Jean Caldubehere and Marie Etchebarren but no couple exists by those names. It is assumed to be in error and the house name fits where her husband died the year before. Caldubehere, Marie (I14623)
22043 This death record is assumed to be Arnaud as no record exists with his name. This record matches his age with no house listed. Also on his daughter Marie's marriage record in Mouguerre in 1829, he is listed as deceased. Since no other record seems to match, this is assumed to be correct one. Further research necessary. Erramouspe, Arnaud (I337)
22044 This death record is for Jean Itcaina born in 1836 which is the older brother of this individual. All other records indicate this individual's first name is Gratian with a birth date near 1838. It is assumed this death record is for this individual. Itcaina, Gratian (I8738)
22045 This document complicates the succession of the house of Etchevers. Further research needed to straighten it out. Poco dit Etchevers, Catherine (I4677)
22046 This document declares that Marie Lassa, wife of Joannes Domingorena of Joannessena was the eldest child of the house of Lassa, daughter of Ferdinand Lassa and Dominique Oxarart, athough her father ignored her in the marriage contract of Martin Inda with a cadette daughter Marie Lassa. Lassa, Marie (I3484)
22047 This document indicates that she has one daughter Marie Itcainarena and that she is expecting another at this time. Bigot or Ihitcague, Quitterie (I3990)
22048 This document indicates the Jean Gariador is the owner proprietaire of the house of Tipitho. Gariador, Jean (I375)
22049 This document is noted in another Notary Record but missing from the files. Family: Pierre Erramouspe / Catherine Iputcha or Cubiarin (F569)
22050 This document lists out the heirs of Gratianne, owner of Harguina, however it is confusing because they are not direct descendents of her. Further research necessary. Barhenetche or Ephele or Harguina, Gratianne (I7468)

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