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 #   Notes   Linked to 
19951 The Jaureguy name does not fit with this family but the parent's first names and the house name do. Further research necessary. Jaureguy, Marie (I9849)
19952 The Labat biography lists her birth place as Bigorre. Daguerre, Helen (I15995)
19953 The last three children of this family were noted with a surname of Sansorena and the mother's name as Alfaro rather than Urruty. They have been added to this family because the marriage records of Marie & Dominica both mention the father being alive and the mother dying in 1879 which matches this couple. Further research needed. Family F3238
19954 The late Marie Chaharra, owner in her lifetime of the house of Coscarart in the Aldudes is mentioned in this document regarding the receipt of money by Jean Lechia, owner of Marmaro and Antoine Chaharra, young owner of Marmaro. Arambel Chaharra, Marie/Managno (I7325)
19955 The margin of his birth record indicates that he married Marie Bordagaray of Pagolle on 2/12/1912 in Pagolle. Eyheramendy, Pierre (I10860)
19956 The marriage indicates that they were both living in Urepel at the time of the marriage. Simon had 40,000 francs in a bank in San Francisco which he intended to use for the dowry. Family F3898
19957 The marriage record also noted that Martin's brother, Martin Maitia dit Paule, age 29, cultivateur was one of the witnesses. Family F130
19958 The marriage record of Gratianne Hasquet in 1821 indicates that she was 25 years old at the time. That would put this individual born before her parents were married. Therefore, we are using the record of Gracianne Hasquet born in 1808 for this marriage by assuming that her age in incorrect. Further research necessary to confirm. Hasquet, Gratianne (I1238)
19959 The marriage record of their son Jean indicated that she died 27 years before his marriage. Olhagaray, Catherine (I20577)
19960 The marriage record on has her maiden name as Meabebazterrechea-Artagoitia. Meabe-Bazterrechea Artagoitia, Maria Antonia (I632)
19961 The marriage records of Baigorry in 1734 are missing. Family F6189
19962 The name is difficult to read from her granddaughter Magdeleine Chanchorena's birth in 1780 Bihurriet, Magdelaine (I3462)
19963 The name of Berroja was included in birth record of her son Juan. Dunaveitia Araindia, Maria Antonia (I618)
19964 The name of the mother was different in each of their children's birth records but the common item was the father and the house of Erratchou. It is assumed they all belong to this couple. Family F3534
19965 The name was also spelled as Noguez. Nogues, Guilhaume (I19107)
19966 The name was also spelled as Yturburu. Iturburu, Pascal Paul (I17260)
19967 The official name of the house was Sallaberriborde according to the civil records and was in Lecumberry but it was more commonly known as the house of Salaria in Esterencuby. Biscay, John (Jean Biscaichipy) (I140)
19968 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Lamaison, Edna (I18764)
19969 The original birth record in 1808 listed this individual as a female infant but there is a recognition record on 10/18/1828 that properly records his birth. 
Erramouspe, Gratian (I22343)
19970 The original record found for this individual in the Los Angeles County Birth records stated this was a girl named Juanita born to Michel Erreca and Manuella Yturri. Due to similar birth date on WW1 registration, it is assumed that name and sex were incorrect on original record. Another possibility would be twins but no other record was found. Erreca, Joseph (I16447)
19971 The original record indicated a feminine infant named Marie but in the margin is noted that in 1930 a correction was filed at the St. Palais tribunal to change it to a male child named Jean. Ihitcague, Jean (I5227)
19972 The original record indicated this person as a male named Louis. Later notations were added that changed his sex to female and name to Louise. Coscarart, Louise (I15524)
19973 The original record indicates that her name was Francois and a male child but note in margin corrects that information later. Ihitcague, Francoise (I2434)
19974 The page for his birth is missing from our collection of Aldude records. Heguy, Louis (I22815)
19975 The parents names are wrong on this birth record but there are no other parents with similar names and house to add her to. Barcelona, Jeanne (I1836)
19976 The parents were married in Ahaxe on 11/16/1845. Gratianne was living in Pecotchia at the time of her marriage but she was born in St. Jean Pied de Port around 1817. Etchegoin, Jeannette (I914)
19977 The parents were noted as Martin Coscarart and Manuela Espelet on this record. Coscarart, Louis (I13389)
19978 The record immediately below this one is also for a Marie Bidondo and the same parents a day later of 7/6/1726. Godparents on this record were Pierre de Bastanchuhy, maternal uncle and Marie de Bidonde, paternal aunt. It is assumed this is a duplicate record and not a twin. Bidondo, Marie (I9761)
19979 The record prior to Nicolas was Marie Recalde on 1 Jan 1821 and the record immediately following was Jean Indart on 28 Feb 1821. This leaves almost 7 weeks before Nicolas' birth and a week after for a mistaken birth date. Leiza, Nicolas (I2480)
19980 The record says he died in a place call Laminoquy but it is unclear whether that is a house or place name. Garriador, Pierre (I2335)
19981 The records for this year seem to be missing from the online records. Family F5784
19982 The registers in Ispoure are missing for the years 1860-1862, so this birth cannot be confirmed. There is an Arbelbide family in Ispoure during this period who had a son Dominique in 1859 and Bernard in 1865 among possibly other children. So it is possible Martin is a brother to these individuals. Arbelbide, Martin (I16751)
19983 The Social Security Death Index indicated that his last residence was in Houston, Texas. Mathieu, John Pierre (I15258)
19984 The son of Jean Etcheto and Marie Unhaindy, owners of the house of Falxa, 11 days old.
Witnesses were Baptiste Harrambide, young owner of Inharabia and Jean, young owner of Auzquie. 
Etcheto, Jean (I6228)
19985 The spouse name may be Jeanne d'Aparain. She was noted as owner of Ernetenia on the birth record of Jeanne de Harriluchet of Antongastigarre in 1746. Further research necessary. Ernet, Pierre/Pedro (I6031)
19986 The various birth records of their children indicate that the family were living in the house of Harisperena or Chalet in the Aldudes. Family F3286
19987 The wedding was at the Amestoy residence in Rosecrans. Family F4569
19988 The were married at St. Joan of Arc Church in Las Vegas. Family F5364
19989 The wife of Dominique of Gortheiry has a different name on each child's birth record. Further research necessary to confirm. Chotro or Ausomots, Gratianne or Catherine (I7060)
19990 The witness to this birth record were Gratian Maitia, laborer, age 28 (her uncle) and Martin Arraincaria, laborer, age 66 (her grandfather). Maitia, Jeanne (I770)
19991 The witnesses included Samson Espil, father of the bride, Ferdinand Espil, brother of the bride, Pierre d'Etcheverry, uncle of the groom and Guillaume Larralde, owner of the house of Lapisteguy in Behorleguy. Family F318
19992 The WW1 registration actually shows birth in Arche Chiria, Spain. This name is unknown and at this time, it is assumed that this person is a sibling is a brother of other Mujica's from Maya living in California. Mujica, Dionisio (I17816)
19993 The year, eighteen hundred and seventy two and the eleventh of November... Pierre Arambel, thirty years old, laborer, living in this community, of which we present a female child, born yesterday at ten o'clock at night, in his house of Courrico, quartier of Belechi, in the present community, with Marie Falxa, twenty eight years old, his wife and which they wish to give the name of Marie, the said declaration...made in the presence of Pierre Errecalde, 37 years old, chocolatier and Jean Topet, forty years old, ferbleutier (sp?)... Arambel, Marie (I16381)
19994 Their marriage information was found in the margin of her birth record. Family F1098
19995 Their actual marriage date was 24 Messidor Year III Family F478
19996 Their birth was noted in the margin of his birth record. Family F4064
19997 Their children were recognized in the Aldude birth register on 9/1/1940 with all listed with birth dates. Family F6498
19998 Their first 8 children were born in this house and then in 1898 the Banque Inchauspe foreclosed on the farm. They moved to Ahadokoborda where the youngest 3 children were born as well as their eldest granddaughter, Marie. Family F56
19999 Their last names on their marriage record were spelled Albizbengoechea and Albizgogeazcoechea. Family F235
20000 Their marriage contract was executed in St. Etienne de Baigorry by M. Schilt on July 24,1861. Family F381

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