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 #   Notes   Linked to 
19901 The birth record says Miguelenia but it is assumed to be Michelena similar to the other siblings. Imatz, Dominica (I13350)
19902 The birth record shows the first name as Joan and the marriage records as Joseph but it is assumed this is the same person because there is no other possible record. Otaolea Jayo, Joan Joseph (I581)
19903 The birth was declared by Joseph Erreca, 45 years old, farmer, living in Pays Quint.  Erreca, Marie (I11152)
19904 The births of their children were legitimized and recorded in the birth register in 1950 at the same time as their marriage. Family F2207
19905 The cadaver of the late Jean d'Etcheberry nicknamed Marlo, owner of the borde of Mentasuhy, employed by the brigade, resident of the Aldudes, about 30 years old.
Witnesses were Baptiste, elder owner of the borde of Ephele and Domingo de Harispe, blacksmith (marechal ferrant).
He was killed by being hit with a baton by an Aragonnais. 
Etcheberry or Iputcha, Jean/Joannes Merlo (I8807)
19906 The California Death Index has his birthdate as 2/20/1890. Oxarart, Juan/John Joseph (I16148)
19907 The California Death Index indicates that his birthdate was 1/5/1889. Oxarart, Jose/Joseph (I16147)
19908 The California Death Index listed his birth date as 3/7/1874. Hirigoyen, George Raymond (I17286)
19909 The California Death Index noted his birthdate as 11/29/1866. Franchez, Martin (I17594)
19910 The California Death Index showed his birth year as 1895. Ardaiz, Cayetano (I17323)
19911 The California Death Index shows her birth as 11/1/1877. Arripe, Marie (I19221)
19912 The Cokers lived near the James family in Lead Hill, Arkansas. It was originally part of Izard County then Marion County and now Boone County. The Coker families were the first settlers in this area of Izard County. They arrived by boat and settled along White River beginning in 1812. The Cokers owned slaves and farmed along the White River in Marion County, Arkansas.
Written by Anna Bea Sarra. 
Coker, William (River Bill) (I215)
19913 The court judged him insane & committed him to the state asylum for insane persons at Napa, CA on 4/13/1893. He was there for at least 9 years.
He was related to one Bertrand Garat in Los Angeles (he was not related to Martin Yturburu).
Jean Burubeltz was his guardian to receive notes from M. Barcelona & Martin Hachquet.
Money was paid out of estate to Domingo Larronde for 6 months boarding & lodging and for his care & maintenance. 
Yturburu, Jean/Juan (I16422)
19914 The date of birth and parents names on his death record seem to be in conflict with his marriage record. Is assumed that it is properly recorded in this record. Erreca, Michel (I13784)
19915 The daughter of Jean Etcheberry and Marie Elhorrisoin, owners of Echquilenea, 4 days old.
Witnesses were Michel Harriet, owner of Ehailearenea and Francois Etchart, owner of Franchessenia.
Etcheverry, Marie (I6216)
19916 The death index record shows her birth as 1/25/1885 in error. Maysonnave, Veronique (I860)
19917 The death index shows his death year as 1922 in error. Cahargun/Sahargun, Jean (I14438)
19918 The death record indicates a death year of 1895 but her brother Domingo was born in 1895. Using the 1900 census, it appears more likely that Beatrice was born in 1893. Batz, Beatrice (I16830)
19919 The death record transcribes a military death that appears to have taken place during France's involvement in the Crimean War in 1855. The actual place looks like Inkermann but is unclear. Gleze/Glaize, Jean (I20875)
19920 The document mentions that Jeanne Chochoa was widow to Laurent Hiriart and was married a second time to "cadet Etcheverry carabusier (sic)in the second battalion of the Chasseurs Basques". This document appears to give certain rights to her mother Dominique Besancie as she left the community to gain a living as a seamstress. They were owners of the house of Archainchury.
A similar document is noted in the notary records of Jean Harismendy on 4 Messidor An IV (1796) in which her 2nd husband is noted as "cadet Etcheverry". 
Chochoa (Nini), Jeanne/Managno (I1225)
19921 The document says the date of death as 1/1/1780 but based on birth record as well as placement in the register, the date was more likely in early March. Iriartegaray, Janne (I2517)
19922 The elder owner (maitresse) of Martiniriart in the Aldudes, about 90 years old.
Witnesses were Miguel owner of Etchetipy and Gratian young owner of Goscarate. 
Etchetipy or Martinhiriart, Marie (I8619)
19923 The estate of Miguel Leonis was greatly disputed. Members of his family in France came to Los Angeles to claim a portion of his his estate including the following:
Anna Leonis, daughter of Dominique Leonis and Jeanne Baylle, a resident of Bayonne, France and 19 in 1895. She received some property and was involved in court cases because of it but had to sell it in 1896 to pay debt.
Jean Baptiste Leonis, son of Dominique Leonis and Jeanne Baylle, resident of Sare, France in 1895. He received property from estate and was involved in court cases due to it
John (Jean Cadet) Leonis, born 1820 died 1906, married to Francoise and child Jean Baptiste was residing in Los Angeles in 1890 due to estate. He claimed to be the Jean Leonis to recieve $15,000 in Miguel's will but Biscailuz disproved this. The money was put back into the estate since Jean Leonis was deceased.
Marianne Leonis, born 1840, sister to Miguel Leonis, married to Bonette in 1898, possibly mother to Jean Baptiste Leonis. She recieved property in the estate and involved in court cases due to it.
Michel Leonis, brother, born 1822, a widower in 1898 and retired customs officer, his children Marie & Irma, both of Bayonne, France. He came to Los Angeles in 1890 to care for estate and was attorney in fact for niece Anna and nephew Jean Baptiste. He went back to France by 1893. 
Leonis, Jean Miguel (I12089)
19924 The family had indicated that he died in New Mexico but a death record matching his data was found in the California Death Index. Ardans, Arnaud (I2121)
19925 The family was living in the house of Domiguelena in Baigorry at the time of his birth. Erreca, Jean or Pierre (I9126)
19926 The first page of this marriage record is missing but the date is noted in the index at the end of the 1892 records. Family F4225
19927 The first part of this record is missing but the witnesses were Miguel de Louyssena, blacksmith, brother-in-law of the groom in the quartier of Leispars and Christobal d'Ilhardy of Sare, brother of the bride. Family F2571
19928 The first record shows this child as a girl named Jeanne. On page 71, the record is correct with the child being declared a boy with the given name of Jean. Poco, Jeanne (I5243)
19929 The following articles were written about 7 children who would inherit the estate of Grat Mirande after he died in France. There were other articles about this estate in other newspapers throughout the country. Mirande, Grat-Pierre-Nicodeme (Grat) (I19901)
19930 The following information possibly refers to this individual. Further research necessary.

*Maria (Marie) Saroyberri,
nee en France en 1857,qu'elle a epouse Juan
Ramon Iparraguirre, ne en France en 1856,
dont le fils etait:
- Adrian Eleuterio (1897, Saladillo) 
Saroiberry, Marie (I13657)
19931 The following information possibly refers to this individual. Further research necessary.

Francisca (Francoise) Saroiberry, nee en 1885 en France, epousa Juan Eheralde, ne en 1882 en France, ils etaient les parents de:
- Celestino (1918, Balcarce)
- Gabriel (1920, Balcarce) 
Putun-Saroiberry, Francoise (I11341)
19932 The had two children: Modesta Avila (1884-1903) and Henrique B. Avila (1886-1904). Family F4574
19933 The house he was born in was called "Escolateria". Caldubehere, Dominique (I13612)
19934 The house he was born in was noted as Louisdomingorenia on his marriage record. Caldubehere, Jean (I5201)
19935 The house is written as Orsalepia on this birth record. Bihurriet, Martin (I13576)
19936 The house of Arroquy was also known as Paradarbehere according to this marriage record of their daughter Marie in 1808. Family F1177
19937 The house of Erregue, quartier Aissarry was part of the village of Irouleguy at the time of this individual's birth. No records available for her birth. Elissonde, Marie (I11288)
19938 The house of Uhaldia was considered part of Aincille at the time of her birth and marriage. Etchebers or Elisabehere, Marie (I534)
19939 The house on their son Dominique's marriage record was actually Espartinguilliarena. Further research necessary to confirm spelling. Family F1669
19940 The house she was born in was written as Poutchuenia but this house was in Urepel. Unknown if it is the same. Erramouspe, Marie Jeanne (I22808)
19941 The house spelled as Gaidor on his birth record. Antonena-Haira, Marie (I2373)
19942 The house was also known as Bidegain. Family F135
19943 The house was named Ferranyo Hasquet during their lifetimes. Family F2545
19944 The house was noted as Baigorrienia on the record. Coscarart or Atchaurra or Uhalde, Jeanne/Magna (I4257)
19945 The house was noted as Pocorenia on his birth record. Inda, Jean Baptiste (I3276)
19946 The house was officially in Ascarat but they fell under the jurisdiction of Uhart-Cize. Etcheverry, Jean (I252)
19947 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Etcheverry, Pierre (I254)
19948 The house was officially in Ascarat but they fell under the jurisdiction of Uhart-Cize. Etcheverry, Father Tristan (I253)
19949 The house was spelled as Gaydor on birth record. Antonena, Marie (I2368)
19950 The index had their names as Remond Dupuy and Maria (no last name) Family F5090

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