
Matches 18,501 to 18,550 of 21,001

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18501 Pierre Detchume, 5 years old, son of Michel Detchume and Dominica Perusquy, died in her house of Ehailea. Detchume, Pierre (I2689)
18502 Pierre dit Peillo Bidondo, farmer, first born son of Jean Bidondo and the late Marie Bigot, owners adventif and proprietaire of the house of Gortairu on one part and the other, Catherine Ardans, farmer, daughter of the late Gratian Ardans, who was owner of the house of Berha and Jeanne Deires, his widow was living in the Aldudes. Family F940
18503 Pierre Dupuy, born 18 Ventose Year 11, son of Salvat Dupuy and Marie Barran, renters (locataires) of Corbeille in the Cate section of Hasparren.
Louise Ihitcague, 29 years old, daughter of Jean Ihitcague and Marie Ausquie, owners of Saroichar in this village.
Witnesses were Pierre Glaize, "faiseur d'Alpagattes" 45 years old owner of Marquiche, Pierre Mococain aubergiste 28 years old renter of Uhidea, Bernard Goihenetche blacksmith 33 years old young owner of Peyorenia and Gratiane Goihenetche blacksmith 28 years old cadet of Peyorenia. 
Family F2340
18504 Pierre Elgart was living on Brea Canyon Rd. in San Jose with Joseph Pilario and his family. He was 41 years old and single. He was a farm laborer. Elgart, Pierre (I18769)
18505 Pierre Elgart, 15 months old, son of Bertrand Elgart and the late Marie Hiriart, died in the house of Ichabelenabehere. Elgart, Pierre (I13622)
18506 Pierre Elgart, 46 years old, son of ?? Elgart and Marie Elgart, single, died in the house of Harguinarenia in this village. Elgart, Pierre (I5543)
18507 Pierre Elgart, 75 years old, farmer, married to Marie Arroquy, died in his house of Harguina. Elgart, Pierre (I5881)
18508 Pierre Elgart, born 11/28/1776, legitimate son of Jean Elgart and Gratianne Harguina, owners in their lifetime of the house of Harguina.
Dominique Ocafrain, 38 years old, legitimate daughter of Jean Elgart and Francoise Alfaro, owners in their lifetime of the house of Martinena in Esnaxu.
They declared that they had 5 children, the first Gratianne born 5/5/1801, the second Jean born abt 1805, the third Marie born in 1807, the fourth Marie born 7/30/1810 and Gratian born 6/3/1813 which they recognized as their own.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide secretary to the mayor 47 years old, Marie Chaharra his wife 41 years old, Jean Menta cadet of Alexandro farmer (laboreur) 38 years old and Pierre Oxarart owner of Sorochilho farmer (laboreur) 35 years old. 
Family F1305
18509 Pierre Elgart, farmer (laboreur) born 4/12/1791, legitimate son of Jean Elgart and Gratianne Hurbelch, owners in their lifetime of the house of Harguina in Exnasou.
Marie Arroqui, born 5/15/1788, legitimate daughter of the late Martin Arroquy and Martina Ziaurritz, residents in their lifetime of the house of Herricoetchiattipia in the village of Eugui in Spain.
Witnesses were Jean Esponda carpenter 50 years old, Jean Ynda also carpenter 26 years old, Marie Chaharra wife of the previous person 22 years old and Marie Chaharra 43 years old owner of Artecorena. 
Family F1493
18510 Pierre Elgart, farmer 40 years old and Marie Arroquy, his wife, owners of the house of Harguinarenia in this village, declared her name as Dominique.
Witnesses were Pierre Oxarart farmer 42 years old and Jean Erramouspe macon 55 years old. 
Elgart, Dominique (I7958)
18511 Pierre Elgart, married, farmer, 70 years old, owner of the house of Culoenia in this village. Elgart, Pierre (I4288)
18512 Pierre Elgart, soldier, 2nd battalion of the 10th regiment, born 11/23/1826 in the Aldudes, canton of St. Etienne de Baigorry, department of Basses Pyrenees, son of Jean Elgart and Marie Etcheverry, entered the hospital in Constantinople (Daoud Pacho) on 9/14/1855 and died there on 10/3/1855.
Note: The French Army was engaged in the Crimean War at this time. 
Elgart, Pierre (I12066)
18513 Pierre Elhorrison was 62 years old when he died. Elhorrisoin, Mathieu or Pierre (I14290)
18514 Pierre Elicondo, cadet of the house of Etchart in Belechy and Marie Cuburu, inheritor of the house of Couricorena in Belechy.
Witnesses were Michel Elicondo and Anton Elicondo, brother of the groom, Jean Cuburu, brother of the bride and Jean Iribarne, uncle of the bride. 
Family F5936
18515 Pierre Elicondo, inheritor of the house of Hiriartea and Marie d'Uhalde, cadette of the house of Mendementa.
Witnesses were Jean Eliconde and Jean Eliconde, brothers of the groom, Jean Domiguel, cousin of the bride and Jean de Joannessenea, inheritor of the house of Joannessenea. 
Family F1035
18516 Pierre Ephele, son of Gratian Ephele and Magdelaine Joannesbeltch, owners of Joannesbeltchena in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Pierre Ephele, paternal uncle and Catherine Ihitcague. 
Ephele, Pierre (I7437)
18517 Pierre Ephelle, son of Pierre Ephele and Marie Erro, owners of the house of Escalapoindeguya in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Pierre Oyhanart, living at Cincorenea and Catherine Ephelle, paternal cousin. 
Ephele, Pierre (I6659)
18518 Pierre Ernaga, farmer (laboreur) 23 years old, died in the house of Mehacainia.
Witnesses were Jean Ernaga, farmer (laboreur) 45 years old, father of the deceased and Jean Gachitegui, farmer (laboreur) 44 years old, neighbor.  
Ernaga, Pierre (I5815)
18519 Pierre Ernaut, 5 years old, son of Michel Ernaut and Louise Ausquie, died in his house of Ausquia. Ernaut, Pierre (I13049)
18520 Pierre Ernautene, 30 years old, son of Jean Ernautene and Marie Inda, farmer, died in the house of Inchaya. Ernaut, Pierre (I14018)
18521 Pierre Erramouspe, 80 years old, farmer, husband of Marie Iribarne, owner adventive of the house of Joannesederra in this village. Erramouspe, Pierre (I1537)
18522 Pierre Erramouspe, 86 years old, farmer, widower of Jeanne Antonena, owner of the house of Martinbelx in this village. Erramuspe, Pedro/Pierre (I21549)
18523 Pierre Erramouspe, cadet of the house of Joannesederra, born in the village of La Fonderie, baptised in St. Etienne on 5/29/1776, farmer, son of the late Pierre Joannesederra and Jeanne Ernautene, his wife, owners in their lifetime of the house of Joannesederra in La Fonderie.
Marie Iribarne, cadette of the house of Erregue, born in La Fonderie, baptised in Irouleguy on 3/9/1884, farmer (cultavatrice), daughter of Gratian Iribarne, farmer and Jeanne Hayra, his wife, owners of the house of Erregue in La Fonderie.
Witnesses were Dominique Oyhenart 29 years old, Jean Piarresenia 34 years old, Jean Apesteguy 24 years old and Martin Elissalecu 31 years old. 
Family F508
18524 Pierre Erramouspe, farmer, 63 years old, living in this village, married to Agnes Handisco, died in the house of Choco. Erramouspe, Pierre (I21167)
18525 Pierre Erramouspe, son of Peilloerrecarena and Jeanne, inheritor of Oholbicy in the quartier of Acaldeguy.
Witnesses were Pierre d'Erramouspe and Jean d'Erramouspe, brothers of the groom, Bernard de Cantero and Martin, inheritor of Betryitcainarena. 
Family F6053
18526 Pierre Erramouspe, son of Pierre Erramouspe and Jeanne Ernautena, owners of the house of Joanesederra.
Witnesses were Pierre Erramouspe, paternal uncle and Jeanne Hiriart, maternal grandmother. 
Erramouspe, Pierre (I1537)
18527 Pierre Erramouspe, son of the house of Peilloerrecarenea and Marie Herlats, inheritor of the house of Chuhigaray.
Witnesses were Pierre and Jean Erramouspe, brothers of the groom, Pierre and Pierre Herlats, brothers of the bride. 
Family F2700
18528 Pierre Erramuspe, born in Lucaire, valley of Valcarlos in Spain on 7/29/1775, son of the late Jean Erramuspe, owner of the house of Doray and the late Marie Etchehandy, and
Marie Hayra, inheritor of the house of Martinbelz, daughter of Pierre Hayra and Marie Argal, 27 years old, born in La Fonderie on 8/12/1776.
Witnesses were Ferdinand Erramuspe, paternal cousin, living in Lucaire, farmer, 23 years old, Gratianne Hayra, sister of the bride, cadette of Martinbelz, 23 years old, Marie Argal, cadette of Marigalant, 22 years old and Jean Iribarne, farmer 45 years old, friend of the groom. 
Family F6077
18529 Pierre Erramuspe, elder owner of the house of Haida, about 60 years old.
Witnesses were Baptiste Brustet and Gratian Souhilar. 
Erramouspe, Pierre/Pedro (I7693)
18530 Pierre Erramuspe, son of Jean Erramuspe and Gratianne Dufourq, owners of Olhaitcin in La Forge.
His godparents were Pierre, owner of Haira and Marie Harostey, owner of Ausquie. 
Erramouspe, Pierre (I1812)
18531 Pierre Erreca, 15 days old, son of Jean Erreca and Marie Corcabal, owners of the house Louischotroena in this village, died in this house.
Witnesses were Jean Erreca, father of the deceased and Pierre Corcabal, grandfather of the deceased, farmers (laboreurs). 
Erreca, Pierre (I4497)
18532 Pierre Erreca, 26 years old, died in the house of Coscorcilo.
Witnesses were Jean Inda, 48 years old and Jean Corte, 50 years old. 
Erreca, Pierre (I12335)
18533 Pierre Erreca, 55 years old, married to Marie Carrica, died in the house of Sohaluchia. Erreca, Jean or Pierre (I9126)
18534 Pierre Erreca, 56 years old, farmer, living in this village, married to Marie Aguerre, died in the house of Halcartbordagaray. Erreca, Pierre (I4793)
18535 Pierre Erreca, 75 years old, farmer, married, living in this village, died in the house of Miguelenia. Erreca, Pierre (I5725)
18536 Pierre Erreca, 81 years old, farmer, widower of Marie Otxart, died in the house of Arambelia. Erreca, Pierre (I9149)
18537 Pierre Erreca, 90 years old, farmer, single, living in this village, died in his house of Tattolla. Cubiarinerreca or Erreca, Pierre (I7253)
18538 Pierre Erreca, born 1/8/1785, legitimate son of Pierre Erreca and Marie Arroquy, owners in their lifetime of the house of Halcartenia in this village.
Jeanne Aguerre, born 4/16/1785, legitimate daughter of the late Jean Aguerre and Jeanne Larrateguy, owners in their lifetime of the house of Gasteaguerregaraya in this village.
Witnesses were Martin Erreca farmer (laboreur) 30 years old, Michel Etchevers mason 49 years old, Marie Erreca sister of the groom 24 years old and Marie Chaharra 43 years old. 
Family F1496
18539 Pierre Erreca, cadet of Oihanbure, 25 years old.
Witnesses were Jean Pocco, owner of Martinpocorenea and Pierre Otxarart, elder owner of Sorhochilo. 
Erreca, Pierre (I6464)
18540 Pierre Erreca, farmer 34 years old and Jeanne Aguerre, owners of the house of Halzartgaray, declared his name as Jean.
Witnesses were Gaston Esponda farmer 44 years old and Jean Erreca farmer 50 years old. 
Erreca, Jean (I7953)
18541 Pierre Erreca, farmer, single, 17 years old, natural cadet son of the house of Chinta. Iharragorry, Pierre (I5007)
18542 Pierre Errotalde, son of Mathieu Errotalde and Marie Alfaro, owners of Mateinea in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Pierre Hiriberribehere and Gratianne Alfaro, maternal aunt. 
Errotalde, Pierre (I7313)
18543 Pierre Esponda, 4 years old, died in the meterie of Alhastainia.
Witnesses were Jean Esponda, farmer, 42 years old, father of the deceased and Jean Saroihandi, farmer, 70 years old (grandfather?). 
Saroihandy Esponda, Pierre (I10872)
18544 Pierre Esponda, 42 years old carpenter, owner of the house of Esponda in the quartier of Hourepel and Gratianne Tamborin, his wife, declared the birth of their daughter Elisabeth.
Witnesses were Pierre Hiriart, 30 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker, 36 years old. 
Esponda, Elizabeth (I9244)
18545 Pierre Esponda, 52 years old, farmer, married to Marie Arroquy, living in this village, died in the house of Falxa. Esponda, Pierre (I11586)
18546 Pierre Esponda, 68 years old, carpenter, living in this village, widower, died in the house of Ichabelenia. Esponda, Pierre (I3607)
18547 Pierre Esponda, carpenter (charpentier) 47 years old and Gratianne Etchevarne, his wife, owners of the house of Ychabelenia in this village, declared his name as Jean.
Witnesses were Jean Saroihandy farmer 38 years old and Jean Inda farmer 43 years old. 
Esponda, Jean (I8031)
18548 Pierre Estebe was living alone on Main St. in La Puente. He owned his home which was worth $2,000. He was 50 years old and single. He was dumping fruit for a lemon and orange association. Estebe, Pierre (I18851)
18549 Pierre Etchalecu, 2nd class rifleman, 1st battalion, foot rifleman, 1st company, number 2553, born on 3/18/1829 in the Aldudes, son of an unknown father and Marie Etchalecu, entered the hospital on 8/6/1854 and died on 8/6/1854 after contracting Cholera.
Note: there is no location noted other than it was a military hospital. 
Etchelecu, Pierre (I12141)
18550 Pierre Etchalecu, 55 years old, day laborer, single, son of Jean Etchalecu and Marie Zaldubehere, died in the house of Mehaca in this village. Etchelecu, Pierre (I4255)

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