
Matches 17,201 to 17,250 of 21,012

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17201 Michel Hiriart, 3 years old, son of Jean Hiriart and Isabelle Arrambide, died in her house of Predoscorenia. Hiriart, Michel (I13373)
17202 Michel Hiriart, 58 years old, farmer, single, cadet of the house of Egnautenia, died in the Nive river about 15 below the bridge of Camouqueguy. Hiriart, Michel (I4889)
17203 Michel Ihidoy, son of Michel Ihidoy and Catherine Etchepare, owners of the house of Ihidoy in Behorleguy.
Marie Curutchet, daughter of Pierre Curutchet and Gracianne Iriart, owners of the house of Iriart in Mendive.
Witnesses were Pierre Celhay, farmer, 36 years old, Jean Esconjaureguy, farmer, 32 years old, Arnaud Larralde, farmer, 30? years old and Pierre Eyheralt, teacher, 24 years old. 
Family F745
17204 Michel Ihitcague, 15 years old, farmer, cadet of the house of Ascaratenia. Ihitcague, Michel (I12495)
17205 Michel Ihitcague, 85 years old, farmer, widow of Marie Arrambide, died in the house of Predobelcharenia in this village. Ihitcague, Michel (I4815)
17206 Michel Ilarragorry, son of Jean Ilharragorry and Jeanne ???, owners of the house of Domingorenea in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Michel de Joannessenea, owner of Ehailearenea and Marie Hirigoyen, owner of Harxubehere. 
Ilharragorry or Etchepare dit Domingorena, Michel (I4665)
17207 Michel Ilharragorry, son of Jean Ilharragorry and Dominique Coscorrechilo, owners of the house of Coscorrechilo in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Michel Ilharragorry, paternal grandfather and Marie Laxague, maternal grandmother. 
Erreca dit Ilharragorry, Michel (I4304)
17208 Michel Illaragorry, son of Jean Illaragorry and Marie Etchalus, owners of Sabinanea in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Michel Etchalus, maternal uncle and Jeanne Illaragorry, paternal aunt. 
Ilharragorry dit Erreca, Michel (I4823)
17209 Michel Incaurpe, son of Jean Incaurpe and Gratianne ??, owners of the borde of Joannes Incaurpe in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Michel Ernautena, owner of the borde of Miguelarcaina and Aignes d'Etchart, owner of Curuchet in the St. Etienne. 
Incaurpe, Michel (I7434)
17210 Michel Inda, 16 years old, farmer, living in this village. Ernetenia is written in the margin. Inda, Michel (I12102)
17211 Michel Inda, 70 years old, farmer, married, living in this village, died in his house of Ithurribelcia. Inda, Michel (I3925)
17212 Michel Iphar, son of Jean Iphar and Marie Saroyhandy, owners of the house of Anchaino in Obalissardy.
His godparents were Michel Saroyhandy, maternal uncle and Marie Iphar, paternal aunt. 
Iphar, Michel (I7278)
17213 Michel Iraburu, 55 years old, day laborer, married to Catherine Saroihandy, died in the house of Anderordiarenia in this village. Iraburu, Michel (I4713)
17214 Michel Irigoin, 29 years old, farmer, young owner proprietary of the house of Ihidoy in this village and Marie Curutchet, his wife, declared the birth of a son named Michel.
Witnesses were Arnaud Biscay, 40 years old, weaver and Bernard Etchegoin, 28 years old, farmer, young owner adventif of the house of Orgambide, both living in this village. 
Irigoin-Bordato, Michel (I2501)
17215 Michel Irigoin, farmer, living in Behorleguy, 34 years old, son of the late Miguel or Michel Irigoin, deceased in Behorleguy and Marie Curuchet, farmer, 60 years old, living in Behorleguy, present and consenting to this marriage.
Dominica Urruty, farmer, living in Hosta, 23 years old, daughter of Antoine Urruty, farmer, 60 years old, present and consenting to this marriage and Gratianne Othax, deceased in Hosta, 1/6/1856.
Witnesses were Michel Irola, 27 years old, farmer, living in Behorleguy, Arnaud Etchegoin, 38 years old, farmer, living in Hosta, Guillaume Irigoin, uncle of the future groom, farmer, 55 years old, living in St.-Just-Ibarre and Honore Paqueguy, teacher, living in Hosta, 24 years old. 
Family F743
17216 Michel Iruleguy, 10 years old, no profession, son of Antoine Iruleguy and Marguerite Salaburu, living in Urepel, died in the house of Martincharrenia. Irouleguy, Michel (I14881)
17217 Michel Itcaina, 62 years old, spouse of Dominica Erramouspe, died in his house of Domingoetcheto. Itcaina dit Pedrottipia, Michel (I4093)
17218 Michel Itcaina, carpenter, 65 years old, widower, elder owner of Espartingaray. Donaleguy or Itcaina, Michel (I4063)
17219 Michel Jaureguiberry, customs agent (prepose des douanes) 40 years old and Marie Narbaiz, his wife, fermiers of the house of Peyorenia in this village, declared her name as Jeanne.
Note: Tristant was written in the margin.
Witnesses were Bernard Goihenetche blacksmith 30 years old and Pierre Ardaitz weaver 37 years old. 
Jaureguiberry, Jeanne (I8029)
17220 Michel Jaureguiberry, prepose (customs agent), born 3/8/1793, son of Pierre Jaureguiberry and Marie Chacou, owners of the house of Tristantenia in the village of Lasse.
Marie Erreca dit Narbaiz, born 7/21/1801, daughter of Michel Erreca dit Narbaiz and Marie Okilamberro dit Barreneche, fermiers at the time of the house of Gortheirigaray.
Witnesses were Fortune Arnaud Lieutenant des Douanes 40 years old, Bertrand Faure prepose 40 years old, Pierre Dundieu prepose 45 years old and Michel Mourguiart prepose 30 years old. 
Family F2271
17221 Michel Labadie, mason, 58 years old, died in his house of Hiriburuia commonly called Crokenia.
Witnesses were Jean Labadie, shoemaker, 30 years old and Etienne Labadie, blacksmith, 28 years old, both sons of the deceased. 
Labadie, Michel (I11948)
17222 Michel Larralde, 75 years old, farmer, widower of Marie Casenave, owner of the house of Arotchaenia in this village. Larralde, Michel (I5223)
17223 Michel Lassa, 1 month old, son of Jean Lassa and Gratianne Chabagno, died in the house of Primondo in this village. Lassa, Michel (I7483)
17224 Michel Lassa, 68 years old, farmer, living in the Aldudes, single, son of the late Jean Lassa and Marie Detchume, died in the house of Pilaria in this village. Detchume Lassa, Michel (I2668)
17225 Michel Laxague, 18 months old, son of Martin Laxague and Marie Hasquet, died in the house of Chitchastenia. Laxague, Michel (I13583)
17226 Michel Laxague, 3 months old, died in their house of Putunenia.
Witnesses were Martin Laxague, father of the deceased, 40 years old, owner of the house of Poutounena and Catherine Saroiberry, 30 years old, mother of the deceased. 
Laxague, Michel (I4349)
17227 Michel Laxague, 92 years old, farmer, single, died in his house of Ithurrieta. Laxague, Michel (I7077)
17228 Michel Laxague, born 10/18/1798, son of Simon Laxague and Jeanne Detchume, owners of the house of Iputcha.
Jeanne Hasquet, daughter of Martin Hasquet and Marie Coscarart, owners of Etchalecutto in this village.
Witnesses were Baptiste Ardaiz farmer 27 years old, Martin Iturribelz weaver 27 years old, Martin Laxague farmer 21 years old and Jean Celhay 22 years old. 
Family F2308
17229 Michel Laxague, shepherd, single, 70 years old, elder cadet of the house of Iputcha. Laxague, Michel/Miguel (I4647)
17230 Michel Lazague, son of Anton Lazague, farmer (laboreur) and Gratianne Igusquiaguerre, owners of the house of Ithurrietta in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Michel Sotro and Jeanne Igusquiaguerre. 
Laxague, Michel (I7077)
17231 Michel Letchume, son of Michel Letchume and Jeanne Haira, owners of the house of Antonena in the Aldudes.
Her godparents were Michel Letchume, cadet of the house called Letchume, "petit" uncle and Jeanne Ausquichuhy, owner of the house of Arroquia. 
Detchume, Michel (I1832)
17232 Michel Maiderto, born (blank space), legitimate son of Martin Pilaria and Dominique Inchabi, owners of the house of Maiderto in this village.
Marie Zuburou, born 6/24/1790 in the village of St. Etienne, legitimate daughter of Jean Zuburou and Marie Hiriart, farmers (fermiers) of the house of Etchemendy.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, secretary of the mayor 45 years old, Marie Chaharra his wife 38 years old, Gabriel Loustau, weaver, 75 years old and Ferdinand Methola, weaver 35 years old. 
Family F1420
17233 Michel Mariatcho, first born of the house of Erremedio, 23 years old, born and living in the Aldudes, farmer, son of the late Jean Maritcho and Marie Erremedio, his wife, owners in their lifetimes of the house of Erremedio, and
Jeanne Aicaguerre, first born of the house of Eyheralde, born in the village of Baigorry on 2/24/1789, farmer, daughter of Jean Aicaguerre, farmer and Gratianne Barcelonna, owners of the house of Eyheralde in the quartier of Mitchelene. 
Family F1382
17234 Michel Mariluch, farmer (laboreur) 18 years old, maternal uncle of the infant, presented this child by Antoine Harriet, his brother-in-law and Marie Mariluch, his wife, owners of the house of Lanciria. Harriet, Marie (I4452)
17235 Michel Mariluch, farmer (laboreur) 30 years old declared the birth of this child to an unknown father and Gratianne Mariluch, his sister.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, 47 years old secretary of the mayor of this village and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 43 years old, owner of the house of Esquil. 
Mariluch Harriet, Marie (I5096)
17236 Michel Methola, 68 years old, weaver, married to Catherine Itcaina, died in the house of Chantana in this village. Methola, Michel (I5169)
17237 Michel Mococain, 23 years old, no profession, born and living in the Aldudes, single, son of Pierre Mococain, valet (voiturier) and Marie Itcaina, no profession, living in the Aldudes, died in the house of Piarrenea in this village. Mococain, Michel (I14740)
17238 Michel Narbaitz, 14 years old, died in the house of Okherra.
Witnesses were Michel Narbaitz, farmer, 60 years old, father of the deceased and Gratian Tihista, aubergiste, 55 years old. 
Narbaiz, Michel (I5270)
17239 Michel Narbaitz, 80 years old, farmer, widower of Dominica Irigoisbehere, died in the house of Attabala in this village. Narbaitz, Michel (I7863)
17240 Michel Narbaitz, 86 years old, farmer, living in the Aldudes, widower of Marie Inda, died in the house of Ithurribelzia. Narbaitz, Michel (I3928)
17241 Michel Narbaitz, born 9/9/1783, son of the late Michel Narbaitz and Gratianne Ernaga, owners of the house of Oxarartia.
Marie Ausquie, born 10/2/1793, daughter of the late Jean Ausquie and Marie Bipher, owners in their lifetime of the house of Teilarena in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Etcheverry farmer 30 years old, Martin Ernaga farmer 24 years old, Pierre Jaureguiberry mason 22 years old and Michel Ernaut 22 years old. 
Family F2313
17242 Michel Narbaitz, farmer (laboreur), 61 years old, son of the late Michel Narbaitz and Marie Arretche, owners in their lifetime of the house of Joalguin and Marie Etcheverry, farmer (laboreuse), 60 years old, natural daughter of an unknown father and Marie Etcheverry, cadette of the house of Gorthairu, both of this village.
They declared that they have seven children together:
the first Marie Narbaitz, 35 years old (abt 1801),
the second Marie Narbaitz, 34 years old (abt 1802),
the third Marie Narbaitz, 32 years old (abt 1804),
the fourth Marie Narbaitz, 30 years old (abt 1806),
the fifth Marie Narbaitz, 28 years old (abt 1808),
the sixth Catherine Narbaitz, 24 years old (abt 1812) and
the seventh Marie Narbaitz, 20 years old (abt 1816).
Witnesses were Jean Celhay, teacher, 28 years old, Arnaud Barnetche, weaver, 48 years old, owner of the house of Morro?, Laurent Ordoquy, carpenter, 70 years old, owner of the house of Laurencenia and Pierre Etcheverry, aubergiste, 48 years old, renter of Piarresenia. 
Family F1380
17243 Michel Narbaitz, married, farmer, 75 years old, owner of the house of Okerra. Erreca dit Narbaiz, Michel (I4568)
17244 Michel Narbaiz, 76 years old, died in his house of Ynchabia.
Witnesses were Jean Narbaiz, 49 years old, owner of Ynchabia, son of the deceased and Michel Narbaiz, 72 years old, brother of the deceased, farmers (laboreurs).
Note: the house name in this record may be in error since he was owner of Iturribelza and not Inchabia. 
Narbaiz dit Erreca, Michel/Miguel (I5743)
17245 Michel Narbaiz, 80 years old, died in his house of Joalguinenia.
Witnesses were Michel Narbaiz, 37 years old, shoemaker (cordonnier) and Michel Narbaiz, farmer (laboreur), 43 years old, sons of the deceased. 
Narbaiz dit Erreca, Michel (I4866)
17246 Michel Narbaiz, 82 years old, farmer, husband of Catherine Corcabal, died in his house of Joalguinenia. Narbaiz, Michel (I4865)
17247 Michel Narbaiz, shoemaker, 35 years old, legitimate son of Michel Narbaiz and Marie Arretche, owners of the house of Joalguin in this village.
Catherine Zorcabal, 36 years old, legitimate daughter of Pierre Zorcabal and Dominique Chotro, owners in their lifetime of the house of Louis Chotroinia in this village.
Witnesses were Michel Narbaiz, brother of the groom 48 years old, Jean Narbaiz uncle of the groom, 58 years old, Jeanne Zorcabal, sister of the bride 38 years old and Catherine Auchoberry farmer (laboreuse) 35 years old. 
Family F1529
17248 Michel of Aparain in the quartier of Leispars and Magdelene of Etchart in the quartier of Acaldeguy.
Witnesses were Pedro d'Aparain, father of the groom, Joannes de Belca, blacksmith and Bernard de Souhilar, sonneur des cloches . 
Family F778
17249 Michel Ohaco, 80 years old, farmer, widower, living in this village, died in his house of Etchemendy. Ohaco, Michel (I4201)
17250 Michel Ohaco, Etchemendy, farmer (laboreur), Aldudes, 65, 60/84. Ohaco, Michel (I4201)

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