
Matches 17,001 to 17,050 of 21,012

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17001 Mathieu Etchart, 43 years old, lanipiser (sic), single, living in this village, died in his house of Charranguiletenia. Etchart, Mathieu (I13413)
17002 Mathieu Franchechena, farmer, single, 76 years old, cadet of the house of Iparraguerre in this village. Franchez, Mathieu (I13386)
17003 Mathieu Franchessenia, farmer (laboreur) 45 years old, oldest son of the house of Ypharraguerria in this village, declared this natural birth to Dominique Bouroucoa, cadette of the house Yoannesgaste in this village.
Witnesses were Michel Narbaiz, shoemaker (cordonnier) 40 years old and Gratian Espelet, farmer (laboreur) 40 years old. 
Poco Burucoa, Marie (I5644)
17004 Mathieu Hiraburu, 29 years old, day laborer, daughter of Michel Hiraburu and Catherine Saroihandy, died in the house of Tabacoenia in this village. Iraburu, Mathieu (I13324)
17005 Mathieu Igoa, 75 years old, shepherd, married to Isabelle Uhalde, died in the house of Peilloitchienia in this village. Ygoa/Igoa, Juan Miguel/Matias (I11990)
17006 Mathieu Ihitcague, 76 years old, farmer, died in the house of Igusquiaguerre in this village. Ihitcague, Mathieu (I11449)
17007 Mathieu Ihitcague, farmer (laboreur) 80 years old, widower, died in the house of Miguelenia.
Witnesses were Jean Gariador, farmer 50 years old owner of Chiloenia and Jean Esponda, farmer 40 years old renter of Bastanchury. 
Ihitcague, Mathias (I3945)
17008 Mathieu Iribarren, 1 year old, son of Gratian Iribarren and Marie Arrambide, owners of the house of Esquerra in Esnassou. Arrambide, Mathieu (I12469)
17009 Mathieu Salaberry, died in the house of Balentinenia in this village, 55 years old. Saroiberry or Salaberry, Mathieu (I7987)
17010 Mathieu Sallaberry, 75 years old, farmer, widower, died in his house of Esquerraenia. Saroiberry or Salaberry, Mathieu (I5414)
17011 Mathieu Saroiberry, 26 years old, died in the house of Esquerrenia.
Witnesses were Mathieu Saroiberry, farmer (laboreur) 36 years old, brother of the deceased and Gratian Erramuspe, farmer (laboreur) 37 years old, brother-in-law of the deceased. 
Saroiberry, Mathieu (I3413)
17012 Mathieu Saroiberry, 28 years old, died in the house of Esquerra in the quartier of Sarasteguy.
Witnesses were Gratian Saroiberry, farmer (cultivateur) 36 years old, brother of the deceased and Ferranyo Arrambide, farmer (cultivateur) 34 years old. 
Saroiberry or Apharain, Mathieu (I5909)
17013 Mathieu Saroiberry, farmer (laboreur) 36 years old declared the birth of this natural child to an unknown father and Dominique Saroiberry, his sister, cadette of the house of Esquerrainia in this village.
Witnesses were Pierre Yhitcague, farmer (laboreur) 68 years old and Gratian Urracariet, farmer (laboreur) 42 years old. 
Saroiberry Arrambide, Mathieu (I5416)
17014 Mathieu Saroiberry, farmer 41 years old and Marie Erramuspe, his wife, owners of the borde of Esquerra in Sarasteguy, who declared his name as Mathieu.
Witnesses were Pierre Ihitcague farmer 66 years old and Jean Ihitcague farmer 32 years old. 
Saroiberry or Salaberry, Mathieu (I7987)
17015 Mathieu Saroiberry, son of Jean Saroiberry and Catherine Chastriarena, owners of the house of Lohibeltcea in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Mathieu Ihitcague, maternal uncle and Marie Saroiberry, paternal aunt. 
Saroiberry, Mathieu (I6784)
17016 Mathieu Urracariet, 74 years old, mason, born and living in this village, widower of Marie Franches, son of Gratian Urracariet and Jeanne Bihurriet, died in the house of Iparraguerria in this village. Urracariet, Mathieu (I5266)
17017 Mathieu, son of Jean Barzalon, farmer (laboreur) and Marie Hiriberry, owners of Bordaberria in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Mathieu Barzalon and Marie Ossafrain. 
Barcelona, Mathieu (I6418)
17018 Mathilde Uhide, 29 years old, unemployed, daughter of Jean Pierre Uhide and Olympe Jaureguy, died in the house of Uhidea in this village. Uhide, Mathilde (I14552)
17019 Mathilde Uhide, 55 years old, single, unemployed, died in the house of Uhidea in this village. Uhide, Marthe/Mathilde (I5014)
17020 Matias Barcelona, 31 years old, legitimate son of Bernard Barcelona and Catherine Erio, owners in their lifetime of the house of Simonerio in this village.
Marie Ourquiloux, born 12/22/1797 (2 Nivose AnVI), legitimate daughter of Baptiste Ourquiloux and Jeanne Saroiberry, owners of the house of Zahargun in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Saroihandy owner of Erlanyo farmer (laboreur) 30 years old, Jeanne Saroiberry 40 years old aunt of the bride, Jeanne Etchegaray 45 years old and Pierre Barnetche weaver 26 years old. 
Family F1526
17021 Matias Igusquiaguerre, farmer (laboreur), born in the Aldudes on 10/17/1783, son of Pierre Ygusquiaguerre and Catherine Aguerre, his wife, co-owner and owner in their lifetimes of the house of Bastanchuhi in the village of Aldudes and deceased there.
Marie Miguelarcaina, born 4/8/1779, daughter of Michel Miguelarcaina and Marie Aguerre, owners in their lifetime of the house of Soraluch in this village and deceased there.
Witnesses were Catherine Mocho 40 years old fermier of the house of Ehailea, Marie Arroquy 22 years old, daughter of Martin Arroquy dit Unhaya, Ferdinand Harriet 30 years old cadet of Ehailea and Martin Arroquy, 64 years old, cadet of Coscorrecillo. 
Family F1816
17022 Matias Iparraguerre, farmer (laboreur) 38 years old, declared the birth of this natural child to Jeanne Igusquiaguerre, cadette of Bastanchuy and recognized by Jean Iparraguerre, his brother, farmer (laboreur) 24 years old, who they named Matias.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde dit Passano, 60 years old and Jean Ynda dit Akerra, 54 years old. 
Iparraguerre, Mathias (I6959)
17023 Maties Esquerra was written in the margin. Saroiberry, Jean (I12421)
17024 Micaila S. Ardaiz was 50 years old when she died and her husband's first initial was "R". Seminario, Michaela (I15931)
17025 Michael & Jeannette Narvais were living on Alameda St. at the Ballade Hotel as boarders with Pascal & Marie Ballade along with their eldest daughter and other boarders and families. He was 48 years old and she was 23. He was a capitalist and she was keeping house. Iribarne, Jeanne/Juana (I16197)
17026 Michael & Jeannette Narvais were living on Alameda St. at the Ballade Hotel as boarders with Pascal & Marie Ballade along with their eldest daughter and other boarders and families. He was 48 years old and she was 23. He was a capitalist and she was keeping house. Narbaiz, Michel/Miguel (I12399)
17027 Michael and Carmel Othats were living on 11th St in Chino. They owned their home which was worth $850. He was 66 years old and she was 38. He was a milker on a dairy farm and she was a housewife. Othats, Michel /Othas (I17483)
17028 Michael and Mary Mutuberria were living on Riverside Dr. with their daughter Suzanne. They were renting their home for $30 per month. There were both 35 years old. He was a sheepherder and she was a housewife. Etchart, Marie (I7869)
17029 Michael and Mary Mutuberria were living on Riverside Dr. with their daughter Suzanne. They were renting their home for $30 per month. There were both 35 years old. He was a sheepherder and she was a housewife. Mutuberria, Michel (I7872)
17030 Michael and Mary Mutuberria were living on Riverside Dr. with their daughter Suzanne. They were renting their home for $30 per month. There were both 35 years old. He was a sheepherder and she was a housewife. Etchart, Marie (I7869)
17031 Michael and Mary Mutuberria were living on Riverside Dr. with their daughter Suzanne. They were renting their home for $30 per month. There were both 35 years old. He was a sheepherder and she was a housewife. Mutuberria, Michel (I7872)
17032 Michael Erreca was 13 years old when he died. Erreca, Michael (I19831)
17033 Michael Erreca was 24 years old when he died. Erreca, Michel/Michael Felix (I19269)
17034 Michael Erreca was 45 years old at the time of his death. Erreca, Michel/Michael (I14195)
17035 Michaela Feraut was 42 years old when she died. Glaize or Cleiz or Gless, Juana Michaela (I11606)
17036 Michal Ansolabehere was 56 years old when he died and his wife's first initial was "M". Ansolabehere, Michel (Big Mike) (I21878)
17037 Michel Accotain, cadet of Cahargun, son of the late Jean Accotain and Marie Cahargun and Jeanne Zohieta, inheritor of Chabatenia, daughter of Chabat Zohieta and Josephe Murrillo.
Witnesses were Jean Antchano, cadet of Ernautena, Jean Pilaria, cadet of Batistarena, Jean Harriague, owner of Joannessenea and Jean Harriague, cadet of Pericorena. 
Family F3050
17038 Michel Aguerre, 10 days old, son of Jean Aguerre and Marie Hasquet, died in the house of Gentilgaray. Aguerre, Michel (I13634)
17039 Michel Aiceaguerre, cadet of the house of Bichi and Gratianne Legassa, inheritor of the house of Legassa in the quartier of Ispeguy.
Witnesses were Guillaume, owner of Joannesamestoy, Jean de Brana, weaver, Dominique Sylvain, inheritor of Esponda and Jean Aiceaguerre, brother of the groom. 
Family F6207
17040 Michel Aldave, 20 months old, son of Jean Aldave and Catherine Narbaitz, living in this village, farmers, died in the house of Otxartia Aldave, Michel (I13000)
17041 Michel Alsualde, 66 years old, farmer, widower of Catherine Antonena, died in the house of Chitchast in this village. Alzualde, Juan Miguel/Michel (I11375)
17042 Michel Antonena, one year old, son of Jean Antonena and Marie Etcheverry, cadet of the house of Barbesuhy. Antonena, Michel (I12475)
17043 Michel Apharain, son of Jean Apharain and Catherine Lassa, owners of the house of Cahargun in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Michel Accotain, cadet of Cahargun and Marie Apharain, maternal aunt. 
Apharain, Michel (I6751)
17044 Michel Arambel, 18 years old, farmer (laboreur), died in his house of Bordaberria.
Witnesses were Michel Bidondo, farmer (laboreur) 44 years old, neighbor of the deceased and Michel Arambel, mason (macon) 54 years old, father of the deceased. 
Arambel, Michel (I475)
17045 Michel Arambel, 86 years old, widower, mason, living in this village, died in his house of Lefranquenia. Arambel dit Etchevers, Michel (I123)
17046 Michel Arambel, son of Mathias Arambel and Marie Corcabal, renters (locataires) of the house of Marisco.
His godparents were Michel Marisco, maternal uncle and Marie Irabouru of Osses. 
Arambel dit Etchevers, Michel (I123)
17047 Michel Ardaiz, native of Guerendein in Spain, son of Philip Ardaiz and Maria Antonia Equiroz, fermiers of the valley of Erro, renters in the common house of this village.
Marie Accotain, daughter of Michel Accotain and Claude Curutchet, owners of the house of Premundorena.
Witnesses were Etienne and Jean Accotain, brothers of the bride, Joseph Etcheto, young owner of Saraberri and Martin Joseph Percain, young owner of Perkainenea. 
Family F1819
17048 Michel Ardans, 43 years old, farmer, single, living in this village, died in his house of Coscartea. Ardans, Michel (I13438)
17049 Michel Arroqui, son of Jean Arroqui and Jeanne Auzquie, owners of Arroqui, 7 years old.
Witnesses were Jean Ihitcague, owner of Detchumegarai and Michel Ernaut, owner of Soraluch. 
Arroquy, Michel (I6822)
17050 Michel Ausquia, son of Jean Ausquia and Marie d'Uhalde, owners of the house of Ausquia in the quartier of Aldudes.
His godparents were Michel d'Eliconde, owner of the house of Uhalde in the Aldudes and Marie Ausquia, elder owner of the house of Ausquia. 
Ausquie, Michel (I6061)

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