
Matches 16,751 to 16,800 of 21,012

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
16751 Martin Etcheto, elder owner of Lautrenea, 95 years old.
Witnesses were Michel Detchume, owner of Antonenea and Jean Mariluch, owner of Lanciri. 
Franchessena or Etcheto, Martin (I6211)
16752 Martin Etcheverrigaray and Marie Arroqui, owners of the house of Gentil in Aldudes sold a piece of land to Gaston Esponda and Marie Chabagno, owners of the house of Mechaca in Les Aldudes. Etcheverrigaray, Martin (I288)
16753 Martin Gachiteguy, 79 years old, son of Jean Gachiteguy and Dominica Etcheniquy, widower of Marie Pilaria, died in the house of Harribels in this village. Gachiteguy, Martin (I3378)
16754 Martin Garat, cadet of Materenea, husband of Marie Latxaga, cadette of Antchartenea, 28 years old.
Witnesses were Bertrand Erremerreca, owner of Corquilante and Antoine Yaurquie, owner of Betrisco. 
Garat dit Larronde, Martin (I6098)
16755 Martin Garat, cadet of Materenea, son of Martin Garat and Marie Alfaro.
Marie Menta, cadette of Anchartenea, daughter of Jean Menta and Marie Otxarart.
Witnesses were Jean Etcheberri and Jean Salaberri, schoolmasters (maitres d'ecole), Jean Garat and Pierre Garat, brothers of the groom. 
Family F1412
16756 Martin Golcho, inheritor of the house of Golcho in Ainabie and Marie Nafar, cadette of the house of Nafar in Haira.
Witnesses included Gratian Golco, cousin of the groom; Jean Dindaria, cousin of the groom; Gratian Souhilar, cousin of the groom and Gaston de Gnafar, brother of the bride. 
Family F588
16757 Martin Golco, son of the house of Golco in Iramehaca, about 70 years old.
Witnesses were Jean, owner of Marro and Martin, owner of Martinbels. 
Iriberribehere, Martin (I21669)
16758 Martin Gortheyru of the village of the Aldudes, 28 years old, born in the Aldudes on 7/9/1777, farmer, living in the Aldudes, son of Domingo Gortheiru and Marie Etchebers of the Aldudes.
Marie Tihista, 25 years old, born in La Fonderie on 5/12/1780, daughter of the late Michel Anchagno and Magdalaine Yputcha, owners of the house of Harguintoua. 
Family F4081
16759 Martin Gospeire, miller (meunier) born 2/21/1780, son of Martin Godpeire and Marie Descansu, owners of the house of Jacachoury in the village of St. Etienne.
Gratianne Jaureguizahar, born 10/10/1799 according to the extract of baptism from Spain that was provided, daughter of Pierre Jaureguizahar and Marie Gastigarre, owners of the house of Antongastiarrenia in this village.
Witnesses were Michel Ospital, teacher (instituteur) 25 years old, Jean Iribarne farmer 38 years old, Pierre Hiriart, shoemaker (cordonnier) 40 years old and Jean Ynda, farmer 25 years old. 
Family F2264
16760 Martin Gosterratxu, 12 days old, son of Gratian Gosterratxu and Marie Corcabal, died in the house of Oyhamburua in this village. Gosterraxu, Martin (I14758)
16761 Martin Gosterratxu, 77 years old, mason, married to Jeanne Ardans, died in the house of Igusquiaguerre in this village. Gosterraxu, Martin Jose (I9939)
16762 Martin Grimaud was 53 years old when he died. Grimaud, Martin (I19171)
16763 Martin Hachquet, 67 years old, married to Catherine Gariador, died in the house of Ttipittorenia in this village. Hasquet, Jean or Martin (I378)
16764 Martin Haira, son of Martin Haira and Marie Ilari, owners of the house of Martinenea in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin Ocafrain, owner of Beguibeltcha and Jeanne Haira, older sister of the baptised. 
Hiriart or Haira, Martin (I3459)
16765 Martin Halti, cadet of Haltirenea, son of Jean Halti and Marie Predottipia.
Maria Francisca Ephele, daughter of Pierre Ephele, owner of Escalapoindeguia and Maria Francisca Granada, his wife.
Witnesses were Jean Itcainarena, young owner of Biperenea, Dominique Arrandoquy, cadet of Enautenea, Bertrand Erramuspe, cadet of Bicharrenea and Dominique Latxaga, owner of Lattaenea. 
Family F1726
16766 Martin Halty, farmer, 80 years old, married to Marie Ephelle, living in the house of Escalapoindeguy. Halty, Martin or Jean (I5764)
16767 Martin Halty, inheritor of the house of Annoarraine in the Aldudes and Marie Ainchaino, cadette of the house of Ernetene, also in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Baptiste Brustet, bellringer (sonneur des cloches), Sanson, owner of the house of Primares, Dominique, owner of the house of Lataine and Pierre, cadet of the house of Pocomots. 
Family F1853
16768 Martin Harriet, 70 years old, farmer, widow of Gratianne Mariluch, died in his house of Joanesenia. Harriet, Martin (I4813)
16769 Martin Harriet, born 7/28/1787, legitimate son of Jean Harriet and Marie Lassa, owners of the house of Joannessenia in this village.
Gratianne Mariluch, 36 years old, legitimate daughter of Jean Mariluch and Jeanne Saroiberry, owners of the house of Lanciria in this village.
Witnesses were Michel Etchevers mason 50 years old, Michel Mariluch farmer (laboreur) 28 years old, Marie Mariluch farmer (laboreuse) 30 years old and Marie Tihista obergiste 40 years old. 
Family F1508
16770 Martin Hasquet, 22 years old, single, farmer, living in this village, died in her house of Muttilaenia. Hasquet, Martin (I1313)
16771 Martin Hasquet, 80 years old, farmer, widower, living in this village, died in his house of Etchelecutto. Hasquet, Martin (I1234)
16772 Martin Hasquet, farmer (laboreur) 44 years old declared the birth of this child by an unknown father and Dominique Hasquet, his daughter, cadette of the house of Etchalecoutto.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde, farmer (laboreur) 66 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 45 years old. 
Hasquet, Gratianne (I5175)
16773 Martin Hiriart, 6 days old, son of Louis Hiriart and Marie Arrambide, died in the house of Piarregno. Hiriart, Martin (I13892)
16774 Martin Hiriart, inheritor of the house of Collomio, 26 years old, born in La Fonderie on 10/27/1775, farmer, living in La Fonderie, son of Jean Hiriart, livingin La Fonderie and Izabelle Hirigoyen, deceased on 1/13/1789.
Jeanne Ythurralde, cadette of the house of Chanchoina, 29 years old, born in La Fonderie on 9/29/1772, daughter of Jean Ythurralde, living in La Fonderie and Marie Yputcha, deceased on 9/19/1794.
Witnesses were Arnaud Erramouspe, cadet of the house of Gnafar, friend of groom, farmer, 27 years old; Michel Erramouspe, friend of the groom, cadet of Joanestopeillo, farmer, 28 years old; Jean Ithurralde, brother of the bride, cadet of the house of Chanchoenia, farmer, 25 years old and Catherine Erramouspe, friend of the bride, cadette of the house of Gnafar, laborer, 23 years old. 
Family F442
16775 Martin Hirigoyen, elder owner of Colomio in the parish of Irouleguy, quartier of Aissarry, about 60 years old.
Witnesses were Jean Ithurralde and Dominique Falxa. 
Irigoin or Erregue, Martin (I11283)
16776 Martin Hirigoyen, owner of the house of Laphardy, 46 years old, born in La Fonderie on 3/9/1755, farmer, son of Martin Hirigoyen and Marie Bichar and Jeanne Iribarne, cadette of the house of Arrabit, 33 years old, born in La Fonderie on 8/14/1768, daughter of Jean Iribarne and Marie Betripeillo, who are deceased.
Witnesses were Dominique Espil, owner of Eyharacaina, 33 years old, Joseph Espil, owner of the house of Musquet, 44 years old, Jean Iribarne, owner of the house of Arrabit, 48 years old and Jean Iribarne, young owner of Gallant, 35 years old. 
Family F6055
16777 Martin Hirrigaray was living on Wilmington Road in Wilmington with his brother Pete, his wife Janette and their son Martin. He was 50 years old and single. He was a partner on a general farm. Hirigaray, Saint-Martin/Martin (I16723)
16778 Martin Idiqui, inheritor of the house of Tipittorena in the parish of Irouleguy and Marie d'Iriart, cadette of the house of Aitcinecotche of this parish in the quartier of Guermiette.
Witnesses were Martin Idiquy and Bernard Idiquy, brother and uncle of the groom, Pierre and Jean Iriart, brothers of the bride. 
Family F3139
16779 Martin Ihitcague, farmer, 27 years old, single, living in this village, died in the house of Saroicharria. Ihitcague, Martin (I5319)
16780 Martin Inda, 14 deays old, died in his house of Lassainia.
Witnesses were Jean Ynda, farmer (laboreur) 26 years old and Martin Ynda, farmer (laboreur) 60 years old, father and grandfather of the deceased. 
Inda, Martin (I5132)
16781 Martin Inda, 30 years old, salesman (commercant), married, living in this village, died in the city of Pampleune, Spain.
Note: Lassaenia was written in the margin of his death record. 
Inda, Martin (I3917)
16782 Martin Inda, 38 years old, chocolatemaker (chocalatier), married, living in this village, died in his house of Percaincaharra. Inda, Martin (I7898)
16783 Martin Inda, 72 years old, farmer, married to Marguerite Antchagno, died in the house of Buruchurienebeheria in this village. Inda, Martin (I3425)
16784 Martin Inda, 80 years old, merchant, widower of Marie Esponda, died in the house of Percainenia in this village. Inda, Martin (I4242)
16785 Martin Inda, born 9/8/1810, son of the late Joseph Inda, blacksmith (forgeron) and Jeanne Etchegaray, owners of Etcheberria in this village.
Catherine Esterbena, daughter of Salvat Esterbena and Gratianne Pebet, owners of the house of Martincho in the village of Osses.
Witnesses were Jean Celhay 23 years old, Jean Etcheverry 59 years old, Michel Itcaina 57 years old and Michel Etchart. 
Family F2327
16786 Martin Inda, married, farmer, 80 years old, died in the house of Lassa.
Witnesses were Jean Saroihandy, farmer, 40 years old and Jean Narbaitz, farmer, 38 years old. 
Inda, Martin (I3921)
16787 Martin Inda, son of Jean Inda and Jeanne Arroqui, owners of the borde of Arroqui in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin Inda, paternal uncle, sharecropper (metayer) of the commun house of Aldudes and Catherine Arroqui, owner of the borde of Irisquierre (Igusquiaguerre?). 
Inda, Martin (I7504)
16788 Martin Inda, son of Jean Inda and Marie ???.
Marie Lassa, inheritor of the house of Lassarenea, daughter of ??? Lassa and Dominique Otxarart.
Witnesses were Jean Harizpe, merchant, brother-in-law, Gracian and Pierre Inda, brothers of the groom and Jean Etcheberri, schoolmaster (maitre d'ecole).
Note: information is missing because a corner of the document is torn. 
Family F1136
16789 Martin Indiano, 60 years old, farmer, living in Baigorry, son of Jean Indiano, farmer and Marie Iriberribehere, his wife, and
Jeanne Irary, 23 years old, daughter of Martin Irary, farmer, and Catherine Bidart, his wife.
Witnesses were Baptiste Marro, 30 years old, Jean Ohaco 25 years old, Jean Irary 22 years old brother of the bride, and Catherine Curutchet 30 years old.
Martin was noted as 60 years old but his month and day of birth were unknown. Jeanne's birthdate was noted as 8/15/1772. 
Family F3130
16790 Martin Ipharraguerre, 10 days old, son of Jean Ipharraguerre and Marie Etchevers, died in the house of Mielartcainaborda. Iparraguerre, Martin (I13744)
16791 Martin Iputcha, cadet of Chanchorena of Harida and Jeanne Etchenique, inheritor of Marianarena in Oyhansoro.
Witnesses were his brother, Gracian Iputcha, and Jean Ocafrain, his cousin, Jean Harguina and Martin Etchenique, brother of the bride. 
Family F532
16792 Martin Iriart and Marie Tipitorena were authorizing their eldest daughter, Jeanne Iriart to marry Joannes Arcainchaharra, younger son of the house of Arambel in Aldudes. He was represented by his father Gratian Arcainchaharra. Family F386
16793 Martin Iribarne (Iriberry?), cadet of the house of Garaicoborda in Iramehaca and Marie Erramounena, owner of the house of Erramounena in Belechi.
Witnesses were Jean Iribarne and Pierre Iribarne, brothers of the groom, Bertran Erramounena and Martin Barrenetche, brother of the bride and cousin of the bride. 
Family F6080
16794 Martin Iribarne dit Arrabit, 82 years old, farmer, married to Marie Uhalde, died in the house of Arrabit. Iribarne, Martin (I15061)
16795 Martin Iriberry, owner of the house of Bastero in the quartier of Orbalicardy and Marie, cadette of the house of Halty in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Jean Laxague, Maartin Halty, Peillo Erremond and Jean Alpharo. 
Family F3055
16796 Martin Iriberry, son of Jean Iriberry and Marie Errecart, owners of the borde of Garaicoborda in Iramehaca.
His godparents were Martin Errecart, maternal grandfather and Marie Poco, paternal great grandmother. 
Iriberry, Martin (I21500)
16797 Martin Irigoin, son of Martin Irigoin and Marie Bichar, young owners of Colomiotipy in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin, owner of Ithurriague, paternal uncle and Gratianne Bichar, maternal aunt. 
Irigoin, Martin (I11289)
16798 Martin Itcaina, 5 months old, born and living in this village, son of Jean Itcaina and Gratianne Detchume, died in the house of Chocha in this village. Itcaina, Martin (I15392)
16799 Martin Itciana was 46 years old when he died. Itcaina, Martin (I14763)
16800 Martin Ithurribels, 78 years old, farmer, single, son of Jean Ithurribels and Marie Itcaina, died in the house of Ainesto in this village. Ithurribels or Ainesto, Martin (I5808)

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