
Matches 16,651 to 16,700 of 21,012

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
16651 Martin d'Oquilanberro, son of Joannes d'Oquilanberro and Catherine d'Etcheberry, owners of the borde of Inharabia in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin de Bercetz, owner of Elicague in Oticoren and Dominique de Portugal of Irouleguy. 
Oquilanberro, Martin (I10628)
16652 Martin d'Orein, son of Gastainerreca in St. Etienne and Marie de Teylery, inheritor of Teylery in Leispars.
Witnesses were Joannes, owner of Gacheteguy of Leispars and Bernard de Souhilar, sonneur des cloches. 
Family F2939
16653 Martin d'Uhalde, son of Gratian d'Uhalde and Marie de Ripa, owners of the house of Toutarras in Leispars.
His godparents were Martin d'Uhalde, owner of the borde of Aignestorena in Jaurmendy, paternal uncle and Marie de Sorcabalgaray, owner of Ahuncainarena, maternal aunt. 
Uhalde or Ainesto, Martin (I10137)
16654 Martin de Barcelona, son of Mathias de Barcelona and Jeanne d'Ireguy, owners of the borde of Chabainorena in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin d'Indiano and Louise d'Ireguy, maternal aunt. 
Barcelona or Lans, Martin (I6582)
16655 Martin de Barhenetche, son of Miguel (Pierre?) de Barhenetche and Dominique d'Erramuspe, owners of the borde of Barhenetche in Iramehaca.
His godparents were Martin d'Erramuspe, maternal uncle and Catherine, elder owner of Barhenetche, paternal grandmother. 
Barnetche, Martin (I1628)
16656 Martin de Bastanchuhy, son of Jean de Bastanchuhy and Marie de Sorcabalgaray, owners of the borde of Gaudalatzgaray in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin d'Ernague, owner of Etchelecuto and Marie, elder owner of Arrabitena, paternal aunt. 
Bastanchuhy, Martin (I5781)
16657 Martin de Bastanchuhy, son of the borde of Gaudalatzgaray in the Aldudes, about 8 days old.
Witnesses were Ferranjo, young owner of Hurbels and Jean, owner of the borde of Pedrotipia. 
Bastanchuhy, Martin (I5781)
16658 Martin de Belar, son of Pedro de Belar and Jeanne de Louyssena, owner adventices of the house of Jocoberro in Guermiete.
His godparents were Martin de Bidart of Oticoren and Jeanne de Louyssena of Leispars. 
Belar, Martin (I10731)
16659 Martin de Berchinantorena, son of Jean de Berchinantorena and Marie de Pocorena, owners of the borde called Garaycoborda in the quartier of Iramehaca.
His godparents were Martin de Pocorena, son of the borde of Ohacoua and Marie de Sarry, owner of the house of Betryitzainarena. 
Berchinanto, Martin (I9633)
16660 Martin de Besancie, son of Jacques de Besancie and Marthe de Laborde, owners of the house of Arzainchuy in St. Etienne.
His godparents were Martin d'Orein, maternal uncle and Anne Marie d'Iputcha. 
Besancie, Martin (I1485)
16661 Martin de Bidegain of the parish of Hariscun in the valley of Bastan and Marie de Maestriarena, living in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Bernard d'Etcheberry, cousin of bride and Joannes. owner of Andererena in Mitxelene, relative by marriage. 
Family F2628
16662 Martin de Bidegain, inheritor of the house of Bidegain in Lasse and Marie d'Itxainarena, daughter of the borde of Pedrotipia in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Jean d'Oquilanberro, Domingo de Belca, Ferrando de Curutchet and Domingo d'Itxainarena, brother of the bride. 
Family F2627
16663 Martin de Bidondo, son of Pierre de Bidondo and Jeanne de Bastanchuhy.
His godparents were Martin d'Uhide, paternal first cousin and Marie d'Iribarren, maternal first cousin. 
Bidondo, Martin (I7311)
16664 Martin de Bigot, son of Jean de Bigot and Marie de Gorteyri, owners of the borde of Gorteyri in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin de Mousquitz and Catherine de Bigot, maternal aunt. 
Bigot dit Gorthairu, Martin (I8602)
16665 Martin de Biscarrena, son of Miguel de Biscarrena and Agnes de Joanneshandiarena, married, living in Guermiette.
His godparents were Martin de Joanneshandiarena of Guermiette, maternal grandfather and Marie de Landateguy, owner of Biscarrena, paternal grandmother. 
Biscar, Martin (I21304)
16666 Martin de Biscarrena, son of Miguel de Biscarrena and Agnes de Joanneshandirena, solt et solte,
His godparents were Martin de Joanneshandiarena, maternal grandfather and Marie, owner of Biscarrena, paternal grandmother.
Note: It is unclear why they wrote "solt et solte" on this record as his parents were married the year before.  
Biscar, Martin (I21299)
16667 Martin de Biscarrena, son of Pierre de Biscarrena and Dominique de Badiere, owners of the borde of Cubiarianerreca.
His godparents were Martin de Biscarrena, paternal uncle and Dominique d'Etchebers, owner adventice of Cubiarinerreca. 
Biscar or Erreca, Martin (I4148)
16668 Martin de Biscarrena, young owner of the house of Mendigain in the Bastide and Catherine, inheritor of the Abilarena in Usteleguy.
Witnesses were Martin de Biscarrena, brother of the groom, another Martin de Biscarrena, cousin of the groom, Michel d'Ospital and another Michel, owner of the house of Etcheverry in the Bastide. 
Family F5979
16669 Martin de Bourmalas, son of Gracian de Bourmalas and Janne de Bastanchuhy, owners of the borde called Bastanchuy.
His godparents were Martin d'Elizalde, paternal 'petit'uncle and Janne d'Urla, maternal 'petite' aunt. 
Bourmalatz dit Bastanchuhy, Martin (I7275)
16670 Martin de Bourmalatz, son of Pierre de Bourmalatz and Marie d'Elgart, owners of the borde of Pedrobelcharena in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin d'Elgart, maternal cousin and Marie, elder owner of the borde of Pedrobelcharena, paternal grandmother. 
Bourmalatz, Martin (I8257)
16671 Martin de Burthe, son of Baptiste de Burthe and Marie d'Amestoy, owners of the house of Errecalde in Mitxelene.
His godparents were Martin d'Aguerre, paternal uncle and Marie, owner mediate of Amestoy, maternal cousin. 
Burthe, Martin (I8709)
16672 Martin de Carrica, son of Pedro de Carrica (Aparain?) and Catherine d'Irary, owners of the borde of Saroiberry in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin, owner of the borde of Betrizainarena in St. Etienne, paternal uncle and Jeanne, owner of Irary in Guermiette, maternal aunt. 
Aparain or Carrica, Martin (I10236)
16673 Martin de Catalinena, son of Pedro de Soramehaca and Marie de Catalinena.
His godparents were Martin de Catalinena and Marie de Soramehaca. 
Soramehaca or Catalinarena, Martin (I3516)
16674 Martin de Chaborena, son of Martin de Chaborena of Ariscun and Anne of Pouxirena, living in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin d'Erreca of the place of Espelette and Gratianne, daughter of the house of Bernagnoarena. 
Chaborena or Chorene or Etcheverry or Martinchar, Martin (I5301)
16675 Martin de Chochorena, son of Jean de Chochorena of Chubito and Gratiane d'Eyheraldessarena, living in the house of Corcoilenia in Mitxelene.
His godparents were Martin d'Aguerre, owner of Corcoilenia and Catherine d'Eyheraldessarena, maternal aunt. 
Chochoa, Martin (I3561)
16676 Martin de Coscorechilo, son of Pierre de Coscorechilo and Marie d'Ausomots, owners of the borde of Coscorechilo.
His godparents were Martin de Coscorechilo, paternal uncle and Marie d'Ausomots, owner of the borde of Etcheverry Ithurrieta, maternal aunt. 
Arroqui or Coscorrechilo, Martin (I3986)
16677 Martin de Cubiat, owner of the house of Etchebarne in Leispars and Catherine de Mourmalatz, daughter of the house of Mocartia in Oticoren.
Witnesses were Joannes, owner of the house of Apecarena, nephew of the groom and Ferranyo, elder owner of the house of Arretche in Oticoren, brother in law of the bride. 
Family F2848
16678 Martin de Domingohandiarena, son of Jean de Domingohandiarena and Agnes de Namamounarena, owners of Bordaberria in the quartier of Oyhansoro.
His godparents were Martin d'Etcheberry, owner of Bordaberria and Marie de Necatorena. 
Domingohandy, Martin (I22959)
16679 Martin de Franchichena, son of Jean de Franchichena and Jeanne d'Erreca, owners of the Manesharguinarena in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin, owner of the borde of Lautrerena and Marie, owner of Erreca in the Aldudes, maternal aunt. 
Coscarart or Frantchetchena, Martin (I21098)
16680 Martin de Garat from the village of Ainhoua in the Labourd and Marie d'Alfaro, seamstress (couturiere), daughter of the borde called Garaycoua in the quartier of Iramehaca.
Witnesses were Pierre d'Iriberry, brother-in-law of the bride, Jean d'Alfaro, brother of the bride, Martin d'Aguerre, godfather of the groom and Miguel, owner of Barhenetche in Iramehaca. 
Family F779
16681 Martin de Garat, son of Martin de Garat and Marie d'Alfaro, owners of the borde of Mathena in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin d'Alfaro, maternal uncle and Louise d'Ocafrain. 
Garat, Martin (I8279)
16682 Martin de Garciateguy, son of Bernard de Garciateguy and Marie de Pocorena, owners of the borde called Ttattalarenia in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin Poco, owner of the borde of Poco in the Aldudes, maternal grandfather and Marie Copenhandy, paternal grandmother. 
Gachiteguy or Erreca, Martin (I7512)
16683 Martin de Goscarat, son of Jean de Goscarat and Marie d'Ernague, owners of the house of Etchelecu in Iparraguerre.
His godparents were Martin d'Ernague, maternal grandfather and Jeanne, owner of Goscarat, paternal cousin. 
Coscarart, Martin (I8457)
16684 Martin de Halty, son of Jean de Halty and Marie de Pedrottipia, renters (locataires) of the ??? of Epelle.
His godparents were Martin, owner of the house of Portugal, relative on the side of his mother and Marie de Pedrottipia, maternal aunt. 
Halty, Martin or Jean (I5764)
16685 Martin de Halzart, son of Joannes de Halzart and Marie d'Indart.
His godparents were Martin Indart and Jeanne de Souhilar. 
Halcart, Martin (I6084)
16686 Martin de Hariet, son of Joannes de Hariet and Jeanne de Pilariania, owners of the house of Hariet dit Joannessena. (Note: Leispars was written in the margin)
His godparents were Martin de Pilariania, maternal uncle and Marie de Hariet, paternal aunt. 
Harriet dit Joannesenia, Martin (I8983)
16687 Martin de Harostey, son of Jean de Harostey of Ocos and Marie de Soramehaca, owners of the house of Bidart in Oticoren.
His godparents were Martin de Soramehaca, maternal grandfather and Marie, owner of Harostey of Ocos. 
Harosteguy, Martin (I8937)
16688 Martin de Hasqueta, son of Salvat de Hasqueta and Marie d'Iriquy, owners of Salvadorena in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin Alfaro and Catherine Iriquy, maternal aunt. 
Hasquet, Martin (I1742)
16689 Martin de Hurbelz, son of Gratian de Hurbelz and Gratiane d'Ireguy, owners of the borde of Inharabie in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin de Mourguiart, maternal uncle in law and Gratiane de Hurbelz, owner of Mocho, paternal aunt. 
Hurbels dit Urruty, Martin (I8688)
16690 Martin de Jaborena from the village of Hariscun and Jeanne Marie d'Etcheberria, living in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Pierre de Jaburena, brother of the groom, Gabriel de Jaborena, Baptiste d'Elissondo and Bernard de Teylaguinarena. 
Family F1878
16691 Martin de Joannesbelz, son of Domingo de Joannesbelz and Catherine d'Unheindy, owners of the borde of Joannesbelz.
Martin de Coscorrebehere, maternal cousin and Marie d'Aldacoits, paternal aunt. 
Joannesbelz, Martin (I7383)
16692 Martin de Joanneshaundiarena, son of the house of Joanneshaundiarena in Belechi and Francoise de Domingohaundiarena, cadette of the house of Domingohaundiarena in Belechi.
Witnesses were Simon Otcanais, Jean Dorrechury, Jean Otcalde and Jean, owner of Apecena. 
Family F6047
16693 Martin de Joannessena, son of Antoyne de Joannessena and Izabelle de Antonena, owners of the borde of Joannessena in the quartier of Eyharalde of Leispars.
His godparents were Martin de Cubiat, paternal cousin and Agnes de Antonena, maternal aunt. 
Joannesenia, Martin (I10225)
16694 Martin de Landasoco, son of Jean de Landasoco and Marie d'Etchart, owners of the house of Etchart in St. Etienne.
His godparents were Martin, son of the house of Etchart, maternal uncle and Catherine de Landachoco, paternal aunt. 
Landachoco, Martin (I22043)
16695 Martin de Larronde, son of Mathieu de Larronde and Marie d'Alfaro, owners of the borde of Larronde in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin d'Alfaro, maternal uncle, son of Garaicoborda in Iramehaco and Catherine de Franchichenia, daughter of the borde of Lautre in the Aldudes. 
Garat dit Larronde, Martin (I6098)
16696 Martin de Legassa, son of Gratian de Legassa and Marie d'Espondagaray, owners of the house of the house of Espondagaray in Mitxelene.
His godparents were Martin d'Etchebers and Marie de Legassa. 
Legassa or Espondagaray, Martin (I9815)
16697 Martin de Maestruyarena dit Alacotto, son of Jean de Maestruyarena dit Alacotto and Dominique d'Aguerre, living in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin d'Iriberribehere dit Golco and Jeanne owner of Etchebers in St. Etienne.  
Maestruiarena dit Alacotto, Martin (I8998)
16698 Martin de Marianarena, son of Joannes de Marianarena and Catherine d'Oquina, owners of the borde of Marianarena in the quartier of Oyhansoro.
His godparents were Martin de Marianarena, paternal uncle and Marie d'Etcheberry. 
Marianarena, Martin (I9912)
16699 Martin de Mayliarena, son of Jean de Mayliarena and Jeanne de Maydertorena, owners of the borde of Maydertorena in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin de Mayliarena, paternal grandfather and Marie, owner of Maydertorena, maternal grandmother. 
Mariarena or Pilaria, Martin (I4620)
16700 Martin de Mespe, son of the borde of Lassa in St. Etienne, about 26 years old. Mespe, Martin (I10084)

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