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 #   Notes   Linked to 
16601 Martin d'Ernague, living in the Aldudes and Marie, inheritor of the house of Etchalecuto in the quartier of Iparraguerre.
Witnesses were Joannes d'Iribarne, owners of the house of Iturburu in Lasse, oncle of the groom and Joannes, owner of the house of Joaignarena. 
Family F2810
16602 Martin d'Ernautena, son of Simon d'Ernautena and Marie de Bercetche, owners of the borde of Iputcha in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin d'Etchalus, owner of the borde of Sabina and Marie d'Ernautena, maternal aunt. 
Ernaut, Martin (I8679)
16603 Martin d'Ernautene, son of Gaston d'Ernautene and Dominique d'Erreca, owners of the borde of Miguelarzaina in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin d'Erreca, maternal uncle and Jeanne d'Ernautene, paternal aunt. 
Ernaut, Martin (I1489)
16604 Martin d'Erramouspe, son of Betry d'Erramouspe and Marie d'Aparain, owners of the board of Peillo?? in the quartier of Cubiarin.
His godparents were Martin Erramouspe, paternal uncle and Marie d'Aparian, maternal cousin. 
Erramouspe, Martin (I3551)
16605 Martin d'Erramouspe, son of the borde of Peiloerrecarena and Jeanne de Gorte, daughter of the house of Niminouarena.
Witnesses were Pedro d'Erramouspe and Gratian de Niminouarena, brothers of the couple. 
Family F2549
16606 Martin d'Erramuspe, inheritor of the borde of Peilloerreca and Jeanne d'Aparain.
Witnesses were Joannes de Louyssena, blacksmith, cousin of the groom and Joannes d'Aparian, owner of Ainciartia, uncle of the bride. 
Family F2548
16607 Martin d'Erramuspe, son of Martin d'Erramuspe and Jeanne d'Aparain, owners of the borde of Peilloerreca in Cubiarin.
His godparents were Martin d'Aparain, owner of Petrizainarena, maternal grandfather and Jeanne d'Iriberry, paternal grandmother. 
Erramouspe, Martin (I8802)
16608 Martin d'Erreca alias Aincaigno, son of Joannes d'Erreca and Marie de Biscarrena, owners of the house of Erreca in Leispars alias Aincaigno.
His godparents were Martin d'Iriart, owner of the borde of Joanneshandiarena and Marie d'Aincaigno, paternal aunt. 
Erreca alias Antchagno, Martin (I10263)
16609 Martin d'Erreca, widower, owner of the borde of Erreguena in the parish of Irouleguy and Jeanne d'Etchebers, daughter of the borde of Ercatzgaray.
Witnesses were Jean, son of Domingorena and Jean de Suburu. 
Family F6294
16610 Martin d'Espondagaray, about 3 years old.
Witnesses were Joseph, owner of the borde of Etcheto and Martin, inheritor of the borde of Elgart, both of the Aldudes. 
Espondagaray, Martin (I5410)
16611 Martin d'Espondagaray, son of Pierre d'Espondagaray and Catherine d'Oguihandy, owners of the house of Espondagaray in Mitxelene, living in the Aldudes in the borde of Agotarena.
His godparents were Martin d'Espondagaray, paternal uncle and Marie d'Oguihandy, young owner of Belastorquia, maternal aunt. 
Espondagaray, Martin (I5410)
16612 Martin d'Etchebers, son of Samson d'Etchebers and Marie d'Erreca, owners of the borde of Souhatzondar in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin d'Etchebers, paternal uncle and Marie de Halzouarte, maternal grandmother. 
Etchebers, Martin (I10143)
16613 Martin d'Etchechury, son of Miguel d'Etchechury and Jeanne de Subiat, owners of the borde of Aspars.
His godparents were Martin d'Oxouart and Marie de Biscar, paternal aunt. 
Etchechury, Martin (I21927)
16614 Martin d'Etchenique, cadet son of the house of Iraborcheta in the parish of Irouleguy and Marie de Ramouspe, inheritor of Haira in this parish.
Witnesses were Michel d'Etchenique, brother of the groom, Martin d'Etchenique, Martin d'Iraborcheta and another Martin d'Iraborcheta, uncle of the groom. 
Family F1785
16615 Martin d'Etchenique, owner of the borde of Etchemendy, about 34 years old.
Witnesses were Ferrando, owner of Ehayliarena in the Aldudea and Jean de Saroyhandy, son of Inharabie. 
Etchenique or Poco, Martin (I5733)
16616 Martin d'Etchenique, owner of the house of Marianarenia in Occos, about 50 years old. Etchenique or Gorte, Martin (I2103)
16617 Martin d'Etcheto, son of Joseph d'Etcheto and Gratianne d'Elissonde, owners of the borde of Etcheto in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin d'Elissonde, priest and 2nd vicar at ???, maternal relative and Catherine d'Elissonde, maternal cousin. 
Etcheto or Erramouspe, Martin (I4764)
16618 Martin d'Etcheto, son of the house of Jatxaldebehere in the quartier of Iparraguerre and Marie d'Iribarne, inheritor of the borde of Joannahandia in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Joannes d'Etcheto, brother of the groom and Joannes d'Iribarne, brother of the bride. 
Family F1843
16619 Martin d'Etcheverz, son of Joanes d'Etcheverz and Catalina d'Ipoutxarena.
His godparents were Martin de Liceratzu and Maria d'Erramuzpe-Erratzia. 
Etchebers, Martin (I8846)
16620 Martin d'Eyharasarry, son of the borde of Labiarinerdy and Catherine de Gacheteguy, daugther of the borde of Artcaincaharrarena, both from the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Sanson de Etcheberry of Leispars and Gracian de Nimignoa of Leispars. 
Family F6110
16621 Martin d'Iguzquiaguerre, son of Jean d'Iguzquiaguerre and Chaterine d'Arroqui, owners of the borde of Iguzquiaguerre.
His godparents were Martin d'Ernague, paternal uncle and Jeanne de Coscor, maternal aunt. 
Bastanchuhy dit Igusquiaguerre, Martin (I6698)
16622 Martin d'Ilharragorry, son of Joannes d'Ilharragorry and Jeanne de Pocorena, owners of the borde of Ilharragorry in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin de Pocorena, maternal grandfather and Marie d'Ilharragorry. 
Etchepare or Ilharragorry, Martin (I9853)
16623 Martin d'Inda, son of Jean d'Inda and Marie d'Ausomots, owners of the borde of Camuquey in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin d'Inda, paternal uncle and Marie d'Ausomots, maternal aunt. 
Inda, Martin (I3921)
16624 Martin d'Inda, son of Pedro d'Inda and Marie d'Ouhide, owners of the house of Ouhide in Occos.
His godparents were Martin de Sorhondo, owner of Bidabehere in Anhaux and Marie, owner of Epele in Oticoren, maternal cousin. 
Inda, Martin (I2051)
16625 Martin d'Indianorena, son of Jean d'Indianorena and Marie d'Iriberribehere, owners of the borde of Golcorena in the quartier of Ainhabie.
His godparents were Martin d'Iriberribehere, maternal uncle and Marie, elder owner of Teylaguinarena. 
Indiano or Golko, Martin (I1713)
16626 Martin d'Iparraguerre, son of Jean d'Iparraguerre and Marie Arrambide, owners of the borde of Sagardichilo in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin, son of the borde of Arrambide, maternal uncle and Jeanne, daughter of the house of Iparraguerre, paternal cousin. 
Iparraguerre, Martin (I8016)
16627 Martin d'Ipoutxarena, son of Anton d'Ipoutxarena and Catherine d'Errecalde, owners of Ipoutxarena.
His godparents were Martin d'Errecalde and Marie d'Ipoutxarena. 
Iputcha, Martin (I9144)
16628 Martin d'Ipoutxarena, son of Antoyne d'Ipoutxarena and Catherine d'Errecalde, owners of Ipoutxarena.
His godparents were Martin d'Ipoutxarena, great grandfather and Marie de Nimignoarena. 
Iputcha, Martin (I21951)
16629 Martin d'Ipouxa, son of Jean d'Ipouxa and Dominique de Chanjorena, owners of the borde of Chanjorena in the quartier of Hayra.
His godparents were Martin d'Ipouxa, paternal uncle and Marie de Chanjorena, maternal aunt. 
Iputcha, Martin (I1624)
16630 Martin d'Ipucharena, son of Joannes d'Ipucharena and Agnes d'Antonenna, owners of the borde of Antonenna in Ercas.
His godparents were Martin d'Ipucharena, paternal uncle and Isabel d'Antonenna, owner of the borde of Joannessena, maternal 'petite' aunt. 
Iputcha, Martin (I9181)
16631 Martin d'Irary and Catherine Bidart, inheritor of Jeurcuibehere in Oihansoro.
Witnesses were Jean de Joanneshandy, brother-in-law of groom, Jean d'Iriart, owner of Martinharguina, grandfather of the groom, Pierre d'Etcheto and Jean Dorrachury. 
Family F988
16632 Martin d'Iribarne, son of Jean d'Iribarne and Catherine d'Inda, owners of the house of Bidart in Occos.
His godparents were Martin d'Inda maternal uncle and Francoise de Bernadet. 
Iribarne, Martin (I8110)
16633 Martin d'Iribarne, son of Louis d'Iribarne and Jeanne d'Etchelecu, renters (locataires) of the borde of Jean d'Iribarne nicknamed Baygorry in the quartier of Esnaratxou.
His godparents were Martin d'Iribarne, paternal uncle and Marie, young owner of Etchelecu. 
Iribarne, Martin (I6452)
16634 Martin d'Iriberrigaray, son of Pedro d'Iriberrigaray and Gratianne d'Alfaro, owners of the borde of Garaicoborda.
His godparents were Martin d'Alfaro, maternal uncle and Marie d'Iriart, daughter of the borde of Courico, paternal cousin. 
Iriberry, Martin (I6275)
16635 Martin d'Iriberry, son of Pierre d'Iriberry and Louize de Chuhirena, owners of the borde of Erremerreca.
His godparents were Martin d'Iriart, owner of the house of Uhart Etcheberry in Leispars and Marie d'Iriberry, owner of Chourricorena, paternal aunt. 
Iriberry, Martin (I6506)
16636 Martin d'Irigoin, cadet son of the borde of Erreguerena and Marie, natural daughter of the borde of Bichar, both in the Aldudes, quartier of Aissarry.
Witnesses were Martin owner of Urrutigaray, Martin owner of Ithurriague, Michel son of the metayer of Barreneche, all three of Irouleguy and Jean inheritor of Argal in the parish of Anhaux. 
Family F3142
16637 Martin d'Irigoin, son of Joannes d'Irigoin and Jeanne d'Iriart, owners of the borde of Martin d'Iriart in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin d'Iriart, maternal grandfather and Jeanne d'Irigoin, owner of the house of Mendigain in the Bastide, paternal aunt. 
Irigoin or Haira, Martin (I1239)
16638 Martin d'Irigoin, son of Martin d'Irigoin and Marie Biscar, young owners of the borde of Colomio in the quartier of Hayra.
His godparents were Martin d'Ellisonde, owner of Erregurenea, paternal uncle by marriage and Marie Etchebers, seamstress of Beherecoborda, maternal aunt. 
Irigoin, Martin (I21506)
16639 Martin d'Irigoyty, inheritor of the borde of Sagara in Acaldeguy and Catherine, daughter of Apecarena in Leispars.
Witnesses were Betry d'Etchegoin, blacksmith and Bernard de Souhilar, sonneur des cloches. 
Family F6715
16640 Martin d'Irigoyty, son of the borde of Sagara in the quartier of Acaldeguy and Marie, daughter of the house of Chiscorena in Guermiette.
Witnesses were Domingo d'Irigoyty dit Sagara, father of the groom and Pedro, owner of the house of Biscarrena, cousin of the bride. 
Family F6717
16641 Martin d'Iriquia, son of Jean d'Iriquia and Gratianne de Joannesbelchenia, owners of the borde of Joannesbelchenia in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin de Tattola, owner of the house of Curuchetenia in Borchirette and Marie de Pilariarenia, owner of the borde of Pilariarenia. 
Iriquy, Martin (I8282)
16642 Martin d'Iriquy, son of Bernard d'Iriquy and Dominique de Mendiburu, owners of the borde of Nafar in Hayra.
His godparents were Martin Etchebers(?) and Catherine Mendiburu, maternal aunt. 
Iriquy, Martin (I1690)
16643 Martin d'Itcainarena, inheritor of Donaley and Marie daughter of the borde of Couricorena in Belechi.
Witnesses were Martin son of Arzainzaharrarena, Pierre d'Itcainarena brother of the groom, Pierre de Gorriarena in Belechi and Gratian d'Itcainarena brother of the groom. 
Family F1175
16644 Martin d'Itcaynarena, owner of the borde of Ardans in the Aldudes, about 60 years old.
Witnesses were Baptiste de Brustet, sonneur des cloches and Jean, young owner of Igusquiaguerre. 
Itcainarena, Martin (I1965)
16645 Martin d'Itcaynarena, son of Pierre d'Itcaynarena and Marie d'Aignesto, owners of the borde of Aignesto in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin d'Aignesto, maternal uncle and Jeanne, owner of the borde of Donaley, paternal grandmother. 
Itcainarena, Martin (I4961)
16646 Martin d'Iturbide, mason and Marie, inheritor of the house of Toutarras, both in the quartier of Leispars.
Witnesses were Me. Jean d'Erripe, priest, uncle of the bride and Domingo d'Ouhide, mason. 
Family F2196
16647 Martin d'Iturribels, son of Joannes d'Iturribels and Janne d'Irary, residents of the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin d'Irary, maternal grandfather and Janne, owner of the borde of Iturribels, paternal grandmother. 
Ithurribelz, Martin (I9615)
16648 Martin d'Itzainarena, son of Gracian d'Itzainarena and Jeanne de Gorosgarat, owners of the house of Itzainarena in Leispars.
His godparents were Martin d'Itzainarena, paternal uncle and Jeanne de Gorosgarat, maternal grandmother. 
Itcainarena, Martin (I3992)
16649 Martin d'Itzainarena, son of Pedro d'Itzainarena and Marie d'Irigoyen.
His godparents were Martin d'Irigoyen and Francoise d'Itzainarena. 
Itcainarena, Martin (I1965)
16650 Martin d'Ohaco, 18 months old (note: it is assumed that the death record was in error by noting the child's name as Martin).
Witnesses were Jean, young owner of Saroihandy and Baptiste de Brustet. 
Ohaco, Jean (I8987)

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