
Matches 13,551 to 13,600 of 21,020

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
13551 Joannes, elder owner of the house of Marianarena in Occos, about 70 years old. Marianarena, Joannes (I2083)
13552 Joannes, elder owner of the house of Otxalde in St. Etienne, about 75 years old. Oxalde, Jean (I21640)
13553 Joannes, elder owner of the house of Salies in the quartier of Mitxelene, age is older than 60 years, re??? of the action in Burguete, during the night on the road.
Note: There was some kind of fight in Burguete and two other individuals were "assisinated". 
Potrosso, Joannes (I10065)
13554 Joannes, elder owner of the house of Sasquiguilia in the quartier of Mitxelene, about 100 years old. Etcheberry, Joannes (I10302)
13555 Joannes, infant from Barnetchebehere in Oticoren, baptised on the first of this month. Barnetchebehere, Joannes (I10510)
13556 Joannes, inheritor of Ancainno, living in the mountain and Marie de Viscarrena of Guermiette.
Witnesses were Joannes d'Ancainno, uncle of the groom and Pedro de Viscarrena, brother of the sister. 
Family F2570
13557 Joannes, inheritor of Barnetchebehere in Oticoren and Marie de Mococain of the Bastide.
Witnesses were Gabriel de Domiguelenia of St. Etienne and Joannes d'Aparain. 
Family F1027
13558 Joannes, inheritor of Belastoquia and Marie d'Oxogarate. Family F2930
13559 Joannes, inheritor of Betarte in Bastide and Marie d'Arrambide of Bastide.
His godparents were Martin d'Aristoy and Pierre d'Antonena. 
Family F2965
13560 Joannes, inheritor of Erreca alias Anchagnorena of Leispars in the quartier of Borchirette and Jeanne, cadette daughter of Etchalus in St. Etienne.
His godparents were Joannes d'Erreca, paternal uncle and Martin d'Oyhenart, cook (cusinier) of Etchaus, relative of the bride. 
Family F2799
13561 Joannes, inheritor of Etcheberry in Occos and Jeanne de Mococain.
Witnesses were Joannes, owner of Corcabalgaray and Miguel d'Oronosgaray. 
Family F2663
13562 Joannes, inheritor of Guichontouarenia and Marie de Gorosgarat (Oxagarat), both of this parish.
Witnesses were Miguel de Cuburu, brother in law of the groom and Joannes de Gorosgarat (Oxagarat), brother of the bride. 
Family F2930
13563 Joannes, inheritor of Jaureguy, son of Pedro de Jaureguy and Marie d'Arrambide, owners of the house of Jaureguy in Leispars.
His godparents were Joannes de Jaureguy, paternal grandfather and Marie d'Arrambide, maternal aunt. 
Jaureguy, Joannes (I10360)
13564 Joannes, inheritor of Joannesena in the quartier of Eyheralde and Joanna, daughter of Martinpilariarena in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Joannes de Harriet, paternal uncle and Martin, son of Martinpilariarena, brother of the bride. 
Family F418
13565 Joannes, inheritor of Joanneshandirena and Izabelle, daughter of the borde of Biscarrena, both in the quartier of Guermiette.
Witnesses were Miguel de Biscarrena, brother of the bride and Joannes de Joanneshandirena, brother of the groom. 
Family F6044
13566 Joannes, inheritor of Mourmalatz and Jeanne, cadette daughter of the house of Goyhenetche, both of the quartier of Oticoren.
Witnesses were Gracian de Mourmalatz, brother of the groom and Anton d'Ocafrain, owner of the house of Iriart in Urdos, brother in law of the bride. 
Family F2905
13567 Joannes, inheritor of Perdoulet and Dominique d'Arretxe of the parish of Iroulguy.
Witnesses were Bernat de Souhilar and Jean Bapiste d'Aparain. 
Family F2919
13568 Joannes, inheritor of the borde of Gorteyrysouhy and Marie de Halzart, daughter of the borde of Coscorrechilo, both of the quartier of Aldudes.
Witnesses were Miguel de Cubiat, owner of the borde of Gorteyrysouhy, father of the groom and Betry, owner of the house of Apechena. 
Family F2594
13569 Joannes, inheritor of the house of Ahouncainarena and Marie, daughter of the house of Sorcabalgaray, both in the quartier of Iparraguerre.
Witnesses were Joannes, owner of Etchalecuto and Joannes d'Ahouncainarena, brother of the groom. 
Family F6347
13570 Joannes, inheritor of the house of Ahouncainarena of St. Etienne and Marie, daughter of Antonena in the quartier of Bihurriete.
Witnesses were Miguel d'Ahouncainarena and Domingo d'Ahouncainarena. 
Family F2946
13571 Joannes, inheritor of the house of Arrambide in Bastide and Isabelle d'Etchebers in St. Etienne.
Witnesses were Martin de Garciateguy, cousin of the groom and Gracian d'Etchebers, brother of the bride. 
Family F1996
13572 Joannes, inheritor of the house of Carrique and Marie, daughter of the house of Arrambide, both of the quartier of Bastide.
Witnesses were Joannes d'Irisarry, cousin of the groom and Martin d'Arrambide, brother of the bride. 
Family F2846
13573 Joannes, inheritor of the house of Copentipia in Occos and Marie, daughter of Gorosgarat in the quartier of Aldudes.
Witnesses were Miguel d'Etchegaray, brother of the bride and Joannes de Copena, father of the groom. 
Family F2039
13574 Joannes, inheritor of the house of Jocoberro in the quartier of Guermiete and Marie, daughter of the house of Mococain in the Bastide.
Witnesses were Betry de Belar, owner of the house of Jocoberro, father of the groom, Pedro, owner of the house of Mococain, father of the bride, Betry de Bidart in the quartier of Bastide and Bernard de Souhilar, sonneur des Cloches.
Note: Her uncle Pierre de Mococain, priest officiated this marriage and they were married the same day as her brother Joannes de Mococain with Dominique de Mourguiart. 
Family F2525
13575 Joannes, inheritor of the house of Marianarena in Occos, about 13 years old. Marianarena, Joannes (I2084)
13576 Joannes, inheritor of the house of Mariatcho in Leispars and Marie Cuburu, daughter of Errecalde in Guermiette. Family F1523
13577 Joannes, inheritor of the house of Mococain in the quartier of the Bastide and Dominique de Mourguiart, daughter of the house of Teyainia in the quartier of Leispars.
Witnesses were Pedro, owner of Mococain, father of the groom, Betry de Bidart in the quartier of the Bastide and Joannes, inheritor of Jocoberro.
Note: her uncle Jean de Mourguiart, priest officated at their wedding and their wedding was on the same day as his sister Marie de Mococain with Joannes de Jocoberro. 
Family F2890
13578 Joannes, inheritor of the house of Oronosgaray in Occos and Paulle, cadette of Lasse in the Aldudes, both of Baigorry. Family F1028
13579 Joannes, inheritor of the house of Salaberry in Leispars and Jeanne, daughter of the borde of Miguel Bastanchouhy in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Bernard de Souhilar, sonneur des cloches and Pedro, son of the house of Bidondo in Guermiette. 
Family F2853
13580 Joannes, inheritor of the house of Sorcabalbehere and Magdelaine, daughter of the borde of Falsa, both in the parish of St. Etienne.
Witnesses were Joannes, owner of the house of Moulier in St. Etienne, cousin of the groom and Joannes de Salaberry, owner of the house of Otxoby in the Bastide, brother of the groom. 
Family F2812
13581 Joannes, natural son of Graciane d'Etchart Oronos and an unknown father.
His godparents were Bernard de Souhilar, sonneur des cloches and Marie de Niminorena, owner of Etchart Oronos. 
Etchart Oronos, Joannes (I10403)
13582 Joannes, owner mediate of the house of Tamborinena in St. Etienne in the quartier of Mitxelene, about 50 years old. Tambourin, Joannes (I3882)
13583 Joannes, owner of the borde of Ercatz and Marie (Catherine?) d'Ipoutxarena.
Witnesses were Pedro de Sorcabalgaray and Joannes d'Aparain. 
Family F1723
13584 Joannes, owner of the borde of Lanciry in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Martin, owner of the brode of Lautrena and Jean, owner of the borde of Bustanena of the Aldudes. 
Castonena or Lanciry, Joannes (I9578)
13585 Joannes, owner of the house of Alfaro alias Persinanto in Leispars, about 40 years old. Alfaro alias Berchinanto, Joannes (I21393)
13586 Joannes, owner of the house of Chapado in this parish.
Written in the margin: Jean, owner of Chapado, Ayra (Haira). 
Erramouspe, Jean/Joannes (I3555)
13587 Joannes, owner of the house of Haisquet in Leispars. Haisquet, Joannes (I10653)
13588 Joannes, owner of the house of Joannessena in Leispars and Catherine, daughter of Arinet.
Witnesses were Anton de Licerasse, tailor and Bernard d'Apechena, sonneur des cloches. 
Family F2993
13589 Joannes, owner of the house of Placa in the quartier of Urdos, about 50 years old. Placa, Joannes (I10081)
13590 Joannes, owner of the house of Sorcabalbehere. Sorcabalbehere, Jean/Joannes (I22055)
13591 Joannes, son of Amestoy in Leispars, about 35 years old. Amestoy, Joannes (I10363)
13592 Joannes, son of Antonena alias Bicharrena in the quartier of Ercatz, about 32 years old. Antonena dit Bichar, Joannes (I10326)
13593 Joannes, son of Antoyne d'Erripery and Marie d'Erreca, owners of the borde of Erreca in the quartier of Borchirete.
His godparents were Joannes d'Erreca and Jeanne d'Espelete. 
Erripery, Joannes (I10493)
13594 Joannes, son of Ausquiesuhy and Catherine, inheritor of Otssanaits in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Bernard de Souhilar and Chalossa. 
Family F2141
13595 Joannes, son of Bernard d'Amestoy and Marie de Martinenia, owners of the house of Amestoy in Leispars.
His godparents were Joannes d'Amestoy, owner of the borde of Donaleguy and Marie de Martinenia, owner of Landaburu. 
Amestoy, Joannes (I10509)
13596 Joannes, son of Erreca in St. Etienne and Joanna, inheritor of Oxalcouague. Family F6291
13597 Joannes, son of Ferranjo Haisquetta in the Aldudes, about 20 years old. Ferrando Hasqueta, Joannes (I9786)
13598 Joannes, son of Gaston Lucia and Marie d'Etcheberry.
His godparents were Joannes de Laurencena? and Marie, owner of Sarry. 
Gaston Lucia, Joannes (I10810)
13599 Joannes, son of Joannes ??? and Marie ???, owners of Manechena in the quartier of Jaurmendi.
His godparents were Joannes, cadet of Arrambide in the quartier of Outsacelay and Joanna, owner of Miguelena in the Aldudes. 
Iribarren, Jean/Maneshaurra (I10888)
13600 Joannes, son of Joannes d'Arrambide and Marie de Francessenia, owners of Beratch in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Joannes, cadet d'Arrambide and Marie, cadette d'Arrambide of Aldudes. 
Arrambide, Joannes (I1882)

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