
Matches 12,101 to 12,150 of 21,020

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
12101 Jean, son of Jean de Balguin in the quartier of Aldudes and Jeanne de Perduletena, owners of the borde of Balguin.
His godparents were Jean de Martinpocorena in the quartier of Jaurmendy, maternal uncle and Catherine de Bercetche, paternal great aunt. 
Joalguin, Jean (I8080)
12102 Jean, son of Jean de Cubiarin and Agnes d'Antonena, owners of the borde of Antonena in Acaldeguy.
His godparents were Jean de Cubiarin, paternal uncle and Gratianne d'Antonena, maternal aunt. 
Cubiarin, Jean (I9726)
12103 Jean, son of Jean Egarraceguy, farmer (laboreur) and Gratianne Brout, owners of the house of Etcheberrigaray in St. Etienne.
His godparents were Jean Brust and Marie Ekharraquey. 
Ecarraqueguy/Ekarraquey, Jean (I1464)
12104 Jean, son of Jean Erdicoetche and Jeanne Hirigoyen, owners of the house of Erdicoetchea.
His godparents were Jean, cadet of Erdicoetchea and Marie Hirigoyen, cadette of Zapataininia, maternal aunt. 
Poco dit Erdicoetchea, Jean (I6555)
12105 Jean, son of Jean Etcheberz and Marie Harrambide, metayers of the house of Arrambidea.
His godparents were Jean Ainesto, owner of Harrambidea and Marie Errecalde, owner of the house of Monhorenea, 
Etchevers, Jean (I6178)
12106 Jean, son of Jean Etchelekhutto and Marie Poco, owners of the house of Harriondoa.
His godparents were Jean Poco, owner of Erdicoetchia and Marie Coscarart, cadette of Etchelekhutto. 
Ernaga or Etchelecu, Jean (I4804)
12107 Jean, son of Jean Etchenique and Marie Conyia, owners of the house of Etcheniquea.
His godparents were Jean Inda, young owner of Miguelartcaina and Jean Etchenique, sister of the infant. 
Antonena or Etchenique, Jean (I3717)
12108 Jean, son of Jean Etcheniqui, farmers and Marie Quonjiarena, owners of the house of Etcheniqui. His godparents were Jean Pedrottipia and Catherine Arroquy, both of the Aldudes. Antonena Etcheniquy, Jean (I3719)
12109 Jean, son of Jean Etcheto and Marie Unhaindy, owners of the house of Falxa.
His godparents were Jean Etcheto, owner of Etchebertzea, paternal uncle and Gracianne Unhaindy, owner of Putunenea. 
Etcheto, Jean (I6228)
12110 Jean, son of Jean Ezponda and Catherine Ernaut, owners of Ezponda.
His godparents were Jean Ezponda, cadet of Ezponda, paternal uncle and Marie Harriet, owner of Chafonea. 
Esponda, Jean (I6182)
12111 Jean, son of Jean Franchez and Marie Haroztegui, owners of the house of Iparaguerre.
His godparents were Jean Ephele, cadet of Franchessenia and Marie Ozafrain, cadette of Nobliarenea. 
Franchez, Jean (I6295)
12112 Jean, son of Jean Frantches and Marie Oihanart, young owners of Ipharragarria.
His godparents were Jean Frantches, paternal uncle and Jeanne Oihanart, maternal aunt. 
Franchez, Jean (I5385)
12113 Jean, son of Jean Garat and Marie Biper, owners of the house of Materenea.
His godparents were Jean Biper, owner of Teiguinarenea, maternal uncle and Gracianne Iguchquiaguerre, owner of Ithurrieta. 
Garat, Jean (I4398)
12114 Jean, son of Jean Haira and Marie Chichart, young owners of the house of Chichartenea.
His godparents were Jean Bidondo, owner of Cahargun and Catherine Haira, inheritor of Antonena. 
Haira dit Antonena, Jean (I6063)
12115 Jean, son of Jean Harambel and Jeanne Hiriart, owners of the house of Martinenea.
His godparents were Jean Hiriart, maternal uncle and Jeanne Harambel, paternal aunt. 
Chaharra Arambel, Jean (I1118)
12116 Jean, son of Jean Harispe, merchant and Marie Inda, young owners of Uhidea.
His godparents were Jean Harispe of Irouleguy (difficult to read), paternal uncle and Catherine Inda, owner of Munuchinea in the parish of Uhart, maternal aunt. 
Harispe, Jean (I6160)
12117 Jean, son of Jean Inda and Marie Hiriart, owners of the house of Coscorregaray.
His godparents were Jean Inda, paternal uncle (possibly grandfather) and Marie Sorhondo, maternal grandmother. 
Inda, Jean (I466)
12118 Jean, son of Jean Intcaurpe and Marie Esnos, owners of Intcaurpea.
Witnesses were Jean Intcaurpe, cadet of the house of this name and Jeanne Antchagno, owner of the house of Antonehaillechaharra, maternal grandmother. 
Incaurpe, Jean (I6144)
12119 Jean, son of Jean Irigoyen and Louise Hiribarren, owners of the house of Capataindeguia.
His godparents were Jean Hiribarren, owner of Maneshuna, maternal grandfather and Jeanne Hirigoyen, owner of Erdicoetchia, paternal aunt. 
Irigoyen, Jean (I6070)
12120 Jean, son of Jean Latssague and Catherine Acotain, owners of the borde of Cahargun in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Latssague, paternal uncle, owner of the house of Heguilus in Lasse and Marie Acotain, maternal aunt. 
Laxague, Jean (I6945)
12121 Jean, son of Jean Laza, farmer (laboreur) and Marie Ilharragorry, his wife, owners of the house of Epelle in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Etchelous and Catherine de Lazarena. 
Lassa, Jean (I7014)
12122 Jean, son of Jean Ohaco and Marie Bidondo, young owners of Etchemendia.
His godparents were Jean Ohaco, paternal uncle and Marie Bidondo, cadette of Miguelenea, maternal aunt. 
Ohaco, Jean (I5927)
12123 Jean, son of Jean Pocco and Jeanne Harretche, owners of Urbelz.
His godparents were Jean Poco, young owner of Martinpocorena, paternal uncle and Jeanne Harretche, maternal aunt. 
Poco, Jean (I6399)
12124 Jean, son of Jean Tihista, farmer (laboreur) and Marie Corcoil, his wife, owners of the house of Betannena in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Antonnena and Jeanne Igusague (sic). 
Tihista, Jean/Manes (I4002)
12125 Jean, son of Jean Urelze, farmer and Marie Etchart, his wife, owners of Urelze in Acaldeguy.
His godparents were Jean Etchart and Gratianne Urelze. 
Urhelce, Jean (I19604)
12126 Jean, son of Jean Zuhieta and Catherine Erramuztegui, owners of Lohitcebehere.
His godparents were Jean Anchano, owner of Pilaria and Gracianne Erramuzteguy, cadette of Etcheto, maternal aunt. 
Zohieta, Jean (I6255)
12127 Jean, son of Jean, farmer (laboreur), owner adventif of the house of Thipituania in the parish of Irouleguy and Graciane, his wife, owner proprietaire of the same house in the quartier of Aissarry.
His godparents were Jean, farmer, owner of Ilharregorry in the parish of St. Etienne de Baigorri and Marie, owner adventice of the house of Martiniriart of the same parish. 
Etchegaray, Jean (I11295)
12128 Jean, son of Joannes d'Oquilanberro and Marie d'Etcheberry, owners of the borde of Biperrena in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Me. Jean de Bercetche, priest and Marie d'Oquilanberro, owner of the house of Irigaray in Anhaux. 
Oguilanberro or Bipher, Jean (I6267)
12129 Jean, son of Lanciry, miller (meunier) and Jeanne, daughter of Alacottorena, residents of the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Jean de Lanciry and Jean de Maistruiarena, brothers of this couple. 
Family F2564
12130 Jean, son of Landachoco in Oyhansoro and Marie, inheritor of Etchart in St. Etienne.
Witnesses were Bertrand Garacotche d'Oronos and Jean, owner of Sarry. 
Family F6339
12131 Jean, son of Marie Esnos, cadette of Antonehailleachaharra and an unknown father.
His godparents were Jean Uharriet, inheritor of the house of Ilharragorry and Marie Esnos, maternal aunt. 
Esnos, Jean (I6126)
12132 Jean, son of Martin de Bordato, farmer, 20 years old and Marie d'Arostalde. Bordato, Jean (I21265)
12133 Jean, son of Martin Hiriartorenna, farmer (laboreur) and Marie Tipitorenna, his wife, owners of the house of Hiriartorenna in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Ausquiechuhy and Marie Cabaloiteguy. 
Hiriart, Jean (I7053)
12134 Jean, son of Martin Irary, farmer and Marie Hiriart, young owners of the house of Tipitto in the parish of Irouleguy, quartier of Aissarry.
His godparents were Jean Etchegaray, co-owner of the house of Tipitto and Marie Jauregui, owner of the house of Aincinecotche in St. Etienne, quartier of Guermiette, aunt by marriage. 
Iriquy, Jean (I22093)
12135 Jean, son of Martine Pocco, cadette of Harriondoa and an unknown father.
His godparents were Jean Carrica, owner of Haritz-handia and Marie Pocco, owner of Harriondo. 
Poco, Jean (I6287)
12136 Jean, son of Martinenya in the Aldudes and Marie de Ygousquiaguerre, inheritor of the borde of Ygousquiaguerre in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Pierre and Antoyne d'Iriart, brothers of the groom, Pierre d'Espelet and Jean de Sarry. 
Family F1355
12137 Jean, son of Mathias Ihitcague and Jeanne Bidegain, owners of the house of Miguelenia.
His godparents were Jean Ihitcague, owner of Detchumegarai, paternal uncle and Marie Bidegain, owner of Etchemendi, maternal aunt. 
Ihitcague, Jean (I4284)
12138 Jean, son of Michel Ausquie and Maria Josephe Inda. owners of the house of Ausquie.
His godparents were Jean Ausquie, paternal grandfather and Marie Ezpelet, owner of the house of Harotcarenea.
Ausquie, Jean (I3947)
12139 Jean, son of Michel Auzquie and Marie Josephe Inda, owners of the house of Auzquie.
His godparents were Jean Auzquie, paternal grandfather and Marie Ezpelet, young owner of Harotcarenea. 
Ausquie, Jean (I6194)
12140 Jean, son of Michel d'Ouhalde and Jeanne de Joannessenea, owners of the house of Menementa in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Elicague, owner of the house of Chantchorenea in the Aldudes and Marie Joannessenea, maternal aunt. 
Uhalde, Jean (I4437)
12141 Jean, son of Michel Ezponda and Elizabeth Tambourin, renters (locataires) of Saliessenea.
His godparents were Jean Tambourin, maternal uncle and Marie Amestoy co-owner of Ezponda (relationship not noted). 
Esponda, Jean (I1470)
12142 Jean, son of Paul Bidart and Catherine Hiribarren, young owners of the house of Manechuna.
His godparents were Jean Hiribarren, paternal grandfather and Marie Salaberry, paternal grandmother. 
Bidart, Jean (I4591)
12143 Jean, son of Pierre Aguerre and Marie Brustet, owners of the house of Etcheberry.
His godparents were Jean Aguerre, cadet of Ithurriberry, paternal uncle and Marthe Brustet, cadette of Larreteguy, maternal aunt. 
Aguerre, Jean (I6220)
12144 Jean, son of Pierre Arrambide and Marie Aguerre, owners of Ithurriberri.
Witnesses were Jean Inda, owner of Uhidea and Antoine Latxaga, owner of Ithurrieta. 
Arrambide, Marie (I5193)
12145 Jean, son of Pierre Aucho and Jeanne Atchaurra, owner of the house of Franchissenea in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Atchaurra, maternal grandfather and Chaterinne Ephele, paternal grandfather. 
Auchoberry, Jean (I11022)
12146 Jean, son of Pierre Aucoberry, farmer (laboreur) and Marie Bastanchury, his wife, owners of the house of Aucoberry in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Chotro and Catherine Lassabigot, both of the Aldudes. 
Auchoberry, Jean (I4660)
12147 Jean, son of Pierre Bidondo and Gracianne Chotro, owners of Pedrottipiarena.
Witnesses were Jean Ephele, owner of Ephele and Bernard Chotro, owner of Hachquet. 
Bidondo, Jean (I6213)
12148 Jean, son of Pierre Coscor, farmer (laboreur) and Marie Etchebarne, owner of Gentillenna in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Etchebarne, absent but represented by Bernard Coscor and Marie Lazague. 
Coscorre, Jean (I6174)
12149 Jean, son of Pierre Ephele and Francoise Erro, owners of the house of Escalapoindeguy.
His godparents were Jean, elder owner of Pedrottipiarenea and Jeanne Ephele, sister of the infant. 
Ephele, Jean (I6519)
12150 Jean, son of Pierre Ernaut and Catherine Bastanchuhi, owners of the house of Sanferminenea.
His godparents were Jean Corcabalbehere, valet of chez Fonenca (sic) and Gratianne Bastanchuhi, maternal aunt. 
Ernaut, Jean (I1236)

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