
Matches 11,701 to 11,750 of 21,018

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
11701 Jean Okilamberro, farmer 38 years old and Dominique Hasquet, his wife, owners of the house of Etchelecu in this village, declared his name as Martin.
Witnesses were Jean Etchevarren weaver 40 years old and Jean Antchagno, farmer 52 years old. 
Oquilamberro, Martin (I8030)
11702 Jean Olhasso was born to Bernard Olhasso, owner of Biscaichipy, 40 years old farmer (laboreur) and Marie Biscaichipy, his wife.
Witnesses were Jean Biscaichipy, farmer (laboreur) 72 years old resident of Bascassan and Bernard Arbelbide, owner of the house of Biscay, 55 years old farmer (laboreur). 
Family F1666
11703 Jean Oquihandy, farmer, 80 years old, elder owner of the house of Fourrillo. Larraburu or Oquihandy, Jean (I3636)
11704 Jean Oquilanberro, son of Jean Oquilanberro and Dominique Ossafrain, owners of the house of Teillaguinenea in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean de Ossafrain, owner of Noblia, maternal grandfather and Gratianne Uhalde, owner of Teillaguina, paternal grandmother. 
Oquilanberro, Jean (I7246)
11705 Jean Ordoquy, 80 years old, farmer, widower, living in this village, died in his house of Cascacury. Harinordoquy/Ordoquy, Laurent (I6563)
11706 Jean Ordoquy, 95 years old, farmer, widower, living in this village, died in the house of Arhiainia. Harinordoquy/Ordoquy, Jean (I6301)
11707 Jean Oronos, elder owner of the house of Oronos, about 70 years old.
Witnesses were Jean Garacotche and Mutila, young owner of Subiat. 
Oronosgaray, Jean (I3596)
11708 Jean Ospital, 1 years old, died in the house of Mananoenia.
Witnesses were Michel Ospital, 32 years old and Jean Mococain, aubergiste, 50 years old. 
Ospital, Jean (I12147)
11709 Jean Ospital, owner of adventif of the house of Erremerreca in La Fonderie, 84 years old. Ospital, Jean (I6655)
11710 Jean Ospital, owner of the house of Larronyo, died in his house in the quartier of Exnatxu.
Witnesses were Jean Arrambide, owner of the house of B?? (possibly Hurbelchia), 58 years old and Michel Burucoa, farmer (laboreur), young owner of Joanesgaste, 34 years old, both close neighbors of the deceased. 
Ospital, Jean (I3967)
11711 Jean Ospital, son of Gratian Ospital, 36 years old, young owner of the house of Erremerreca, farmer and Marie Iribarne, his wife.
Witnesses were Jean Iribarne, maternal uncle, owner of the house of Cardinalia, 52 years old and Pierre Erramouspe, owner of Joannesederra, farmer, 52 years old. 
Ospital, Jean (I21497)
11712 Jean Ossarrain, son of Pierre Ossafrain and Marie Noblia, owners of the house of Noblia.
His godparents were Jean Noblia, cadet of Nobliarenea and Jeanne Inda, owner of Miguellena in the Aldudes. 
Ocafrain, Jean (I7108)
11713 Jean Otcuart in Haira, 66 years old.
Witnesses were Pierre Erramouspe and Bernard Iriqui. 
Oxouart, Jean (I9656)
11714 Jean Otxarart, 3 years old, son of Jean Otxarart and Gratianne Etchebarren, died in the house of Pocomotz in this village. Oxarart, Jean (I13082)
11715 Jean Otxarart, 6 years old, son of Jean Otxarart and Gratianne Etchebarren, died in the house of Pocomotz. Oxarart, Jean (I12792)
11716 Jean Otxarart, farmer, 78 years old, elder owner of Garchabal. Oxarart, Jean (I4631)
11717 Jean Otxarart, young owner of Aintchagno, widower of the late Marie Tihista and Catherine Uhide, cadette of Mendicahar.
Witnesses were Gratian Otxarart, cousin of the groom, Miguel Tihista, brother-in-law of the groom, Domingo Uhide and Jean Uhide, brothers of the bride. 
Family F1971
11718 Jean Otxoguy, son of Anton Otxoguy and Jeanne Caldarriague, owners of the house of Gariador in Leispars.
His godparents were Jean Otxoguy, pateral uncle but in absence, Jean Otxoguy, paternal grandfather and Marie Caldarriague, maternal aunt. 
Oxoby, Jean (I1597)
11719 Jean Ourdabouru, born 1/10/1764, natural son of Jean Ourdabouru and Jeanne Erricart, she was inheritor of the house of Chuhurraina in the village of Bidarray, he was currently residing in the village of St. Pee.
Gratianne Bigot, 31 years old, legitimate daughter of Pierre Bigot and Jeanne Urrutia, owners in their lifetime of the house of Urrutia.
Witnesses were Jean Ephele owner of the house of Joanesbelch 50 years old, Jean Belazait brother-in-law of the bride farmer (laboreur) 50 years old, Jeanne Ephele cadette of the house of Joanesbelch 27 years old and Marie Chaharra, owner of Artecorena 41 years old. 
Family F1464
11720 Jean Ourdaburu, natural son of Jean Ourdaburu and Jeanne Errecart, inheritor of Chuhurrainea in Bidarray, currently living in Arroqui in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Salaberry, cadet of the house of Ehaillea and Catherine Ferranyo, inheritor of the house of Ferranyo, both of the Aldudes. 
Ourdaburu or Belazcait, Jean (I4725)
11721 Jean Oxaart and Jeanne Agnesto, ownres of the house of Lohitcegaray in the village of the Aldudes in favor of Pierre Chaffon and Catherine Bastanchuhi, owners of Anton-
Ehaillea in the Aldudes. 
Family F1442
11722 Jean Oxagarat, inheritor of the house of Lohitcegaray and Jeanne Lohitce, cadette of the house of Lohitce, both in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Jean Oxagarat, brother of the groom, Jean Oxagarat, cousin of the groom, Caston Caphon and Gratian Teillaguina. 
Family F1427
11723 Jean Oxagarat, son of Jean Oxagarat and Jeanne Aignesto, owners of the house of Lohitcegaray in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Harretche, owner of Mehaca and Marie Toutarras, maternal aunt. 
Oxarart, Jean (I4631)
11724 Jean Oxalde, son of the house of Harretche in Iruleguy and Jeannne d'Iriquy, daughter of the house of Nafar in the present parish.
Witnesses included Gaston Iriquy and Michel Iriquy. 
Family F503
11725 Jean Oxarart and Jeanne Lohitcegaray gave money to their two children Catherine and Jean Oxarart. Oxarart, Jean (I4630)
11726 Jean Oxarart, 17 years old, farmer, son of Jean Oxarart and Dominica Bidart, died in the house of Marquitcharenia in this village. Oxarart, Jean (I11031)
11727 Jean Oxarart, 65 years old, no profession, living in Urepel, married to Fermina Urrutia, died in the house of Irteguia (sic) in this village. Oxarart, Jean (I9861)
11728 Jean Oxarart, 80 years old, farmer, widower of Jeanne Laxague, died in the house of Sorochiloa in this village. Oxarart, Pierre (I4426)
11729 Jean Oxarart, 80 years old, single, died in the house of Curguinaenia in this village. Oxarart, Jean (I12320)
11730 Jean Oxarart, born 3/17/1768, legitimate son of Pierre Oxarart and Francoise Oxalde, owners in their lifetime of the house of Sorochilo in this village.
Jeanne Aguerre, born 10/17/1770, legitimate daughter of Pierre D'aguerre and Marie Larrateguy, owners of the house of Aguerregaraya dit autrement (otherwise) Morterozarena.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide secretary of the mayor 45 years old, Pierre Methola farmer (laboreur) 89 years old, Ferdinand Methola weaver 35 years old and Jeanne Aguerre, 29 years old, sister of the bride. 
Family F1430
11731 Jean Oxarart, born 4/14/1770, legitimate son of Jean Oxarart and Jeanne Ainesto, owners in their lifetime of the house of Lohitcegarai in this village.
Jeanne Yriquy dit autrement Barcelona, born 8/21/1763, legitimate daughter of Pierre Yriquy dit autrement Barcelona and Dominique Yndiano, owners in their lifetimes of the house of Garchechabal in this village.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide secretary of the mayor 45 years old, Ferdinand Methola weaver 35 years old, Pierre Etcheverry, weaver 25 years old and Marie Chaharra 38 years old. 
Family F1428
11732 Jean Oxarart, died in the house of Sansonenia, 60 years old. Oxarart, Jean (I5020)
11733 Jean Oxarart, farmer (laboreur) 36 years old, legitimate son of Gratian Oxarart and Gratianne Bastanchuhy, owners in their lifetime of the house of Lohitcegaray in this village.
Catherine Oronotz, 31 years old, legitimate daughter of Gratian Oronotz and Marie Yriberri, owners in their lifetime of the house of Zubiatia in the village of St. Etienne.
Witnesses were Jean Arrambide student 21 years old, Pierre Ardaiz weaver 35 years old, Michel Copentipi farmer (journalier) 55 years old and Pierre Copentipi farmer (laboreur) 27 years old. 
Family F1550
11734 Jean Oxarart, farmer (laboreur) 67 years old, died in his house of Sorochilhoa.
Witnesses were Pierre Oxarart, farmer (laboreur) 40 years old and Jean Gaston Oxarart, farmer (laboreur) 38 years old, sons of the deceased. 
Oxarart, Jean (I4424)
11735 Jean Oxarart, farmer, 62 years old, died in his house called Morteroinia.
Witnesses were Dominique Oxarart, farmer, 76 years old, brother of the deceased and Dominique Oxarart, farmer, 42 years old, nephew of the deceased. 
Oxarart, Jean (I4636)
11736 Jean Oxarart, son of Pierre Oxarart and Francoise Oxalde, owners of the house of Sorrochillo in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Ithurribelz, cousin and Gratianne Bastanchury, maternal aunt. 
Oxarart, Jean (I4636)
11737 Jean Oxarart, son of Pierre Oxarart and Jeanne Laxague, owners of Sorochiloa.
Dominique Inda, daughter of the late Joseph Inda and Jeanne Etchegaray, owners of the house of Etcheberria in Camoukeguy.
Witnesses were Jean Etcheverry shoemaker 60 years old, Martin Bidart 32 years old, Gratian Harriet 57 years old and Martin Inda 22 years old. 
Family F2336
11738 Jean Oxarart, unemployed, about 95 years old, widower of Catherine Oronoz, died in the house of Harotcaenia in this village. Oxarart, Jean (I4906)
11739 Jean Oxoarart, cadet of the borde of Oxoarart in the Aldudes and Marie, inheritor of Ainchaigno in the quartier of Orbalecardy.
Witnesses were Michel d'Ainchaigno, brother of the bride, Jean d'Ainchaigno, brother of the bride, Jean d'Oxarart, brother of the groom and Jean d'Alhais of the hosue of Alhais. 
Family F2037
11740 Jean P. Indart was 44 years at the time of his death and his wife's initials were L.M. Indart, Jean Pierre (Jack) (I12187)
11741 Jean P. Lescoulie was 58 years old when he died and his wife's first initial was "V". Lescoulie, Jean Pierre (I20681)
11742 Jean Pagotto, son of Jean Pagotto and Marie Ouharriet, owners of the house of Tihistaordoquy.
His godparents were Jean Pagotto, paternal uncle and Francoise Couburu, maternal aunt, owner of Hiriartea. 
Phagotto, Jean (I4885)
11743 Jean Palan, 84 years old, day laborer, born in Plaisance, Department of Gers, living in this village, widower of Jeanne Berhueta, daughter of Pierre Palan and Mrs. Maillot, died in the house of Palanenia in this village. Palan, Jean (I12004)
11744 Jean Pecotche, 68 years old, weaver, born and living in this village, single, son of Martin Pecotche and Marie Inda, died in the house of Nachaburia in this village. Pecoche, Jean (I5648)
11745 Jean Pedrottipia also called Ytcaina, 34 years old, legitimate son of Jean Pedrottipia also called Ytcaina and Marie Pocco, owners in their lifetime of the house of Bipherrenia in this village.
Gratianne Etcheverrigaray, born 23 Pluvoise An V, Jean Etcheverrigaray and Jeanne Antonena, owners of the house of Charlosa.
Witnesses were Jean Poco farmer (laboreur) 27 years old, Elisabet Esponda farmer (laboreuse) 52 years old, Marie Chaharra 43 years old and Marie Tihista le Benoite 43 years old. 
Family F261
11746 Jean Pedrottipia and Marie Chisco, owners acquirerors of the house of Zahargunbeheria in the village of Aldudes, quartier of Hurepel, contracting for their daughter, eldest of the daughters and third of the children.
Pierre Ernautene and Catherine Bastanchouhi, owner adventif and owner proper of the house of Anton-Ehailea in the same village of Aldudes, contracting for Maneich Bastanchouhi, their brother and brother-in-law. 
Family F3134
11747 Jean Pedrottipia dit Ytcaina, farmer, 80 years old, died in his house of Bipherrenia.
Witnesses were Jean Pedrottipia dit Ytcaina, farmer, 40 years old and Jean Pedrottipia dit Ytcaina, farmer, 35 years old, both sons of the deceased. 
Itcainarena dit Pedrottipia, Jean (I4091)
11748 Jean Pedrottipia, 72 years old, farmer, married, living in this village, died in the house of Erremedio in this village. Pedrottipia or Itcaina, Jean (I4822)
11749 Jean Pedrottipia, born 2/15/1780, legitimate son of Jean Pedrottipia and Marie Chisco, owners in their lifetime of the house of Phalarena in this village.
Louise Bidart, born 7/20/1784, legitimate daughter of Pierre Bidart and Catherine Yribarren, owners in their lifetime of the house of Manech-huna in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde weaver 27 years old, Jean Avanc carpenter 45 years old, Marie Yribarren eldest daughter of Mendy 23 years old and Marie Chaharra 43 years old.
Note: In the margin, "fermiers of Erremedio" was noted. 
Family F1512
11750 Jean Pedrottipia, drummer (tambour) of the 44th regiment of the infantry, 2nd batallion, born in the Aldudes on 7/6/1812, son of Jean Predottipia and Elisabeth Arrambide, entered the hospital on 11/27/1840 and died there on 12/6/1840. Itcaina or Pedrottipia, Jean (I4551)

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