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11051 Jean Ernaud, owner of the house of Chafon, uncle of the newborn, 40 years old presented the birth of this infant to his brother-in-law, farmer (laboreur) 40 years old, called Tihista and Marie Ernaud, his wife, owners of the house of Gauerdi in this village.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, teacher for the village of Aldudes, 44 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 41 years old, owner of the house of Esquil. 
Tihista, Marie (I4526)
11052 Jean Ernaud, owner of the house of Chafonenia, about 80 years old.
Witnesses were Jean Etcheberry, sonneur des cloches and Jean Sallaberry, school master (maitre d'ecole). 
Ernaut, Jean (I1976)
11053 Jean Ernaut, 25 years old, farmer, son of Michel Ernaut and Louise Ausquie, died in the house of Ausquia in this village. Ernaut, Jean (I11448)
11054 Jean Ernaut, 66 years old, died in the house of Chaffonenia.
Witnesses were Jean Narbaitz, farmer, 30 years old and Michel Narbaitz, farmer, 40 years old. 
Ernaut, Jean/Joannes (I4138)
11055 Jean Ernaut, 92 years old, widower of Marie Narbaitz, died in the house of Inchabya in this village. Ernaut, Jean (I4886)
11056 Jean Ernautena, owner of the house of Ernautena in St. Etienne, about 75 years old.
Witnesses were Jean Harriage and Bernard Erreca. 
Ernautena, Jean (I22077)
11057 Jean Ernautene, 5 months old, died in the house Ynchabia.
Witnesses were Jean Ernautene, farmer (laboreur) 39 years old, father of the deceased and Marie Narbaiz, 26 years old, mother of the deceased. 
Ernaut, Jean (I5522)
11058 Jean Ernautene, elder owner of the house of Ernautene in St. Etienne, about 76 years old. Ernautena, Jean (I22080)
11059 Jean Ernautene, farmer (laboreur) 36 years old, legitimate son of Jean Gaston Ernautene and Marie Harriet, owners in their lifetime of the house of Chafonenia.
Marie Narbaiz, farmer (laboreuse), legitimate daughter Jean Narbaiz and Magdelaine Etchevertz, owners of the house of Ynchabia in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Hiriart farmer (laboreur) 26 years old inheritor of Egnautenia, Jean Baptiste Arrambide farmer (laboreur) 23 years old, Jean Narbais brother of the bride farmer (laboreur) 21 years old and Marie Chaharra 47 years old owner of the house of Errientaenia. 
Family F1539
11060 Jean Ernautene, farmer (laboreur) 38 years old and Marie Narbaiz, his wife, owners of the house of Inchabia in this village, declared her name as Marie.
Witnesses were Martin Laxague farmer 58 years old and Pierre Jaureguicahar farmer 53 years old. 
Ernaut, Marie (I7985)
11061 Jean Ernet, son of Jean Ernet and Jeanne Copen, owners of the house of Ithurraldia in the village of Irouleguy and Marie Etchebarren, daughter of (father's name missing) Francoise Etchevers, renters of the house of Artcainmotca in the village of Aldudes.
Note: The mother's name noted in the children's birth record is Francoise Etchevers, so it is assumed this marriage record is in error. Further research necessary. 
Family F3433
11062 Jean Ernet, son of the house of Ernet in the quartier of Aldudes and Marie, inheritor of Baptistacohieta in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Pierre Ernet, owner of Benta, brother of the groom, Jean Ithurribels, Jean Churritsheguy, cousin of the groom and Joannes Harguina, uncle of the bride. 
Family F1552
11063 Jean Erramouspe, 3 years old, son of Jean Erramouspe and Catherine Ardans, owners of Joannesgasterena in this village. Erramouspe, Jean (I3339)
11064 Jean Erramouspe, 32 years old, born in La Fonderie, November 27, 1768, farmer (cultivateur), living in La Fonderie, son of the late Pierre Erramuspe and Anne Ernautene, owners of the house of Joannesederra in La Fonderie.
Gracianne Iriquy, 27 years old, born in La Fonderie on January 30, 1777, living in the village of La Fonderie, daughter of Martin Iriquy, owner of the house of Tipito in this village and the late Marie Aitcinecotche, his wife.
They declared that they had a daughter named Marie Erramouspe who was born on April 28, 1803 (8 Floreal An IX).
Witnesses were Martin Iriquy, farmer, 47 years old, father of the bride, Gracian Iribarne, owner of Erregue, farmer 55 years old, neighbor of the groom, Jean Ernautene of St. Etienne, rentier, 34 years old, relative to the 2nd degree of the bride and Jean Dutey, son of the health officer of St. Etienne, 29 years old, relative to the 2nd degree of the groom. 
Family F3138
11065 Jean Erramouspe, 60 years old, owner of the house of Chuhienia. Erramouspe, Jean/Joannes (I21165)
11066 Jean Erramouspe, 69 years old, farmer, married to Catherine Ardans, died in the house of Joannesgastegaray in this village. Erramouspe, Jean/Joannes (I3336)
11067 Jean Erramouspe, 75 years old, farmer, living in the present village, married to Jeanne Barcelona, housewife, daughter of the late Gratian Erramouspe and Jeanne Inda, died in the house of Chotroborda. Erramuspe, Jean (I5392)
11068 Jean Erramouspe, 78 years old, farmer, married to Marie Falxa, died in the house of Herlax in the quartier of Heraun. Erramouspe, Jean (I21626)
11069 Jean Erramouspe, 80 years old, farmer, widower, living in this village, died in died in his house of Joannesgastegaray.
Witnesses were Jean Oxarart, 40 years old farmer and Jean Chabagno, 75 year old farmer. 
Erramouspe, Jean (I4256)
11070 Jean Erramouspe, born 1/23/1810, son of Jean Erramouspe and the late Jeanne Atchaurra, owners of Baigorrienia.
Catherine Ardans, 28 years old, daughter of Jean Ardans and Marie Detchume, owners of Semederrenia, both in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Harriet farmer 24 years old cadet of Lanciry, Martin Hiriart farmer 63 years old owner of Paulerena, Jean Saroihandy farmer 45 years old, owner of Erlanyo and Jean Mariluch blacksmith 25 years old. 
Family F961
11071 Jean Erramouspe, cadet of the house of Herlax and Catherine Iriqui, inheritor of Urrels in the quartier of Assaldeguy.
Witnesses were Michel Herlax and another Michel Herlax, brothers of the groom, Jean Bidondo and Ferdinand ??, cadet of Aparain, cousin of the bride. 
Family F6643
11072 Jean Erramouspe, died in the house of Herlats, about 95 years old.
Witnesses were Michel Erramouspe, brother of the deceased, 60 years old and Bernard Aldaits, 64 years old, both farmers. 
Erramouspe, Jean/Joannes (I21623)
11073 Jean Erramouspe, owner of the house of Irigoyen, farmer, 36 years old and Magdeleine Ocafrain, his wife, declared the birth of a daughter named Marie. Erramouspe, Marie (I12743)
11074 Jean Erramouspe, son of Michel Erramouspe, farmer and Catherine Oronoz, owners of Erlax on the side of La Forge.
His godparents were Jean Oronoz and Gratiane Elicondo. 
Erramouspe, Jean (I21626)
11075 Jean Erramuspe and Gratianne Dufour, inheritor of the house of Olhatcin.
Witnesses were Martin Erramuspe, Pierre Erramuspe, Jean Erramuspe and another Jean Erramuspe, brothers of the groom. 
Family F6723
11076 Jean Erramuspe farmer 35 years old and Marie Yrigoyen, his wife, owners of the house of Saroiberria in this village, who declared his name as Michel.
Witnesses were Jean Chaharra farmer 38 years old and Jean Aguerre farmer 60 years old. 
Erramuspe, Michel (I7607)
11077 Jean Erramuspe, 19 years old, died in the house of Elgartia in this village.
Witnesses were Bertrand Erramuspe, farmer (laboreur) 60 years old and Martin Erramuspe, farmer (laboreur) 23 years old. 
Erramuspe, Jean (I1228)
11078 Jean Erramuspe, 42 years old, farmer, single, living in this village, died in his house of Joanesgastegaray.
Witnesses were Jean Oxarart, 45 years old farmer and Jean Arambel, 30 years old farmer. 
Erramouspe, Jean (I4292)
11079 Jean Erramuspe, 66 years old, farmer, married to Marie Jaureguy, owner of adventif of the house of Atchaurra in this village. Erramuspe, Jean (I1255)
11080 Jean Erramuspe, born 1/27/1768, legitimate son of Gratian Erramuspe and Marie Landachoco, owners of the house of Etchartia in St. Etienne of Baigorry commonly called Zazparroa.
Jeanne Atchaurra, born 2/24/1765, legitimate daughter of the late Jean Atchaurra and Marie Bastanchury, owners of the house of Joanesgasterena of this village.
They declared that they had four children, the first Jean born 6/1/1800 (12 Prarial An XIII), second Martin born 3/25/1802 (4 Germinal An X), third Jean born 3/6/1805 and the fourth Jean born 2/10/1809 whom they recognize as their own.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide secretary of the mayor 45 years old, Marie Chaharra his wife 38 years old, Jean Inda 45 years old macon and Martin Hiriart farmer (laboreur) 48 years old. 
Family F1265
11081 Jean Erramuspe, cadet son of Peilloerreca in the quartier of Assaldeguy and Marie Itcainarena, inheritor of the house of Donaleguibehere in the quartier of Donaleguy.
Witnesses were Gratian Erramuspe, Jean Erramuspe and Betry Erramuspe, brothers of the groom and Michel Niminoarena and Jean Niminoarena, owner of Marieihara. 
Family F6437
11082 Jean Erramuspe, elder owner of Erlatz, about 84 years old.
Witnesses were Jean Inharabie and Samson Chapado. 
Erramouspe, Jean (I9363)
11083 Jean Erramuspe, eldest son of the late Pierre Erramuspe and Catherine Iputcha, owners of the house of Joannestopeillo in this village, farmer, 25 years old and
Marie Argal, daughter of Sancho Argal and Marie Haira, elder owners of the house of Oxouart in this village.
Witnesses were Pierre Haira, sonneur des cloches, 76 years old, Pierre Martin, farmer, elder owner of Ihitcague, 55 years old, Jean Iribarne, owner of Achis, farmer, 57 years old and Jean Argal, brother of the bride, carpenter, 27 years old. 
Family F4092
11084 Jean Erramuspe, farmer (laboreur) 23 years old, died in the house of Joanesgasterenia
Witnesses were Jean Erramouspe, farmer 49 years old, father of the deceased and Pierre Elgart, farmer 43 years old. 
Erramouspe, Jean (I4290)
11085 Jean Erramuspe, son of Jean Erramuspe and Marie Ithurburu, owners of Antonennea in Ercatz.
His godparents were Jean Erramuspe, paternal grandfather and Jeanne Minaberry, maternal grandmother. 
Erramuspe, Jean (I1255)
11086 Jean Erramuspe, son of Pierre Erramuspe and Catherine Iputcha, young owners of the house of Joannestopeillo of Haira.
His godparents were Jean Erramuspe, paternal grandfather and Marie, owner of Chancho, maternal aunt. 
Erramuspe, Jean (I23239)
11087 Jean Erramuspe, son of Pierre Erramuspe and Jeanne Joannessenia, owners of the house of Betripeillo in the quartier of La Fonderie.
His godparents were Jean Sintas, owner of Elissalde and Catherine Erramuspe, paternal aunt. 
Etchart, Jean (I21418)
11088 Jean Erramuspe, widower and Marie Iphar, cadette daughter of the borde of Harisperena.
Witnesses were Pierre Erramuspe and Miguel Erramuspe, brothers of the groom, Baptiste Brustet and Jean Etchecopar, school master. 
Family F6724
11089 Jean Erreca dit Ilharragorry, farmer 45 years old, and Jeanne Arroqui, his wife, owners of the house of Garchaal in this village gave their child the name of Gratian.
Witnesses were Gratian Esponda farmer 45 years old and Pierre Erreca farmer 40 years old. 
Erreca, Gratian (I7923)
11090 Jean Erreca was living on Cypress Ave with his sister Manuela (Ignacio) Aguerre. He was 39 years old and single. He was a dairy milker. Erreca, Jean (I18696)
11091 Jean Erreca, 3 years old, died in their house of Arambel.
Witnesses were Jean Erreca, farmer (laboreur) 57 years old, father of the deceased and Jeanne Yribarren, 40 years old, mother of the deceased. 
Erreca, Jean (I5258)
11092 Jean Erreca, 4 months old died in the house of Arambel.
Witnesses were Jean Erreca, farmer (laboreur) 48 years old and Pierre Yribarren, farmer (laboreur) 59 years old, father and grandfather of the deceased. 
Erreca, Jean (I5664)
11093 Jean Erreca, 41 years old, farmer (laboreur), owner of the house of Harambel in this village and Jeanne Hiribarren, his wife, who they gave the name Catherine.
Witnesses were Antoine Arambel, 32 years old farmer and Martin Inda, 30 years old blacksmith. 
Erreca, Catherine (I4362)
11094 Jean Erreca, 44 years old, farmer (laboreur) and Marie Yribarren, his wife, owners of the house of Arambel in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde dit Passano, 60 years old farmer and Jean Inda dit Akerra, 54 years old woodsman. 
Erreca, Marie (I4358)
11095 Jean Erreca, 75 years old, farmer, married to Marie Chotro, died in his house of Garchabalia. Erreca dit Ilharragorry, Jean (I1909)
11096 Jean Erreca, 85 years old, farmer, widower, died in his house of Arambelia. Erreca, Jean (I4357)
11097 Jean Erreca, domestic, 75 years old, single, died in the house of Pericoenia in this village. Erreca, Jean (I5102)
11098 Jean Erreca, farmer (laboreur) 52 years old, owner of the house of Louis Chotroinia, died in his house.
Witnesses were Jean Zaldubehere, farmer (laboreur) 38 years old, brother-in-law by alliance and Jean Chaharra, farmer (laboreur) 38 years old. 
Erreca dit Ilharragorry, Jean (I4873)
11099 Jean Erreca, farmer (laboreur) born 1/3/1777, legitimate son of the late Jean Erreca and Marie Laxague, his wife, who were owners of the house of Sabina.
Jeanne Arroqui, born 11/1/1792, legitimate daughter of Antoine Arroqui and Jeanne Barcelona, his wife, who were present, owners of the house of Garchechabal in this village. 
Family F1376
11100 Jean Erreca, farmer 57 years old and Jeanne Yribarren, his wife, owners of the house of Arambel in this village, declared her name as Marie.
Witnesses were Jean Aguerre farmer 54 years old and Jean Ardans farmer 58 years old. 
Erreca, Marie/Marianne (I7943)

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