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10701 Jean d'Unhaindy, inheritor of the borde of Unhaindy in the quartier of Aldudes and Jeanne d'Elissonde, cadette of Uhalde in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Jean de Joannesbeltche, cousin of the groom, Jean d'Unhaindy, brother of the groom and Jean d'Elissonde, brother of the bride. 
Family F2167
10702 Jean d'Urla, son of Jean d'Urla and Jeanne de Bourmalats, owners of the borde of Bidegain in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Francessena, owner of Joannesharguina in the Aldudes and Marie Bourmalats, owner of the house of Bourmalats. 
Antchagno or Urla, Jean (I6249)
10703 Jean d'Urlagaray, son of Jean d'Urlagaray and Gratianne Erramuspe, owners of Muthillainea in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Ossafrain and Marie Erramuspe, maternal cousin. 
Urlagaray, Jean (I7332)
10704 Jean d'Urrels, inheritor of the house of Urrels in Acaldeguy and Marie d'Etchart, cadette of the house of Etchart in the quartier of Oronos.
Witnesses were Jean Urrels, brother of the groom, Bernard d'Urrels, brother of the groom, Jean d'Etchart and Pierre d'Etchart, brothers of the bride. 
Family F2195
10705 Jean d'Yncabi, son of Pierre d'Yncabi and Magdalene d'Errecart.
His godparents were Jean de Jaureguy, paternal uncle and Magdalene de Recart, maternal aunt. 
Incaby, Jean (I10961)
10706 Jean d'Yribarne, owner of Legarrya.
Witnesses were Jean de Harosteguy and Jean d'Indart. 
Iribarne, Jean (I4274)
10707 Jean d'Yrigoyen, son of Jean d'Yrigoyen and Marie de Biscarrena, owners of the borde of Tihista in the quartier of Etcaun.
His godparents were Jean d'Yrigoyen, paternal grandfather and Marie de Biscarrena, maternal aunt. 
Irigoin, Jean (I11234)
10708 Jean Davant, 70 years old, tobacconist (receveur-buraliste), living in Urepel, married to Jeanne dite Managno, housewife, living in Urepel, died in the house of Maridercharrenia in this village. Davant, Jean (I4969)
10709 Jean de Badiere, son of Bernard de Badiere and Jeanne d'Ehayliarena, owners of the borde of Oyhanburu in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Ehayliarena, maternal grandfather and Jeanne de Badiere, paternal aunt.
On his marriage record his mother's name was noted as Juana Eallearena. 
Badiere, Jean/Juan (I8866)
10710 Jean de Badiere, son of Bernard de Badiere and Jeanne d'Ehayliarena, owners of the borde of Oyhanburu in the quartier of Esnaratxou.
His godparents were Jean, young owner of Nobliarena, maternal uncle and Dominique, owner adventice of Cubiarinerreca. 
Badiere or Erreca, Jean (I6468)
10711 Jean de Baptista, son of Pierre de Baptista and Joanna Oquilanberro, owners of Jacaluz in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Joannes d'Oquilanberro, son of Cathalinenea and Madalen Zouboure, owner of Handicorenea. 
Baptista or Oquilamberro, Jean (I4799)
10712 Jean de Barcelona, son of Mathias de Barcelona and Jeanne d'Irey, owners of the borde of Chabanorena in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Irey, maternal uncle and Catherine, elder owner of Sarry in St. Etienne. 
Barcelona, Jean or Kuanico (I6337)
10713 Jean de Bastanchouhy, son of Jean de Bastanchouhy and Catherine d'Arroquy, owners of the borde of Igousquiaguerre in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Arroquy, maternal uncle and Marie de Sorcabalgaray, paternal cousin. 
Bastanchuhy, Jean (I6787)
10714 Jean de Bastanchuhirena, son of Jean de Bastanchuhirena and Jeanne d'Oquilanberro, owners of the borde of Biperrena in the quartier of Jaurmendy.
His godparents were Jean de Oquilanberro, maternal uncle and Jeanne, owner of Bastanchuhirena, paternal aunt. 
Bastanchuhy or Bipher, Jean (I9207)
10715 Jean de Bastanchuhy in the quartier of Aldudes and Marie, inheritor of the borde of Gaudalatzgaray in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Jean de Bastanchuhy and Martin d'Ernague, brother and uncle of the couple. 
Family F1758
10716 Jean de Bastanchuhy, son of Jean de Bastanchuhy and Jeanne d'Iturribels, owners of the borde of Iturribels (Biperenia?).
His godparents were Jean de Bastanchuhy, paternal uncle and Catherine de Iturribels, maternal grandmother. 
Bastanchuhy or Bipher, Jean (I7102)
10717 Jean de Bastanchuhy, son of Miguel de Bastanchuhy and Marie de Harriet, owners of the borde of Bastanchuhy in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean de Harriet, maternal uncle and Jeanne, elder owner of Bastanchuhy, paternal grandmother. 
Bourmalatz dit Bastanchuhy, Jean (I4310)
10718 Jean de Bastanchuhy, son of Miguel de Bastanchuhy and Marie de Harriet, owners of the borde of Joanesena of Eiheralde (Aldudes?).
His godparents were Jean de Harriet, maternal grandfather and Marie, daughter of the borde of Oxagaratebehere. 
Bastanchuhy or Domingorena or Harriet, Jean (I4046)
10719 Jean de Bastanchuhy, son of Pierre de Bastanchuhy and Catherine d'Etcheberry from the village of Guereindiarena in the high Navarre, owners of the borde of Cohietta in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Igusquiaguerre, relative of the baptised and Marie de Teilaguinarena. 
Bastanchuhy, Jean (I17699)
10720 Jean de Belar, son of Pedro de Belar and Jeanne de Louyssena, owners of the house of Jocoberro in Guermiete.
His godparents were Jean de Belar, inheritor of Jocoberro and Dominique de Louyssena. 
Belar, Jean (I8595)
10721 Jean de Belca, son of Bernard de Belca and Marie de Harsou, owners of the borde of Harsou in the quartier of Hayra.
His godparents were Jean de Belca, paternal grandfather and Dominique, daughter of Joannesharrorena, maternal aunt. 
Belca, Jean (I21527)
10722 Jean de Belca, son of Domingo de Belca and Francoise de Pedrotipiarena of the quartier of Hourbels.
His godparents were Jean de Belca, paternal uncle and Jeanne, owner of the borde of Pedrotipiarena, maternal aunt. 
Belca, Jean (I9747)
10723 Jean de Belca, son of the house of Ostatuzahar in Leispars and Magdalene de Cuburu, inheritor of the house of Handiscorena.
Witnesses were Domingo de Belca, brother of the groom, Pierre d'Urracariete, Pierre young owner of Sorcabalgaray and Jean de Belsa, cousin. 
Family F6644
10724 Jean de Bercetche, son of Jean de Bercetche and Marie d'Etchart Oronos, daughter of Maisterrena in Bastide, sharecroppers (metayers) at Me. de Licerasse.
His godfather was Jean de Bercetche, paternal uncle and Marie de Maisterrena, maternal aunt. 
Bercetche, Jean (I6559)
10725 Jean de Bercetche, son of Jean de Bercetche and Marie d'Etchart Oronos, sharecroppers (metayers) of the house of Ithurralde in Guermiette.
His godparents were Jean d'Etchart Oronos, maternal grandfather and Jeanne de Bercetche, paternal aunt. 
Bercetche, Jean (I8382)
10726 Jean de Berchinantorena, son of Jean de Berchinantorena and Marie de Pocorena, owners of the borde called Garaycoborda in the quartier of Oustotordoquy.
His godparents were Jean de Pocorena, maternal first cousin and Gratiane, inheritor of Garaycoborda in Iramehaca, 'germaine' sister of the baptised. 
Alfaro or Berchinanto, Jean (I9379)
10727 Jean de Bergeret, owner of the house of Erreca in Leispars in favor of Marie de Gorza in St. Jean.
This document also mentions his wife as Marie, owner proprietaire of the house of Erreca. 
Erreca, Marie (I21695)
10728 Jean de Bergeret, owner of the house of Erreca in Leispars in favor of Marie de Gorza in St. Jean.
This document also mentions his wife as Marie, owner proprietaire of the house of Erreca. 
Bergeret, Jean (I21694)
10729 Jean de Bersinanto, owner of the Bastorrena, about 70 years old. Alfaro, Joannes (I20854)
10730 Jean de Bersinantorena, son of Jean de Bersinantorena and Marie de Pocorena called Gasteluzar, owners of the borde called Garayco in the quartier of Oustatordoguy.
His godparents were Jean d'Ohaco and Jeanne, elder owner of the borde of Arrabit. 
Alfaro or Berchinanto, Jean/Joannes (I7294)
10731 Jean de Besancie, muletier of the Vicecount of Etchaux, son of the house of Arcainchuhy and Marie de Faure, daughter of the house of Louissena.
Witnesses were Guilen de Besancie, brother of the groom and Martin d'Orein, mason, Francois de Massiere, young owner of Sarrybehere and Vincent d'Aiciartchahar, shoemaker. 
Family F562
10732 Jean de Besancie, son of Jaques de Besancie of Perigort, molleur and Marthe de Laborde, living in St. Etienne.
His godparents were Jean de St. Martin, Vicecount d'Etchaus and Marie Arrambide, owner of Betarte of Bastide. 
Besancie, Jean (I1778)
10733 Jean de Besancie, son of Jean de Besancie and Jeanne de Bidegaray de Jara, living in the house of Arcainchuhy.
His godparents were Jean de Bidegaray, maternal uncle and Marthe de Laborde, paternal grandmother. 
Besancie, Jean (I1908)
10734 Jean de Besancie, son of Jean de Besancie and Marie Faure, living in the house of Louisena in St. Etienne.
His godparents were Jean de Besancie, paternal uncle and Catherine de Faure, maternal aunt. 
Besancie, Jean (I1792)
10735 Jean de Besantie, son of Jean de Besantie and Marie d'Erremerreca, owners of the house of Arcainchuhy.
His godparents were Jean d'Archanchury, paternal uncle and Marie Mariarena, maternal grandmother. 
Besancie, Jean (I1574)
10736 Jean de Betard, son of Jean de Betard and Marie d'Arrambide, owners of Betard.
His godparents were Jean d'Arrambide and Dominique de Betard. 
Betart, Jean (I10656)
10737 Jean de Betchume, son of Jean de Betchume and Dominique d'Ainchaigno, owners of the borde of Betchume in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean, owner of D'etchume, paternal grandfather and Marie, owner of Anchagno, maternal grandmother. 
Nimignoarena dit Detchume (Gariador), Jean/Joannes (I14)
10738 Jean de Bibie, inheritor of the house of Chilo in Ocos and Gratianne, daughter of the house of Barnetchebehere in Oticoren.
Witnesses were Jean d'Incaurpe, mason, Jean de Bidegaray of Jare, Jean young owner of Barnetchebehere in Oticoren, brother of the bride and Jean Barnetchegaray. 
Family F6321
10739 Jean de Bichar, son of Baptiste de Bichar and Marie de Choco, owners of the house of this name in the quartier of Oyhansoro.
His godparents were Jean Erramouspe, owner of the house of Oholbicy, represented by Baptiste de Brustet and Marie de Choco, owner mediate of Choco, maternal grandmother. 
Bichar or Cubiat or Antonena, Jean (I16294)
10740 Jean de Bidart of Oticoren, macon, nicknamed Ferulane (sic), about 38 years old.
Witnesses were Pierre de Bernadet and Martin de Bernadet. 
Bidart, Jean/Joannes (I8917)
10741 Jean de Bidart of Oticoren, widower, owner of the borde of Yeurquibehere of Oyhansoro and Jeanne, daughter of the borde of Marmaro in the Aldudes, widow.
Witnesses were Miguel d'Iturribels, owner of Harguinarena in the Aldudes, Anton d'Esnos living in the Aldudes, Jean de Marmaro brother-in-law of the groom and Michel, young owner of Iturribels in the Aldudes.
Family F2013
10742 Jean de Bidart, son of Michel de Bidart and Marie de Salaberry, owners of the borde of Phalxa in the quartier of Iramehaca.
His godparents were Jean Bidart, paternal uncle and Marie d'Itcainarena, maternal grandmother. 
Bidart, Jean (I16129)
10743 Jean de Bidart, son of Miguel de Bidart of Oticoren and Marie de Mariatchorena, owners of the borde of Mariatchorena.
His godparents were Jean de Mariatcho, maternal uncle and Marie de Bidart, paternal cousin. 
Bidart, Jean (I6003)
10744 Jean de Bidondebehere, son of Jean de Bidondebehere, cadet of the house of Mentaberry in Ascarat and Marie de Saroyhandy, cadette of the house of Inharabie in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean de Saroyhandy, maternal grandfather and Gratiane de ??, owner of the house of Mentaberry, paternal grandmother. 
Bidondebehere or Mentaberry, Jean (I8696)
10745 Jean de Bidondo, son of Miguel de Bidondo and Jeanne d'Inda, owners of the borde of Miguelenia in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Inda, maternal uncle and Jeanne de Bastanchuhy, daughter of Saroiberry. 
Bidondo, Jean (I5959)
10746 Jean de Bidondo, son of Miguel de Bidondo and Jeanne de Bidondo, owners of the borde of Miguelena in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Inda, maternal uncle and Marie de Salaberry of Leispars. 
Bidondo, Jean (I8376)
10747 Jean de Bidondo, son of Pedro de Bidondo and Jeanne de Bastanchuhyrena Miguelencoua, owners of the borde of Miguelena de Bastanchuhy in Jaurmendy.
His godparents were Jean d'Itcaynarena and Catherine de Lilac. 
Bidondo, Jean (I5887)
10748 Jean de Bidondobehere, son of Jean de Bidondobehere and Marie de Saroyhandy, renters of the house of Maestruiarena in the quartier of Urepel.
His godparents were Jean de Saroihandy, maternal uncle and Jeanne de Bidondobehere, paternal aunt. 
Bidondebehere, Jean (I10561)
10749 Jean de Bigot, son of Jean de Bigot and Marie de Gorteyri, owners of the borde of Gorteyri in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean de Gorteyri, maternal uncle and Magdalene de Bigot, paternal aunt. 
Ferranyo or Bigot, Jean (I6153)
10750 Jean de Bihourriette, son of the borde of Cardinaliarena and Marie d'Arcainchaharrarena, daughter of the borde of Iturribelz in the quartier of Jaurmendy.
Witnesses were Joannes Gaste de Bihourriette, owner of Oxarapeguy and Miguel d'Iturribelz, brothers of the groom and bride. 
Family F2622

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