
Matches 10,551 to 10,600 of 21,012

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10551 Jean d'Etchart, living in the house of Berautchipia in the parish of St. Jean de Luz in Labourd and Marie d'Irary, daughter of the borde of Saroyberry in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Martin d'Etchart, brother of the groom and Ferranyo d'Irary, owner of the borde of Ehaylia, brother of the bride. 
Family F2820
10552 Jean d'Etchart, owner of Maister in the Bastide, about 70 years old. Etchart Oronos, Joannes (I10078)
10553 Jean d'Etcheberri, son of Mathias d'Etcheberri and Marie Marisco, renters of the house of Marisco in Leispars.
His godparents were Jean, inheritor of Jaureguy and Agnes, daughter of Marisco, maternal aunt. 
Etchebers, Jean (I22901)
10554 Jean d'Etcheberry, elder owner of Chuhigaray in Iramehaca, about 66 years old.
Witnesses were Betry Erramouspe and Jean Erramouspe. 
Etcheberry or Herlax, Jean (I21433)
10555 Jean d'Etcheberry, inheritor of the borde of Etcheberry in the Aldudes and Gratianne de Carricaburu of Irissarry.
Witnesses were Samson de Chalanchuhy, Guilen de Tamborinarena, Bernard de Lamotarena and Pierre young owner of Guerciet. 
Family F1797
10556 Jean d'Etcheberry, sharecropper (metayer) of the borde of Manesharguinarena in the Aldudes and Marie, cadette daughter of the borde of Eranyorenia, also in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Gratian de Chotro, brother in law of the bride, Simon d'Otsainaits, cousin of the groom, Jean Hiriart, godfather of the groom and Pierre de Donjuan, brother of the bride. 
Family F1489
10557 Jean d'Etchebers, about 66 years old, owner of the house of Erkhatcea.
Witnesses were Sanson Hiribarne and Pierre Petecha. 
Etchebers, Jean (I9846)
10558 Jean d'Etchebers, inheritor of Ercatsgaray and Marie d'Etchenique, daughter of the borde of Marianarena in Oyhansoro.
Witnesses were Jean d'Etchebers, cousin of the groom, Jean d'Erramouspe, Domingo, inheritor of Ercatsbehere and Jean de Nimignoarena. 
Family F6293
10559 Jean d'Etchebers, son of Salvat d'Etchebers and Francoise d'Itcaynarena, owners of the borde of Cohietta in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Iribarne, elder owner of the borde of Maneshounarena and Marie d'Itcaynarena, maternal aunt. 
Halcart or Etchebers, Jean/Joannes (I6421)
10560 Jean d'Etchebers, son of Samson d'Etchebers and Marie d'Erreca, owners of the borde of Mariasara in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Erramuspe, owner of Herlatz, paternal uncle and Marie de Louissena, maternal aunt. 
Etchebers dit Mariasara, Jean (I4378)
10561 Jean d'Etchebers, son of Saubat d'Etchebers and Francoise de Cohietta, owners of the borde of Cohietta in Jaurmendy.
His godparents were Jean de Cohietta, owner of borde of Cocorena, maternal uncle and Catherine de Halcart, owner of the borde of Manezhounarena, paternal aunt. 
Halcart or Etchebers, Jean (I6930)
10562 Jean d'Etchechoury, son of Jean d'Etchechoury and Marie de Courico, owners of the borde of Sanchorena in the quartier of Hayra in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Iriart and Marie Antongorry. 
Etchechury dit Chanchorena, Jean/Joannes (I1755)
10563 Jean d'Etchechury, son of Jean d'Etchechury and Marie Oxararte, owners of the borde of Ithurrieta in Jaurmendi.
His godparents were Jean Etchechury, paternal uncle and Marie Oxargarategaray, maternal aunt. 
Chanchorena dit Etchechury, Jean/Joannes (I513)
10564 Jean d'Etchegaray, son of Jean d'Etchegaray and Marie d'Erreca, living in the borde of Atchaurrarena in Oustotordoquy.
His godparents were Jean d'Etchegaray, paternal uncle and Marie d'Atchaurrena, maternal grandmother. 
Etchegaray, Jean (I21475)
10565 Jean d'Etchegaray, son of Jean d'Etchegaray and Marie d'Uherrieta in the quartier of Belechy.
His godparents were Jean d'Uherrieta, cousin of the bride and Marie, young owner of Joanneshandirena in Belechy, maternal cousin. 
Etchegaray, Jean (I8428)
10566 Jean d'Etchegaray, son of Jean d'Etchegaray and Marie de Bourmalatz, owners of the borde of Joannes Incaurperena in the quartier of the Aldudes.
His godparents were Pierre d'Etchegaray, paternal uncle, owner of Mochobehere in the quartier of Guermiette and Marie de Bourmalatz, maternal aunt. 
Etchegaray, Jean (I8222)
10567 Jean d'Etchenique de Sorhouet in the parish of Iruleguy and Marie de Pocorena, inheritor of the borde of Sourguina in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Martin d'Etchenique, brother of the groom and Gratian de Martinpocorena. 
Family F2036
10568 Jean d'Etchenique, inheritor of the borde of Ilharragorry in the Aldudes and Jeanne de Pocorena, daughter of the borde of Gasteluzahar also in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Gracian d'Aignesto of the Aldudes and Joannes de Zohieta of the Aldudes. 
Family F2607
10569 Jean d'Etchenique, Joannes d'Etchenique and Marie de Poco, owners of the borde of Zouguinarena in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean de Poco, maternal uncle and Marie d'Ourtassoun. 
Etchenique, Jean (I6872)
10570 Jean d'Etchenique, son of the borde of Gosgarate and Marie d'Ausquiesuhy, inheritor of the borde of Oxanaitz in the quartier of Aldudes.
Witnesses were Martin owner of Etchemendy, Jean inheritor of the house of Piadore, Martin Ducaynorena and Gratian inheritor of Saroihandy. 
Family F1491
10571 Jean d'Etchepare (Etchebers?), son of Ercatzbehere and Marie, daughter of widow of the borde of Ourhelz.
Witnesses were Domingo, owner of Ourhelz, brother-in-law of the groom and Gratian de Subiat, owner of Gatuly. 
Family F6289
10572 Jean d'Etchepare, son of Gratian d'Etchepare and Gratianne d'Ireguy, owners of the borde of Inharabie in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Inharabie, owner of Urruty and Catherine d'Ihitxague, inheritor of Ferranjorenia in the Aldudes. 
Etchepare, Jean (I5474)
10573 Jean d'Etchepare, son of Jean d'Etchepare and Jeanne d'Epelle, owners of the borde of Epele in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Etchepare, paternal uncle and Jeanne d'Epele, young owner of Mentasuhirena, maternal aunt. 
Etchepare, Jean (I9300)
10574 Jean d'Etchepare, son of Jean d'Etchepare and Marie de Cochinarrarena, owners of the borde of Cochinarrarena in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Etchepare, paternal uncle and Marie de Cochinarrena, maternal aunt. 
Etchepare, Jean (I9281)
10575 Jean d'Etchepare, son of Martin d'Etchepare and Izabelle de Harriet, owners of the borde of Ilharragorry in the quartier of Oussacelhay.
His godparents were Jean Etchepare, paternal grandfather and Marie de Harriet, maternal aunt. 
Etchepare, Jean (I8667)
10576 Jean d'Etchepare, son of the borde of Epel in the Aldudes, about 10 days old.
Witnesses were Joseph d'Etchetto and Jean owner of Pedrobelcarena. 
Etchepare, Jean (I9300)
10577 Jean d'Etchepare, young owner of the borde of Chitchast in the Aldudes, about 36 years old.
Witnesses were Jean, young owner of Uhide and Jean, elder owner of Oxanaits. 
Etchepare or Ilharragorry, Jean/Joannes (I3970)
10578 Jean d'Etchetto, son of Martin d'Etchetto and Marie de Lautrerena, owners of the borde of Lautrerena in the quartier of Jaurmendy.
His godparents were Jean d'Etchetto, paternal uncle and Marie, young owner of the borde of Arrabit. 
Etcheto or Jaxaldebehere, Jean (I6227)
10579 Jean d'Etcheverry, son of Mathieu d'Etcheverry from the village of Hariscun and Josephe de Maestrouyarenia, residents of the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean de Maestrouyarenia, maternal grandfather and Marie d'Etcheverry, paternal grandmother. 
Etcheverry, Jean (I7621)
10580 Jean d'Eyailiarena, son of Jean d'Eyailiarena and Marie d'Ernaut, owners of the borde of Esnagatxou in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Ernautena, maternal uncle and Jeanne d'Eyliarena, paternal aunt. 
Ocafrain or Noblia or Ehailea, Jean or Joannesgaste (I3617)
10581 Jean d'Hirigoin, son of the house of Harispe and Jeanne de Cuburu, inheritor of the house of Tihista, both born in the parish of St. Etienne.
Witnesses were Joannes de Landa of Occos and Pedro de Barnetchegaray in Oticoren. 
Family F2909
10582 Jean d'Igousquiaguerre, son of Pierre and Janne, owners of the borde of Igousquiaguerre in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Martin d'Ernague, maternal uncle and Jeanne de Bastanchuhy, paternal aunt. 
Igusquiaguerre, Martin (I9749)
10583 Jean d'Ihicague, son of Jean d'Ihicague and Gratianne d'Ireguy, residents of the borde of Petanenea in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Ihicague, paternal uncle and Gratianne d'Ireguy, maternal aunt. 
Ihitcague, Jean (I8326)
10584 Jean d'Ihitxague, son of Bernard d'Ihitxague and Marie d'Etcheberry, owners of the borde of Latanena in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean, owner of Sorhondo in Occos, paternal uncle and Marie d'Etcheberry, maternal aunt. 
Ihitcague dit Latanena, Jean (I9061)
10585 Jean d'Ihitxague, son of Jean d'Ihitxague and Louise d'Ireguy, living in the borde of Ferrando in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Ihitxague, paternal uncle and Jeanne d'Etchevers, maternal cousin. 
Ihitcague, Jean (I8469)
10586 Jean d'Ihixague, son of Jean d'Ihixague and Louise d'Ireguy, owners of the borde of Ferranjorena in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean de Harriague, owner of the house of Sorhondo and Gratianne d'Ireguy, maternal aunt. 
Ihitcague, Jean (I4086)
10587 Jean d'Ihizague, son of Joannes d'Ihizague and Gratianne d'Ireguy, living in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean, owner of Sorhonde ipar?? and Louise de Ireguy. 
Ihitcague, Jean (I6243)
10588 Jean d'Ilarragorry, son of Jean d'Ilarragorry and Jeanne de Martinpoco, owners of the borde of Ilarragorry in the Aldudes in the quartier of Oursoucelay.
His godparents were Jean de Jakalous, Gratian de Martinpoco replaced him and Marie d'Ilarrgorry, paternal aunt. 
Ilharragorry, Jean (I9493)
10589 Jean d'Ilharragorry, son of Jean d'Ilharragorry and Jeanne de Martinpocorena, owners of the borde of Ilharragorry.
His godparents were Jean d'Ilharragorry, paternal uncle and Marie de Pocorena, maternal aunt. 
Ilharragorry, Jean (I9583)
10590 Jean d'Ilharragorry, son of Jean d'Ilharragorry and Jeanne de Pocorena, owners of the borde of Ilharragorry in Jaurmendy.
His godparents were Jean de Pocorena and Marie d'Ilharragorry, paternal aunt. 
Ilharragorry, Jean (I9417)
10591 Jean d'Ilharragorry, son of Jean d'Ilharragorry and Marie d'Etchalus, owners of the house of Etchalus in St. Etienne.
His godparents were Jean d'Ilharragorry, paternal uncle and Jeanne d'Etchalus, maternal aunt. 
Ilharragorry or Etchepare, Jean/Joannes (I1681)
10592 Jean d'Ilharragorry, son of Martin d'Ilharragorry and Izabelle de Harriet, owners of the borde of Ilharragorry in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean de Harriet, maternal uncle and Dominique daughter of Hayra. 
Ilharragorry, Jean (I8293)
10593 Jean d'Inda, owner of the house of Uhide in Occos and Marie Espelet, inheritor of the house of Elicabehere in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Martin d'Inda, brother of the groom, Pierre Inda, son of groom, Jean d'Iribarne and Pierre d'Irigoyen. 
Family F580
10594 Jean d'Inda, son of Jean d'Inda and Jeanne de Manesarroquirena, owners of the borde of Manesarroquirena in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Inda, paternal uncle and Magdalene of Sorhondo, maternal aunt. 
Inda, Jean (I3400)
10595 Jean d'Inda, son of Jean d'Inda and Marie d'Ausomots, owners of the borde of Samuquey in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Inda, paternal uncle and Marie, young owner of Laxague, maternal aunt. 
Inda, Jean (I8383)
10596 Jean d'Inda, son of Jean d'Inda and Marie Marchantainia, owners of the borde of Pillarainia in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean de Marchanta, son of Pillarainia in the Aldudes and Catharine d'Inda, owner of Bidart in Occos, paternal aunt. 
Inda, Jean (I8109)
10597 Jean d'Inda, son of the house of Ouhide in Occos and Jeanne, inheritor of the borde of Coscorregaray in the Aldudes.
Witnesses included Jean d'Inda, brother of the groom; another Jean d'Inda, brother of the groom, another Jean d'Inda, brother of the groom and Miguel de Bidondo, brother-in-law of the groom. 
Family F548
10598 Jean d'Indart, inheritor of the borde of Acotainia, age about 15 days.
Witnesses were Jean elder owner of Salaberry of Guermiette and Guilen, owner of Mendementa. 
Indart, Jean (I8487)
10599 Jean d'Indart, son of Jean d'Indart and Jeanne de Nimignoarena, owners of the borde of Acotain in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean, elder owner of Accotain, maternal grandfather and Jeanne d'Oronos, elder owner of Harrigorry, paternal grandmother. 
Harrigorry or Indart, Jean (I9087)
10600 Jean d'Indart, son of Jean d'Indart and Jeanne de Saroyhandy, owners of the borde of Accotain in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Indart, paternal uncle and Gratianne de Saroyhandy, maternal aunt. 
Indart, Jean (I8487)

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