
Matches 10,451 to 10,500 of 21,012

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10451 Jean d'Anchagno, son of Michel d'Anchagno and Catherine d'Itouribels, owners of the borde of Itouribels in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean, inheritor of Antchagno with Gratian Souhilar replacing him and Marie de Saroihandy, maternal aunt. 
Antchagno, Jean (I1936)
10452 Jean d'Antonena, son of Pierre d'Antonena and Jeanne Ithurrialde?, owners of the borde of Hayra.
His godparents were Jean d'Ithurrialde, maternal uncle and Marie, daughter of Martin Iriartena. 
Antonena, Jean (I22941)
10453 Jean d'Antonena, son of Pierre d'Antonena in the quartier of Erkatz and Jeanne de Haira, owners of the borde of Haira.
His godparents were Jean de Haira, maternal uncle and Agnes d'Antonena in the quartier of Erkatz, first cousin. 
Antonena, Jean (I22945)
10454 Jean d'Antongorry, son of Jean d'Antongorry and Dominique de Donmiguel, owners of the house of Antongorry in St. Etienne.
His godparents were Jean de Donmiguel, maternal grandfather and Jeanne d'Antongorry, paternal aunt, represented by Jeanne Gastigarsouhy, her daughter. 
Antongorry, Jean/Joannes (I21585)
10455 Jean d'Aparain, inheritor of the borde of Petrizainarena and Marie, daughter of the house of Etchebers, both in the parish of St. Etienne.
Witnesses were Me. Aparain, priest, uncle of the groom and Pedro d'Etcheberry, owner of Cuburu in St. Etienne, uncle of the bride. 
Family F6058
10456 Jean d'Aparain, owner of the borde of Betri Itzainarena in the quartier of Iramehaca, about 65 years old.
Witnesses were Gratian, elder owner of Niminoarena and Pierre d'Erramouspe, owner of Betripeillorena. 
Aparain, Jean/Joannes (I21514)
10457 Jean d'Aparain, son of Betritcainarena and Catherine, inheritor of the borde of Arzainchaharra in the quartier of Orbalicardy.
Witnesses were Jean Erramouspe, Arnaud Erramouspe, Martin d'Arzainchaharra, brother of the bride and Jean, son of the borde of Falsa. 
Family F6076
10458 Jean d'Apharain, son of Jean d'Apharain and Catherine Lassa, owners of the house of Cahargun in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Apharain, paternal uncle and Marie de Lassa, maternal cousin. 
Apharain, Jean (I5859)
10459 Jean d'Arambel, son of Gratian Arambel and Jeanne Etchenique, owners of the borde of Gosgarat in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean de Gosgarat, co-owner of Bidabehere in Otticoren and Jeanne d'Etchebers, owner of Santa in the Aldudes. 
Arambel, Jean (I7494)
10460 Jean d'Arambel, son of Gratian d'Arambel and Jeanne de Sorcabalbehere, owners of the borde of Arambel in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean de Sorcabalbehere, maternal uncle and Marie d'Arambel, owner adventice of Oronos, paterna aunt. 
Arambel, Jean (I8660)
10461 Jean d'Arambel, son of Gratian d'Arambel and Jeanne Gosgarate, owners of Gosgarate in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean de Gosgarate, maternal uncle and Jeanne de Chafonena, owner adventice of Arambel. 
Arambel, Jean (I8369)
10462 Jean d'Arambel, son of Gratien d'Arambel and Marie de Marieiharra, owners of the house of Peilloerreca.
Witnesses were Jean d'Arretche, uncle in law and Jean de Marieiharra, aunt. 
Arambel Chaharra, Jean (I1429)
10463 Jean d'Arambel, son of Mathias d'Arambel and Marie Marisco.
His godparents were Jean of Marisco, maternal uncle and Dominique of Iraburu in Orses (sic), maternal relative. 
Arambel, Jean (I3686)
10464 Jean d'Arambelchoco, son of Bernard d'Arambelchoco and Dominique d'Ernague, owners of the borde of Arambelchoco in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean, owner of Arambelchoco, paternal grandfather and Marie d'Ernague, young owner of Etchelecutto, maternal aunt.  
Arambelchoco, Jean (I8026)
10465 Jean d'Arandoqui, son of Pierre d'Arandoqui and Marie d'Arretche, owners of the borde of Ernautena in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Etchepare, young owner of Epele in the Aldudes, maternal uncle and Marie, owner of the borde of Domingorena in the Aldudes, paternal aunt. 
Arandoquy, Jean (I9030)
10466 Jean d'Arandoquy, son of Pierre d'Arandoquy and Marie d'Arretche, owners of the borde of Ernautena in the quartier of Labiarin.
His godparents were Jean d'Etchepars, maternal uncle and Gratianne, owner of Harguinarena of Usteleguy, paternal aunt. 
Arandoquy, Jean (I9075)
10467 Jean d'Archanchouy, son of Jacques (last name missing) and Marthe (last name missing), owners of the house of Archanchouy.
His godparents were Jean Archanchury, brother of baptised and Marie d'Etchevers. 
Besancie, Jean (I1785)
10468 Jean d'Ardans, cadet of the house of Jaxaldebehere in the quartier of Iparraguerre and Marie Erramouspe, widow of Gratian Etchart, owner of the house of Petripeillorena.
Witnesses were Jean d'Ardans, father of the groom, Gaspar Sorcabalgaray, Jean Alfaro and Jean Oguihandy. 
Family F6011
10469 Jean d'Ardans, natural son of Joannes d'Ardans of Ardans and Gratiane de Gariador.
His godparents were Jean, owner of Oronos and Iribarne and Gratianne Ainciburu. 
Ardans, Jean (I1744)
10470 Jean d'Ardans, son of Jean d'Ardans and Gratianne de Gariador of Leispars, living at Etcheberry in Leispars.
His godparents were Jean Ardans, paternal cousin and Jeanne Gariador, cadette of Betchume, maternal cousin. 
Ardans, Jean (I1695)
10471 Jean d'Arinet, natural son of Domingo inheritor of the borde of Ercatsbehere and Dominique de Hayra, sol et solte.
The godparents were Jean d'Etchebers inheritor of Petecharena and Catherine d'Iriquy, owner of Urhelz. 
Arignet, Jean (I8209)
10472 Jean d'Arragoun, natural son of Jean d'Arragon of Lehispars and Dominique d'Ernaut.
His godfather was Jean d'Iribarne, son of Leger (sic) in Guermiette and Jeanne, owner of the house of Chotrorena in the Aldudes. 
Harragon, Jean (I21643)
10473 Jean d'Arragoun, son of Jean d'Arragoun and Dominique d'Ernaut, sharecroppers in the house of Manesharguinarena in the Aldudes,
His godparents were Jean, owner of Arragoun and Catherine, young owner of Oxanaitz, maternal aunt. 
Harragon, Jean (I1772)
10474 Jean d'Arrambide, son of Gratian d'Arrambide and Marie d'Aldabe, owners of the house of Arrambide in the quartier of Bastide.
His godparents were Jean Arrambide, grandfather and Marie Aldabe, grandmother. 
Arrambide, Jean (I7730)
10475 Jean d'Arrambide, son of Jean d'Arrambide and Izabelle d'Etchebers, owners of the house of Arrambide in Bastide.
His godparents were Jean d'Arrambide, owner of Berro, paternal uncle and Dominique d'Etchebers, owner of the house of Errecart, also in Bastide, maternal cousin. 
Arrambide, Jean (I6728)
10476 Jean d'Arrambide, son of Jean d'Arrambide and Marie de Fransesena, owners of the borde of Bastandarra in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Arrambide, paternal uncle of the Aldudes and Marie de Lautre, renter of the Borde d'Alhaste. 
Arrambide, Jean (I1893)
10477 Jean d'Arrambide, son of Martin d'Arrambide and Marie d'Ausquiesuhy, owners of the borde of Arrambide in Jaurmendy.
His godparents were Jean, inheritor of Betart, paternal cousin and Jeanne d'Ausquichuhy, maternal aunt. 
Arrambide, Jean (I1603)
10478 Jean d'Arrambide, son of Martin d'Arrambide of the Bastide and Marie d'Ausquiechuhirena, owners of the borde of Arrambide, purchased by them.
His godparents were Jean d'Arrambide, paternal uncle and Jeanne d'Ausquichuhy, owner of Oxalde, maternal aunt. 
Arrambide, Jean (I1749)
10479 Jean d'Arretche, owner adventif of Ilharragorry in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Martin, owner of Lautrerena and Martin d'Iriart. 
Arretche, Jean (I7702)
10480 Jean d'Arretche, owner of Ourbels and Jeanne, daughter of the borde of Ainestorena in Jaurmendy.
Witnesses were Pedro, owner of Arretche, brother of the groom and Gratian de Niminouarena, cousin of the bride. 
Family F2431
10481 Jean d'Arretche, son of Jean d'Arretche and Catherine de Mounhust, owners of the house of Arretche in Oticoren.
His godparents were Jean d'Arretche, owner of Anc?? of Hurbelz and Gratianne de Mounhust, maternal aunt. 
Arretche, Jean (I7326)
10482 Jean d'Arretche, son of Pedro d'Arretche and Jeanne d'Otxalde, owners of the house of Arretche in Oticoren.
His godparents were Jean d'Otxalde, grandfather and Marie de Garacotche, owner of Indart in Guermiete, aunt. 
Arretche, Jean (I8213)
10483 Jean d'Arretche, son of Pierre d'Arretche and Marie d'Etcheberri, owners of the house of Arretche in Oticoren.
His godparents were Jean d'Arretche, paternal grandfather and Dominique d'Etcheberri, maternal aunt, owner of the house of Urracariet. 
Arretche, Jean (I5735)
10484 Jean d'Arroqui, son of Pierre d'Arroqui and Marie de Labiarinbehere, owners of the borde of Arroqui in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean, owner of Goscorre and Marie, owner of Inda in Irouleguy, maternal aunt. 
Arroquy, Jean (I4177)
10485 Jean d'Arroquy, son of Pierre d'Arroquy and Dominique de Goscorchilo, owners of the borde of Goscorchilo.
His godparents were Jean de Nobliarena and Marie de Gorteyri. 
Arroquy, Jean (I9291)
10486 Jean d'Arroquy, son of Pierre d'Arroquy and Marie de Catalinena, owners of the borde of Arroquy in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Arroquy, paternal uncle and Catherine de Catalinena, maternal aunt. 
Noblia dit Arroquy, Jean (I6487)
10487 Jean d'Arzaincahar, son of Jean d'Arzaincahar and Jeanne d'Itcainarena, owners of the borde of Arzaincahar.
His godparents were Jean d'Iribarne of Irouleguy and Marie, owner of Itcainarena, maternal grandmother. 
Arcainchaharra, Jean (I21593)
10488 Jean d'Asquiechouhirena, son of Jean d'Asquiechuhirena and Catherine d'Ernautena, owners of the borde of Oxanaitz.
His godparents were Jean d'Iriart, maternal uncle and Marie d'Asquiechouhirena, maternal aunt. 
Ausquiechuhy, Jean (I9532)
10489 Jean d'Auchoberry of the Aldudes, about 12 days old.
Witnesses were Jean young owner of Nobliarena and Gratian, young owner of Laxague. 
Auchoberry, Jean (I9210)
10490 Jean d'Auchoberry, son of Jean d'Auchoberry and Catherine de Ferranjo Haisquetta.
His godparents were Jean d'Auchoberry, paternal uncle and Quitterie, owner of Coscorregaray, maternal aunt. 
Auchoberry, Jean (I6493)
10491 Jean d'Ausquiesuhirena, son of Antoine d'Ausquiesuhirena and Marie d'Etchegaray, owners of the borde of Joanneshandy in Belechy.
His godparents were Jean d'Etchegaray, maternal uncle and Marie, owner of the borde of Arrambide, paternal aunt. 
Ausquiechuhy, Jean (I8087)
10492 Jean d'Ausquiesuhirena, son of Domingo d'Ausquiesuhirena and Marie de Biperrena, owners of the borde of Ausquiesuhirena in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Ernaut, elder owner of the borde of Oxanaitz and Catherine, elder owner of Biperrena, maternal grandmother. 
Ausquiechuhy, Jean (I9305)
10493 Jean d'Aynestorena, son of Martin d'Aynestorena and Marie d'Iribarren of Bastide, owners of the borde of Aynestorena in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean, owner of Inharabie, paternal uncle and Jeanne d'Ousteleguy, maternal aunt. 
Ainesto, Jean/Joannes (I3778)
10494 Jean d'Aytchaurrarena, son of Miguel d'Aytchaurrarena and Jeanne de Mispiracelhay, owners of the borde of Mispiracelhay in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Aitchaurra, owner of Goscarat, paternal grandfather and Marie d'Ihabidia of Erratzu, owner of Mispiracelhay, maternal grandmother. 
Atchaurra, Jean (I9684)
10495 Jean d'Ecarrachey, son of Jean d'Ecarrachey and Marie de Tamborinarena, owners of Ecarrachey in Bastide.
His godparents were Jean d'Errecart, elder owner of Tamborinarena in Mitxelene and Marie, elder owner of Ecarrachey, paternal grandmother. 
Irachelay dit Ekharraqueguy, Jean (I1418)
10496 Jean d'Ecarratheguy, son of Jean d'Ecarratheguy, farmer (laboreur) and Gratianne de Peilloco, owners of Sasquiguillea in the quartier of Mitchelena.
His godparents were Jean Peilloco, paternal uncle and Marie Tambourinenia, paternal grandmother. 
Ecarraqueguy/Ekarraquey, Jean (I1658)
10497 Jean d'Ehaillea, son of Gracian d'Ehaillea and Marie de Harriague, owners of the house of Cinco in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Harriague, owner of Ganga and Marie de Harriague, owner of Bidegainbehere in St. Etienne. 
Ehailea, Jean (I7618)
10498 Jean d'Ehayliarena, son of Gratian d'Ehayliarena and Marie de Lassarena, owners of the borde of Ehayliarena.
No godparents mentioned on his record. 
Ehailea or Saroiberry, Jean (I3501)
10499 Jean d'Elgart and Marie de Pocorena of the quartier of Jaurmendy.
Witnesses were Samson d'Etchegoin, cordonier of St. Etienne and Jean, son of Martinpocorena, 1st cousin of the bride. 
Family F589
10500 Jean d'Elgart, son of Jean d'Elgart and Marie d'Ourtassoun, owners of the borde of Labiarinerdicoborda in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Ourtassoun, maternal grandfather and Jeanne d'Olhazo, paternal grandmother. 
Elgart, Jean (I8151)

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