
Matches 10,401 to 10,450 of 21,012

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
10401 Jean Coscarart, born 2/16/1800, son of Simon Coscarart and the late Quitterie Urquiloux, owners of Etcheniquia.
Jeanne Antchagno, born 10/2/1805, daughter of Jean Antchagno and Jeanne Chabagno, owners of the house of Menta in this village.
Witnesses were Antoine Coscarart 25 years old, Jean Arretche 38 years old, Gratian Ardans 26 years old and Pierre ?? aubergiste 22 years old. 
Family F2334
10402 Jean Coscarart, farmer, 35 years old, married to Marie Antchagno, young owner of the house of Menta in this village. Coscarart, Jean (I7905)
10403 Jean Coscarart, farmer, 75 years old, owner of Uristia. Coscarart, Jean (I4275)
10404 Jean Coscarart, son of Guillen Coscarart and Marie Etchalus, owners of the house called Uhalde in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Ausquie and Marie Etchelus, maternal aunt. 
Coscarart, Jean (I6936)
10405 Jean Coscarart, son of Jean Coscarart and Marie Ausquiechuhy, young owners of Oxanaitz in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Aincicoetche, relative and Jeanne Ausquichuhy, maternal aunt. 
Coscarart, Jean (I7319)
10406 Jean Coscarart, son of Jean Coscarart and Marie Bastanchuhi, owners of Joannesgasterenea in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Coscorre, paternal cousin and Catherine Chafoinenea, maternal cousin. 
Coscarart, Jean (I6692)
10407 Jean Coscarart, son of Jean Coscarat (Garacotche?) and Gratianne de Mariasara, owners of the house of Harribelca in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean de Mariasara, cadet of the house of Mariasara and Magdalene de Marmaro, owner of Larrondo, all of the Aldudes. 
Coscarart, Jean (I7690)
10408 Jean Coscarat, son of Jean Coscarat and Marie Ausquie, owners of Ossanaus in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Uhide, owner of Lasta (Alhaste) in the Aldudes, absent but represented by Simon Ausquie, owner of Ernautena and Marie Ernautena, owner of the house of Ernautena. 
Coscarart, Jean (I6166)
10409 Jean Coscorre, son of Bernard Coscorre and Marie Etchebers, owners of Coscorre in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Eroiayeia of the Aldudes and Jeanne Goyhenetche. 
Coscorre, Jean (I7283)
10410 Jean Coscorre, son of Jean Coscorre and Gratianne Latxague, owners of the house of Coscorrea in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Latxague, maternal uncle and Marie Coscorre, paternal aunt. 
Corte dit Coscorre, Jean (I6744)
10411 Jean Coscorre, son of the house of Pocorenea in the Aldudes and Jeanne Urbeltch, inheritor of the house of Urbeltch in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Jean Coscorre, Bernard Coscorre, brothers of the groom, Jean Gortheiry, cousin of the groom and Bernard Coscorrechilo, cousin of the groom. 
Family F1334
10412 Jean Coubourou, farmer, 28 years old, son of Michel Coubourou and Aignes Nimignoa, owners of the house of Marieihera in this village and Jeanne Cubiat, 27 years old and first born of Jean Cubiat and Jeanne Cubiat, owners of the house of Chokho, also in this village.
Witnesses were Martin Coubourou, farmer, 31 years old, brother of the groom, Jean Coubourou, farmer, 22 years old, Jean Erramouspe, 33 years old and Jean Chaharra, 30 years old, young owner of the house of Peillorenia. 
Family F5932
10413 Jean Coubouru, inheritor of the house of Gorriarenea in Belechi and Marie Okhilanberro, inheritor of the house of Cathalinarena in Belechi.
Witnesses were Martin Couburu and Pierre Couburu, brothers of the groom, Jean Okhilanberro, uncle of the bride and Jean Ospital. 
Family F6199
10414 Jean Coubouru, owner of the house of Gorria in the quartier of Belechi, about 80 years old. Iriart or Cuburu, Joannes (I9107)
10415 Jean Coubouru, son of Michel Coubouru and Agnes Errecalde, owners of the house of Marieihara.
His godparents were Jean Errecalde, maternal uncle, and Magdelaine Coubouru, paternal aunt. 
Cuburu or Handisco, Jean (I21194)
10416 Jean Couburu, son of Guichontoarenea and Jeanne Harosteguy, inheritor of the house of Bidartea in the quartier of Oticoren, both of this parish.
Witnesses were Pierre Couburu, Gracian Couburu, brothers of the groom, Pierre d'Ernaut and Jean Munihilts.
Family F3194
10417 Jean Courut, inheritor of the house of Harrorene and Marie Iriquy, cadette of the house of Naffarren.
Witnesses were Baptiste Brustet, Benoit Lefort, Pierre Errecalde and Ferrando Ahuncain. 
Family F537
10418 Jean Cruchet, son of Etienne Cruchet and Magdelen Cruchet, owners of Pierresenia.
His godparents were Jean de Cete, owner of Pastorenea and Gratiane de Harrango. 
Curutchet, Jean (I7122)
10419 Jean Cuburu, 2 months old, died in the house of Miraculucha in this village. Cuburu, Jean (I14486)
10420 Jean Cuburu, 76 years old, farmer, widower of Marie Erreca, died in the house of Sabina in this village. Cuburu, Jean (I12867)
10421 Jean Cuburu, 95 years old, farmer, living in this villge, widower, died in the house of Etchemendy Borda. Cuburu, Jean (I13392)
10422 Jean Cuburu, son of Bernard Cuburu and Marie de Copena, owners of the borde of Hachqueta in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Chotro, paternal 'petit' uncle and Magdelaine Carrica, maternal cousin. 
Cuburu or Tihista, Jean (I484)
10423 Jean Curutchet, health officer (officier de la sante), 80 years old, died in his house of Barberarena.
Witnesses were Jacques Bouco, taneur, 40 years old, son-in-law of the deceased and Sauveur Corte, farmer (laboreur) brother-in-law of the deceased. 
Curutchet, Jean (I5866)
10424 Jean Curutchet, surgeon (chirugien) in the Aldudes and Catherine Coscorre, inheritor of the house of Santa in this village.
Witnesses were Pierre Hiribarren and Bernard Barcelona, cousins of the groom and Salvador Coscorre, brother of the bride and Arnaud Barneche. 
Family F1833
10425 Jean Curutchet, surgeon, owner of the house of Pountous, about 65 years old, married in her lifetime to Jeanne Cette.
Witnesses were Ferrando, owner of the house of Alhorburu and Sancho d'Arostegui, owner of the house of Iribarne. 
Curutchet, Jean (I7746)
10426 Jean d'Acotain, son of Jean d'Acotain and Marie de Cahargoun in the Aldudes, owners of the borde of Cahargoun.
His godparents were Jean, owner of the borde called Erdico in the quartier of Labiarin, paternal uncle and Jeanne de Cahargoun, maternal aunt 
Accotain, Jean (I9737)
10427 Jean d'Acotain, son of Jean d'Acotain and Marie de Chaphon, owners of the borde of Cahargun in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Pierre d'Arandoqui, maternal uncle "a la mode de Bretagne" and Marie d'Acotain, paternal aunt.
Note: His name is assumed to be Pierre after his godfather and this record is in error. There are no other birth records for a Pierre in this family. 
Accotain dit Cahargun, Pierre (I6976)
10428 Jean d'Acotain, son of Michel d'Acotain and Lauda de Curutchet, owners of Acotain(behere) in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Curutchet, master surgeon (Me. chirugien) of Lasse, uncle and Gratianne, owner of Etchegoyen in Ascarat. 
Saroihandy or Accotain, Jean (I5916)
10429 Jean d'Aguerre, son of Domnique d'Aguerre and Agnes de Tihista, owners of Itourriberri in the quartier of Oussacelhai in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean de Tihista, owner of Pedrosco, maternal grandfather, his son-in-law Jean Ardans represented him and Etienne Barrenetchegarai, owner of Aguerre in Otticoren, paternal grandmother, Marie d'Aguerre her daughter represented her.  
Aguerre, Jean (I8100)
10430 Jean d'Aguerre, son of Jean d'Aguerre and Jeanne d'Icainarena, owners of the borde of Bechumebehere in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean, owner of Cotihorena (Cohieta?), maternal uncle and Gratianne, owner of Aguerre, paternal aunt. 
Aguerre, Jean (I8555)
10431 Jean d'Aguerre, son of Jean d'Aguerre and Marie de Miguelarcainarena, owners of the borde of Aguerre in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Aguerre, paternal uncle and Marie, young owner of Cochinarrena, maternal aunt. 
Aguerre, Jean (I6974)
10432 Jean d'Aiceaguerre, son of Michel d'Aiceaguerre and Marie de Chemiarena, owners of the house of Chemiarena in Mitchelena.
His godparents were Jean d'Aiceaguerre, paternal uncle and Marie d'Aiceaguerre, inheritor of Chemiarena, sister of the baptised. 
Aicaguerre, Jean (I5862)
10433 Jean d'Ainchaigno, son of Jean d'Ainchaigno, charpentrie and Jeanne de Bourmalatz, owners of the borde of Bidegain in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Ainchaigno, paternal uncle and Marie de Bourmalatz, daughter of the borde of Pedrobelcha, maternal aunt. 
Antchagno, Jean (I7646)
10434 Jean d'Ainchinorena, owner of the borde of Ainchinorena in Orbalicardy, about of 40 years old. Erreca alias Antchagno, Jean/Joannes (I8895)
10435 Jean d'Ainchinorena, son of Jean d'Ainchinorena and Agnez de Bersinantorena, owners of the borde of Urlarena.
His godparents were Jean, inheritor of Urlarena in Acaldeguy and Marie de Pocorena, owner of Bersinantorena of the borde of Inhaut (sic). 
Antchagno or Urlagaray, Jean (I6251)
10436 Jean d'Ainciburu, surgeon, son of Michel d'Ainciburu, surgeon and the late Catherine de Socarro, owners of the house of Miguelbarberarena in the quartier of Leispars and Marie d'Inda, daughter of Jean d'Inda and Marie de Latadi of the village of Arizkun in the valley of Bastan, diocese de Pamplona.
Witnesses were Michel d'Ainciburu, surgeon, father of the groom, Pierre d'Ainciburu, surgeon, brother of the groom, Jean de Garay of Arizcun, uncle of the bride and Jean d'Inda of Arizcun, cousin of the bride and  
Family F6316
10437 Jean d'Ainhice, son of the house of Ainhice in the village of Arneguy, charcoal worker (charbonier), living in the Aldudes at the house of Ausquiesouhy and Marie, daughter of the house of Teillaguinarena in the Aldudes, widow of the late Domingo, son of d'Uhalde in Anhaux.
They declared that they had a child born 2/28/1728 who they recognize as their own.
Witnesses were Jean de Bercetche, priest in St. Etienne and Antoine d'Iriart, priest in the quartier of Gurmiette. 
Family F3241
10438 Jean d'Ainnesto, son of Gracian d'Ainnesto and Catherine de Mainna, renters (locataires) of the borde of Barberinia in the quartier of Hayra.
His godparents were Jean de Itcinainia, elder owner of the borde of Boustannenia in the quartier of Labiarin in the Aldudes and Marie de Ainnesto, paternal aunt. 
Ainesto, Jean (I8241)
10439 Jean d'Ainnesto, son of Martin d'Ainnesto and Catherine d'Archainchahar, owners of the borde of Ithurribels in the quartier of Jaurmendy.
His godparents were Jean d'Arcainchahar, maternal uncle and Marie d'Ainnesto, paternal aunt. 
Ainesto, Jean (I5986)
10440 Jean d'Aisaguerre, elder owner of the house of Mariluz of Mitxelene, about 70 years old.
Witnesses were Jean, young owner of Peilocorena of Mitxelene and Miguel, owner of Chemiarena. 
Aicaguerre or Mariluch, Jean/Joannes (I8985)
10441 Jean d'Aisaguerre, son of Guilen d'Aisaguerre and Marie d'Amestoy, owners of the borde of Lanciry in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Amestoy, maternal uncle and Marie de Sylvain, daughter of Manechena, paternal cousin. 
Aicaguerre or Mariluch, Jean (I4237)
10442 Jean d'Aisaguerre, son of Jean d'Aisaguerre, winemaker (vigneron) and Marthe de Burthe Guiroy, owners of the borde of Peilocorena in the quartier of Mitxelene.
His godparents were Jean d'Aisaguerre, elder owner of Marilus, paternal grandfather and Gratiane d'Aguerre, maternal grandmother. 
Aicaguerre or Mariluch, Jean (I9446)
10443 Jean d'Aisaguerre, son of the house of Marilus and Marthe de Burthe, inheritor of the house of Peilocorena of Mitxelene.
Witnesses were Miguel d'Aisaguerre, young owner of Chemiarena and Pierre de Burthe, son of Peiloerreca, brother of the bride. 
Family F2494
10444 Jean d'Aitchaurra, son of Jean d'Aitchaurra and Marie de Mendirena, owners of the borde of Pedro Arambel in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean, elder owner of Incaurpe in Guermiette and Marie, eldest owner of Aitchaurra. 
Atchaurra, Jean (I9350)
10445 Jean d'Alexandre, son of Jean d'Alexandre and Francoise de Maidertto, owners of the house of Alexandrerenea in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean de Maidertto, maternal "little" uncle and Catherine Oxoby, paternal "little" aunt. 
Menta dit Alexandro, Jean (I6614)
10446 Jean d'Alexandro, inheritor of the house of this name in the quartier of the Aldudes and Francoise d'Esnassougaray, cadette of the borde of Esnassougaray in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Jean d'Iriart, owner of Menusena, Antoine de Gariador, inheritor of the house of Gariador, Jean d'Alexandro, brother of the groom and Jean de Berssinante, owner of Chourritchegui. 
Family F1390
10447 Jean d'Alfaro, elder owner of the borde called Garaycoborda in the quartier of Iramehaca, about 56 years old.
Unable to read the names of the witnesses. 
Alfaro or Berchinanto, Jean/Joannes (I8664)
10448 Jean d'Alfaro, son of Garaycoborda in Iramehaca, mason and Marie d'Ocafrain, owner of the house of Bihurrietagaray.
Witnesses were Jean Etchebers, son of Petecha, Martin d'Alfaro, brother of the groom, Gratian, inheritor of the borde of Perchinantorena, Pierre de Badiere, blacksmith. 
Family F6063
10449 Jean d'Alpharo, son of Martin d'Alpharo and Marie d'Auchoberry, owners of the borde called Itourburya in the quartier of Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean d'Auchoberry, maternal uncle, owner of the borde of Franchechenya and Marie d'Alpharo, paternal aunt, owner of the borde of Materenya. 
Alfaro or Maidertto, Jean (I8380)
10450 Jean d'Amestoy, son of Anton d'Amestoy and Catherine de Lanciry, owners of the borde of Lanciry in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean de Lanciry, maternal uncle and Marie, owner of the house of Amestoy, paternal first cousin. 
Amestoy, Jean (I5888)

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