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10301 Jean Brust, renter of Thambourin in the quartier of Mitchelene and Gracianne Placarena, cadette of the house of Bayhunxe.
Witnesses were Baptiste Brust, paternal uncle of the groom, Jean Placarena, father of the bride, Guillen, cousin of the groom and another Guillen Legatsa, brother-in-law of the bride. 
Family F496
10302 Jean Brustet, 37 years old, carpenter, illegitimate son of Gratian Brustet, currently living in the Americas and Jeanne Espellet who was in her lifetime the eldest child of Elissabehere in the current village.
Gratianne Hiriart, 22 years old, daughter of the late Pierre Hiriart and Gratianne Mendimet, in their lifetimes they were owners of Urquiloux in this village.
Witnesses included Jean Espelet, 42 years old, uncle of the groom; Augustin Massaval (sic), cousin of the bride, 22 years old, carpenter; Gratian Esponda, 22 years old, farmer, neighbor of bride and Jean Hiriart, 22 years old, farmer, brother of the bride.
He was born on 2/6/1760 and she was born on 3/5/1775 to the above named parents. 
Family F1103
10303 Jean Brustet, natural son of Gratian Brustet of the Aldudes and Jeanne Espelleta.
His godparents were Jean d'Etcheberria living in the Aldudes and Dominique de Noblia, cadette of Noblia.  
Brustet or Espelet dit Equilaioilia, Jean (I3833)
10304 Jean Brustet, owner of the house of Bidart in St. Etienne, about 90 years old.
Witnesses were Jean Cubiarin and Pierre Saldarriague. 
Brustet, Jean Baptiste (I8978)
10305 Jean Brut, son of Jean Brut and Gracianne Lanciri, owners of the house of Charlessenea in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Brust, paternal uncle and Gratianne Lanciri, maternal aunt. 
Brust dit Etcheverrigaray, Jean/Manech (I131)
10306 Jean Brut, son of Jean Brut and Marie Amestoy, renters of the house of Lanciry in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Brut, son of Etcheverry of Michelene, paternal uncle and Marie Amestoy, owner of Lanciry, maternal aunt. 
Brust dit Etcheverrigaray, Jean/Joannes (I126)
10307 Jean Buchtan, cadet of the house of Buchtanenia, 70 years old.
Witnesses were Ferdinand Ehailea, owner of the house of Unhaindi and Michel Detchume, owner of Antonenea. 
Itcainarena dit Bustan, Jean (I6201)
10308 Jean Buchtan, inheritor of the house of Buchtanenea, widower of Marie Etcheverz, cadette of Burubelcharenea, son of Jean Buchtan and Dominique Yuaneshandi.
Marie Etchepare, daughter of a cadet of Cochinarrenea and a cadette of Chokhorenea.
Witnesses were Jean Harriague (Harriet), owner of the Yuanesenia, Jean Harriage (Harriet), cadet of Pericorenia, Jean Pilaria, cadet of Baptistarenia and Jean Antchagno, cadet of Ernetenia. 
Family F1336
10309 Jean Burubelz, 55 years old, married to Marie Uhalde, died in the house of Franchessenia Etchevers dit Burubelcha, Jean (I14241)
10310 Jean Burucoa and Jeanne Badiere purchased the house and property that became known as Igusquiaguerregaray from Joannes Bastanchuhy, owner of Igusquiaguerre. Burucoa or Ilharreburu, Jean/Joannes (I6770)
10311 Jean Burucoa, 2 years old, son of Martin Burucoa and Gratianne Detchume, died in the house of Ehayliarenia in this village. Burucoa, Jean (I11653)
10312 Jean Burucoa, 5 years old, cadet of the house of Michelena. Burucoa, Jean (I12806)
10313 Jean Burucoa, farmer (laboreur) 22 years old, declared the birth of this child to an unknown father and Catherine Corzabal, cadette of the house of Louischotroenia in this village.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, secretary of the mayor of this village and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 42 years old, owner of the house of Esquil. 
Corcabal or Corcabalgaray, Jean (I4966)
10314 Jean Bustan, inheritor of the house called Bustanenea in the Aldudes and Marie Etchebers, cadette of the house of Burubeltcharnea in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Miguel Sahargun, cousin of the groom, Jean Elgart, Jean Etchebers, brother of the bride and Pierre, owner of Burubeltchenea, brother-in-law of the bride. 
Family F1802
10315 Jean Bustan, paternal uncle of the newborn, 31 years old declared the birth of this natural child, recognized by Jean Bustan, his brother and Marie Alamanttipi, cadette of the house with the same name.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde dit Passano, 60 years old farmer and Jean Inda dit Akerra, 54 years old woodsman. 
Bustan, Gratianne (I4365)
10316 Jean Bustanena, 31 years old, born in the Aldudes, farmer (laboreur), son of Jean Bustanena and the late Marie Burubelcha.
Magdelaine Ernaga, 23 years old, daughter of the late Jean Ernaga and Gratianne Harrionde.
Witnesses were Bernat Ernaga, 31 years old, brother of the bride, Michel Chiloteguy, shoemaker (cordonnier) 31 years old, brother-in-law of the bride, Chavat Ilharragorribehere, farmer (laboreur) 28 years old and Samson Hiriart, teacher 28 years old. 
Family F1264
10317 Jean cadet of the house of Archansouhy and Jeanne de Landa, daughter of the house of Bidegaray in Occos.
Witnesses included Jean, inheritor of Lassaenia; Martin d'Orein, paternal uncle; Jean de Landa, brother of the bride and Jean, owner of the house of Chilo, cousin of the bride. 
Family F594
10318 Jean Cahargun, 20 days old, died in the house of Larronyoa.
Witnesses were Michel Narbaitz, farmer, 40 years old, owner of Joalguinenia and Gratian Espelet, farmer, 45 years old, owner of Hasquet. 
Cahargun, Jean (I11256)
10319 Jean Cahargun, 36 years old, farmer, married to Marie Bide, died in the house of Simonenia in this village. Cahargun, Jean (I11259)
10320 Jean Cahargun, 50 years old, widower, farmer, living in this village, died in his house of Larronyoa. Cahargun, Jean/Joannes (I4130)
10321 Jean Cahargun, 60 years old, farmer, single, died in the house of Burubeltz in this village. Cahargun, Jean (I14213)
10322 Jean Cahargun, farmer (laboreur), 32 years old, son of Dominique Cahargun and Marie Etchepare.
Catherine Menta, daughter of Jean Menta and Magdelaine Ospital, owners of Larronyoa in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Etcheverry shoemaker 60 years old, Martin Bidart weaver 32 years old, Gratian Harriet 57 years old and Martin Inda "faiseur d'alpaca" 22 years old. 
Family F2335
10323 Jean Cahargun, married to Marie Etcheberts, owner of the house of Ilharragorri-Beheria in this village, about 72 years old.  Cahargun, Jean (I4198)
10324 Jean Caldubehere, 2 years old, son of Dominique Caldubehere and Marie Bihurriet, died in the house of Orcalepea. Bihurriet Caldubehere, Gratianne (I13396)
10325 Jean Caldubehere, 2 years old, son of Dominique Caldubehere and Marie Bihurriet, died in the house of Orcalepia. Caldubehere, Jean (I22558)
10326 Jean Caldubehere, 50 years old, farmer, married to Marie Samberro, died in the house of Couloenia. Caldubehere, Jean (I12890)
10327 Jean Caldubehere, farmer (laboreur), cadet of the house of Checale, declared the birth of a girl to Jeanne Corcabal, cadette of the house of Louischotrorenia, which he recognized as his own.
Witnesses were Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker and Martin Arrambide, teacher (instituteur) 45 years old. 
Caldubehere, Marie (I4941)
10328 Jean Caldubehere, farmer, 28 years old, living in the Aldudes declared the birth of a girl to an unknown father and Marie Bihurriet, living in the house of Orcalepia, who gave her the name of Gratianne. Bihurriet Caldubehere, Gratianne (I13396)
10329 Jean Caldubehere, farmer, 76 years old, widower of Catherine Deseta, died in the house of Louissenia. Caldubehere, Jean (I5201)
10330 Jean Caldunbehere, 50 years old, died in the house of Louis-chotrogaray.
Witnesses were Michel Bidondo, 30 years old and Bernard Goiheneche, 32 years old. 
Caldubehere, Jean (I4703)
10331 Jean Capatainea, son of Pierre de Capatainea and Marie de Martinharguinenea, owners of the borde of Capatainea in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Maitre Jean d'Ainciburu, priest and Marie de Martinharguinaenea, owner of Bordaberry in Belechi. 
Capatainea, Jean (I8181)
10332 Jean Caracotche, 40 years old, farmer, renter of the house of Colomio in Banca and Marie Iriqui, his wife, declared the birth of a son named Martin.
Witnesses were Martin Iriqui, 69 year old, farmer, maternal grandfather and Jean Dorrebehere, 47 years old, teacher. 
Garacotche, Martin (I22092)
10333 Jean Caracotche, elder owner of the house of Collomio in this village, about 80 years old. Garacotche or Iriart, Jean (I10003)
10334 Jean Caracotche, son of Jean Caracotche and Catherine Oronos, owners of the house of Caracotche in the parish of St. Etienne de Baigorry, quartier of Guermiette and Isabelle Erregue, inheritor daughter of Martin Erregue and Marie Bissar (?), owners of the house of Colomio in this parish, quartier of Aissarry.
Witnesses were Martin Hirigoin, owner proprietaire of the house of Urrutigaray, cousin of the bride, Martin Erregue, brother of the bride, Jean Caracotche and another Jean Caracotche, brothers of the groom. 
Family F2828
10335 Jean Caracoth, son of Jean Caracoth, owner of the house of Collomio, in the quartier of Haira in La Fonderie, farmer, 49 years old and Dominiquette Marieyhara, co-owner of the house of Collomio, his wife.
Witnesses were Jean Hiriart, young owner of the house of Caracoth in Guermiette, cousin of the groom, 30 years old, and Jean Maricho, owner of the house of Girioteguy in St. Etienne, 32 years old. 
Garacotche or Iriart, Jean (I15053)
10336 Jean Caridor, son of Jean Caridor, owner of the house of d'Etchume in the quartier of Aldudes and Catherine Laxague, his wife.
His godparents were Jean Etchepare, owner of Inharabie, absent but represented by Jean Ithurbelz, owner of Erreca and Jeanne Laxague, maternal aunt who was represented by Marie Gariador, sister of the baptised. 
Gariador or Detchume, Jean or Michel (I427)
10337 Jean Carrica, 2 months 20 days old, son of Gratian Carrica and Marie Laxague, died in his house of Alamanttipa. Carrica, Jean (I13569)
10338 Jean Carrica, 2 months old, son of Gratian Carrica and Marie Laxague, died in the house of Alamanttipia. Carrica, Jean (I13128)
10339 Jean Carrica, 60 years old, farmer, living in this village, married, died in the house of Alamanttipia. Carrica, Jean (I4757)
10340 Jean Carrica, born 7/4/1783, legitimate son of Gratian Carrica and Marie Pocco, owners of the house of Alamanttipirenia, who were present.
Elisabet Ernautene, 33 years old, legitimate daughter of Gaston Ernautene and Marie Harriet, owners in their lifetime of the house of Chafonenia in this village.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide 54 years old owner of the house of Martinpocco, Jean Ernagua owner of the house of Maiderto farmer (laboreur) 49 years old, Jean Ernagua farmer (laboreur) 34 years old cadet of Harriondoa and Jean Gariador farmer (laboreur) owner of the house of Chilho 36 years old. 
Family F1477
10341 Jean Carrica, farmer, 86 years old, died in his house of Alamanttorena.
Witnesses were Jean Chavagno, farmer, 59 years old, son-in-law of the deceased and Michel Chavagno, farmer, 25 years old. 
Carrica or Castaqnet, Jean (I4495)
10342 Jean Carrica, inheritor of the house of Haritshandiet in the Aldudes and Jeanne Itcaina, cadette of the house of Otxagarat in the Aldudes.
Witnesses were Pierre Carrica, brother of the groom, Pierre Larrondo, Dominique Enaut, "petit" cousin of the bride and Pierre Antonena. 
Family F433
10343 Jean Carricaburu dit Barbarerena was written in the margin of his death record. Carricaburu, Jean (I7710)
10344 Jean Carricaburu, 39 years old, farmer, married to Catherine Bidart, died in his house of Chaffonenia in this village. Carricaburu, Jean (I11083)
10345 Jean Carricaburu, 92 years old, farmer, farmer, living in Urepel, married to Marie Narbaitz, died in the house of Chafonenia in this village. Carricaburu, Jean (I7714)
10346 Jean Carricaburu, cadet of the house of Bordagaray in Anhaux, 34 years old and Marie Ospital, owner of the house of Chirioteguy in La Fonderie.
Witness were Antoine Carricaburu, brother of the groom, owner of Bordagaray in Anhaux, 38 years old, Jean Bordagaray, cadet of Oyhenart in Anhaux, cousin of the groom, 24 years old, Pierre Ospital, owner of Harsou in La Fonderie, brother of the bride, 21 years old and Antoine Ospital, brother of the bride, cadet of Erremerreca in La Fonderie, volunteer in the 2nd battalion of Basques, 24 years old.
Jean Carricaburu was born in Anhaux in 1763 of the legitimate marriage of ?? and Jeanne Carricaburu and Marie Ospital was born in La Fonderie in 1770 to the marriage of Jean Ospital and Marie Erremerreca.
Family F2246
10347 Jean Carricaburu, cadet of the house of Hutorena in the parish of Uhart en Cize, son of the late Jean Carricaburu and Jeanne Gaztigarre.
Jeanne Eliain, cadette of Leonenea, daughter of Leon Eliain and the late Marie Embulusqueta (sic).
Witnesses were Jean Chantcho, owner of Chalansuhi, Martin Garat, cadet of Materenea, Jean Etcheberri and Jean Salaberri, schoolmasters (maitres d'ecole). 
Family F1885
10348 Jean Carricaburu, owner of the house of Chirioteguy in the quartier of Iramehaca, farmer (cultivateur), 36 years old, declared that Marie Ospital, his wife, owner of the house of Chrioteguy gave birth to a daughter named Jeanne Carricaburu.
Witnesses were Gratian Ospital, young owner of the house of Erremerreca, maternal uncle, 34 years old farmer and Antoine Ospital, cadet of Erremerreca, maternal uncle, 26 years old mason. 
Carricaburu, Marie-Jeanne (I7412)
10349 Jean Casamayor, son of Jean Casamayor and Dominique Etchechouri, owners of the house of Aspartz in the quartier of Belechi.
His godparents were Jean Casamayor, owner of Teanenea (sic) and Marie Biscar, cadet of Aspartz, 
Casamayor, Jean (I11454)
10350 Jean Casamayou was 56 years old when he died. Casamayou, Jean (I20679)

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