
Matches 10,251 to 10,300 of 21,012

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
10251 Jean Bidart, farmer, 43 years old, owner of the house of Mutticoinia, married to Catherine Ohaco. Bidart, Jean (I4872)
10252 Jean Bidart, owner of the house of Bidart in Oticorren, about 66 years old.
Witnesses were Pierre Suburu, owner of Guichonta and Jean Guichona, owner of Urreltce. 
Urruty, Jean (I3518)
10253 Jean Bidart, son of Jean Bidart and Marie Suiburu, young owners of the house of Maritcho.
His godparents were Jean Bidart, paternal uncle and Magdelaine Suiburu, maternal aunt. 
Bidart or Falxa, Jean (I7411)
10254 Jean Bide, 19 years old, farmer, single, son of Martin Bide and Marie Iribarren, died in the house of Alamantho in this village. Bide, Jean (I11329)
10255 Jean Bide, 82 years old, farmer, living in the present village, married to Marie Ourdaburu, housewife, son of the late Pierre Bide and Marie Arroqui, died in the house of Munista. Bide, Jean (I4958)
10256 Jean Bide, 92 years old, farmer, widower, died in his house of Chimonerioenia. Bide, Jean (I4342)
10257 Jean Bide, born 1/27/1760, son of the late Ferdinand Bide and Dominique Landateguy, owners of the house of Landateguy in the village of Lasse.
Gratianne Barcelona, 51 years old, daughter of Bernard Barcelona and Catherine Ythurralde, owner in their lifetime of the house of Simonerio in this village.
They declared that they had 4 children, the first Michel 24 years old, the second Gratianne born 1/24/1806, the third Marie born 3/22/1809 and the fourth Pierre born 12/26/1813 which they recognized as their own.
Witnesses were Larre doctor of medicine 30 years old, Jean Ohaco farmer 39 years old, Jean Etchelecou farmer 52 years old and Michel Chanchorena farmer 39 years old. 
Family F1295
10258 Jean Bidegaray, renter of the house of Bidegain, declared that his wife, Marie Soko, died at the age of 55.  Espeleguy, Marie (I6950)
10259 Jean Bidondo of the Aldudes, son of Pierre Bidondo and Marie de Noblia, married together, owners of the house of Noblia.
His godparents were Jean, son of Nobliarena, paternal uncle and Jeanne d'Uhide, owner of Miguellenea. 
Bidondo, Jean/Joannes Gaste (I7465)
10260 Jean Bidondo, 10 days old, died in the house of Pedrottipia in this village.
Witnesses were Michel Bidondo, farmer (laboreur) 44 years old, father of the deceased and Pierre Bidondo, farmer (laboreur) 40 years old. 
Bidondo, Jean (I5659)
10261 Jean Bidondo, 18 months old, son of Pierre Bidondo and Catherine Ardans, died in his house of Elhuxia. Bidondo, Jean (I8797)
10262 Jean Bidondo, 51 years old, farmer, widower of Jeanne Tihista dit Chotro, son of Bernard Tihista and Marie Coscarart, died in the house of Noblia in this village. Bidondo, Jean (I12420)
10263 Jean Bidondo, 9 years old, unemployed, died in the house of Artcainmotcaenia in this village. Bidondo, Jean (I14030)
10264 Jean Bidondo, farmer (laboreur) about 86 years old, in his house of Miguelenia.
Witnesses were Matias Yhitcague, farmer (laboreur) 60 years old and Jean Bidondo, farmer (laboreur) 54 years old, nephew of the deceased. 
Bidondo, Jean (I5887)
10265 Jean Bidondo, farmer born 3/20/1761, legitimate son of Pierre Bidondo and Marie Noblia, widower of Marie Bigot, owner in her lifetime of the house of Gorthairu.
Jeanne Ylharragorry, born 2/25/1774, legitimate daughter of Antoine Ylharragorry and Catherine Etchevers, owners in their lifetime of the house of Ilharragorribeherea in this village.
Witnesses were Gratian Bidondo nephew of the groom farmer (laboreur) 30 years old, Jean Ephele neighbor owner of the house of Joannesbelz farmer (laboreur) 60 years old, Dominique Bidondo, owner of Elizague in this village sister of the groom 52 years old and Marie Chaharra 45 years old. 
Family F1506
10266 Jean Bidondo, farmer, married, 84 years old, elder owner of the house of Gorthairu-behere in this village. Bidondo, Jean/Joannes Gaste (I7465)
10267 Jean Bigot, owner of Ausomots, widower of Marie Menta, son of the late Jean Bigot and Gracianne de Bordalde, owners of Joannesbelcha and Marie Cahargun, widow of Jean Unhaindy, daughter of the late Jean Accotain and Marie Cahargun, owners of Cahargun.
Witnesses were Jean Etcheberry, schoolmaster, Gratian, owner of Chotro, Jean Inda, owner of Uhide and Jean Recalde, owner of Peyorena. 
Family F3045
10268 Jean Bigot, son of Jean Bigot and Jeanne Ireguy, owners of Ferrando in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Bigot, son of Joannesbeils and Jeanne Barcelona. 
Bigot, Jean (I10937)
10269 Jean Bihurriet, 2 months old, daughter of the fermiers of the house of Pilariaborda, died in the same borda. Bihurriet, Jean (I13142)
10270 Jean Bihurryet, abt 84 years old, owner in his lifetime of the borde of Chafadorenea of Haira.
Witnesses were Samson Etchepare and Bernard Amboulo. 
Bihurriet, Jean/Joannes (I21980)
10271 Jean Biper, son of Jean Biperena and Marie Pocorena, owners of the house of Pocorena in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Itcainarena and Luissa Pocco. 
Bastanchuhy or Bipher, Jean (I7104)
10272 Jean Biper, son of the house of Bipperena and Marie, inheritor of the house of Pocorena in the Aldudes.
Withesses were Jean Teillaguina, Antoine Poco and Jean Poco, brothers of the bride and Guillaume Ellisonde. 
Family F2099
10273 Jean Biperrenia, son of Anton Biperrenia and Marie de Harguinainea, owners of the borde of Antonehaillea in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Harguinainea, cadet of the borde of Harguinainea and Marie Biperrenia, cadette of the borde of Biperrenenia in the Aldudes. 
Bastanchuhy or Biperrenia, Jean (I1867)
10274 Jean Biscai, son of Charles Biscai and Marie Leonis, owners of the house of Legassa in the quartier of Assaldeguy.
His godparents were Jean Leonis, owner of Agorerreca in Baigorry and Marie Bisca, paternal aunt, represented by Marie cadett of Harsou in Orbalicardy. 
Biscay, Jean (I16256)
10275 Jean Biscai, son of the house of Biscai in the parish of Orcancoa and Gratianne Legassa, inheritor of the house of Legassa in this parish.
Witnesses were Dominique Legassa, uncle of the bride, Jean Elicalecu, blacksmith, Dominique Barnetche, shoemaker and Antoine, brother of the bride. 
Family F6206
10276 Jean Biscaichipi, 29 years old, farmer, son of Pierre Biscaichipi and Jeanne Iribarne, owners of the house of Carlos in St. Michel, present and consenting, and
Gratianne Collet, 18 years old, daughter of the late Jean Collet, deceased in the house of Larronde on 4/18/1795 and Marie Uhaldegaray, widow and owner of the house of Larronde in this village, present and consenting.
Family F346
10277 Jean Biscaichipy, 30 years old, farmer, living in St. Michel, son of the late Pierre Biscaichipy, deceased in St. Michel on 5/17/1819 and Jeanne Iribarne, his wife, owners of the house of Carlos in St. Michel, present and consenting and,
Marie Urruty-Jaurei, farmer, 17 years old, living in the village of Aincille, minor daughter of Pierre Urruty-Jaurei, 52 years old, and Marie Gorostiague, 50 years old, farmer, owners of the house of Ramountto in Aincille, presdent and consenting. 
Family F317
10278 Jean Biscaichipy, farmer, 57 years old, married to Marie Urrutijaureguy, owner of the house of Erramounto in Esterencuby. Biscaichipy, Jean (I809)
10279 Jean Biscaichipy, farmer, 76 years old, married to Gracianne Collet, died in the house of Larrondoa in Cabalce. Biscaichipy, Jean Raymond (I971)
10280 Jean Biscaichipy, farmer, 90 years old, widower of Marie Sallaberry, died in the house of Sallaberria in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Chiramberro and Dominique Lanathoua. 
Biscaichipy, Jean (I813)
10281 Jean Biscaichipy, farmer, born in St. Michel on 4/5/1784, son of Pierre Biscaichipy, deceased in St. Michel on 6/10/1784 and Jeanne Iribarne, also deceased in St. Michel on 2/12/1826, owners of Carlos, farmers, widower of Jeanne Uhaldegaray, deceased in St. Michel on 10/25/1825 and
Gratiane Ahado, farmer, born in St. Michel on 4/18/1793, daughter of Guilhaume Ahado, farmer, deceased in St. Michel on 10/7/1793, and Marie Olhasso, owners of the house of Apesteguy in St. Michel.
Witnesses for this record included Charles Biscaichipy, laborer, 46 years old.
Note: Jean's birthdate and his father's death date noted in this record are in conflict with dates found on other records which are being used on their respective birth and death. 
Family F299
10282 Jean Biscaitchipi, son of Pierre Biscaitchipi and Jeanne Iribarne, owners of the house of Carlos in St. Michel.
His godfather was Jean Biscaichipy, his paternal uncle, owner of the house of Harricounu (sp?) in Caro and his godmother was Jeanne Etchepareborda, owner of the house of Lancaro in Caro. 
Biscaichipy, Jean (I809)
10283 Jean Biscaittipi, farmer (cultivateur), about 40 years old, young owner of the house of Errecalde in Bascassan, widower of Catherine Pouchulu, his wife, deceased in Bascassan on 8/2/1813, son of Jean Biscaittipi, farmer, elder owner of the house of Errecalde of Bascassan and Marie Indart, deceased about 7 months ago.
Therese Arretche, seamstress (coutouriere), about 35 years old, daughter of Arnaud Arretche, owner of the house of Arretche in St. Michel, deceased about 34 years ago and Jeanne Uhalde, deceased at Cabalce on 3/26/1814.
Witnesses were Arnauld Esponde, farmer 45 years old, relative of the bride, Jean Lohigorry, farmer 31 years old, Jean Biscaittipi, farmer 24 years old, cousin of the groom and Jacques Urruty, teacher 56 years old. 
Family F325
10284 Jean Biscaittipy, born in St. Michel on 2/15/1777, son of Pierre Biscaittipy and Jeanne Iribarne, owners of the house of Carlos, and
Marie Uhaldegaray, born in St. Michel on 10/29/1787, daughter of the late Pierre Uhaldegaray, deceased in St. Michel on 5/27/1794 and Marie Sallaberry of St. Michel.
Witness to their marriage included his brothers, Charles, owner of the house of Carlos (age 33 years) and Jean, cadet of the house of Carlos (30 years old) and her oncle, Laurent Sallaberry (35 years old). 
Family F295
10285 Jean Biscay, farmer, 36 years old, son of Charles Biscay, farmer, deceased in the village and Marie Leonnis, deceased in this village, and
Marie Etchechoury, 26 years old, born in this village, living in the house of Chasperro in this village, daughter of the late Pierre Etchechoury, farmer, elder owner of Chasperro and Catherine Erramouspe, his wife.
Family F4502
10286 Jean Biscay, married to Marie Etchechury, elder owner of Harguintoa, 82 years old, farmer. Biscay, Jean (I16256)
10287 Jean Blancaire, son of Pierre Blancaire and Gratianne Archanchouhy, owners of Louissena in St. Etienne.
His godparents were Jean Harguinarena, paternel 'petit' uncle and Gratianne Faure, maternal 'petite' aunt. 
Blancaire, Jean (I3429)
10288 Jean Bordere, born the 22 Nivose An XI, son of Jean Bordere and Jeanne Ithurralse, who were living in the village of Aldudes.
Witnesses were Samson Hiriart, secretary to the mayor 27 years old and Miguel Harriet, farmer 60 years old.
Borderre, Jean (I4192)
10289 Jean Borderre, 11 years old, no profession, living in Urepel, died in the house of Buruchurienia in this village. Borderre, Jean (I14867)
10290 Jean Borderre, 90 years old, day laborer, widower of Marguerite Antonena, died in the house of Pocobeheria in this village. Borderre, Jean (I4192)
10291 Jean Borthagaray, 28 years old, born in Bidarray on 9/8/1773, farmer, son of Domingo Borthagaray and Marie Bethard, owners of Raymonberoqui in this village.
Marie Anxola, 24 years old, born in Osses on 7/15/1777, living in Osses quartier of Gahardou, daughter of Martin Anxola and Marie Etcheverry, living in Osses.
Witnesses were Domingo Louis Elichalde, 49 years old, farmer, Michel Borda Atchitto, 46 years old, weaver, Catherine Churrio, owner of Barberaenia, 57 years old and Marie Etchepare, 3 born daughter of the house of Beguieder, 36 years old. 
Family F3507
10292 Jean Borthagaray, 32 years old, farmer, born and living in Bidarray, son of Jean Borthagaray and Marie Ansola, owners of the house of Erramoun in this village, widower of the late Anna Josephe Zanda, a native of the village of Sumbilla in Spain, the father Borthagaray was present and consenting to the marriage.
Marie Lambert, 32 years old, born and living in Bidarray, daughter of Jean Lambert and Marie Lambert, deceased in Bidarray, farmers, owners in their lifetime of the house of Belescain in this village.
Witnesses were Thomas Borda, health officer, 57 years old, Thomas Borda, muletier, 52 years old, Michel Larralde, farmer 28 years old and Jean Etcheverry, farmer 27 years old. 
Family F3503
10293 Jean Bourmalas, son of Pierre Bourmalas and Marie Elgart, owners of Predobelca in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Elgart and Marie Bourmalas. 
Bourmalatz, Jean (I7315)
10294 Jean Bourmalatz, son of Marie Bourmalatz, cadette of Pedrorenea and an unknown father.
His godparents were Jean Jaureguy, owner of Etchebers and Quitteria Bigotenea. 
Bourmalatz, Jean (I6794)
10295 Jean Bourucoa, 90 years old, owner of the house of Cadetena, died in the house of Joanesgaste.
Witnesses were Michel Bourucoa, farmer (laboreur) 56 years old, owner of the house of Joanesgaste and Michel Errece, farmer (laboreur) 55 years old, owner of the house of Sabina, first neighbor. 
Burucoa, Jean (I5250)
10296 Jean Boustan, son of Jean Boustan and Dominique de Joanneshaundy, owners of Boustan in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean de Boustan, paternal uncle and Jeanne Tihista, owner of Solamehaca in the quartier of Leispars. 
Bustan, Jean (I7464)
10297 Jean Brout, son of Guilen Brout and Marie Aiceaguerre, owners of the house of Etcheverry in Mitchelene.
His godparents were Jean Oquihandy, cousin of the father and Marie Aiceaguerre, cousin of the mother. 
Brust, Jean (I1565)
10298 Jean Bruna, cadet of the house of Jounatorena in the parish of Bardos, and Aigness Haiceaguerre, cadette of the house of Cheminarena in the quartier of Mitchelena.
Witnesses were Guillen Brust, Jean Cilban, Jean Haiceaguerre, brother of the bride and Jean Tambourin, brother-in-law of the bride. 
Family F5910
10299 Jean Brust dit Etcheverrigaray, born 19 Thermidor An 9, son of Jean Brust dit Etcheverrigaray and Jeanne Urquiloux, owners of the house of Charlossa in this village.
Marie Arambel, born 4/29/1796, daughter of Michel Arambel dit Etchevertz and the late Jeanne Etchart, in their lifetime farmers (fermiers) of the borde of Ernautene currently owners of the borde of Hurbelz.
Witnesses were Jean Chaharra 37 years old brother in law of the groom, Pierre Bidondo farmer 23 years old, Arnaud Etchart farmer 36 years old and Michel Arambel macon 56 years old.  
Family F40
10300 Jean Brust, 58 years old, farmer, married to Marie Arretche, died in the house of Arretchia in this village. Brust, Jean (I5255)

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