
Matches 10,151 to 10,200 of 21,012

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
10151 Jean Arrossagaray, 40 years old, farmer, living in this village declared that a cadette of Larramendy, his wife gave birth to a son, named Pierre. Arrossagaray, Pierre (I20872)
10152 Jean Arrossagaray, 92 years old, farmer, widower of Marie Etchebarne, died in the house of Larramendy, rue d'Espagne. Arrossagaray, Jean (I11611)
10153 Jean Arrossagaray, cadet son of the house of Arrossagaray in the parish of Ahaxe and Marie Etchebarne, inheritor of the house of Larramendy in this village. Family F3232
10154 Jean Asconeguy, inheritor of the house of Asconeguy in the Bastide and Marie Etchart, cadette of Etchart of Oronos.
Witnesses were Pierre Apechena, brother-in-law of the groom, Jean Etcheverry, Pierre Etchart, brother of the bride and Jean Alfaro. 
Family F1052
10155 Jean Atchaurra, inheritor of the house of Harambel Chokho, minor son of Bernard Atchaurra and the late Dominique Etchelekhu.
Marie Bidondo, cadette of Miguelenia, major daughter of Michel Bidondo and Jeanne Inda.
Witnesses were Jean Atchaurra, brother of the groom, Jean Bidondo, brother of the bride, Michel Uhalde, owner of the house of Uhaldea and Antoine Aguerre, inheritor of the house of Aguerrea. 
Family F776
10156 Jean Atchaurra, owner of the house of Joanesgaste or Baigorrirena, died in this house.
Witnesses were Jean Erramouspe, son-in-law of the deceased, mason (macon) 42 years old, owner of the house of Baigorrirena and Pierre Bidondo, owner of the house of Noblia, 54 years old. 
Coscarart or Atchaurra dit Uhalde, Joannes (I4258)
10157 Jean Atchaurra, son of Bernard Atchaurra and Dominique Ernaga, owners of the house of Arambelchoco in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Ernaga, maternal uncle and Marie Mendy, owner of Sarquindeguy-erdicoborda of the Aldudes. 
Atchaurra, Jean (I5961)
10158 Jean Auchoberry, 94 years old, farmer, widower of Marie Poco, died in the house of Erdicoetchia in this village. Auchoberry, Jean (I3357)
10159 Jean Auchoberry, born 6/20/1766, legitimate son of Pierre Auchoberry and Marie Bastanchury, owners in their lifetime of the house of Auchoberry.
Marie Chanchorena, born 2/20/1784, legitimate daughter Jean Chanchorena commonly called Gaston Mehaca and Dominique Laxague, farmers (fermiers) of the house of Mehaca in their lifetimes.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, secretary of the mayor 46 years old, Marie Chaharra his wife 40 years old, Pierre Oxarart owner of Sorochilho 38 years old and Jean Etchart dit Charranguilet 50 years old. 
Family F1440
10160 Jean Auchoberry, born in the year 1785, legitimate son of Pierre Auchoberry and Marie Chotro, his wife, owners in their lifetime of the house of Auchoberry.
Marie Pocco, born 11/6/1781, legitimate daughter of Jean Pocco and Jeanne Hirigoyen, owners of the house of Erdicoetchea in this village.
Witnesses were Jean Etcheverry shoemaker 43 years old, Manech Etchart weaver 52 years old, Miguel Chancho farmer (laboreur) 30 years old and Pierre Pocco 40 years old. 
Family F969
10161 Jean Auchoberry, cadet of Auchoberry, 39 years old.
Witnesses were Jean Etcheberry, schoolmaster (maitre d'ecole) and Pierre Arandoquy, cadet of Enautena. 
Auchoberry, Jean (I6493)
10162 Jean Auchoberry, farmer (laboreur) 28 years old declared the birth of this child to an unknown father and Jeanne Auchoberry, his sister, cadette of the house of Auchoberry.
Witnesses were Martin Arrambide, 47 years old secretary of the mayor of this village and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 44 years old, owner of the house of Esquil. 
Auchoberry, Jeanne (I5116)
10163 Jean Auchoberry, farmer (laboreur) 40 years old and Marie Pocco his wife, owners of the house of Erdicoetchia in this village, declared her name as Catherine.
Note: Ercicoetche Pitto was written in the margin.
Witnesses were Jean Harriet farmer 68 years old and Pierre Hiriart farmer 60 years old. 
Auchoberry, Catherine (I3370)
10164 Jean Auchoberry, farmer, 64 years old, died in the house of Auchoberria.
Witnesses were Jean Chaharra Arambel, farmer, 45 years old and Jean Etcheverrigaray, farmer, 58 years old. 
Maridertto or Auchoberry, Jean (I7257)
10165 Jean Auchoberry, farmer, 70 years old, married to Marie Chancho, owners of the house of Ehulia. Auchoberry, Jean (I4660)
10166 Jean Ausomots, born 11/22/1769, farmer (laboreur), living in this village , son of Anton Ausomots and Gratianne Igousquiaguerre, owners in their lifetimes of the house of Ithourrietta, deceased in this village.
Marie Arroqui, born in the Aldudes on 5/8/1775, farmer (laboreur), residing in this village, daughter of Pierre Arroqui and Marie Iribarne, owners in their lifetimes of the house of Arroqui also called Paradarbehere.
Witnesses were Michel Erreca, farmer owner of Louis Chotro, 44 years old, relative of the groom to the 4th degree, Jean Pillaria, 40 years old farmer young owner of the house of Munhust, Michel Erreca, farmer owner of Sabina 50 years old and Bernard Landaboure, 38 years old carpenter brother-in-law of the bride. 
Family F1176
10167 Jean Ausquie, farmer 34 years old, declared the birth of a natural child to Jeanne Inda, cadette of the house of Miguelarcaina and recognized by Gratian Erramouspe, cadet of the house of Donaleguybeheria.
Witnesses were Jean Errecalde, farmer (laboreur) 67 years old and Jean Etcheverry, shoemaker 47 years old. 
Erramuspe, Marie (I5209)
10168 Jean Ausquie, farmer, 55 years old, married to Catherine Ihitcague, owner of the house of Ausquie. Ausquie, Jean (I3947)
10169 Jean B. Mouliot was 60 years old when he died and his wife's first initial was "M". Mouliot, Jean Baptiste (I18382)
10170 Jean B. Pedelaborde was 23 years old when he died. Pedelaborde, Jean Baptiste (I19039)
10171 Jean Baptistarenea, son of Salvat Baptistarena and Joseph Murrillo, owners of the house of Chabatenea in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Etchebers, cousin of the infant and Catherine Epelle. 
Baptistarena, Jean (I6855)
10172 Jean Baptiste Amestoy, son of Gratian Amestoy, young owner of the house of Lephobelca in this village and Jeanne Barcelona, his wife.
Witnesses were Jean Baptiste Amestoy, paternal uncle, cadet of the house of Lephobelca, 35 years old and Bernard Lephobelca, owner of the house of Lephobelca, 70 years old. 
Amestoy, Jean Baptiste (I13465)
10173 Jean Baptiste Ansolabehere, 75 years old, farmer, widower of the late Marie Arroquy, owner of the house of Premunyo in this village. Ansola or Ansolabehere, Baptiste (I21280)
10174 Jean Baptiste Arrambide, 6 days old, son of Jean Arrambide and Marie Corte, died in the house of LeFranc in this village. Arrambide, Jean Baptiste (I11343)
10175 Jean Baptiste Bacardatz was living in San Juan with Marie (Helen) Daguerre, her family and other lodgers. He was 40 years old and single. He immigrated in 1902 and was a farm hand on a ranch. Bacardatz, Jean Baptiste (I17933)
10176 Jean Baptiste Chilibolost was living on Carbon Canyon Rd in Chino with his brother Pierre and his wife Joaquina as well as another brother Jean and a boarder John Yturri. He was 46 years old and single. He was a farmer. Chilibolost, Jean Baptiste (I17412)
10177 Jean Baptiste d'Amestoy, son of Joannes Amestoy and Marie Aicaguer alias Marilus, owners of the house of Joannesamestoy in Occos quartier of Borchirette.
His godparents were Me. Jean Baptiste de St. Martin, priest of this village and Marie, owner of Maisterrena. 
Amestoy, Jean Baptiste (I5747)
10178 Jean Baptiste d'Antonena, son of Pedro d'Antonena and Jeanne d'Ocafrain, owners of the borde of Hayra.
His godparents were Jean Baptiste d'Ocafrain, maternal uncle and Marie, owner of the house of Biscarrena in Guermiette. 
Antonena, Jean Baptiste (I9903)
10179 Jean Baptiste d'Arrambide, son of Joannes d'Arrambide and Jeanne de Berro, owners of the house of Berro in the place of Bastide.
His godparents were Jean Baptiste d'Arrambide, paternal uncle and Marie de Berro, maternal aunt. 
Arrambide, Jean Baptiste (I9868)
10180 Jean Baptiste d'Arrambide, son of Martin d'Arrambide and Marie d'Ausquiesouhy, owners of the borde Ourcacelay in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Baptiste d'Arrambide, paternal uncle and Marie d'Etchepare, owner of the borde of Ausquichuhy, maternal grandmother. 
Arrambide, Jean Baptiste (I1670)
10181 Jean Baptiste d'Epelle, son of Gracian d'Epelle and Magdelaine de Ferrando, owners of the borde of Joannesbelchenia in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Baptiste Epelle, son of the house of Epelle, paternal uncle and Gracianne de Ferrando, maternal aunt. 
Ephele, Jean Baptiste (I6618)
10182 Jean Baptiste d'Irary, son of Ferranyo d'Irary and Jeanne d'Etchalecu, owners of the borde of Ehaylia in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Baptiste d'Ocafrain, owner of the house of Noblia, maternal uncle and Jeanne de Latxague, owner of Saroiberry, paternal grandmother. 
Irary, Jean Baptiste (I2055)
10183 Jean Baptiste d'Itzainarena, son of Joannes d'Itzainarena and Marie de Pocorena, owners of the borde of Zohieta in the quartier of Jaurmendy.
His godparents were Baptiste d'Itzainarena, paternal grandfather and Graciane de Lincouain, owner of the borde of Martinpoco, maternal grandmother. 
Itcainarena, Jean Baptiste/Joannes (I8572)
10184 Jean Baptiste d'Itzainarena, son of Joannes d'Itzainarena and Marie de Pocorena, owners of the borde of Zohieta.
His godparents were Jean Baptiste d'Itzainarena and Marie de Pilariarena. 
Itcainarena, Jean Baptiste (I9818)
10185 Jean Baptiste d'Itzainarena, son of Pedro d'Itzainarena and Marie d'Irigoin, owners of the house of Itzainarena in Leispars.
His godparents were Jean Baptist d'Itzainarena and Marie d'Ausomotcena. 
Itcainarena, Jean Baptiste (I7454)
10186 Jean Baptiste d'Ocafrain, son of Joannes d'Ocafrain and Graciane d'Etcheberry, owners of the borde of Hayria in the quartier of Hayra.
His godparents were Jean Baptiste d'Ocafrain and Catherine d'Etcheberry. 
Ithurralde or Ocafrain or Haira, Jean Baptiste (I6780)
10187 Jean Baptiste d'Urt and Graciane de Mococain.
Witnesses were Joannes de Sorcabalgaray and Domingo d'Urt, father of the groom. 
Family F2899
10188 Jean Baptiste de Brustet, son of Jean de Brustet and Dominique de Barnetche, living in the quartier of Borshirette.
His godparents were Jean Baptiste de Barnetche, maternal uncle and Agnes de Brustet, paternal aunt. 
Brustet, Jean Baptiste (I8978)
10189 Jean Baptiste de Dendariarena and Catherine, inheritor of Jatxaldebehere, both in St. Etienne.
Witnesses were Gracian, owner of the borde of Dendariarena, father of the groom and Jean, owner of the house of Sorcabalgaray. 
Family F2932
10190 Jean Baptiste de Dendariarena, widower, owner of the house of Jaxaldebehere in the quartier of Iparraguerre and Graciane, daughter of Harizpe in St. Etienne.
Witnesses were Joannes d'Iriart, young owner of Dendariarena, brother in law of groom and Bernard de Souhilar, sonneur des cloches. 
Family F2916
10191 Jean Baptiste de Jacalouce, son of Pierre de Jacalouce and Jeanne de Oquilanberro, owners of the borde of Jacalouce in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Baptiste, son of the borde of Baptista and Marie de Louis, owner of Catalinaenia in Belechi. 
Jacaluz, Jean Baptiste (I6814)
10192 Jean Baptiste de Joanarena, son of Anton de Joanarena and Graciane d'Auzomots, owners of the borde of Labiarinbehere in the Aldudes.
His godparents were Jean Baptiste d'Iturralde and Marie d'Ourtazoun. 
Joaignarena, Jean Baptiste (I10203)
10193 Jean Baptiste de Lagarrigue, son of Pierre Burche de Lagarrigue and Graciane d'Aguerre, owners of the house of Peillocorena in St. Etienne.
His godparents were Me. Jean Baptiste de St. Martin, priest of Baigorry and Demoiselle Graciane d'Etchaus. 
Burthe de Guiroy de Lagarrigue, Jean Baptiste (I1851)
10194 Jean Baptiste Domingorena, 17 months old, son of Pierre Domingorena, 41 years old, carpenter, living in this village and the late Jeanne Franches, died in the house of Gastiarcharria in this village. Domingorena, Jean Baptiste (I15406)
10195 Jean Baptiste Ephele, farmer (laboreur), owner of the house of Joannesbelcharenia, born in the Aldudes 9/26/1756, son of Gratian Ephele and Magdelaine Ferrando, his wife, owners of the house or borde of Joannesbelcharenia, deceased in this village.
Jeanne Manechena, farmer (laboreuse), born in the Aldudes 4/2/1760, daughter of Jean Manechena and Jeanne Buchtan, his wife, owners of the house of Harguinamotcha, deceased in the Aldudes. 
Family F1964
10196 Jean Baptiste Esponda, 10 months old, son of Jean Esponda and Jeanne Uhart, died in the house of Martienia in this village. Esponda, Jean Baptiste (I7135)
10197 Jean Baptiste Garaicochea, baker, born in the Aldudes on 1/16/1883, living in the Aldudes, son of Michel Garaicochea, renter, and Marie Esponda, his wife, housewife, and
Catherine Erreca, housewife, born in Urepel on 2/24/1899, living in the Aldudes, daughter of Michel Erreca and Marie Bidondo, his wife, deceased. 
Family F4621
10198 Jean Baptiste Gariador, 1 day old, son of Jean Gariador and Marie Ardans, died in the house of Chiloenia in this village. Gariador, Jean Baptiste (I36)
10199 Jean Baptiste Glaize, wool binder (classeur de laine), died in the French hospital of Buenos Ayres, 44 years old, born in the village of Les Aldudes (Basses Pyrenees) on 6/12/1839, married, son of Pierre Glaize and Marie Urcolu. Glaize, Jean Baptiste (I3798)
10200 Jean Baptiste Harriet, son of Antoine Harriet and Marie Sansinena, 32 years old and 21 years old, farmers, living in Urepel, died in the house of Martinchoenia in this village. Harriet, Jean Baptiste (I7479)

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