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2001 |
| Ithurralde, Catherine Gnafarenia birth 1826
2002 |
| Ithurralde, Domingo Chanchoinea birth 1766
2003 |
| Ithurralde, Isabelle Gnafarrenia birth 1819
2004 |
| Ithurralde, Jean (Arignet) birth 1776
2005 |
| Ithurralde, Jean and Marie Erramouspe marriage 1809
2006 |
| Ithurralde, Jean Gnafarenia death 1834
2007 |
| Ithurralde, Jeanne Chanchoinea birth 1771
2008 |
| Ithurralde, Jeanne Colomio death 1834
2009 |
| Ithurralde, Jeanne Fourrillo birth 1764
2010 |
| Ithurralde, Jeanne Gnafarenia birth 1816
2011 |
| Ithurralde, Marguerite Fourrillo birth 1762
2012 |
| Ithurralde, Marguerite Fourrillo death 1839
2013 |
| Ithurralde, Marie Chanchoinea birth 1781
2014 |
| Ithurralde, Marie Gnafarenia birth 1822
2015 |
| Ithurralde, Martin (Etchebers) Chanchoinea birth 1769
2016 |
| Ithurribelz, Jean and Jeanne Erreca marriage 1763
2017 |
| Ithurribelz, Pierre Ithurribelz death 1738
2018 |
| Itzainarena, Marie Zohieta birth 1718
2019 |
| Jacachury (Larraburu), Marie Aldudes birth 1799
2020 |
| James, Benjamin and Elizabeth Galbraith Tennessee marriage 1810
2021 |
| James, Benjamin headstone 1856
2022 |
| James, Betsey (Galbraith) headstone 1855
2023 |
| James, William G. and Ann Eliza Townsley marriage 1838
2024 |
| Janot (Chotro), Gratianne Pedrottipia birth 1750
2025 |
| Jaureguiberry, Marie death record 1861
2026 |
| Jaureguy (Larralde), Guillaume Jaureguy birth 1812
2027 |
| Jaureguy, Arroye and Marie Chochoa marriage 1794
2028 |
| Jaureguy, Catherine Lecumberriborde birth 1853
2029 |
| Jaureguy, Dominica birth 1841
2030 |
| Jaureguy, Dominica Chotroenia death 1853
2031 |
| Jaureguy, Dominica Irigoinia birth 1839
2032 |
| Jaureguy, Dominica Irigoinia death 1839
2033 |
| Jaureguy, Dominique Jaureguy death 1787
2034 |
| Jaureguy, Guillaume and Marguerite Arosteguy marriage 1841
2035 |
| Jaureguy, Guillaume Irigoinia birth 1852
2036 |
| Jaureguy, Guillaume Jaureguy death 1869
2037 |
| Jaureguy, Jean and Gratianne Haranberry marriage 1817
2038 |
| Jaureguy, Jean and Jeanne Esconjaureguy marriage 1839
2039 |
| Jaureguy, Jean and Jeanne Eyherabide marriage 1851
2040 |
| Jaureguy, Jean Jaureguy 1836 death
2041 |
| Jaureguy, Jean Jaureguy birth 1819
2042 |
| Jaureguy, Jean Jaureguy birth 1825
2043 |
| Jaureguy, Jean Jaureguy birth 1827
2044 |
| Jaureguy, Jean Jaureguy birth 1848
2045 |
| Jaureguy, Jean Jaureguy death 1824
2046 |
| Jaureguy, Jeanne Bidartea Hosta death 1883
2047 |
| Jaureguy, Jeanne Irigoinia birth 1846
2048 |
| Jaureguy, Jeanne Irigoinia birth 1849
2049 |
| Jaureguy, Jeanne Jaureguy birth 1815
2050 |
| Jaureguy, Jeanne Jaureguy birth 1821