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1051 |
| Ernaga, Michel Laparchilo birth 1864
1052 |
| Ernaga, Pierre Esquerra birth 1871
1053 |
| Ernaut, Antoine Chafonena death 1747
1054 |
| Ernaut, Gaston (Miguelartcaina) and Dominique Erreca (Matchy) marriage 1751
1055 |
| Ernaut, Gaston and Jeanne de Miguelartcaina marriage 1695
1056 |
| Ernaut, Gaston Miguelartcaina death 1744
1057 |
| Ernaut, Jeanne Chafonena birth 1738
1058 |
| Ernaut, Jeanne Lassa death 1814
1059 |
| Ernaut, Jeanne Miguelartcaina birth 1721
1060 |
| Ernaut, Jeanne Miguelartcaina birth 1755
1061 |
| Ernaut, Jeanne Miguelartzaina birth 1718
1062 |
| Ernaut, Marie Miguelartcaina birth 1752
1063 |
| Ernaut, Miguel Ernautenia birth 1695
1064 |
| Ernaut, Pierre and Marie de Cathalinena marriage 1739
1065 |
| Erracaret, Daniel & Jeromine Maitia marriage 1878
1066 |
| Erramoundeguibehere, Pierre and Elisabeth Garriador marriage 1806
1067 |
| Erramoundeguybehere, Martin Harguindeguy birth 1813
1068 |
| Erramoupse, Magdelaine Antonena birth 1765
1069 |
| Erramouspe Pierre Antonena birth 1773
1070 |
| Erramouspe, Arnaud Antonena birth 1748
1071 |
| Erramouspe, Arnaud Gnafarenia birth 1774
1072 |
| Erramouspe, Bernard and Catherine Etchebers marriage 1867
1073 |
| Erramouspe, Bernard Joannesgaste birth 1841
1074 |
| Erramouspe, Bertrand and Anne Ernautena marriage 1772
1075 |
| Erramouspe, Bertrand Bichar birth 1753
1076 |
| Erramouspe, Bertrand Gnafarenia birth 1787
1077 |
| Erramouspe, Betri and Jeanne Barrenetche marriage 1774
1078 |
| Erramouspe, Caston Gnafarrenia birth 1805
1079 |
| Erramouspe, Catherine Gnafarrenia birth 1807
1080 |
| Erramouspe, Dominique Joannesederra birth 1772
1081 |
| Erramouspe, Ernaut and Gratianne Barnetche marriage 1766
1082 |
| Erramouspe, Ernaut Peilloerreca birth 1729
1083 |
| Erramouspe, Francoise Gnafarenia birth 1768
1084 |
| Erramouspe, Francoise Gnafarenia birth 1768
1085 |
| Erramouspe, Gaston Gnafarenia birth 1855
1086 |
| Erramouspe, Gracieuse Gnafarenia birth 1839
1087 |
| Erramouspe, Gratian Antonena birth 1743
1088 |
| Erramouspe, Gratianne Gnafarenia birth 1837
1089 |
| Erramouspe, Jean and Catherine Ardans marriage 1832
1090 |
| Erramouspe, Jean and Gratianne Urrels marriage 1862
1091 |
| Erramouspe, Jean and Marie Erramouspe marriage 1838
1092 |
| Erramouspe, Jean Antonena birth 1741
1093 |
| Erramouspe, Jean Antonena birth 1750
1094 |
| Erramouspe, Jean Bichar death 1818
1095 |
| Erramouspe, Jean Joanesto birth 1786
1096 |
| Erramouspe, Jean Joanesto birth 1872
1097 |
| Erramouspe, Jean Joannesederra birth 1774
1098 |
| Erramouspe, Jean Joannesgaste birth 1836
1099 |
| Erramouspe, Jean Joannesgaste death 1839
1100 |
| Erramouspe, Jeanne Antonena birth 1771